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Den russiske aggresjonen mot Ukraina

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Good morning from (boom) Mariupol. It's peace talks (bang) and cease (boom) fire day. By 14:00 apparently.

"All night our advanced roadblocks were shelled by Russian artillery, but now the army, supported by heavy armor, began to move forward."

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Russiske styrker beskyter Shirokino i utkanten av Mariupol........


Tydelige tegn på at boligområdet Shirokino utenfor Mariupol er blitt beskutt med granater og raketter.......


Russiske Spesial Styrker åpenlyst i kamp i Shakhtersk. GRU Spetsnaz -https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spetsnaz_GRU


ADVARSEL>døde soldater..........


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A hat says more than 1000 words ... Graham talks to "local separatist" at #Luhansk airport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4TfQmPT8-k



izaDavrV_normal.pngConflictReporter @MiddleEast_BRK · 2h could anyone give a short summary of what they say?! thanks a lot!


lg_normal.pngSayNoEuro2012 @SayNoEuro2012 · 2h they have confirmed, that everyone is from Russia. Sending greetings to Krasnoyarsk.
SayNoEuro2012@SayNoEuro2012 2h "We've bought everything, by ourselves and arrived here. Well, except machine gun - it's not on sale, ha-ha-ha"
Lugansk News Today@LUGANSK_TODAY 1h the 1st guy says - "If the war starts I won't be surprised if Blue Berets will be in my White House"
Lugansk News Today@LUGANSK_TODAY 1h the 2nd guy with white hand band is talking with strong Russian accent. Smbd asks who is from Russia and they raise hands!






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Meanwhile AP's Chief Talks that Happen in Minsk Correspondent, @NatVasilyevaAP, is on the scene again; reports the talks are about to begin.

So it's four minutes past two, and the booms of what appears to be outgoing artillery fire audible in Mariupol. Happy ceasefire!

Also present at the talks is LNR leader Igor Plotnitskiy. The rebel participation is clearly higher level here.

Minsk talks are between former Ukrainian president implicated in a journalist's murder & rebel military commanders called terrorists by Kiev

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Do Russian diplomats think that people being killed in East Ukraine is funny?

Meanwhile, Russian soldiers keep returning in body bags. Most nothing more than pieces of meat. Quite insulting this

.@mfa_russia is sinking to yet a lower level by ridiculing the war in Donbas, making a mockery of the victims. pic.twitter.com/CRwRf3SCti




2e8c02a3f4_bigger.jpeglukasz@upupaepops3103 2h @thisisandrej @hellmuthcstuven For RUS, a man is just a bit bigger fly. Human live is nothing to them, alwas was and always will be.


xsmhu1Xu_bigger.jpegJMC@mc_hugh20 1h @thisisandrej was same in Stalins time !

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Poroshenko apparently tells @BBCHARDtalk he's "absolutely not confident" over lasting ceasefire. We're all clear on that then.

Reports from @lifenews that a ceasefire agreement has been signed in Minsk for a ceasefire to take effect from 18:00

The official @press_dnr account has just confirmed a ceasefire has been agreed from 6pm.

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This take on Putin by a Russian former deputy minister: "Putin respects only brute force. He doesn't believe in win-win - only win-lose"


The besieged fortress: why the Kremlin feels threatened by the West http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-29076189


What is President Putin hoping to achieve?
"His ultimate objective is his presidency for life. So, Ukraine has no right to become a democratic, economically open state.
From Putin's point of view, that would create a very bad example for Russia," believes Andrei Piontkowsky.
He predicts the Kremlin will try to "freeze" the conflict in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in such a way as to leave Kiev weak and Moscow strong.
"If these two regions were given a special status within Ukraine, they would become Putin's instrument of destabilisation of Ukraine, his instrument for shackling Ukraine in certain geo-political limits, like Transdniestr in Moldova or South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia."
How will the Kremlin respond to more Nato troops and equipment in former Soviet bloc countries?
"In political gambling, Putin respects only brutal force," says Sergei Aleksashenko.
"He does not believe in win-win solutions. He believes that in political life there is only win or lose.
"If he believes Nato bases in the Baltic or eastern Europe will be a danger to Russia, he will find some opposite decision.
"He believes that if he allows Nato to move its bases to Russia's borders that will be the defeat of Russia. And Putin doesn't like defeats."
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Her er de siste oppdateringene fra war news;






Fra war news om hvorfor Poroshenko forslo en våpenvhile:


There are four reasons why Poroshenko had to agree to today's ceasefire.

1) Heavy loses on the battlefield.
2) A buildup of even more Russian troops on the border .... in particular a few thousand special forces with artillery back-up.
3) NATO and the West declined in giving him a lifeline .... which he realized last night.
4) The Ukraine economy has completely collapsed, and with winter a few months away .... and energy sources from Russia cut off .... he had to find a way to address this growing crisis. He knows that if the economy does not improve .... he will expect another revolution on the streets this winter.

Groups like Right Sector are small in number .... but they wield a lot of influence. It was their push to ban Russian that resulted in the rebellion in the east, and their thuggish behavior only aggravated the crisis. I do not expect them to come to power ... but I do expect them to do well in next month's parliamentary elections. If they do very well .... exceeding even their own low expectations .... expect their supporters to move and take over Maiden Square in Kiev by December .... and a push to have their representatives back in positions of power at the beginning of next year.

If Poroshenko survives the winter .... he will stay as President until the end of his term .... not because he is a great leader, but being the best choice from a miserable bunch of Ukrainian leaders.


Siste vice news videoene:




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Regner med at denne korrupsjons etterforskeren i Estland var i ferd med å finne ut detaljer om Russisk korrupsjon som Russiske myndigheter helst så han ikke skulle vite.....................

#Russian army #SOF conducted special operation on #Estonian territory & abducted & high rank counter intel worker.



Mer fra annen link; http://rus.postimees.ee/2910957/sotrudnika-kapo-pohitili-i-uvezli-v-rossiju


I dag 5 September, ca 9:0 am på territoriet til Estland i nærhetenav Luhamaa grense overgangen, bortførte ukjente personer fra Russland en person som var ansatt av garanti politiet Office (CAPO) i Estland.
CAPO offiseren utførte sin plikt i å hindre grenseoverskridende kriminalitet.
Før hans bortføring av Russland hadde det vært en svikt i radiokommunikasjon, og det ble også brukt røyk granat på territoriet til Estland.
Basert på tilgjengelig informasjon, en straffesak under artikkel 136 i straffeloven (fengsel) og 258 (h 2 s. 1, ulovlig krysset av staten grensen og linje av kontroll) til å vurdere scenen.
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Hvite-Russlands president også bekymret over hva Putin planlegger..........?



Belarus steps up control at Russian border
05 September 2014 12:40 | President
MINSK, 5 September (BelTA) – On 4 September Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko signed decree No. 433 to amend presidential decree No. 125 of 9 March 2009. The new decree introduces border territory rules in the political units of Belarus, which are adjacent to the state border between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, the press service of the Belarusian head of state told BelTA.
The decree will enable conditions for the border service to carry out its functions in these areas and to organize proper interaction with the border service of Russia for the sake of detecting and suppressing illegal transit migration, drugs trafficking, and the smuggling of material assets across the border, explained the press service.
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Mer kommentarer på bortførelsen i Estland............historien blir kontinuerlig oppdatert i linken i første Tweet....

Estonian CI officer kidnapped at gunpoint from Estonian territory & taken to Russia. Smoke grenades and jammers used. http://news.err.ee/v/main_news/b5a7a5ab-f300-4ef2-8d4a-7f21941c53ef


Estniska tv- & radiobolagets webbplats fortfarande nere http://www.err.ee Postimees och Delfi har en del info på estniska & ryska.

De som i morse under vapenhot förde bort estnisk säpoman till Ryssland hade tygligen även utrustning för att störa ut estnisk polisradio.

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Just been invited to a DNR presser in Moscow NEXT TUESDAY about Kiev troops breaking the ceasefire that's been in place for 6 minutes now.

As ceasefire starts I receive email from "Novorussia" inviting me to a press conference on Tuesday on why Ukraine is breaking the ceasefire

Russia sanctions to be enforced despite #Ukraine ceasefire but could end if "proper milestones" reached, UK PM says http://bbc.in/1AeR9tC

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