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SteamOS annonsert!

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Thousands of games, millions of users. Everything you love about Steam. Available soon as a free operating system designed for the TV and the living room.

Steam is coming to a new operating system

As we’ve been working on bringing Steam to the living room, we’ve come to the conclusion that the environment best suited to delivering value to customers is an operating system built around Steam itself. SteamOS combines the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience built for the big screen. It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines.

Living room & Steam

Finally, you don’t have to give up your favorite games, your online friends, and all the Steam features you love just to play on the big screen. SteamOS, running on any living room machine, will provide access to the best games and user-generated content available.

Fast forward

In SteamOS, we have achieved significant performance increases in graphics processing, and we’re now targeting audio performance and reductions in input latency at the operating system level. Game developers are already taking advantage of these gains as they target SteamOS for their new releases.

Cooperating system

Steam is not a one-way content broadcast channel, it’s a collaborative many-to-many entertainment platform, in which each participant is a multiplier of the experience for everyone else. With SteamOS, “openness” means that the hardware industry can iterate in the living room at a much faster pace than they’ve been able to. Content creators can connect directly to their customers. Users can alter or replace any part of the software or hardware they want. Gamers are empowered to join in the creation of the games they love. SteamOS will continue to evolve, but will remain an environment designed to foster these kinds of innovation.

Four new Steam features focused on the living room.

Available soon in both SteamOS and the Steam client.

In-home Streaming

You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!

Music, TV, Movies

We’re working with many of the media services you know and love. Soon we will begin bringing them online, allowing you to access your favorite music and video with Steam and SteamOS.

Family Sharing

In the past, sharing Steam games with your family members was hard. Now you can share the games you love with the people you love. Family Sharing allows you to take turns playing one another’s games while earning your own Steam achievements and saving your individual game progress to the Steam cloud.

Family Options

The living-room is family territory. That’s great, but you don’t want to see your parents’ games in your library. Soon, families will have more control over what titles get seen by whom, and more features to allow everyone in the house to get the most out of their Steam libraries.

At the core of SteamOS is everything you already love about Steam.

All the games you love

Hundreds of great games are already running natively on SteamOS. Watch for announcements in the coming weeks about all the AAA titles coming natively to SteamOS in 2014. Access the full Steam catalog of over nearly 3000 games and desktop software titles via in-home streaming.

Over 50 million friends

Steam users are what makes gaming on Steam fun. Meet new people, join game groups, form clans, chat in-game and dive into Game Hubs, the center of activity for all your favorite games.


The creative energy of Steam users takes shape in the Workshop - your one-stop shop for the best add-ons available. Here you can create, discover, and download a nearly endless supply of top-quality user-created content.

A cross-platform cloud

Seamless content delivery, storage you don’t have to think about and automatic updates to everything. Switch machines and pick up your game where you left off, and don’t worry about saving your preferences. It’s all in the Steam Cloud.

Constantly evolving

Steam itself has been a constantly evolving service since its debut in 2003. SteamOS will continue to deliver not only valuable game updates directly from content makers, but also regular additions and new features to the OS itself.


Steam is in 185 countries and has been translated into 25 languages. As a truly global platform, Steam, and now SteamOS, brings entertainment to an audience without borders.

Downloadable soon. Free forever!

SteamOS will be available soon as a free download for users and as a freely licensable operating system for manufacturers. Stay tuned in the coming days for more information.



Endret av Orwandel
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Er fint og flott i og for seg dette her. Men kjenner jeg savner noe fra spill-Valve nå. Hadde ikke vært feil med en offisiell bekreftelse om Source 2 i en av de "klinkekulene". Om ikke annet så håper jeg de kommer med en lignende avsløring på spillsiden i nærmeste framtid.

Jeg vet jeg ikke er alene når jeg føler at Valve (unnskyld uttrykket) kuker rundt for mye. Mye av grunnen til det er nok cliffhangeren på slutten av HL2: Episode Two med påfølgende stillhet i årevis (noe som slettes ikke var planen).

Valve vet hva de driver med, selv om jeg synes suksessen de har hatt med Steam kan virke som et tveegget sverd. Det blir litt som med Blizzard. De er priviligerte til å ta seg den tiden de trenger med det de holder på med siden det er et privat selskap; de har ingen investorer som puster dem ned i nakken. Samtidig tror jeg nok det blir litt laurbærblad-tendenser på kontoret med manglende motivasjon kanskje...


Slik som fokuset til Valve har vært den siste tiden så får jeg assosiasjoner med Microsoft. Noe som kanskje ikke er så rart siden Gabe Newell og medstifterne er ex-Microsoft ansatte... Men jeg har en mistanke om at det er haugevis med utappet kunstnerisk kreativitet som ikke får reelt utløp her. Jeg blir 2% skuffet hvis det neste spillet blir noe annet enn Half-Life relatert (Portal får vente på tur). Det er på tide at Valve snart retter fokuset på spillet/serien som fikk dem i den posisjonen de er i til og begynne med. Få på plass Kelly Bailey og sett i gang! Da blir det nok fortgang i sakene. :)


Ps. Stemmeskuespilleren som spilte Doctor Breen strøk tragisk nok med i en trafikkulykke her for et par år siden. Heldigvis var karakteren hans allerede død i spillet. Få ut fingeren før noen viktige folk får et piano i hodet, lol.

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De har jo gitt ut minst ett spill i året siden Episode 2. Og utgivere som har presset utviklere har gjort mer ondt enn godt, spør du meg. Jeg har nok gode spill å spille i mellomtiden, så de må bare ta den tiden de trenger. Dessuten synes jeg Valve er de som har gjort mest for PC-plattformen med Steam, mens Microsoft har fokusert mest på Xbox. Det virker nesten som de prøver å irritere PC-spillere mest mulig med det elendige Games for Windows, slik at de heller gikk over til Xbox.


Her er en idé for å få fart på SteamOS: Half-Life 3 SteamOS exclusive! Hey-o!

Endret av Orwandel
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SteamOS is here. Let's expand on some of the features Valve announced. What are they actually saying?
In-home Streaming

You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!

Let's be honest here, both the biggest feature and the biggest problem SteamOS has is that it's based on Linux. More on Linux later this post. This brings a lot of good things to the gaming spectrum, however it also means a rather limited catalog at this point. Valve has definitely been planning this ever since they started working on Steam for Linux and Big Picture.

Streaming games over LAN works pretty damn well for the Nvidia SHIELD, but Valve will definitely be pushing developers to develop their games for Linux (if they aren't already). Developers would be pretty stupid if they don't support Linux now.
Music, TV, Movies

We’re working with many of the media services you know and love. Soon we will begin bringing them online, allowing you to access your favorite music and video with Steam and SteamOS.

What does this really mean? Here are two things that have already been spotted in the current Steam Beta client, but are currently disabled.
Playing local music, making playlists, all from Steam. Import your iTunes music, or play music from a network share.
Built-in Spotify support. Already mostly implemented in Steam beta, but disabled.

We haven't seen the next bit in the Steam client yet, but we can pretty much assume this is a given. Netflix. What's the best way to get TV and Movies on a PC? Netflix? Maybe Hulu.

SteamOS will primarily be based off Ubuntu, as it has been Valve's focus ever since they started testing Steam for Linux. They already have a repository for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS users designated "hometest", which is obviously short for SteamOS being tested in people's homes. This hometest repository has been around since April. Check out our previous blog post for more on that repository.

I'm secretly hoping Valve will ship with a lighter version of Ubuntu (or not Ubuntu at all), but seeing all their testing has been done on Ubuntu so far, and they only have a repository for Ubuntu at the moment it's looking like Ubuntu will be the thing they ship SteamOS with. Please prove me wrong, Valve.

A problem with Linux is that not a lot of games are supported right now. Valve obviously "fixed" this by introducing in-home streaming, but this is only a temporary solution for developers that want their games played on SteamOS/the SteamBox. Valve WILL be pushing developers to develop for Linux, and will help them out in doing this. How, you ask?

Last week, Gabe mentioned in his LinuxCon keynote that Valve is working with another company on developing a Linux debugger. In previous talks, Valve has shown that debugging and improving graphics performance is much much easier on Linux, since you have deeper access into the operating system and the hardware. With Valve's 'debugger' coming up, developers will have a much easier time developing for Linux than they are having now on Windows.

In-home streaming is basically Valve's answer to people wanting to play games that are not on Linux yet. It won't be optimal, there will be latency and quality issues (it is Steam after all) but in the end it'll push more and more developers to develop natively for Linux as their games aren't being played the way they want them to be played if they're being streamed.

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De har jo gitt ut minst ett spill i året siden Episode 2. Og utgivere som har presset utviklere har gjort mer ondt enn godt, spør du meg. Jeg har nok gode spill å spille i mellomtiden, så de må bare ta den tiden de trenger. Dessuten synes jeg Valve er de som har gjort mest for PC-plattformen med Steam, mens Microsoft har fokusert mest på Xbox. Det virker nesten som de prøver å irritere PC-spillere mest mulig med det elendige Games for Windows, slik at de heller gikk over til Xbox.


Alle gode poeng! Ja. Utgivere som presser utviklere som allerede gjør så godt de kan er negativt, det er klart. Det samme gjelder utgivere/investorer som blander seg oppi innholdet, samt deadlines i horisonten. Et godt eksempel på dette er Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2.



Her er en idé for å få fart på SteamOS: Half-Life 3 SteamOS exclusive! Hey-o!


Tipper det hadde fått fart på sakene ja.

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Valve er en av de få spillutviklerne som er igjen som gjør ting rett. Isteden for å pushe ut nye versjoner og resirkuleringer av gamle IPs hvert år bruker de heller god tid på å polere og gjøre ting rett før lanserer spill. Noe filmen under også nevner(anbefaler å se hele filmen):




Jeg venter heller noen år ekstra enn å få servert en resirkulert fullpris mappack hvert år.



Hvis det kommer et nytt Source 2 spill, f.eks HL3 er det nok perks å hente for de som bruker SteamOS eller LiGNUxklienten til Steam. Enten at de på LiGNUx(SteamOS) får spille HL3 noen mnd før andre eller at det blir billigere.
Håper bare SteamOS blir helt fritt og ikke en enda mer properitær versjon av Ubuntu.



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