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Oculus Rift-tråden!

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Ikke sikkert det er ekte, men høres forsåvidt sannsynlig ut. 



So throwaway account for obvious reasons.

I don't work in logistics, but everyone here at Oculus knows what's happening. Writing from my girlfriend's computer, VPN, etc. So Brendan, sorry for the flack you'll get from this, but I'm frustrated and angry just like you are, and I'm fed up with the corporate bullshit.


One of our manufacturers fucked up. It's more than just the missing inserts. I'm surprised no one has figured it out yet. It's the optics. Notice how the reviews of the engineering samples didn't mention the "glaring" problem of our Fresnel lens? That's because the problems were slight. Our lens are amazing. But the lens shipping with our stockpiled Rifts are ... not defective ... but are an old version. And we didn't find out until the first Kickstarter complaints came in. I know, how do you miss something like that? I know the team that missed it, and they're hard workers, dedicated — like everyone at Oculus. The tone here leading up to the launch was intensely focused on getting the Rifts into your hands ASAP. I guess we people got sloppy. It's a clusterfuck.

So, there we are, last weekend, getting the first reports, and everyone's going ape-shit. What do we do?

So we stopped shipping the stockpiled Rifts. We've sent teams to our manufacturers and distributors. We're slowly identifying which rifts are defective and which aren't. Some of this involves actually pulling them out of their awesome boxes and manually testing them out. Logistics didn't do a good job of keeping track of batch by consumer, so it's a slow process figuring out which Rifts are defective and which aren't.

Currently we're preparing to ramp up production once given the greenlight by the team at manufacturing.

So this is bad, right? But that's not why I'm angry. I'm angry because of Facebook.

Palmer and Brendan have been in non-stop meetings this week, where Facebook lawyers have told us, effectively, to shut the fuck up until the problem is fixed. But that could be a month from now!!

I lurk on this subreddit, love reading the hype, love being on the train, love the passion! We wanted more than anything else to meet your expectations. But shit happens, lawyers step in, and everybody loses.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but at least it is news. You deserve to know what's happening. Personally, I think we should offer you the choice: do you keep the old optics, or do you wait for the new units to ship.

I'm not going to reply because I've seen people out themselves. I'm not posting proof because I'm not dumb. Just angry. Believe me or not, but now this is off my chest.

Also, Palmer is the fucking man. And no, I am not Palmer.

That is all.

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Fantastisk tid for spill og teknologi interiserte! Å være med ifra starten på et slik paradigmeskifte er fantastisk! 


Støttes :) Blir bare tullete å holde på med vive vs or vs psvr-krangling og syte over noen grader manglende FOV og hva det nå er alt sammen når vi står midt oppi et av de mest markante øyeblikkene i teknologihistorien.

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  • Pre-orders will start shipping May 2016

når jeg går inn på den siden.



Er det mange her som har fått mailen angående komponent mangel? Ser at Oculus tar seg av frakt kostnadene for de som blir forsinket, det hjelper en del hvert fall!


VRgamer.no - Oculus dekker alle fraktkostnadene frem til i dag


Jeg fikk en slik mail i dag - selv om jeg fikk beskjed om estimert leveranse i mai da jeg bestilte og dermed ikke er en av de som er berørt av dette (ihvertfall ikke foreløpig).


Det er ikke bare de som er berørt av forsinkelsen som får gratis frakt - det gjelder alle som har bestilt til og med i dag. Rimelig generøst for de av oss som sannsynligvis ikke blir berørt av dette.

Endret av Zork
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Det virker det! Men det er veldig forskjellig kvalitet på filmene. Det er veldig sprøtt når de ser inn i kamera eller i dine "øyne". Blir nesten litt for intenst :p



Om dere lurer på hvorfor så mye så var det fordi jeg ikke fant noe gratis så kjøpte 3 dagers pass. Tenkte da får jeg jo nesten laste ned alt de har :p

Endret av Demonickon
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