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Financial Fair Play


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Det sier seg selv da. Ellers så blir det jo bare en ond sirkel de aldri kommer ut av.

Selv om £50m tydeligvis bare er lommerusk for disse eierene, så er det tross alt penger rett ut vinduet.

For selv om de bare kunne betalt og fortsatt å ture på, så er tydeligvis eierene lite interessert i å kaste penger ut vinduet på denne måten, for de har allerede nektet å godta straffen i følge The Times artikkelen.

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Jeg skjønner ikke logikken bak å gi pengebot til lag som kunstig spytter inn penger i klubben.


Fint for UEFA da som ikke bare får store deler av folket med seg på at de "redder fotballen", men også at de beholder de store klubbene som de straffer i sine egne turneringer OG de får inn enorme summer i straffer som går ti sine egne greier. Genialt.

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Lurer på hvor mange % av disse pengene som går rett i lomma på toppledelsen. Det er sikkert ikke en ubetydelig andel.


Uansett flåsete å gi bot. For disse sjeikene er jo 50m lommerusk.


Hadde vært mer interessant å si at de ikke får lov til å stille med spillere som tjener mer enn 100k i uka eller lignende.

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Helt latterlig med en pengebot som det der. Pengene må jo også gå fra klubbkassen? Altså får klubben da allerede £50m i minus mot neste års budsjett og vil da få enda større problemer med å klare å imøtekomme vilkårene til FFP.


Blir som å kaste vann på en mann som holder på å drukne i mine øyne..

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Det er jo ikke rart at de får handle i dette vinduet når Barcelona velger å anke. Skulle FIFA nektet Barcelona å handle under ankeprosessen så hadde det blitt fullstendig balluba hvis anken hadde gått gjennom senere. Barcelona kunne saksøkt FIFA for flere hundre millioner euro.

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City snakker ut om FFP:


The Club can confirm that it has been in discussions with UEFA over the last month - in relation to the application of Financial Fair Play regulations - as has been widely reported and communicated by UEFA. At the heart of those discussions is a fundamental disagreement between the Clubs and UEFAs respective interpretations of the FFP regulations on players purchased before 2010. The Club believes it has complied with the FFP regulations on this and all other matters.


In normal circumstances, the Club would wish to pursue its case and present its position through every avenue of recourse. However, our decision to do so must be balanced against the practical realities for our fans, for our partners and in the interests of the commercial operations of the Club.


As a result of these considerations and the fact that the Club is now break even in in its operations, the Club has decided to enter into a compromise agreement with UEFA with the following practical outcomes:


- MCFC will lose 10m Euros of its share of income from UEFA for competing in the Champions League completion in season 2013-14.

- MCFC will lose 10m Euros of its share of income from UEFA for competing in the Champions League for season 2014-15

- Rather than having an accumulative allowance of 30m Euros of losses over the next two reporting years (like all other clubs), MCFC will have specific stipulated allowances for 2013-14 and 2014-15 of 20m Euros and 10m Euros respectively. Significantly, MCFC plans to be profitable in 2014-15 and in the years that follow.

- The MCFC Champions League squad for the 2014-15 competition will be limited to 21 players. In 2013-14 the club registered 23 players for the competition and used 21.

- The Clubs expenditure on new players for the upcoming summer transfer window, on top of income from players it might sell, will be limited to 60m euros. This will have no material impact on the Clubs planned transfer activity.

- The wage bill of the whole club (playing and non-playing staff) for 2014-15 will need to remain at the same level as that of 2013-14 season. It is important to note that additional bonuses for performances can be paid outside this number. Importantly, in reality, the existing MCFC business plan sees a natural decline in that wage bill.

- Given the unique nature of the new City Football Group structure which incorporates MCFC, New York City, Melbourne Heart and a number of other companies, the Club has agreed to certain non-material terms in order to make FFP reporting as easy as possible for UEFA to discern.

The nature of conditions that will result in the lifting of sanctions means that the Club expects to be operating without sanction or restriction at the commencement of the 2015-16 season.


Importantly all non-financial sanctions agreed to would have been complied with as a natural course of the Clubs planned business operations.



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