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PS4 vs. Xbox One

Xbox One vs. PS4!  

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Veldig bra artikkel som går "in-depth" :

- Om situasjonen 30 vs 60 fps på konsollene.

- Oppløsning

- Det å optimalisere spill for begge* konsollene eller prøve å utnytte en av konsollene mer (*helt glemt ordet jeg er ute etter her)


Det var også forfriskende å lese siden utvikleren som blir intervjuet forholder seg anonym, da kan han/hun si virkelig det han/hun mener. :)


Ett par gode quotes / poeng:



Speaking of GPUs, I remember early in the console lifecycle that Microsoft made it known that the graphics technology in the Xbox 360 was "better" than PS3's and they had the specs to prove it - something that sounds very familiar in relation to recent Xbox One/PS4 discussions. This little fact was then picked up and repeated in many articles and became part of the standard console argument that occurred at the time:

"PS3 is better than Xbox 360 because of the SPUs."
"Xbox 360 has a better graphics chip."
"PS3 has a better d-pad controller compared to the Xbox 360."
"Xbox Live is better for party chat."

The problem with these facts, taken in isolation, is that they are true but they don't paint an accurate picture of what it is like developing current-gen software.

One of the first things that you have to address when developing a game is, what is your intended target platform? If the answer to that question is "multiple", you are effectively locking yourself in to compromising certain aspects of the game to ensure that it runs well on all of them. It's no good having a game that runs well on PS3 but chugs on Xbox 360, so you have to look at the overall balance of the hardware. As a developer, you cannot be driven by the most powerful console, but rather the high middle ground that allows your game to shine and perform across multiple machines.

While one console might have a better GPU, the chances are that this performance increase will then be offset by bottlenecks in other parts of the game engine. Maybe these are related to memory transfer speeds, CPU speeds or raw connectivity bus throughputs. Ultimately it doesn't matter where the bottlenecks occur, it's just the fact that they do occur.



In most games the major contributors to the frame-rate are:

-Can you simulate all of the action that's happening on the screen - physics, animation, HUD, AI, gameplay etc?
-Can you render all of the action that's happening on the screen - objects, people, environment, visual effects, post effects etc?

The first point relates to all of the things that are usually handled by the CPU and the second point relates to things that are traditionally processed by the GPU. Over the successive platform generations the underlying technology has changed, with each generation throwing up its own unique blend of issues:

-Gen1: The original PlayStation had an underpowered CPU and could draw a small number of simple shaded objects.
-Gen2: PlayStation 2 had a relatively underpowered CPU but could fill the standard definition screen with tens of thousands of transparent triangles.
-Gen3: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 had the move to high definition to contend with, but while the CPUs (especially the SPUs) were fast, the GPUs were underpowered in terms of supporting HD resolutions with the kind of effects we wanted to produce.

In all of these generations it was difficult to maintain a steady frame-rate as the amount happening on-screen would cause either the CPU or GPU to be a bottleneck and the game would drop frames. The way that most developers addressed these issues was to alter the way that games appeared, or played, to compensate for the lack of power in one area or another and maintain the all-important frame-rate.

This shift started towards the end of Gen2 when developers realised that they could not simulate the world to the level of fidelity that their designers wanted, as the CPUs were not fast enough - but they could spend more time rendering it. This shift in focus can clearly be seen around 2005/2006 when games such as God of War, Fight Night Round 2 and Shadow of the Colossus arrived. These games were graphically great, but the gameplay was limited in scope and usually used tightly cropped camera positions to restrict the amount of simulation required.

Then, as we progressed into Gen3 the situation started to reverse. The move to HD took its toll on the GPU as there were now more than four times the number of pixels to render on the screen. So unless the new graphics chips were over four times faster than the previous generation, we weren't going to see any great visual improvements on the screen, other than sharper-looking objects.



When it comes to console choice, most gamers will purchase based on factors such as previous ownership, the opinions of the gaming press (to some extent), which consoles their friends buy to play multiplayer games, and in some cases, which exclusives are being released (Halo, Uncharted etc). This means that studios are under a lot of pressure to release games with new consoles, as they help drive hardware sales. Also, if a studio releases a game at launch, they are likely to sell more copies, as console purchasers require games in order to show off their shiny new consoles to their friends.

So, with limited time, limited resources and limited access to development hardware before the retail consoles arrive, studios have to make a decision. Do they want their game to look good, play well and maintain a solid frame-rate? If so, compromises have to be made and screen resolution is an easy change to make that has a dramatic effect on the frame-rate (900p, for example, is only 70 per cent of the number of pixels in a 1080p screen). This will likely be the main driving reason behind the resolution choice for the launch titles and won't be any indicator of console "power"


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Det argumentet motbevises jo bare ved å se på COD: Ghosts, som vil ha dedikerte servere, men fortsatt kjører i 720p. Argument invalid.


Ghosts kjører blanding av deddis og listen server. Matchmaking skjer på server, selve hosting av spillet skjer på listen/p2p server.

Respawn har sagt at spill kan se bedre ut fordi de bruker dedikerte servere til all håndtering av data mellom klientene. Hvorvidt dette er sant får vi vel vente å se.




So if I’m hosting, my machine is doing all this extra work on behalf of everyone else? Yes! You are doing more work on your CPU than all of the other players are. This means the game isn’t as cool looking as it could be and everyone else has extra CPU just sitting there. Or worse, their game actually looks better than yours! We think the game should be consistent on every machine in a match. Don’t punish the host with a worse game or leave all of that extra CPU sitting empty on the other players machines.
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Gjest Slettet-RnjNn5NbHl

Har du testet både DS4 og den nye Xbox-kontrolleren eller?


jeg ser hvordan de ser ut, og jeg syns xbox 360 kontrolleren er nesten så perfekt den kan bli, og noe av det de har forandret til xbox One kontrolleren er det eneste jeg ikke likte... plus forbedret noe som var bra sånn at det ble enda bedre....


og jeg sysn PS3 kontrolleren er helt forferdelig å bruke, jeg vil heller spilt eks. Battlefield med en modifisert Wii kontroller(selv om det ikke fins) en en PS3 kontroller.

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jeg ser hvordan de ser ut, og jeg syns xbox 360 kontrolleren er nesten så perfekt den kan bli, og noe av det de har forandret til xbox One kontrolleren er det eneste jeg ikke likte... plus forbedret noe som var bra sånn at det ble enda bedre....


og jeg sysn PS3 kontrolleren er helt forferdelig å bruke, jeg vil heller spilt eks. Battlefield med en modifisert Wii kontroller(selv om det ikke fins) en en PS3 kontroller.


Det at du bruker <<jeg synes>> litt oftere, er iallefall et steg i riktig retning.

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Gjest Slettet-RnjNn5NbHl


Det at du bruker <<jeg synes>> litt oftere, er iallefall et steg i riktig retning.


jeg har aldri sakt at alle skal synes det samme som meg....

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En som mener at han har fått informasjon fra en kilde som er troverdig.

Om dette er sant, blir det ikke så mye nettspilling ved launch.




Sony sa allerede dagen etter at de hadde avslørt PS4 i januar at den fungerte offline, og kunne spille bruktspill. Dette var måneder før vi visste om Xbox One, så det er ikke noe de har endret etter at de så reaksjonen mot Microsoft. Dette gjør bare resten av det som blir sagt enda mindre troverdig.

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jeg ser hvordan de ser ut, og jeg syns xbox 360 kontrolleren er nesten så perfekt den kan bli, og noe av det de har forandret til xbox One kontrolleren er det eneste jeg ikke likte... plus forbedret noe som var bra sånn at det ble enda bedre....


og jeg sysn PS3 kontrolleren er helt forferdelig å bruke, jeg vil heller spilt eks. Battlefield med en modifisert Wii kontroller(selv om det ikke fins) en en PS3 kontroller.

Det er jo noe bastant å dømme en kontroll opp eller ned på den måten uten at du har prøvd den. Det er vel ganske mange som har klagd på PS3 kontrolleren, noe som for mange er helt på sin plass. Meg inkludert.

Men om du faktisk undersøker litt, vil du se at folk flest syns PS4 kontrolleren har tatt noen kraftige steg fremover.


Hvilken av xbone/ps4 kontrolleren du synes er best er jo din mening, men som sagt kan du jo faktisk prøve begge først.


Jeg gleder meg til å teste begge, men kansje mest DS4, da den har gjennomført den største forandringen. 360 kontrolleren vet jeg jo allerede at jeg liker.

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Sony sa allerede dagen etter at de hadde avslørt PS4 i januar at den fungerte offline, og kunne spille bruktspill. Dette var måneder før vi visste om Xbox One, så det er ikke noe de har endret etter at de så reaksjonen mot Microsoft. Dette gjør bare resten av det som blir sagt enda mindre troverdig.


Og alt Sony sier er sant tror du? Litt små naivt må jeg si.

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Vel kanskje, men det er en forskjell. En sånn kar på Youtube kan finne på hva enn han vil for å skape blest og få flere subscribers, men hvis en offisiell person fra Sony og Microsoft går ut og sier noe så bør man kunne stole på det. Finner man senere ut at det de sa ikke stemmer, så betyr det at de har løyet i relasjon til salg av et produkt, og det kalles svindel. Og å få rykte som svindler er svært uheldig for en bedrift.


Men jeg tror det er godt mulig at selskapene sliter med å få på plass nettverkene sine, det er faktisk ganske sannsynlig.

Endret av Rider of Reason
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