ZoRaC Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Del Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Hei! Har funnet med en fancy kalender jeg vil bruke, men den har søndag som "startdag". Kan noen se på scriptet å se om de finner ut hvordan jeg setter mandag til første dag? <?php echo "<center>"; $current_month=1; $current_year = 2004; while ($current_month!=13) { //************************************************************ // Script: DF Calendar // Programmer: Chris Jackson // Date: 7/2/03 // Version: 0.2.57 //************************************************************ //************************************************************ //Versions: //************************************************************ // 0.1.13 - Initial Release. // // 0.2.57 - Added the ability to custom configure the calendar //to any month, day or year along with cosmetic variables //allowing you to be able to totally customize the //calendar. //************************************************************ //External variables: (ex. calendar.php?mn=12&dy=3&yr=2003) //************************************************************ // tcs = Set Table Cell Spacing // tcp = Set Table Cell Padding // tbd = Set Table Border // mn = Set month (1-12) // dy = Set day (1-31) // yr = Set year (4 digit year) // nm = Set to Next Month (equal to 1) // lm = Set to Last Month (equal to 1) // mt = Set Calendar to NOT Mark Today (equal to 1) // dbh = Set Day Box Height (pixel height of day boxes) // dbw = Set Day Box Width (pixel width of day boxes) // wbh = Set Weekday Box Height (pixel height of weekday boxes) // ctfs = Set Calendar Title Font Size (ex. 10, 12, 14) // ctfw = Set Calendar Title Font Weight (ex. bold) // ctfc = Set Calendar Title Font Color (ex. 000000) // ctbc = Set Calendar Title Background Color (ex. 000000) // ctal = Set Calendar Title Alignment (ex. left, right, center) // ndfs = Set Normal Day Font Size (ex. 10, 12, 14) // ndfc = Set Normal Day Font Color (ex. 000000) // ndbc = Set Normal Day Background Color (ex. 000000) // ndal = Set Normal Day Alignment (ex. left, right, center) // ndva = Set Normal Day Vertical Alignment (ex. top, middle, bottom) // mdfc = Set Mark Day Font Color (ex. FF0000) // mdbc = Set Mark Day Background Color (ex. 000000) // bdbc = Set Blank Day Background Color (ex. 000000) // wtfs = Set Weekday Title Font Size (ex. 10, 12, 14) // wtfc = Set Weekday Title Font Color (ex. 000000) // wtbc = Set Weekday Title Background Color (ex. 000000) // wtal = Set Weekday Title Alignment (ex. left, right, center) // wtva = Set Weekday Title Vertical Alignment (ex. top, middle, bottom) // wk = Set weekday titles to Full names (equal to 1) // ******************************* // ctfn = Calendar Title Font Name // ndfn = Normal Day Font Name // mdfn = Mark Day Font Name // wtfn = Weekday Title Font Name // ******************************* // Set the above variables to one of the following: // 1 = Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif // 2 = Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif // 3 = Times New Roman, Times, serif // 4 = Courier New, Courier, mono // 5 = Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif // 6 = Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif //Set the months of the year into an array. $month[1] = "Januar"; $month[2] = "Februar"; $month[3] = "Mars"; $month[4] = "April"; $month[5] = "Mai"; $month[6] = "Juni"; $month[7] = "Juli"; $month[8] = "August"; $month[9] = "September"; $month[10] = "Oktober"; $month[11] = "November"; $month[12] = "Desember"; //Set week title names for the days of the week. if ($wk) { //Use full names for week days $week[0] = "Søndag"; // Sunday $week[1] = "Mandag"; // Monday $week[2] = "Tirsdag"; // Tuesday $week[3] = "Onsdag"; // Wednesday $week[4] = "Torsdag"; // Thursday $week[5] = "Fredag"; // Friday $week[6] = "Lørdag"; // Saturday } else { //Use short names for week days $week[0] = "S"; // Sunday $week[1] = "M"; // Monday $week[2] = "T"; // Tuesday $week[3] = "O"; // Wednesday $week[4] = "T"; // Thursday $week[5] = "F"; // Friday $week[6] = "L"; // Saturday } /* //Get current month, returned in numeric format 1-12 if (!$mn) { $current_month = date("n"); } else { $current_month = $mn; } //Set Calendar to Next Month if ($nm) { if ($current_month == 12) { $current_month=1; } else { $current_month++; } $mt=1; //Turn off the today mark } //Set Calendar to Last Month if ($lm) { if ($current_month == 1) { $current_month=12; } else { $current_month--; } $mt=1; //Turn off the today mark } */ //Get current day, returned in numeric format 1-31 if (!$dy) { $current_day = date("j"); } else { $current_day = $dy; } /* //Get current year, returned in four digit numeric format if (!$yr) { $current_year = date("Y"); } else { $current_year = $yr; } */ //Get Days in this month, returned in numeric format 28-31 $days_in_month = date("t", mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $current_day, $current_year)); //Get the day of the week that the first day of the month falls on, returned numeric format 0-6 // (same numbering for days of week as the $week array above) $first_day = date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year)); //Table Properties if (!$tcs) { $tcs = 1; } //Cell Spacing if (!$tcp) { $tcp = 0; } //Cell Padding if (!$tbd) { $tbd = 0; } //Border //Set Day Box Height //If no value is passed, then default to mini calendar settings. if (!$dbh) { $dbh = "70"; } //Set Day Box Width //If no value is passed, then default to mini calendar settings. if (!$dbw) { $dbw = "75"; } //Set Weekday Box Height //If no value is passed, then default to mini calendar settings. if (!$wbh) { $wbh = "0"; } //Set to NOT mark Today if (!$mt) { $mt = 1; } //Calendar Title Options //******************** if (!$ctfs) { $ctfs = 40; } //Set Font Size if (!$ctfw) { $ctfw = "bold"; } //Set Font Weight if (!$ctfc) { $ctfc = "#000000"; } //Set Font Color if (!$ctbc) { $ctbc = ""; } //Set Cell Background Color if (!$ctal) { $ctal = "center"; } //Set Alignment if ((!$ctfn) || ($ctfn==1)) { $ctfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($ctfn==2) { $ctfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($ctfn==3) { $ctfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ctfn==4) { $ctfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($ctfn==5) { $ctfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ctfn==6) { $ctfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Normal Day Options //******************** if (!$ndfs) { $ndfs = 30; } //Font Size if (!$ndfc) { $ndfc = "#000000"; } //Font Color if (!$ntfw) { $ntfw = "bold"; } //Set Font Weight if (!$ndbc) { $ndbc = "#F7F7F7"; } //Background Color ecf8ff if (!$ndal) { $ndal = "center"; } //Text Alignment if (!$ndva) { $ndva = "middle"; } //Vertical Alignment if ((!$ndfn) || ($ndfn==1)) { $ndfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($ndfn==2) { $ndfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($ndfn==3) { $ndfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ndfn==4) { $ndfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($ndfn==5) { $ndfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ndfn==6) { $ndfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Mark Day Options //******************** if (!$mdfc) { $mdfc = "#FF0000"; } //Font Color if (!$mdbc) { $mdbc = "#EAF5FF"; } //Background Color ecf8ff if ((!$mdfn) || ($mdfn==1)) { $mdfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($mdfn==2) { $mdfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($mdfn==3) { $mdfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($mdfn==4) { $mdfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($mdfn==5) { $mdfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($mdfn==6) { $mdfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Blank Day Options //******************** if (!$bdbc) { $bdbc = "#EEEEEE"; } //Background Color eaf5ff //Weekday Title Options //******************** if (!$wtfs) { $wtfs = 30; } //Font Size if (!$wtfc) { $wtfc = "#000000"; } //Font Color if (!$wtfw) { $wtfw = "bold"; } //Set Font Weight if (!$wtbc) { $wtbc = "#C9C9C9"; } //Background Color ffffe8 if (!$wtal) { $wtal = "center"; } //Text Alignment if (!$wtva) { $wtva = "middle"; } //Vertical Alignment if ((!$wtfn) || ($wtfn==1)) { $wtfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($wtfn==2) { $wtfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($wtfn==3) { $wtfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($wtfn==4) { $wtfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($wtfn==5) { $wtfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($wtfn==6) { $wtfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .CalendarTitle { font-family: <?php print $ctfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $ctfs; ?>px; font-weight: <?php print $ctfw; ?>; color: <?php print $ctfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $ctbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $ctal; ?>; } .NormalDay { font-family: <?php print $ndfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $ndfs; ?>px; font-weight: <?php print $ntfw; ?>; color: <?php print $ndfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $ndbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $ndal; ?>; vertical-align: <?php print $ndva; ?>; } .MarkDay { font-family: <?php print $mdfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $ndfs; ?>px; color: <?php print $mdfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $mdbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $ndal; ?>; vertical-align: <?php print $ndva; ?>; } .BlankDay { background-color: <?php print $bdbc; ?>; } .WeekdayTitle { font-family: <?php print $wtfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $wtfs; ?>px; font-weight: <?php print $wtfw; ?>; color: <?php print $wtfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $wtbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $wtal; ?>; vertical-align: <?php print $wtva; ?>; } --> </style> <table border="<?php print $tbd; ?>" cellpadding="<?php print $tcp; ?>" cellspacing="<?php print $tcs; ?>" width="<?php print $dbw * 7; ?>"> <tr> <td class="CalendarTitle"> <?php print "$month[$current_month] $current_year"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table border="<?php print $tbd; ?>" cellpadding="<?php print $tcp; ?>" cellspacing="<?php print $tcs; ?>" width="<?php print $dbw * 7; ?>"> <tr> <?php //Loop through days of the week and display the short names above the columns in the calendar for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { print " <td width="$dbw" height="$wbh" class="WeekdayTitle">$week[$i]</td>n"; } ?> </tr> <?php //Set the day counter to the first day, 1. $day_counter = 1; //This line continues running the loop until all the days of the month have been displayed. while($day_counter <= $days_in_month) { print " <tr>n"; //Loop through the days of the week to display each day number. for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { //This line makes sure that a day should be drawn on this particular calendar spot. //To draw a day for this spot, there must be one of two cases true: // 1 - The day counter is still within the amount of days for this month and the first //day is not set to 0 and the first day is set to this spot. // 2 - The day counter is still within the amount of days for this month and the first //day is equal to 0. if ((($day_counter <= $days_in_month) && ($first_day != 0) && ($first_day == $i)) || (($day_counter <= $days_in_month) && ($first_day == 0))) { //check to see if the current day counter is today's day if (($day_counter == $current_day) && (!$mt)) { print " <td width="$dbw" height="$dbh" class="MarkDay">$day_counter</td>n"; } else { print " <td width="$dbw" height="$dbh" class="NormalDay">$day_counter</td>n"; } //Resetting first_day tells us that the first day of the month has already been drawn. $first_day = 0; $day_counter++; } else { //No day number should be drawn on this calendar spot, therefore draw a blank spot. print " <td width="$dbw" height="$dbh" class="BlankDay"> </td>n"; } } print " </tr>n"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<br><br><br><br><br><br>"; $current_month++; } ?> Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-rXRozPkg Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Del Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Bytt fra: if ($wk) { //Use full names for week days $week[0] = "Søndag"; // Sunday $week[1] = "Mandag"; // Monday $week[2] = "Tirsdag"; // Tuesday $week[3] = "Onsdag"; // Wednesday $week[4] = "Torsdag"; // Thursday $week[5] = "Fredag"; // Friday $week[6] = "Lørdag"; // Saturday } else { //Use short names for week days $week[0] = "S"; // Sunday $week[1] = "M"; // Monday $week[2] = "T"; // Tuesday $week[3] = "O"; // Wednesday $week[4] = "T"; // Thursday $week[5] = "F"; // Friday $week[6] = "L"; // Saturday } Til: if ($wk) { //Use full names for week days $week[0] = "Mandag"; // Monday $week[1] = "Tirsdag"; // Tuesday $week[2] = "Onsdag"; // Wednesday $week[3] = "Torsdag"; // Thursday $week[4] = "Fredag"; // Friday $week[5] = "Lørdag"; // Saturday $week[6] = "Søndag"; // Sunday } else { //Use short names for week days $week[0] = "M"; // Monday $week[1] = "T"; // Tuesday $week[2] = "O"; // Wednesday $week[3] = "T"; // Thursday $week[4] = "F"; // Friday $week[5] = "L"; // Saturday $week[6] = "S"; // Sunday } Tror ikke det skal være noe mer enn det.... Lenke til kommentar
ZoRaC Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Forfatter Del Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Det førte til at 01.01.04 havnet på en fredag i stedet for torsdag... Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-rXRozPkg Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Del Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Det var ikke så lett nei Men dette skal fungere: (Jeg har tatt bort en del kommentarer fra den orginale koden, siden de ikke trengs) <?php echo "<center>"; $current_month=1; $current_year = 2004; while ($current_month!=13) { //Set the months of the year into an array. $month[1] = "Januar"; $month[2] = "Februar"; $month[3] = "Mars"; $month[4] = "April"; $month[5] = "Mai"; $month[6] = "Juni"; $month[7] = "Juli"; $month[8] = "August"; $month[9] = "September"; $month[10] = "Oktober"; $month[11] = "November"; $month[12] = "Desember"; //Set week title names for the days of the week. if ($wk) { //Use full names for week days $week[0] = "Mandag"; // Monday $week[1] = "Tirsdag"; // Tuesday $week[2] = "Onsdag"; // Wednesday $week[3] = "Torsdag"; // Thursday $week[4] = "Fredag"; // Friday $week[5] = "Lørdag"; // Saturday $week[6] = "Søndag"; // Sunday } else { //Use short names for week days $week[0] = "M"; // Monday $week[1] = "T"; // Tuesday $week[2] = "O"; // Wednesday $week[3] = "T"; // Thursday $week[4] = "F"; // Friday $week[5] = "L"; // Saturday $week[6] = "S"; // Sunday } //Get current day, returned in numeric format 1-31 if (!$dy) { $current_day = date("j"); } else { $current_day = $dy; } //Get Days in this month, returned in numeric format 28-31 $days_in_month = date("t", mktime(0,0,0, $current_month, $current_day, $current_year)); //Get the day of the week that the first day of the month falls on, returned numeric format 0-6 // (same numbering for days of week as the $week array above) $first_day = date("w", mktime(0,0,0,$current_month,1,$current_year)); //Table Properties if (!$tcs) { $tcs = 1; } //Cell Spacing if (!$tcp) { $tcp = 0; } //Cell Padding if (!$tbd) { $tbd = 0; } //Border //Set Day Box Height //If no value is passed, then default to mini calendar settings. if (!$dbh) { $dbh = "70"; } //Set Day Box Width //If no value is passed, then default to mini calendar settings. if (!$dbw) { $dbw = "75"; } //Set Weekday Box Height //If no value is passed, then default to mini calendar settings. if (!$wbh) { $wbh = "0"; } //Set to NOT mark Today if (!$mt) { $mt = 1; } //Calendar Title Options //******************** if (!$ctfs) { $ctfs = 40; } //Set Font Size if (!$ctfw) { $ctfw = "bold"; } //Set Font Weight if (!$ctfc) { $ctfc = "#000000"; } //Set Font Color if (!$ctbc) { $ctbc = ""; } //Set Cell Background Color if (!$ctal) { $ctal = "center"; } //Set Alignment if ((!$ctfn) || ($ctfn==1)) { $ctfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($ctfn==2) { $ctfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($ctfn==3) { $ctfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ctfn==4) { $ctfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($ctfn==5) { $ctfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ctfn==6) { $ctfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Normal Day Options //******************** if (!$ndfs) { $ndfs = 30; } //Font Size if (!$ndfc) { $ndfc = "#000000"; } //Font Color if (!$ntfw) { $ntfw = "bold"; } //Set Font Weight if (!$ndbc) { $ndbc = "#F7F7F7"; } //Background Color ecf8ff if (!$ndal) { $ndal = "center"; } //Text Alignment if (!$ndva) { $ndva = "middle"; } //Vertical Alignment if ((!$ndfn) || ($ndfn==1)) { $ndfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($ndfn==2) { $ndfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($ndfn==3) { $ndfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ndfn==4) { $ndfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($ndfn==5) { $ndfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($ndfn==6) { $ndfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Mark Day Options //******************** if (!$mdfc) { $mdfc = "#FF0000"; } //Font Color if (!$mdbc) { $mdbc = "#EAF5FF"; } //Background Color ecf8ff if ((!$mdfn) || ($mdfn==1)) { $mdfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($mdfn==2) { $mdfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($mdfn==3) { $mdfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($mdfn==4) { $mdfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($mdfn==5) { $mdfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($mdfn==6) { $mdfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Blank Day Options //******************** if (!$bdbc) { $bdbc = "#EEEEEE"; } //Background Color eaf5ff //Weekday Title Options //******************** if (!$wtfs) { $wtfs = 30; } //Font Size if (!$wtfc) { $wtfc = "#000000"; } //Font Color if (!$wtfw) { $wtfw = "bold"; } //Set Font Weight if (!$wtbc) { $wtbc = "#C9C9C9"; } //Background Color ffffe8 if (!$wtal) { $wtal = "center"; } //Text Alignment if (!$wtva) { $wtva = "middle"; } //Vertical Alignment if ((!$wtfn) || ($wtfn==1)) { $wtfn = "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } //Font Name if ($wtfn==2) { $wtfn = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } if ($wtfn==3) { $wtfn = "Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($wtfn==4) { $wtfn = "Courier New, Courier, mono"; } if ($wtfn==5) { $wtfn = "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif"; } if ($wtfn==6) { $wtfn = "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .CalendarTitle { font-family: <?php print $ctfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $ctfs; ?>px; font-weight: <?php print $ctfw; ?>; color: <?php print $ctfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $ctbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $ctal; ?>; } .NormalDay { font-family: <?php print $ndfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $ndfs; ?>px; font-weight: <?php print $ntfw; ?>; color: <?php print $ndfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $ndbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $ndal; ?>; vertical-align: <?php print $ndva; ?>; } .MarkDay { font-family: <?php print $mdfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $ndfs; ?>px; color: <?php print $mdfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $mdbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $ndal; ?>; vertical-align: <?php print $ndva; ?>; } .BlankDay { background-color: <?php print $bdbc; ?>; } .WeekdayTitle { font-family: <?php print $wtfn; ?>; font-size: <?php print $wtfs; ?>px; font-weight: <?php print $wtfw; ?>; color: <?php print $wtfc; ?>; background-color: <?php print $wtbc; ?>; text-align: <?php print $wtal; ?>; vertical-align: <?php print $wtva; ?>; } --> </style> <table border="<?php print $tbd; ?>" cellpadding="<?php print $tcp; ?>" cellspacing="<?php print $tcs; ?>" width="<?php print $dbw * 7; ?>"> <tr> <td class="CalendarTitle"> <?php print "$month[$current_month] $current_year"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table border="<?php print $tbd; ?>" cellpadding="<?php print $tcp; ?>" cellspacing="<?php print $tcs; ?>" width="<?php print $dbw * 7; ?>"> <tr> <?php //Loop through days of the week and display the short names above the columns in the calendar for ($i=0;$i<7;$i++) { print " <td width="$dbw" height="$wbh" class="WeekdayTitle">$week[$i]</td>n"; } ?> </tr> <?php //Set the day counter to the first day, 1. $day_counter = 1; //This line continues running the loop until all the days of the month have been displayed. while($day_counter <= $days_in_month) { print " <tr>n"; //Loop through the days of the week to display each day number. for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { if ((($day_counter <= $days_in_month) && ($first_day != 0) && ($first_day == $i+1)) || (($day_counter <= $days_in_month) && ($first_day == 0))) { //check to see if the current day counter is today's day if (($day_counter == $current_day) && (!$mt)) { print " <td width="$dbw" height="$dbh" class="MarkDay">$day_counter</td>n"; } else { print " <td width="$dbw" height="$dbh" class="NormalDay">$day_counter</td>n"; } //Resetting first_day tells us that the first day of the month has already been drawn. $first_day = 0; $day_counter++; } else { //No day number should be drawn on this calendar spot, therefore draw a blank spot. print " <td width="$dbw" height="$dbh" class="BlankDay"> </td>n"; } } print " </tr>n"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<br><br><br><br><br><br>"; $current_month++; } ?> Lenke til kommentar
funkweb Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Del Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 //Set week title names for the days of the week. if ($wk) { Lurte på noe, jeg prøvde og teste dette.. men fikk feil. Undefined variable : wk Riktignok får jeg se kalender lengre nede i lista.. men slitsomt med alle de error linjene. Jeg er ikke noe flink i PHP.. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-rXRozPkg Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Del Skrevet 3. oktober 2003 Post gjerne hele feilmeldingen (linjenummer osv.), eller en link til en side der du tester ut kalenderen. Lenke til kommentar
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