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Anmelder Ken Rockwell fotoutstyr han aldri har tatt i?

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Samme dag som Nikon offentliggjorde 3 nye produkter, skriver Ken Rockwell full review av dem på nettsiden sin!






Testene virker som blåkopier av andre tester av lignende produkter han har gjennomført(?), men han har veldig spesifikke kommentarer til skarphet og andre ting som man bare kan få gjennom å ha brukt det over noe tid.

Hvordan kan han skrive at han har 'tatt mange bilder og kalkulert på resultatene, og regnet ut photoshop-verdier som kan fjerne distorsjon', allerede nå???


Dette er jo utstyr som ikke er i salg, og som sikkert kun finnes i et fåtall demoeksemplar. Ingen andre nettsted er i nærheten av å mene noe om disse produktene, annet en det spesifikasjonene tillater å synse om.


Jeg tar dette som det endelige 'bevis' på at KR skriver mye luft om mange ting han såvidt har sett, langt mindre prøvd.


Noen som vet noe annet?

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Kennyboy er det nærmeste man kommer gud så han behøver bare og ta en rask titt på patentdokumentasjon før han skriver en komplett review :)


Tror nok at han er såpass inni Nikon og har så mange innom nettsiden sin at han har tilgang før ganske mange andre når det gjelder nye Nikon-ting

Endret av Nautica
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Han kaller synsingen sin på nye produkter han ikke har hatt i hånda for Reviews, det har han gjort i mange år...


Photographyblog og andre kjente nettsider er som oftest til stede eller får låne produktene når de blir lansert, noen ganger bare noen minutter til uker, og de skriver som også hvis det er prototyper eller ikke ferdig firmware som gjør at de ikke får lov til å vise bilder.


Steve Huff er vår mann som har skjønt det med å slippe å drasse rundt på tunge systemer og han har de 2 siste årene faktisk fått Sony på døra for å skryte av siste produktene deres inkl RX1, A7® modellene m.m.


Sony som er det mest forvirra firmaet i en årrekke lanserte feks i dag nytt NEX kamera som nå heter altså Alpha så forvirringen blir komplett, og ikke følger de med i timen heller da de lanserer Alpha 5000 som minste systemkamera med Wifi muligheter. Ett lite problem i den påstanden er selvsagt Panasonic sitt Lumix GM1 som både har Wifi, veier mindre og er mindre på høyde, bredde og lengden...

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Han kaller synsingen sin på nye produkter han ikke har hatt i hånda for Reviews, det har han gjort i mange år...



Vet du dette? Eller har du bare tatt internettfjæra for god fisk...?



Jeg har ingen anelse om hva verken Kenny eller andre såkalte eksperter om fotoutstyr har for slags forutsetninger for sine tester. Uansett tar jeg alle med en håndfull salt og ender ofte med å kjøpe det JEG liker, uavhengig av hva ekspertene måtte mene...:-)

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I anmeldelsen av den nye 18-55 VR skriver han bl.a. ting som:


"Its diaphragm works perfectly on my D3 at 11 frames per second"




"Zooming feels great. It's perfectly damped with no creep. It feels much better than a lens this cheap has any right to feel"


Noe som jo skulle tyde på at han faktisk har brukt objektivet!


Men han 'forsnakker' seg også av og til, med setninger som tyder på at han bare ekstrapolerer tynne antagelser.


Samtidig er det ingen eksempelbilder i noen av de tre 'testene'! Noe som er høyst uvanlig for ham. Utelukkende bilder av produktene selv.


Nei, jammen ikke godt å si hva som er 'the case' her...

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Vet du dette? Eller har du bare tatt internettfjæra for god fisk...?



Jeg har ingen anelse om hva verken Kenny eller andre såkalte eksperter om fotoutstyr har for slags forutsetninger for sine tester. Uansett tar jeg alle med en håndfull salt og ender ofte med å kjøpe det JEG liker, uavhengig av hva ekspertene måtte mene...:-)


Hans Nikon D4s artikkel er skrevet bra nok til å lure flere å tro at det er en test de leser. Dette er jo veldig interessant med tanke på at ikke en jævel har testet det kamera offisielt da det ikke er klart for markedet engang.


Og hvor er alle testbildene på det han tester ? Produktbilder ? Unboxing ?


Det han skriver virker mer som å gå til en spåkone som forteller deg det du allerede vet.


Og til slutt - greia med å legge sine egne vannmerker på en produsent sine promotion bilder eller lime inn sine egne bilder på LCD skjermen ? Ikke umulig at det til og med er ulovlig, jeg hadde ikke akseptert at en fjott hadde lagt sitt vannmerke på mine bilder...

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Hans Nikon D4s artikkel er skrevet bra nok til å lure flere å tro at det er en test de leser. Dette er jo veldig interessant med tanke på at ikke en jævel har testet det kamera offisielt da det ikke er klart for markedet engang.


Og hvor er alle testbildene på det han tester ? Produktbilder ? Unboxing ?


Det han skriver virker mer som å gå til en spåkone som forteller deg det du allerede vet.



Så da er du en av de som VET dette. Det er fint å ha en sikker kilde på hvordan Kenny og andre gjør/ikke gjør/bommer på sine tester.

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Så da er du en av de som VET dette. Det er fint å ha en sikker kilde på hvordan Kenny og andre gjør/ikke gjør/bommer på sine tester.

Han har skrevet en full anmeldelse av D4s med hva han "pleier" å gjøre med kameraet, hvordan det yter på høy ISO, hvordan skarphet er etc.


La oss se hva dpreview skrev for to dager siden:


"Nikon has announced it is working on the D4S which, like the D4, it describes as an 'HD-SLR.' Details are extremely slight, with the company promising a new image-processing engine and improved autofocus performance. All further details, including price and announcement and availability dates will follow later."


Kameraet er vist fram på CES - men det er ikke ferdig. Langt fra.

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Her er Kenny Boys anmeldelse - la oss se om han plutselig endrer noe når det faktiske kameraet kommer ut.. ;)




Nikon D4s

16 MP FX, 10.5 FPS, $6,000 (2014-)

© 2014 KenRockwell.com. All rights reserved.


Nikon D4s


Nikon D4S (47.2 oz./1,337g, with battery and card) with 50mm f/1.4 G. enlarge. I'll order mine from Adorama when they become available this summer.



The Nikon D4s is simply a mid-model refresh of the Nikon D4 of 2012.


The D4S is a minor update, as Nikon has been doing since at least the 1980s when the N8008 became the N8008s. The D4S is even less significant than other S models because Nikon isn't even selling it yet as of January 2014; Nikon is still "developing" it.


When Nikon makes some minor tweaks to the autofocus or other internal circuitry, it appends an "S" to the name and calls it a new model.


"S" models have never been anything about which to get excited; they are the Same thing (why Nikon uses an "S") as the previous model. Sure, an N90s is a little faster than an N90, but overall your choice is simple:


1.) If you own a D4, you don't need a D4S. It's not that different, unless you don't care about spending money. See Is It Worth It.


2.) If you were considering buying a D4, STOP and wait for the D4s simply because the future resale value of every and any D4 just dropped. The D4s will sell for the same as the D4, but when you go to sell in 2 years, you'll get an extra thousand dollars for a D4s as compared to the older D4. It doesn't matter when you buy a D4; any D4 just became the old model.


Otherwise, the D4S is the same as the D4, which is Nikon's fastest, tightest professional camera ever made for sports and action photography. It leaves consumer cameras like the D800 and Canon 5D Mark III completely in the dust.


Sadly I doubt that Nikon has fixed the defective second card slot, which was for obsolete XQD cards in the old D4. I would hope that the second slot is now a real CF or SD card slot; so we'll see.


Yes, the Nikon D4s excels at computer hobbyists' technical tests for high ISO noise and resolution as you'd expect, but far more important is how the D4s allows the professional photographer to get in, get the shot and get out long before anyone else knows what happened.


The D4s blazes away at 10.5 frames per second, with every frame in-focus and perfectly exposed as your subject moves around. The D4s' speed is much more than just its 10 frames-per-second specification; it's all the other things like its metering and auto white balance and face-recognition autofocus and focal-length tracking auto-ISO systems that all work twice as hard and fast as other cameras to keep those ten frames per second all looking great. I worry about getting there and pointing the camera in the right direction, and as I preset my D4s, it takes care of the rest. (copy my personal NCSETUP9.BIN file to a card, pop it into your D4s, then MENU > SETUP > Save/Load Settings > Load Settings > OK and your D4s will match mine — and erase your settings.)


It's not just ten frames or more; the D4s can keep this up longer than you can, running for up to twenty continuous seconds, making 200 full-resolution images in a burst. The D4s cheerfully rips away at 10 FPS, and hiccups not once writing all this to your card, even if the bursts run a hundred shots. Run just a few seconds at 10 FPS, and you'll be recording dozens and dozens of frames at a time, while the D4s never misses a beat.


I've never had any reason to run more than 9 seconds at a burst, and my D4s calmly just writes 90 frames to my card in the background while I keep on shooting the next burst.


The D4s just shoots and shoots and shoots. It's unstoppable. It grabs ultra-high ISOs automatically as needed if it gets darker without anyone having to stop and set anything (I set my ISO at AUTO ISO, focal-length based auto-control of slowest shutter speed set one click faster than usual for sports).


The D4s feels great; its sculpted body fits a man's hands far better than the plasticy D800, whose grip is just too tiny for comfort.


The D4s' viewfinder is years ahead of consumer cameras like the D800 and Canon 5D Mark III; the D4s uses magic auto-dimming LEDs to show the AF areas without covering anything, while the D800 and Canon 5D Mark III use black LCD AF area indicators that cover the subject.


The D4s of course has a built-in vertical grip with two total shutter releases (each with its own separately programmable function button), two sets of command dials, two AF-ON buttons, and two new Canon-inspired thumb controllers.


Even if you don't need the insane frame rate or clairvoyant autofocus system that sets itself, the D4s has more external controls to give portrait, nature and landscape shooters faster access so we can adjust our cameras more quickly.


Forget the D800 if you're a working professional; the 16MP of the D4s is more than enough for anything. I usually set my D4s down to its medium (9MP, 3,696 x 2,456 pixel) resolution anyway to speed up my post processing.





Nikon D4s with 50mm f/1.4 G. enlarge.








16 MP FX (24 x 36mm) CMOS.


4,928 x 3,280 pixels (16 MP) native LARGE.


3,696 x 2,456 (9 MP) MEDIUM.


2,464 x 1,640 (4 MP) SMALL.


Also crops of 1.2x (20 x 30mm), 1.5x DX (16 x 24mm) and 5:4 professional (24 x 30mm) from the above.






ISO 100 - 12,800 in in full, half or third stops.


ISO 50 to ISO 204,800 available in stupid modes.




White Balance


Auto (2 types), incandescent, fluorescent (7 types), direct sunlight, flash, cloudy, shade, preset manual (up to 4 different settings can be saved and recalled), 2,500 K to 10,000 K in 10K intervals; all with fine-tuning!




Frame Rates


10.5 FPS with full metering and autofocus for each frame.


(11 FPS with locked focus and exposure).






CAM3500FX sensor.


51 AF points (15 are cross-type sensors).


Works with auto- and manual-focus lenses f/5.6 and faster.


11 of these sensors will work with lenses as slow as f/8.


AF range is rated down to LV-2 with any lens. (SLR AF systems have never used the full speed of lenses; they look through anulii equivalent to about f/8 regardless of lens speed.)






100% coverage.


0.7x magnification (50mm at infinity).


18mm eyepoint.


-3 to +1 diopters.


Live-View LCD.






Nikon invented the Matrix Meter, the color meter and the 3D meter, which is what really matters.


For the first time, Nikon is wasting their time by upping the resolution of the meter sensor for marketing purposes to 91,000 RGB pixels.


It also measures flash at this resolution.






Kevlar/carbon fiber-composite, rated 400,000 shots.


1/8,000 - 30 seconds in full, half or third stops.




X 250 flash sync.


"Silent" mode.






1/250 flash sync.


i-TTL flash control using the 91,000 pixel RGB sensor with the SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600 and SB-400.


Won't meter flash with other flash guns.




Lens Compatibility


Built-in motor and AI coupling feeler, so all AF lenses work, as well as classic AI, AI-s and AI-P manual-focus lenses all work as well as they do on all of Nikon's better DSLRs.




File Formats




NEF 12 or 14 bit, uncompressed, or lossy or lossless compressed.






Video: H.264/MPEG4 stored in .MOV files.




Storage and Data


One CF slot (UDMA 7), and one XQD slot. (NOT two CF slots).


XQD cards are bogus — Lexar doesn't make them, and I don't know about SanDisk. Therefore, the XQD slot is largely useless. I'll only use Lexar and SanDisk cards. Got a XQD reader? I didn't think so.




HDMI (mini-C).


RJ-45 Ethernet.






WT-4 or WT-5A/B/C/D.






All of these variations have two different file size (quality) options:


1,920 × 1,080 (full or cropped) at 29.97p, 25p and 23.976p.


1,280 × 720 at 59.94p, 50p, 29.97p and 25p.


640 × 424 at 29.97p and 25p.


H.264/MPEG4 stored in .MOV files.


24–36,000x time-lapse mode.






Mono internal mic.


3.5mm jack for external stereo mic, with power.


Auto and manual level control.


Linear PCM recording.


3.5mm stereo output jack.






3.2" (8cm) LCD.


921,000 dots.


Auto brightness control.


Live View.






EN-EL18 battery.


MH-26 charger.


Optional EH-6b AC adapter and EP-6 connector.


CR1616 lithium coin cell for the clock, rated 2 years. This is new for Nikon; Nikon used to use a more expensive internal, permanent rechargeable battery that never needed to be changed.






6.3 × 6.2 × 3.6 inches.


160 × 156.5 × 90.5 millimeters.






47.165 oz. (1,337.2 g), actual measured with battery and card and lugs, but no strap or lens.


Nikon specifies 47.3 ounces (1,340 g or 2 pounds, 15.3 oz.) with battery and XQD memory card.


Nikon specifies 41.6 ounces (1,180 g or 2 pounds, 9.6 oz.), stripped naked.




Serial Number


Laser-engraved on plate on bottom.



USA Version


Delineated with a yellow Nikon USA sticker inside battery chamber.






0 ~ 40ºC (32 ~ 104ºF), operating.


85% RH or less, non condensing.






D4s body


Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL18


Battery Charger MH-26


USB Cable UC-E15


Camera Strap AN-DC7


Body Cap BF-1B


Accessory Shoe Cover BS-2


Eyepiece DK-17


Battery Chamber Cover BL-6


USB Cable Clip








08 January 2014.






Mid 2014.




Price, USA


$6,000, possibly $6,500 if Nikon can get away with it.







The Nikon D4s is for full-time professional news, sports and action photographers. You guys know who you are. The D4s belts out the shots like nothing else if you're a pro, but if you don't know what you're doing, all you'll get are ten off-color, fuzzy and mal-exposed shots per second just like any other camera. If the light looks crappy, the D4s can't do anything more about it than any other camera.


It's easy to let the 10.5 FPS hum of the D4s lull you into a false sense of confidence; just like a 750 horsepower car, you still have to drive it carefully to avoid crashing. The D4s is invincible, but it's only as good as the man driving it.


In the hands of the pro for whom it's designed, it will crank out more great photos faster than anything. It won't make you a pro if you're not already.






16 MP is enough for anything, no news here.




Audio Notes


Who's in that picture? What does the editor need to know about the guy in red? What's each girl's phone number? What's the name of the Maître d'hôtel who let you in? Baby's first cry out of the womb? (OK, baby sound from my D3 in 2008.)


With the D4s, just press the MIC button (next to WB on the back), and speak. You can do this with the camera to your eye, quietly and unnoticed.


The D4s records a WAV file with the same prefix as the photo to which it's attached. For the photo above, D4sR_0660.JPG, here's the D4sR_0660.WAV audio clip.




High ISOs


The D4s works great in low light and at high ISOs, but ISO 204,800 still looks like garbage.






Nikon ditched most of the external autofocus mode controls in favor of putting video controls there, but the great news is that the D4s' autofocus system is so clairvoyant that you rarely need the controls anyway.


I set AFC and AUTO for anything that moves, and my D4s magically ignores distractions, finds the subject's eyes, and always nails perfect focus. It doesn't get any better than this.


As introduced on the D7000, there is now but one AF button, which has to be held while spinning two knobs and looking at an LCD to set what we used to be able to set with two dedicated levers — and no need to look at anything.


I dislike having to take my eyes off my subject to change this. Worse is that we can't delete the options we don't use from the selections (as we can on the Canon 5D Mk III), making it longer to sort through them while we're trying to shoot, but as I said, the D4s' AF system is so magically brilliant in just doing what we want it to do all by itself that I'm not really complaining.


For manual focus, there are three " > 0 < " indicators for a precise null.






The D4s' viewfinder is wonderful.


I've already covered its far superior AF area indicators.


The compensation bar graph is also superior. It runs vertically, outside the image on the right, as it should be. This is far better than the dopey little things along the bottom of amateur cameras' finders. The bar appears only when compensation is active, and it indicates in third stops (the D800's finder graph no longer can show third stops!)


The laser-cut matte field ("ground glass") is optimized for lenses of f/2.2 and slower. Lenses faster than f/2.2 won't appear any brighter, and you won't completely see the effects of depth-of-field for apertures larger than f/2.2.






I find that just like my D800 and D800E, I usually get the best results at -1/3 stop compensation.


No meter is perfect; you have to know how to use it.


The Meter Mode (pattern) switch is gone, which is good, because I've never used these. I've only used Matrix metering since it came out in 1984 on the Nikon FA.






Just like the D3, the D4s feels great in-hand. It fits just right, far better than the dinky, shrunken plasticy grip of the D800.


I prefer the feel of the D3 in vertical mode, but not enough to worry about it. New in the D4s is a second Function button next to the vertical shutter. It can be programmed separately, so it's like getting another free function button.


Here's the real reason I prefer the D4s to the D800E: the D4s lets me program its otherwise useless Video Rec button by the shutter button to my choice of ISO, Image Area (crop/digital zoom), SHOOT bank, or Shutter/Aperture Lock (CUSTOM SETTING f16). By setting it to SHOOT bank, I can optimize my resolution and color parameters quickly as I snap people or things. On other Nikons except for the D7000, I have to spend at least five clicks to do this. Sadly, the only way to see what you're setting is to stop shooting and look at the top LCD (or wake-up the INFO screen), but it's still much better than the D800E. The bums at Nikon excluded this from the D800's menu system so pros can't cheap-out with the D800.


The worst thing about the D4s is that Nikon put a video record button where the exposure mode button belongs, and moved the exposure mode button out of the way, further to the left of the shutter button. It matches the D800 and D800E, but matches no other Nikon. I never use the video button, and now the mode control is a stretch.


The MIC (note recording) button has been moved so it's now a stretch to reach while shooting. With the D3, it's easy to speak notes as you're shooting quietly, but even with my big hands, a long stretch with the D4s.


The Advance Mode dial is the same crummy old one that's been around since the Nikon F5 of 1996, not the better one of the D800 and D800E. Even the D7000 has a more legible advance mode dial.


The Quiet mode isn't any quieter than the regular mode. The Canon 5D Mark III is far quieter and faster in its quiet mode. In its Quiet mode, the D4s merely disconnects the cycle after the shot's taken, and waits with the mirror up and a black finder until you remove your finger from the shutter to let the mirror back down and recharge the shutter. The 5D Mark III or LEICA M9 is far better at being quiet, and so is the D7000's quiet mode.


This said, the D4s is quieter than the D3.


I use my function buttons to select the cropping (Select Image Area), but these are ignored while the shutter is half-pressed.


The two black-and-white control LCDs are backlit with cyan (blue-green) electroluminescent (EL) panels which are far more visible than the crummy green LED side-lighting of the D800 and D800E.




Rear LCD Monitor


Better than the yellow-green LCD of the old D4, the rear LCD is reasonably accurate.






As expected, the D4s runs for thousands of shots on a charge.


This is over ten times the life of the Nikon D1's battery.






LARGE JPG BASIC files average about 3 MB, as I shoot them set to OPTIMIZE QUALITY.


MEDIUM JPG BASIC files average about 1.5 MB, as I shoot them set to OPTIMIZE QUALITY.


AUTO ISO reads to ISO 12,800 in Phase One Media Pro.


There is still no "_" character selectable for custom prefacing file names. You can set the first three characters as you wish.







The D4s is slightly faster and somewhat lighter than the D3, but the D4s removed most of the external AF controls and instead added video features.


There is no comparison to the amateur D800, D800E and Canon 5D Mark III, which will only become apparent as you draw the D4s and shoot it for yourself in the field. Paper specifications don't show you how the D4s has such a superior finder and AF system, how it feels so much lighter than the D3 and D3s it replaces, how everything just flies at professional speed, how much more legible are the backlit buttons and EL LCD backlights, and the ability to take audio notes about what you're shooting in the first place.






If you're a full-time pro, all the the little things about the D4s add up to make getting a couple of D4s a no-brainer. I whine about the loss of most of the external AF controls (buttons and spinning dials do not replace dedicated levers), but the new AF system already knows what I want it to do, so no big deal.


If you're not a full time pro, or the price of a new camera matters, then no, you'll do just fine with a used D3. The D4s won't take pictures any different than a D7000, which has the same resolution; the D4s just does it faster. See Is It Worth It for more.


If you own the older D4, you don't need the D4S. It's not that different, unless you don't care about spending money. See Is It Worth It.


If you were considering buying a D4 today, STOP and wait for the D4s simply because the future resale value of every and any D4 just dropped. The D4s will sell for the same as the D4, but when you go to sell in 2 years, you'll get an extra thousand dollars for a D4s as compared to the older D4. It doesn't matter when you buy a D4; any D4 just became the old model.


Honestly, I went to Canon in 2012. The Canon 1DX is a much better handling and faster camera than the D4. I wouldn't wait to buy old news from Nikon tomorrow when I can get a new Canon 1DX from stock today.




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Thanks for reading!




Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rockwell, Ryan and Katie.


January 2014




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