kit32 Skrevet 14. august 2013 Del Skrevet 14. august 2013 Har følgt denne smørbrød lista til sqlite og form bygging. men en ting som jeg ikke helt ser er jeg får opp felte States men ikke en som skal hete ID. men også at den ikke lagrer det som jeg legger inn som skal lagrer. eller om jeg må endre noe i tabelen..... sitter å ser litt videre å prøver og feiler litt på egen hånd Here we'll create our frmStates form. We'll just make it fast and easy by using the abcDB AutoForm feature. So please do the following: 1. Go to the FORM properties by tapping on the form canvas and then tapping on the PROPERTIES tab. 2. Edit the FORM SQL property and either use the QueryBuilder to create the data SQL or enter it manually. Either way, make sure that the FORM SQL property equals this: SELECT [tblStates].* FROM 'tblStates' 3. Change the SQL MAIN TABLE property to: tblStates 4. Change the SQL REQUIRED FIELDS property to: id,guid()|State,'' NOTE: the '' above is two single quotes NOT a double quote. 5. Go back to the FORM tab and choose the CONTROLS/CREATE AUTO FORM menu option. At this point you should see something similar to the screenshot shown here. Now let's add a button to our form and place it wherever you choose. In the button's ONCLICK event, add the following: openform("MainMenu") Finally, save and close the form. Make sure you name it exactly: frmStates Lenke til kommentar
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