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Oculus Rift-tråden!

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Å vente på å kunne forhåndsbestille de siste par månedene var seriøst tungt.

Men jeg har hele tiden vært hellig overbevist om at når dagen for forhåndsbestilling kommer, så kan jeg forhåndsbestille den og bare glemme den frem til den kommer i posten.


Men det var en ordentlig skivebom.

Nå som den er bestilt og selve ventingen er påbegynt er det mye vanskeligere nå enn når jeg ventet på at forhåndsbestilling skulle bli mulig. Bahh, livet som en teknoentusiast...


:D :D

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Nytt intervju med Tested.

Det var temmelig interessant.


Holy Shit jeg hadde helt glemt eksperimentene Valve har gjort med Photogrammetry. Det er kult det!

Ser utrolig mye frem til å teste dette på et tidspunkt, ja og the vanishing of ethan carter selvfølgelig som bruker photogrammetry  ;)

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Meg: Does the 753 euro include the NORWEGIAN import taxes and VAT?


Oculus: Hello Henrik,


Thank you so much for your patience. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.


Oculus adheres to all local regulations for the areas they ship to. We have done our best to include all applicable taxes on the order page but there could be additional costs, such as import taxes and VAT that we could not account for. Please note, any extra costs are the responsibility of the buyer.


With that said, the information on your order is currently the price of the Rift, along with applicable shipping fees. You can review your order details at anytime by logging into our Order History Page.


If you have any additional questions, I would be happy to answer them.


Take care,

Oculus Support


Meg: Okay, I hope you can give me some more information on this:


The Rift costs 599 USD in America, while in Europe you are charging 699 EUR for it. That is 760 USD, 27% more.


Exactly what is the extra 161 USD if not the norwegian VAT/taxes?


In addition, my Order Status say "Tax is included in order total.". I was sure you meant the norwegian VAT.

Norway has 25% VAT on imported electronics. If this isn't included in your price, the Rift will actually end up costing: 


699+53 EUR = 753 EUR = 819 USD. 
819 USD + 1.25 (25% VAT) = 1023 USD.


This can't be right. No electronics are VAT-ed with 27% going into Europe, and then an extra 25% going into Norway (by my knowledge). I would therefore like to know what the extra 27% you are adding to the 599 USD price for shipping to Europe is accounting for."



Tror nok likevel de ekstra 27% de legger på er for å dekke momsen inn til Norge, er vel bare denne damen på kundeservice som ikke helt forstår dette. Ville uansett satt pris på å få det bekreftet så jeg gir meg ikke før jeg får en spesifikasjon på de ekstra 27%.

Men så kommer jeg heller ikke til å avbestille uansett hva prisen ender på. Oculus er tross alt ikke ansvarlig for moms og andre avgifter.

Endret av IceBlitz
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Har en korrespondanse med Oculus, og lurer litt på hva jeg skal tro her:



Meg: Does the 753 euro include the NORWEGIAN import taxes and VAT?


Oculus: Hello Henrik,


Thank you so much for your patience. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.


Oculus adheres to all local regulations for the areas they ship to. We have done our best to include all applicable taxes on the order page but there could be additional costs, such as import taxes and VAT that we could not account for. Please note, any extra costs are the responsibility of the buyer.


With that said, the information on your order is currently the price of the Rift, along with applicable shipping fees. You can review your order details at anytime by logging into our Order History Page.


If you have any additional questions, I would be happy to answer them.


Take care,


Oculus Support


Meg: Okay, I hope you can give me some more information on this:


The Rift costs 599 USD in America, while in Europe you are charging 699 EUR for it. That is 760 USD, 27% more.


Exactly what is the extra 161 USD if not the norwegian VAT/taxes?


In addition, my Order Status say "Tax is included in order total.". I was sure you meant the norwegian VAT.

Norway has 25% VAT on imported electronics. If this isn't included in your price, the Rift will actually end up costing: 


699+53 EUR = 753 EUR = 819 USD. 

819 USD + 1.25 (25% VAT) = 1023 USD.


This can't be right. No electronics are VAT-ed with 27% going into Europe, and then an extra 25% going into Norway (by my knowledge). I would therefore like to know what the extra 27% you are adding to the 599 USD price for shipping to Europe is accounting for."



Tror nok likevel de ekstra 27% de legger på er for å dekke momsen inn til Norge, er vel bare denne damen på kundeservice som ikke helt forstår dette. Ville uansett satt pris på å få det bekreftet så jeg gir meg ikke før jeg får en spesifikasjon på de ekstra 27%.

Men så kommer jeg heller ikke til å avbestille uansett hva prisen ender på. Oculus er tross alt ikke ansvarlig for moms og andre avgifter.


Uansett hvordan det ender så kan det ikke bli 753 euro + moms. For da er det en feil. De sier jo tydelig at det blir 699 euro pga. moms. Så trekker de 699 euro og Norge skal ha moms på det har Oculus gjort en feil. Da skal vi ha tilbake den "momsen" de tar betalt for

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