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Nasjonal Samlings Partiprogram fra 1934

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Nasjonalismen som gjennomsyrer NS programmet er det vel ingen tvil om at gjenspeiles over


Ja, du sier noe der:


NS: 11. Lockout og streik forbys.


Frp: Fagorganisasjoner avvikles, AML redigeres (til arbeidstakernes disfavør)...


NS: Strengere kontroll med utlendingers

oppholdstillatelse og innvandring.


Frp: Stopp innvandring, Tvangsdeportasjon av romfolket


NS: Fritt åndsliv med organisert selvstyre under statens tilsyn sog

kontinuerlig økonomisk støtte. (bortsett fra jødene)


Frp: Religionsfrihet (men islam vil vi ikke ha)


NS: Presse, teater, kringkasting, film og andre kulturformidlere skal

fremme nasjonens interesser. Samfunnsfiendtlig propaganda og

utbredelse av klassehat forbys.


Dette forklarer Frps hat mot "sosialistisk media" som driver hets mot partiet.


NS: Overalt må gjelde at hensynet til hele landet går foran

enkeltpersoner, partiers og landsdelers særinteresser.


Frp: Hensynet til partiet går foran partimedlemmets særmeninger. Er du ikke enig med oss, blir du ekskludert.

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Eh, et ganske dårlig eksempel. De fleste regner sjampansene til å være Menneskes nærmeste slektning nettopp på grunn av disse likhetene. Om vi overfører det til partipolitikk igjen, vil det si at Arbeiderpartiet er Nasjonal Samlings nærmeste slektning om vi skal følge videre på sjimpanse-eksempelet.


Ja, så ta deg en sjimpanse til kone eller ha den som beste venn.

4% er mye, spesielt dersom det er 4% forandring i for eksempel grunnloven eller samfunnets struktur og oppbygning.


Ville du stemt på partiet som går inn for å forandre samfunnet 4%?

Skjenkepolitikk. 0% forandring

Veibygging. 0% forandring

Samferdselspolitikk 0% forandring

Barnehagepolitikk 0% forandring

Politiet 0% forandring

Idrett 0% forandring


Denne mangelen på forandring er analog med mangelen på forandring mellom mennesker og sjimpanser: Det er mange gener med få eller praktisk talt ingen forandringer.

Det er enkeltområder som utgjør mesteparten av den forskjellen som gjør at vi ikke kunne levd med forandringene.


Din personlige frihet og ytringsfrihet... derimot.

Politiet sine oppgaver og grunnloven...




5% forandring på 20 lover:


Det er ikke lov til å stjele

Der er ikke lov til å skade

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Som påpekt i første post anser jeg at alle partier på Storinget har mye til felles med NS programmet, trolig fordi dagens norske samfunn er stort sett som NS ville ha det.


En viss terrorist gikk til angrep på vårt politiske system fordi han hadde meninger som var svært likt partiprogrammet til NS.



Tilhengere av NS-aktig politikk er slettes ikke enig med deg.

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En viss terrorist gikk til angrep på vårt politiske system fordi han hadde meninger som var svært likt partiprogrammet til NS.



Tilhengere av NS-aktig politikk er slettes ikke enig med deg.

Du må gjerne påpeke hvor i NS-programmet du finner punktet som omhandler begrensing/eliminasjon av muslimsk innvandring?


Faktisk finner man vel mer fokus på begrensinger av innvandring i nesten ALLE partiene på stortinget enn i NS-programmet.


Jeg mistenker deg for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum


Tenk å prøve den taktikken mot NS ved å stemple ABB som NS-tilhenger :rofl:

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Ja, så ta deg en sjimpanse til kone eller ha den som beste venn.

4% er mye, spesielt dersom det er 4% forandring i for eksempel grunnloven eller samfunnets struktur og oppbygning.


Hva er det du snakker om? Du brukte sjimpanse og menneske som en sammenligning for å vise hvor ulikt Arbeiderpartiet og Nasjonal Samling er. Som jeg påpekte så regnes sjimpanse og mennesker som å være hverandres nærmeste slektninger. Derav kan vi slutte, ifølge ditt eget eksempel, at Nasjonal Samling og Arbeiderpartiet er hverandres nærmeste slektninger. Dette vil da bety at det ikke er noen andre partier som ligger nærmere Nasjonal Samling enn Arbeiderpartiet. Igjen ifølge eksemplet ditt.


Ser du hvorfor dette var et svært dårlig eksempel med mindre du ønsket å støtte poenget til Skatteflyktning?

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Hva er det du snakker om? Du brukte sjimpanse og menneske som en sammenligning for å vise hvor ulikt Arbeiderpartiet og Nasjonal Samling er. Som jeg påpekte så regnes sjimpanse og mennesker som å være hverandres nærmeste slektninger. Derav kan vi slutte, ifølge ditt eget eksempel, at Nasjonal Samling og Arbeiderpartiet er hverandres nærmeste slektninger. Dette vil da bety at det ikke er noen andre partier som ligger nærmere Nasjonal Samling enn Arbeiderpartiet. Igjen ifølge eksemplet ditt.


Ser du hvorfor dette var et svært dårlig eksempel med mindre du ønsket å støtte poenget til Skatteflyktning?


Nei det gjøre jeg ikke.


De fleste andre partier er nemlig andre mennesker.

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Du må gjerne påpeke hvor i NS-programmet du finner punktet som omhandler begrensing/eliminasjon av muslimsk innvandring?


Faktisk finner man vel mer fokus på begrensinger av innvandring i nesten ALLE partiene på stortinget enn i NS-programmet.


Jeg mistenker deg for: http://en.wikipedia....tio_ad_Hitlerum


Tenk å prøve den taktikken mot NS ved å stemple ABB som NS-tilhenger :rofl:


Hvor er ignoreringsfuksjonen som lar deg fullstendig helt og holdent ignorere brukere, på toppen av den vanlige ignoreringsfunksjonen?



Kan du fortelle meg de vesentlige forskjellene på en nasjonalistisk kristen-fascist (en viss terrorist) og nasjonal samling?


-Begge ønsket en nasjonalistisk nasjon hvor antinasjonalistiske handlinger ville være straffbare og ikke-nasjonalisme forbudt med lov

-Begge var ikke-demokratiske

-Begge ønsket et norge fritt for ikke-vestlig innvandring

-Begge var anti-kommunistiske (og anti-sosialistiske).

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Hvor er ignoreringsfuksjonen som lar deg fullstendig helt og holdent ignorere brukere, på toppen av den vanlige ignoreringsfunksjonen?




Kan du fortelle meg de vesentlige forskjellene på en nasjonalistisk kristen-fascist (en viss terrorist) og nasjonal samling?
Nei, for disse og de andre partiene på Stortinget har omtrent samme synspunkter. Forskjellene er minimale.


-Begge ønsket en nasjonalistisk nasjon hvor antinasjonalistiske handlinger ville være straffbare og ikke-nasjonalisme forbudt med lov

-Begge var ikke-demokratiske

-Begge ønsket et norge fritt for ikke-vestlig innvandring

-Begge var anti-kommunistiske (og anti-sosialistiske).

Du må gjerne:

1. Fremlegge bevis på dine påstander om likheter mellom ABB og NS programmet

2. Samtidig påpeke at resten av partiene (eller ditt parti) har en fundamentalt annet syn på de samme spørsmålene


For å lette jobben din følger ABBs egen oppsumering av sine syn fra document.no:

Boken heter forresten 2083 og er på engelsk, 1100 sider).


For å oppsumere Vienna school of thought:


- Kulturkonservatisme (anti-multikulturalisme)

- Mot Islamisering

- Anti-rasistisk

- Anti-autoritært (motstand mot alle autoritære hat-ideologier)

- Pro-Israel/forsvarer av ikke-muslimske minoriteter i Muslimske land

- Forsvarer av de kulturelle aspektene ved kristendom

- Å avsløre Eurabia prosjektet og Frankfurt skolen (ny-marxisme/kulturmarxisme/multikulturalisme)

- Står ikke for en økonomisk politikk og kan dermed samle alt fra sosialister til kapitalister

http://www.document.no/anders-behring-breivik/ Endret av Skatteflyktning
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Du argumenterer mot absolutter med relativer, og kanskje det er forskjellen på da og nå? :)

Du argumenterer mot observasjoner, med innholdsløse abstraksjoner.

Kanskje det er forskjellen på rasjonell analyse og dogmatisk forsvar? :)

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Nei, for disse og de andre partiene på Stortinget har omtrent samme synspunkter. Forskjellene er minimale.



Du må gjerne:

1. Fremlegge bevis på dine påstander om likheter mellom ABB og NS programmet

2. Samtidig påpeke at resten av partiene (eller ditt parti) har en fundamentalt annet syn på de samme spørsmålene


For å lette jobben din følger ABBs egen oppsumering av sine syn fra document.no:



Anti-autoritær blir helt feil, da han ønsker å erstatte demokratiet med et fascistisk styre og utslette sosialistene.


Noe du ville fått med deg om du leste manifestet.


Han ønsker å erstatte dagens autoriteter/demokrati med en nasjonalistisk organisasjon med "prøvde" nasjonalister / ikkedemokrati -- hvor bare nasjonalister / kulturkonservative kan få lov til å styre landet etter at de har bevist sin ideologi.

Endret av Red Frostraven
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Anti-autoritær blir helt feil, da han ønsker å erstatte demokratiet med et fascistisk styre og utslette sosialistene.

Du forveksler autoritær-liberal motsettningen som å ha noe med demokratiet å gjøre. Norge har ett autoritært demokrati, faktisk er det intet i demokratiet som forhindrer det i å utvikle seg i en autoritær rettning, heller tvert imot.Han ser ikke ut til å ha stort imot sosialister, tvert imot han ønsker dem velkomne:
- Står ikke for en økonomisk politikk og kan dermed samle alt fra sosialister til kapitalister


Noe du ville fått med deg om du leste manifestet.
Har DU lest HELE manifestet grundig?




Han ønsker å erstatte dagens autoriteter/demokrati med en nasjonalistisk organisasjon med "prøvde" nasjonalister / ikkedemokrati -- hvor bare nasjonalister / kulturkonservative kan få lov til å styre landet etter at de har bevist sin ideologi.


Ser ikke helt slik ut vel:

- Anti-rasistisk- Anti-autoritært (motstand mot alle autoritære hat-ideologier)


PS. Observerer at du unnlater å svare på de direkte spørsmål om å bygge opp om dine påstander (som vanlig).

Endret av Skatteflyktning
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På tide å sitere terroristen igjen, da -- selv om jeg er rimelig sikker på at jeg har sitert ham tidligere -- for akkurat deg.


Og han er en rasist.

Jeg kan ikke fatte at mennesker ikke forstår det, når han veksler mellom å kalle arabere skitne hunder og ikke skiller mellom integrerte muslimer, arabiske sekulære og arabiske ekstremister.

Om han ble født i 1910 ville han definitivt vært medlem av NS framfor noe annet parti.


Terroristen sitt regime;

Han bruker faktisk Russland som et eksempel på hvordan han ønsker å drive Europa:


Description of the terms of capitulation

You are to immediately order the national police and military forces in the respective

countries to stop persecuting any and all armed National Resistance

Movements/Indigenous Rights Movements and allow us to create a tribunal consisting of

20 cultural conservative/nationalist intellectuals/political leaders per country. These

individuals must oppose Islamisation, multiculturalism and have a long and credible track

record in patriotic oriented political activism. All selected individuals must be staunch

supporters of nationalistic ideological principles. You are to immediately allow this tribunal to mobilise a patriotic military force (known as

patriotic transitional guards) by allowing the tribunal, the representatives of the National

Resistance Movements unrestricted access to the state broadcasting channel.

As soon as a military force/armed militia consisting of 1000 per 1 million citizens has

been established, the tribunal will declare a temporary suspension of the constitution.

This will be followed by a declaration of martial law which will last until a new

government has been established and order has been restored. The force of “patriotic

transitional guards”, lead by the tribunal, is then to gain full control of the national

military and police forces. Efforts will then be made to immediately secure control of the

border and all significant state institutions. The tribunal will exercise the right to veto all

new bills and dictate all issues temporarily relating to international agreements, security

related issues, border control and all cultural issues until the genocidal policies currently

in effect have been removed and appropriate measures have been implemented.


We can say the following to those who are screaming; “fascist coup!”:


The current multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe are not at all democratic, this

country is not democratic. They haven’t been democratic since the 1950s. There is no

basis for democracy when all state institutions including schools/universities deliberately

use advanced brainwashing techniques (as has been described thoroughly) to condition

the people from resisting their own persecution and annihilation through the

manifestations of cultural Marxism/multiculturalist doctrines. Furthermore, there is no

basis for democracy when 99% of all journalists support and propagate multiculturalism

and thus collaborate with the political elites in their quest to indoctrinate the people.


There is no basis for democracy when all patriots and nationalists are ignored, ridiculed

or persecuted. Factors such as these and many more have resulted in the Marxist tyranny

we live under today. The political and cultural elites are deliberately selling their own

people into Islamic slavery by allowing Islamic demographical warfare and by their

reluctance to ensure a national indigenous fertility rate of 2,1.


Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States and the author of the US

Declaration of Independence, stated;

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and


He also wrote:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right

of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its

foundation on such principles and organising its powers in such form, as to them shall seem

most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. [...] It is their right, it is their duty, to

throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Refreshing the tree is now long overdue as our countries are in a rapid state of

disintegration. It is VITAL and essential for the survival of European civilisation and each

respective Western European country that we refresh the tree of liberty. The intention of

the National Resistance Movement is to do exactly that; to refresh the tree of liberty, and

obviously not to cut it down. Refreshing the tree of liberty involves a coup supported by a

significant portion of European patriots. It is impossible to guarantee a democratically

sanctioned coup as we have to keep in mind that Europeans have been brainwashed now

for two generations. Many will oppose us for our stance and call us fascist. Nevertheless,it is essential to acknowledge and understand that we are not. We are not fascists as we

do not want a one party state. Only a coup (refreshing the tree of liberty) can ensure the

long term survival of the democratic model. All coups involve the temporary suspension

of the constitution. Thomas Jefferson himself knew that. However, the goal of the coup is,

as stated, not to chop down the tree of liberty but to refresh it.


The cultural conservative tribunal, in light of their newly gained powers will implement

the following reforms:

1. Security measures

a. Place patriotic minded individuals in charge of all branches and sub groups of the

military, customs, the police force and the intelligence agency where this is necessary.

b. Further develop and maintain a force of “patriotic transitional guards” consisting of

3000 per million citizens minimum. This loyalist military force will be administrated as an

independent military branch and will be added in addition to existing security forces.

They will oversee and contribute to the future deportation of all Muslims.

c. Deportation policies: All Muslims are to be immediately deported to their country of

origin. Each family (family head) will receive 25 000 Euro providing they accept the

deportation terms. Anyone who violently resists deportation will be executed.

2. Compensation for past war crimes and persecution

a. Financial compensation will be distributed to all nationalists/patriots and a public

acknowledgement will be made of the several decade long unlawful political persecutions

of nationalist oriented political activists since 1950 until today. Financial compensation

and public acknowledgement must be granted to patriotic/nationalist minded contributors

from all 8 political fronts who have been indirectly and directly persecuted in Western

Europe since 1950.

b. A full pardon and financial compensation will be distributed to all patriotic minded

individuals who have been or still are incarcerated in Western European jails.

A full pardon and financial compensation must also be granted to all the 100 000 or so

incarcerated individuals in Western European jails who has been partly or fully

condemned more harshly for their ideological beliefs, or who has been indirectly

incriminated due to primary or secondary effects of multiculturalist political doctrines.

c. Reparations of 500 billion Euros will be paid to the Serbian people for war crimes

committed by NATO, under US and European cultural Marxist orders, during the Balkan

wars. The US and all European NATO countries are to pay reparations to the Serbian

people (250 billion Euros for each block). Alternatively, European NATO countries may

pay a smaller sum (50 billion Euros in reparations) providing that they commit financially

and militarily to carry the majority of the cost relating to a future liberation of Kosovo

and the rest of the Balkans from Muslim rule. See another section for specific details

regarding how this operation is to be carried out.

3. Immunity from prosecution and punishment for traitors

All cultural Marxist/multiculturalist category A and B traitors will be granted immunity

from prosecution and punishment provided they capitulate before Jan. 1st, 2020 and givetheir full and unwavering support to the transitional patriotic tribunal. A minimum

requirement will be that they at least refrain from criticising the patriotic reforms.

Any cultural Marxist breakaway/dissenting faction who refuses to acknowledge our

legitimacy before or during the transitional phase or any faction who directly or indirectly

support violent opposition will be severely punished. All category A and B traitors who

continue to oppose us will be executed.

4. An immediate removal of all multiculturalist political policies

All multiculturalist political doctrines (laws included) designed to deconstruct European

culture, traditions, identities and nation states will be removed. Political reforms will be

initiated aimed at public institutions, schools, universities with the goal of removing all

multiculturalist policies and completely rewrite falsified multiculturalist school


Multiculturalism and the primary destructive components of Marxism will be banned by

law as an anti-European hate ideology.

Islam will be banned as a genocidal, anti-kafr hate ideology (this can obviously only be

done after the national security situation is fully under control.

5. Implementation of nationalistic doctrines on all levels of society

This will include the following:

a. A re-emphasis on political support for the continuation of the cultural heritage and

traditions of the indigenous populations. See other chapter for full description.

b. Choosing and implementing a new birth policy – the conservative model or the

feminist model. Depending on which model is chosen; implement all relating policies and

change the required laws in relation to the societal social structures. Without a

fundamental change in our social structures we will be unable to meet the minimum

requirement for a sustainable fertility rate: 2,1. See other chapter for full description.

c. Implement the political policies and laws which lay the foundation for the desired social

structures. Our societies will go from being matriarchies to once again becoming

patriarchies. See other chapter for full description.

d. Implementation of the new foreign policy (aid policies, diplomatic relations, general

foreign affairs). The Balkans will be liberated from Islamic occupation. However, no

measures will be taken against Turkey until the US implodes or bursts out into civil war

due to multiculturalism. See other chapter for full description.

e. Appoint nationalist oriented individuals as heads in all public offices. Ensure that our

media companies, publishing firms, schools and universities are no longer exploited as an

arena where Marxist oriented individuals are allowed to influence and indoctrinate

individuals. A special emphasis must be directed at the faculties of sociology, journalism

and political science. See other chapter for full description.

f. Create liberal zones as a method to avoid conflict between cultural conservatives and

individuals who seeks unrestricted freedoms. Liberal zones may be granted semiautonomy. See other chapter for more details.6. Media reforms and future restrictions

a. Campaigns will be initiated consisting of affirmative action of nationalistic minded

individuals (anti-multiculturalists) to all broadcasting/news/media companies with a given

distribution network. A minimum of 50% of all journalists should be nationalist oriented

individuals (anti-multiculturalist). The news/media coverage of national and international

political issues especially concerning security, defence, culture, social structures and

immigration/deportation should reflect the new political climate. Efforts must also be

made to counter any foreign psychological warfare campaigns and to prevent any foreign

state from severely undermining the political transitional tribunal during this period.

b. Multiculturalist media programs which are directly or indirectly undermining national

cohesion or the political doctrines related to newly adopted birth policies will be

prevented or may be restricted to liberal zones of that country. There will be certain

censoring of anti-national/Marxist programs until liberal zones has been created.

Destructive lifestyles must not be glorified as it undermines the new policy which includes

the revitalisation of cultural confidence and a strengthening of national cohesion. Sex and

the city lifestyles must not be glorified as it undermines the nations goal to increase the

average birth rate from 1,5 to 2,1-2,3. However, this depends on which birth policy will

be selected (the feminist birth policy will allow the continuation of displaying and

glorification of certain negative lifestyles.

7. New civilisational goal: 20% of the annual national budget must be reserved for the

furtherance of the nation. This will ensure a future of prosperity and a high living

standard. These funds will be reserved for research and development in relation to

science and technology. Under no circumstances should these resources be transferred to

cover other deficits.


8. After the transitional period has ended

We will reform our democratical model from a “mass-democracy model” to a model more

resembling the Russian system of administered democracy. The patriotic tribunal will

remain as a guardian council after the transitional period has ended. Their primary tasks

and roles will consist of the following:

- The national military command, the patriotic guard and the police forces will all be

under the direct and full control of the of the guardian council and not the

government. However, the government will have the right to decide just about any

other matter with only a few exceptions.

- The guardian council will prevent hardcore Marxists/cultural Marxists from once

again infiltrating the various sectors of society.

- The guardian council will ensure that the suicidal humanists and capitalist

globalists do not misuse their influence in a way that significantly undermines the

country or the people.

- The guardian council will ensure that the nation maintains a fertility rate of at

least 2,1. If the government fails to reach this target, the guardian council may

implement any and all measures necessary in order to reach sustainability.

- The guardian council will ensure that monocultural and cultural conservative

doctrines are enacted.

- The guardian council may veto any resolution but should under optimal

circumstances never have to exercise this right.


Terroristen om menneskerettigheter:


3.8 Differentiating between and dealing with category A, B and C traitors:

hardcore Marxists, cultural Marxists, suicidal humanists/career cynicists and

capitalist globalists

One of the foundational problems in Europe today is that the multiculturalists and the

suicidal humanists lie to everyone to preserve comfortable illusions. Political correctness

is a mandatory lie in European societies.

The multiculturalists have traditionally cheered the most violent totalitarian movements

in other parts of the world as “freedom fighters” (Islamic and communist organisations)

while native Europeans in Denmark, Germany, the UK or France who peacefully fight

against becoming a persecuted minority in their own country always are labeled as

racists, fascists, Nazis and generally the worst scum of the earth. Why are so called

Palestinians who fight for their own country “nice” while Europeans doing the same

labeled as “evil”? The answer is simple: Because native Norwegians, Brits, French,

Germans are white Christians and therefore evil by default according to multiculturalist


It is expected that native Europeans shall humbly watch and applaud their own

annihilation and extinction. The fact that we are persecuted and harassed in our own

countries does not violate our human rights because we are white Christians and

therefore evil by default.

It is a pretty terrifying prospect that the prevailing ideology that dominates Western

Europe long term will result in the extermination of people like me and you.

Nevertheless, it is the only plausible theoretical explanation of the current development.

As such, multiculturalism is an inversed form of Nazism where white European Christians

ends up at the bottom of the food chain instead of on top. Exactly how the Jews

according to National Socialist doctrines automatically were blamed for everything that

went wrong in society. Multiculturalisms doctrine teaches that “white racism” is the cause

of all problems in our societies. The indigenous peoples of Europe are increasingly

exposed to more violence, ridicule and persecution in cities all over Western Europe. This

does not result in any sympathy whatsoever. The multiculturalists become increasingly

hateful in their rhetorical attacks against us the more we are humiliated by Muslims,

groups they mass import to our countries. This tells us everything we need to know

about their real intentions.

As we all know a large portion of the multiculturalists lie about their motives when

justifying mass Muslim immigration. The most common lie is the “humanist justification”.

If they were honest they would say the following:

We believe the typical European Christian man and woman, Christendom and European

nationalism is the cancer of the world so we have decided to exterminate it. We will do this

through multiculturalism. The next decades we will deconstruct European identity,

European traditions, European culture, European Christendom and European nation states.

This is a long term project that will involve new waves of the colonisation of Europe by the

Islamic world etc.

Obviously, everyone with half a brain understands that this type of honesty would only

result in violent uprisings. We, Europeans, would simply never accept it. This is why

deceit is necessary and this is why all multiculturalists are using humanist principles as a

deceptive mask to justify the overwhelming reforms we are witnessing today. Humanism

is systematically exploited as a smoke screen by the multiculturalists and Muslim

lobbyists that has resulted in liberal family reunification and political asylumarrangements. These are political mechanics which facilitates Islamic demographical


Differentiating between Marxists, humanists, career cynicists and capitalist


How shall we differentiate between hardcore Marxists, cultural Marxists, suicidal

humanists/career cynicists and the capitalist globalists? The common factor here is that

they all believe they are doing the right thing, so they all have good intentions, at least

according to themselves. But this can also be said about Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. They

were all idealists in their own twisted way. Regardless of their twisted intentions they are

all mass murderers and must be treated as such.

The only thing that separates Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot with today’s cultural Marxists, suicidal

humanists, career cynicists and capitalist globalists (multiculturalists) is that the tyrants

of today are all directly responsible for the extermination of THEIR OWN people and

intend to sell the rest into Islamic slavery. Never in the history of man has an ideology

revolved around the concept of exterminating its own people. As such, multiculturalism is

truly unique in human history.

The intentions of our enemies in relation to future executions and a possible new

Nurnberg process (prosecution of category A, B and C traitors).

Mapping the enemy (definitions):

Traditional Marxists, cultural Marxists, suicidal humanists, career cynicists and capitalist

globalists – all support and propagate multiculturalism

Proving each individuals real intention is a complicated process as most of today’s

cultural Marxists disguise their true agenda by using humanistic principles and rhetoric

(at least publicly) as a basis for justifying their actions. However, we know that a good

portion of them (more than 30% of our opposition) use this smoke screen of humanist

deception to hide their hatred for everything European.

What complicates this process further is the fact that the ongoing European civil war is

not a class war but a cultural war. Motives are overlapping and old definitions are

outdated. The old fundamental definitions were nationalists vs. communists, or socialists

vs. capitalists. Many of today’s multiculturalists are capitalists and some of today’s

cultural conservatives support a very solidaric economical system. More or less every

humanist/social democrat etc. is a multiculturalist as they support liberal political

mechanics such as family reunification and asylum arrangements which again facilitates

Islamic demographical warfare. Some of these individuals are true humanists and just

extremely naive, yet others are just hiding behind humanist rhetoric and really want to

destroy European culture, traditions, identity, Christendom and national sovereignty.

An estimate showing the opponents of cultural conservative doctrines (antinationalists):

- Hardcore Marxists: 10% (hateful intentions)

- Cultural Marxists: 20% (semi hateful intentions)

- Suicidal Humanists/career cynicists: 65% (suicidally naive/egotistical)

- Capitalist globalists: 5% (greed)100% of the above support and propagate multiculturalism.

Quotes such as the ones made by Andrew Neather adds to the documentation which

proves that a relatively large multiculturalist network on all levels of European politics:

political activists, journalists, politicians, NGO leaders - locally, nationally and on EU level

have a deliberate plan to destroy European cohesion, identity, our culture by

implementing multiculturalist doctrines and allowing mass Muslim immigration. This is

most efficiently done by allowing millions of Muslims to colonise Europe. And they have

done it for years, concealing it using humanist justification.

Andrew Neather, worked for Mr Straw and as a speech writer for Mr Blair. He confirmed

that a Government report in 2000 called for mass immigration to change Britain's cultural

make-up forever [1][2][3]

Jack Straw and Tony Blair 'dishonestly' concealed a plan to allow in more immigrants and

make Britain more multi-cultural because they feared a public backlash if it was made


The driving force and intention was also to humiliate Right-wing opponents of

immigration and “destroy the conservatives once and for all”.


The common factor between all variations of multiculturalists is that they all believe they

are doing the right thing, so they all have good intentions, at least according to

themselves. But this can also be said about Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. They were all

idealists in their own twisted way. Regardless of their twisted intentions they are all mass

murderers and must be treated as such.

No mercy will be shown for category A, B and C traitors. The punishment for high treason

is the same whether you are a hardcore Marxist, cultural Marxist, suicidal humanist,

career cynicist or a capitalist globalist.


Hva tror du han mener skal skje med alle disse "category A, B and C" forræderene?


Compensation program to all voluntary political members/activists of the

European resistance movements – phase of dialogue and phase 1 (1950-2030)

Does not apply if individuals are/have been already compensated financially by a second

or third party.

Redistribution policies in phase 2 or 3

Category A, B and C traitors (politically active cultural Marxists, multiculturalists,

capitalist globalists and suicidal humanists) will have their property and funds

expropriated by the new cultural conservative regime. The property and funds will be

redistributed to individuals based on previous efforts, sacrifices and results:

Priority list

- Voluntary armed resistance fighters and martyrs (8th front) active in phase 1 (the family of

martyrs). Many of these individuals have voluntarily gone through much hardship included

state and MSM persecution, ridicule, torture, imprisonment, psychological trauma etc. Many

have been killed and many more driven to suicide the last 40 years. In cases where

individuals are dead compensation must be forwarded to the closest family given that they

have supported the cause ideologically.

- Voluntary members of front 1-7: Voluntary journalists, essay/article writers, teachers,

coaches, lecturers, professors, politicians, community voices such as NGO

leaders/members, artists, intellectuals and other community debaters. Also bloggers and

various online activists, church leaders and street activists. Voluntary investors who funded

various related projects will have their investment refunded with interest.

Already compensated individuals will be compensated appropriately based on results and

general efforts made.

All members of the 8 different fronts in Europe should and must work actively to free

political cultural conservative prisoners (from all fronts, front 8 included) in all phases of

the civil war (1, 2 and 3). This includes Serbian war heroes in international prisons

(condemned in the International Criminal Court in the Hague).

Also, keep in mind that there will be thousands of housing units available after the

deportation of the Muslims begins in phase 3.

The long term goal of the redistributive policies should include creating incentives for

procreation (degree depending on how many Europeans succumbed during the civil war).

Since I am one of the first to present this compensation programme it can be argued that

I am incompetent on the mature. As such, I hereby refuse to accept any future

compensation (on behalf of myself or my family) in order to strengthen the argument.

Protecting the justification of a future compensation programme for voluntary service is

logical and necessary and will result in more recruits from otherwise opportunistic and

unwilling right wing candidates. Creating incentives is always a good idea.



1. Limit the distribution of birth-control pills (contraceptive pills): Discourage the

use of and prevent liberal distribution of contraceptive pills or equivalent prevention

methods. The goal should be to make it considerably more difficult to obtain. This alone

should increase the fertility rate by 0,1 points but would degrade women’s rights.

2. Reform sex education: Reform the current sex education in our school institutions.

This may involve limiting it or at least delaying sex education to a later age and

discourage casual sex. Sex should only be encouraged within the boundaries of marriage.

This alone should increase the fertility rate by 0,1 points.

3. Making abortion illegal: A re-introduction of the ban on abortion should result in an

increased fertility rate of approximately 0,1-0,2 points but would strip women of basic


4. Women and education: Discourage women in general to strive for full time careers.

This will involve certain sexist and discriminating policies but should increase the fertility

rate by up to 0,1-0,2 points.

Women should not be encouraged by society/media to take anything above a bachelor’s

degree but should not be prevented from taking a master or PhD. Males on the other

hand should obviously continue to be encouraged to take higher education – bachelor,

master and PhD.

A family/wife caring for 3 children will not normally have the capacity to pursue the same

career opportunities as their husbands, nor should they be expected to. Instead, women

should be encouraged to have part time jobs (or 2/3) although of course not prevented

from following the same career paths as males if they chose to.

4. Conservative media policies: Discourage women in general to strive for “sex and

the city/Madonna” lifestyles. The mass media are currently actively

glorifying/encouraging “sex and the city/Madonna” lifestyles which involves the

glorification of casual sex, multiple sex partners and generally an extremely liberal

individualistic lifestyle hostile to the traditional nuclear family values. As such, the nonrestrictions of the mass media is the main cause for our unsustainable fertility rate of


The indirect media/government glorification campaigns through individual artists, various

series, movies and media coverage in general should reflect this new shift (no more

glorification of “sex and the city lifestyles” or equivalent portrayals. No longer should

women be pressured to have equal success regarding their career as males.

Womens “new role” should be actively illustrated and glorified through series, movies and

commercials. This will involve significant restrictions in media freedoms and rights. These

restrictions and reforms will result in an increased fertility rate of approximately 0,2-0,3


The end result for implementing the above reforms would be an increase in the fertility

rate up from 1,5 to approximately 2,1-2,4 which would be sustainable.

However, this will also involve significant restrictions in women’s rights and media rights.


Suggestion 2: Feminist/liberalist model - Creating surrogacy facilities in low

cost countries and state funded boarding homes domestically

The following suggestion can only be applied in a highly pragmatical and rational society

that isn’t bound by the paralyzing grasp of today’s cultural Marxist non-ethics.

An alternative which would prevent the need to restrict women’s rights and media rights

would be to allow the state to play an essential role in national reproduction. This would

mean allowing European Federation women to continue their current path toward

liberating themselves from the pressure of carrying offspring.

This would involve the creation of a network of surrogacy facilities in low cost countries

and basically “outsource breeding”. A gestational surrogate carrier refers to a woman

who carries a pregnancy created by the egg and sperm of two other individuals by using


IVF or in vitro fertilisation is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside

the womb, in vitrio. IVF is traditionally a major treatment in infertility when other

methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves

hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman's

ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a fluid medium. The fertilised egg (zygote) is

then transferred to the patient's uterus with the intent to establish a successful

pregnancy. The first "test tube baby", Louise Brown, was born in 1978. IVF can also be

used when parents want to have multiple births. The first pregnancy achieved with the

use of donor eggs was reported in 1984. By using in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques,

eggs are obtained from the ovaries of the donor, fertilised by sperm from the other donor,

and the resulting embryo's are placed into the surrogate's uterus. If pregnancy is

achieved, the resulting child will be genetically related to the two donors but not to the


Who will care for these children? Career obsessed women who does not prioritise

reproduction is not likely to have the will to care for these surrogacy babies either so

there would not be enough foster parents.

The state role as “foster parents”

The only alternative would be that the state, or state funded institutions take on the role

for fostering these children. This is how the arrangements could work:

A large facility or a so called “boarding home” is created which is divided into 5 separate


- Kindergarden boarding home (age 0-6)

- Primary school boarding home (age 6-12)

- Secondary school boarding home (age 12-16)

- High school boarding home (age 16-19)

- College/university boarding home (age 19-25)

Describing the complete process - example:

6 babies, 3 boys – 3 girls, are delivered to the boarding home during the first 6 months

of the year, 6 more babies, 3 boys – 3 girls, are delivered during the next 6 months. The first 6 are assigned a specific surname, f example Andersson and two full time

“parents/guardians”, one male and one female. From now on, these 6 babies are

considered brothers and sisters. Together with their two “parents/guardians” they are

considered a unique family, and will not be separated for the rest of their lives. These two

full time employees (one male, one female) who will act as their parents/guardians will

follow them throughout their lives.

This setup will facilitate and encourage close bonding as they will do as many activities as

possible together to ensure a stable and warm relationship allowing the development of

trust, friendship and “family ties”.

Year 0-6 – kindergarden: 08.00-16.00

Kindergarden facility: The Kindergarden facility will be separated from the kindergarden

boarding home facility and will have a pre-defined number of employees depending on

number of children.

Kindergarden boarding home: There will be 1 full time caretaker for every 10 or 20

children who will stay/work at the boarding home in case of sickness etc. If a child is sick

she or he will care for the child at the boarding home facility.


The “mother” and “dad” may be available at the same time or may arrange their

schedule so the times are somewhat overlapping. This model will be used for the 4 other


- Primary school boarding home (age 6-12)

- Secondary school boarding home (age 12-16)

- High school boarding home (age 16-19)

- College/university boarding home (age 19-25)

In addition to the assigned and financially compensated “mum/dad” there may be

additional fostering services added such as the opportunity for childless career oriented

individuals to adopt a family (6 children) and spend time with them on a weekly basis

and/or during holidays.

How many of these boarding facilities will be required to sustain the birth deficit of a


That will depend on which policies the regime chooses to implement relating to

reproduction. If we are not interested in the “50s model” and instead continue with

“business as usual” with a fertility rates of 1,5 we will require many surrogate and

boarding home facilities.

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Terroristen fra utøya ønsket i følge sitt eget manifest å fjerne demokratiet og sette inn et russisk / kinesisk system, men hvor nasjonalistene overstyrer demokratiet og bestemmer hvilke partier som får lov til å stille til valg og bestemmer grunnloven og hva media får lov til å vise.


Alle "kulturmarxister" og "globalistiske kapitalister" skal drepes og deres eiendom skal fordeles blant nasjonalistene.


I følge skatteflyktning er denne terroristen "liberal".


Ikke rart liberalistene ikke får støtte.

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