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PS4 vs. Xbox One

Xbox One vs. PS4!  

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Hva vi vet om oppløsning på spill så langt da:


Xbox One:


Forza 5 = 1080p (60fps)

Ryse = 900p ( aka 1600x900 )

Battlefield = 720p

Titanfall = can't guarantee 1080p

Killer Instinct = 720p

Call of Duty = possibly 720p

Dead Rising 3 = " variable " ( between what and what though? 900 and 720? )





The Order: 1886 = 1920×800

KillZone: Shadow Fall = 1920×1080 (MP=60fps, SP=30fps)

Infamous: Second Son = 1920×1080

DriveClub = 1920×1080 (Targeting 60fps)

Resogun = 1920×1080 (60fps)

Knack = 1920×1080

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag = 1920×1080

Thief = 1920×1080

Blacklight: Retribution = 1920×1080

Warframe = 1920×1080

Call of Duty: GHOSTS = 1920×1080

Flower = 1920×1080 (60fps)

FIFA = 1920×1080

DC: Universe Online = 1920×1080 (60fps)


Dead Rising 3 er vel 30 FPS i tillegg.

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Fordi det kommer fra en kjent insider. Fordi moderator (med bakgrunnen i spillbransen) spurte om bekreftelse på PM, og reaksjonen var at man bare kunne fortsette.


Fordi på samme måte som at stillheten om Driveclub-utsettelsen så og si bekreftet utsettelsen, gjør stillheten her det samme.


Men da er det så og si bekreftet, bare ikke fra offisielt hold. Hvis da ikke denne kjente insideren bare vil spre kvalme.


Dumt hvis sant. Håper ingen kjøper spillet til XO da.

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Jeg bryr meg ikke om CoD i det hele tatt. Har aldri spilt det, og vil aldri gjøre det. Problemet er at jeg ikke helt vet hva jeg skal tenke om Xbox One, om det viser seg at konsollen takler spill dårligere enn PS4, selv på lanseringsspill. Greit nok at PS4 har en fordel med DDR5, men jeg trodde det ihvertfall ville ta 4-5 år før forskjellene ble merkbare.

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Nja, insideren nektet å si noe før noen andre kom med det


Dette forstår jeg ikke. Hvorfor skal insideren vente med å dele slik info hvis han har fått info fra folk som vet det med sikkerhet? Leser mer og mer på neogaf, og det hele virker bare som gjetting, fra insiderne også...

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Dette forstår jeg ikke. Hvorfor skal insideren vente med å dele slik info hvis han har fått info fra folk som vet det med sikkerhet? Leser mer og mer på neogaf, og det hele virker bare som gjetting, fra insiderne også...


Bare se på svaret fra Penello. Istedet for å bekrefte 1080p, så sier han at spillet ser bra ut.

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famousmortimer (fyren som teaset det som startet hele greia):



Well, fuck being coy, obviously this is the rumor I heard. It's really thin, guys. Really thin. I want two sources on anything I post here or talk about on my podcast but this I really, really wanted two sources on. And there's a few wrinkles to it as well which are interesting (if they are true). I just cannot say whether it's true or not and this is obviously a huge fucking deal. Sales are at stake. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if MS put a goddamn hit out on me.

Anyway, this is the rumor. And it's thin. It's fucking thin. To be completely honest I don't believe it. I mean... it's just weird. Anyway - supposedly Activision is doing a controlled environment review process that only huge ass games can get away with. What I heard was you got to chose a version.... either xbox one or PS4 and you didn't get to see the other one. You then go in and play it at their setup for a certain number of hours and that's it. Someone who saw the Xbox one version claims it's 720p.

Did this person count pixels? Is this known info they are telling people? Is it upscaled? I don't know the answers to any of these questions. It doesn't even make sense to me... CoD is a pretty shitty looking game, why in the hell could it not run at 1080p? I feel like if they took the time they could get the 360 version at 1080p if they wanted to... the engine is older than me. But, that's what was said.

It's impossible to get a second source because everyone is, obviously, under NDA. No one wants to get blacklisted by Activision.

And now for my opinion....

Driveclub being delayed I was pretty damn certain on. It wasn't a flimsy rumor like this. But the one thing that I'm noticing here is that the non-responses are the same. I was nervous about the driveclub thing because I was out here by myself with some random ass site I never heard of (kudos to them for being right though) and if the info ended up being wrong I was going to look like a huge asshole. Each non-answer given made me feel better about being right.

If the game is running at 1080p there's no reason to give non-answers. That's not info you want to hide. So looking at it from this angle - the rumor exists and non answers are given - I feel like that gives credence to the rumor.

But... but... but...! I've been right about a lot of shit. I should have never teased this because this rumor is fucking flimsy. More flimsy than PS4 in October which the entire internet believed. I'm not saying it's true. I expect 900p to be honest. That's a guess. I don't know. I do know there is a lot of chatter about the xbox struggling to hit 1080p.

Also, why the fuck not, Titanfall has been rumored to be targeting 720p on the xbox one as well. I'm sure that probably came up in this thread already by someone... but, yeah, that rumor seems more solid than this CoD one.

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Er vel en liten stund siden CBOAT (backet av famousmortimer) at man kom til å bli skuffet om man forventet at de fleste spillene til Xbox One ville komme i 1080p.

Men som sagt så kan også dette stemme.



"Am thinking Activision is a little bitter on Xbox's preference in other shooters. Notice how they highlighted Battlefield and Titanfall at E3 and not COD. Also anyone else notice this info dropped the same day Titanfall's release date was announced.

It should also be mentioned that this is a bit of a witch hunt. It just states some guy from GAF has seen the game and thought it was 720p. GAF also thought Banjo would be a launch title and have gotten miss information in the past. No actual source is given. Just wait for the confirmation before you start hating on Xbox fans and vice versa."

(Reddit bruker)

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Call of Duty: Ghosts runs at 1080p resolution on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Infinity Ward has said.


Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin told Eurogamer for Ghosts the priority was to have the game, built on an improved version of Infinity Ward's existing engine, run at 60fps across all platforms, then build from there.


Dette ble sagt i juni...får håpe han har rett

Endret av Booz
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EDGE #260 har en versus mellom PS4 og Xbox One:


Xbox One vs PS4
Controller - Xbox One
Hardware - PS4
Launch Games - Xbox One
Indie Support - PS4
First Party Studios - Ps4
Second Screen Experience - PS4
Social Services - Xbox One
Cloud Tech - PS4
Media and Services - Xbox One
Development Ease - PS4


Overraskende at Xbox One vinner kontrollerkategorien, med tanke på alt jeg har lest om det, men også like overraskende at PS4 vinner cloud tech-kategorien.

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