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Rayman Legends er utsett (PS3, WiiU, X360)

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Konsollekslusiviteten (fjuuh) er gått ut før spillet i det hele tatt er gitt ut?Jeg regner med Nintendo har betalt for dette, så...hadde det ikke bare vært kulere å kjøpe fyrverkeri for pengene eller noe sånt?


De har neppe betalt, men Ubisoft ser nå at Wii U selger dårlig. Kan ikke klandre Ubi her.

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Kommentar fra en av de på utviklerteamet, trist lesing:


"I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.


If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescom, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.


For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.


Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty."

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Kommentar fra en av de på utviklerteamet, trist lesing:


"I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.


If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescom, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.


For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.


Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty."


Like fullt er det i sum bedre å slippe ekslusivitet, men hvorfor ingen PC-versjon?



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Kommentar fra en av de på utviklerteamet, trist lesing:"I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescom, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty."
Like fullt er det i sum bedre å slippe ekslusivitet, men hvorfor ingen PC-versjon?AtW


Eksklusivitet eller ei var ikke poenget med innlegget og er for meg klinkende likegyldig. Problemet mitt er at her har folk jobbet på spreng i 6 måneder for å klargjøre et spill til utgivelse i februar bare for å få høre at spillet blir utsatt i 8 måneder til. Wii U versjonen er ferdigutviklet, ser ikke problemet med å gi det ut nå.

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At de presser utviklingsteamet hardt er jo ett problem, men den skaden har allerede skjedd, den blir ikke noe verre av å gjøre noe som er bedre, dvs gi det ut som multiplattform. Avgjørelsen er positiv, og de hadde slitt like mye de siste 6 månedene uansett om spillet ikke ble multiplattform.



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At de presser utviklingsteamet hardt er jo ett problem, men den skaden har allerede skjedd, den blir ikke noe verre av å gjøre noe som er bedre, dvs gi det ut som multiplattform. Avgjørelsen er positiv, og de hadde slitt like mye de siste 6 månedene uansett om spillet ikke ble multiplattform.AtW


Nei. De hadde ikke slitt like mye om de visste at de egentlig hadde et halvt år lengre arbeidstid med spillet.


Problemet er at de velger å utsette en fiks ferdig Wii U-versjon av spillet nå i februar når det egentlig skulle lanseres, bare for å få en samlet lansering på alle tre plattformer i september. De må gjerne porte spillet til alt som kryper og går av maskiner som kan takle det, men ikke utsett en ferdig versjon nå, tre uker før opprinnelig lansering.


I februar er det INGENTING av interesse på Wii U. Her hadde Ubisoft en fantastisk mulighet til å tjene penger på folk som har en maskin, og som er villige til å betale full pris for Rayman, men de har valgt å grave den stakkars figurens grav ved å utsette lanseringa til september. Den samme måneden som GTA V.


Tror jeg har fått sagt mitt.

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Det er greit nok at de ikke hadde greid å presse teamet, men det er allerede jort, man kan ikke endre fortiden, avgjørelsen kan bare påvirke framtidne, og det beste for framtiden var å gjøre det multipalttform.AtW

Det er INGEN som har sagt noe som helst negativt om at spillet går multiplattform. Det folk er irritert over er at de nekter å slippe Wii U-utgaven nå. Den er ferdig. Den ligger på en eller annen harddisk hos Ubisoft Montpellier, men mennene i smoking vil ikke gi det ut til folket.

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