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[GUIDE] Huawei Ascend P1/P1s (U9200) AIO


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Det er litt vanskelig å finne info om denne telefonen, derfor lagde jeg en guide på xda-developers som forklarer alt mann trenger å vite når det kommer til modifisering. Root, custom recovery, custom rom/firmware etc.

Guiden ble skrevet på engelsk, og blir vedlikeholdt på engelsk. Oversetter den ikke da det er unødvendig mye arbeid. Dette er copy-paste av guiden min på XDA-developers

Since there is no forum made for Huawei Ascend P1/P1S (U9200) I wanted to gather all needed information in ONE topic.
This guide is made by me, but inspired by many people.

I am not responsible for ANY bricked device!

Huawei Ascend P1 U9200 guide by o-l-a-v.
Thanks to:
"fonehacker" for great AIO flashing tool. Can be found here: http://forum.xda-dev....php?p=28719715
"arkedk" for keeping us updated with latest firmware. His thread here: http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=2075028
"lee140685" for learning me most of this sh!t in the first place smile.png His post is here: http://forum.xda-dev...0&postcount=310

First of all:
1. Install drivers for adb and fastboot: http://www.teamandro...th-android-sdk/
2. Backup stuff you want to keep. These things can potencially delete stuff from your phone internal memory. Especially flashing new firmware. Use "MyPhoneExplorer", "Super Backup : SMS & Contacts", "Titanium Backup" or others. (Use Google)
3. Most of the stuff I've uploaded is heavily compressed by 7zip. You need 7zip to unzip stuff correctly.
4. Tips
→ Reboot phone to recovery: Turn on while holding volume up + volume down.
→ Reboot phone to fastboot: Turn on while holding volume down. Huawei logo will appear and won't disappear.
→ Shut down phone if freeze: Hold power button until dead.
→ For ADB to work, debug mode must be enabled, and "Hi suite" as USB connection mode when connecting.
→ Tool that can make everything easier: "Universal Android AIO Flasher Tool$".
→ Some Huawei firmwares is made without FM radio app. If you want it, get this apk: https://skydrive.liv...AJ1oTimFuidUAFk

.:Links to files is below:.

Root (Any Huawei stock firmware)
1. Download ClockWorkMod beta. It's in english. Unzip it, and place the .IMG in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools" folder.
2. Download "SU_Busybox_Package.zip". Don't unzip. Place it on your SD card.
3. Turn off your phone. Restart it while holding volume down (Fastboot mode). Connect your phone via USB
4. In the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools", hold shift while right click. Choose "open command windows here"
5. Write "fastboot devices" to verify that the computer detects your device. If not detected, you failed install Fastboot drivers. (Look at the top of this guide)
6. Write "fastboot boot cwm_touch_recovery_viva_beta.img". This will boot your phone into CWM without the need of flashing it to your device.
7. In CWM recovery menu, choose install zip. Locate "SU_Busybox_Package.zip" on your SD-card and install it
8. Reboot the phone by option in CWM.
9. When phone is booted you should have a new app, "SuperSU". If so, you are done.

Install stock recovery or custom recovery. (Works regardless of root access or not)
1. Download the recovery you want. Place the .IMG file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools" folder.
2. Turn off your phone. Restart it while holding volume down (Fastboot mode). Connect your phone via USB
3. In the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools" folder, hold shift while right click. Choose "open command windows here".
4. Write "fastboot devices" to verify that the computer detects your device. If not detected, you failed install Fastboot drivers. (Look at the top of this guide)
5. Write "fastboot flash recovery <your_recovery>.img". Ex: "fastboot flash recovery cwm_touch_recovery_viva_beta.img"
6. If unsuccessful, try again, be very careful about typing it right. If successful, write "fastboot reboot" to reboot your phone. You are done.

Install any Huawei stock firmware, regardless of version (even from custom rom)
This will delete everything on your phone internal memory, and you will loose root.
Your phone must be rooted for this method to work (replacing build.prop)

1. Get firmware (UPDATE.APP), recovery.img and build.prop for desired firmware version.
2. Place the Update.app on your SD-card. The file structure MUST be: (Root of SD-card) -> dload\UPDATE.APP
3. Install recovery through the steps above. (For advanced users: You can use "boot recovery.img" through fastboot = no need to flash the recovery. You can keep CWM forever smile.png )
4. Use "Universal Android AIO Flasher Tool$" to install build.prop using ADB.
→ 4a. Open desired buil.prop in notepad, notepad++ or similar. Copy everything.
→ 4b. Connect phone in ADB mode.
→ 4c. Open "Universal Android AIO Flasher Tool$". Go to "Build.prop Editor"-tab
→ 4d. Insert what you copyed into the empty text field.
→ 4e. Click the "save" button and then "Flash to device". You must grant it access with the SuperSU-app.
→ 4f. If successful, you must click "Reboot device" for the changes to take effect.
→ 4g. Check "Settings -> About" to check if stated firmware version has been changed to the one you want.
5. Turn off your phone. Restart while pressing volume up + volume down. The firmware flashing procedure will start. If not, you have done something wrong.
6. Done.

Install custom firmwares/ROMs (Root not needed)
This will delete everything on your phone internal memory. Backup stuff you want to keep.
You will need custom recovery (ClockWorkMod) for this to work. Look above. (You can also do this without flashing custom recovery. Use command "fastboot boot cwm_touch_recovery_viva_beta.img" instead.)
Depending on firmware, GAPPS (Google Apps) might not be included and must be flashed afterwards if it's wanted. (More information further down)

1. Download desired 3rd-party firmware, it must be a CWM flashable .zip. Place it on you memory card. If you are going to glash GAPPS, place GAPPS .zip on the memory card too.
2. Reboot you phone to recovery. Or boot "boot cwm_touch_recovery_viva_beta.img" from fastboot.
3. Wipe what ever the custom firmware needs to have wiped. Generally cache, dalvik and user data.
4. Flash the firmware .zip, and then, if you are going to flash GAPPS -> Flash the GAPPS .zip
6. Restart the phone. It will use alot of time the first time. If it uses more than, let's say.. 7 minutes, something is wrong (bootloop).
→ Wipe cache, dalvik and userdata with CWM.
→ If this does not solve the problem, check the files and reflash. If it still bootloops: The files don't work with U9200.
7. The phone starts successfully: You are done.

Install latest baseband version
- Why? Baseband / radio.img is the software controlling everything that has to do with signal. Newer baseband versions can boost your performance + make battery last longer. It might make things worse, but generally newer means better.
- There is no way to extract radio.img from Huawei firmware at this point. Only way to do this atm is through flashing a stock firmware from Huawei containing the baseband (radio.img) version you want. Then flash the custom firmware you want over it, baseband version will remain. Flashing any Huawei firmware will replace baseband with its own version.
- For flashing procedure, see "Install any Huawei stock firmware, regardless of version you are on (even from custom rom)"

Install Google Apps (Google Play etc. aka GAPPS)
- Why? You want google applications, but it's not included in the ROM you are flashing.
- Which? GAPPS is made for every android version (ICS=4.0.x, JB=4.1.x and JB=4.2.x). Make sure you pick the right one!
- How? Links to GAPPS is included. Use ClockWorkMod Recovery to flash it.
All Huawei stock firmwares (Except chinese versions) have this preinstalled. You need rooted firmware for installing GAPPS. If you install EmUI B525 or B029 you must first root it! MIUI is rooted by standard.

Sh!t you might need Unzip the .7z with 7-zip!

How to split Huawei firmwares (get boot.img and recovery.img for a given Huawei firmware)

Latest ICS Stock firmware B229: https://mega.co.nz/#...oqWR2JKBMUneJXs
Latest ICS Stock EmUI firmware B029: https://mega.co.nz/#...6CbCRmiZLBlD4y0
Latest JB Stock EmUI beta firmware B525: https://mega.co.nz/#...ZeoqtxJmj2BpVzY
Latest ICS English EmUI beta B130: https://mega.co.nz/#...49Z-GS0i_ZvAF4w
Latest english MIUI: http://miuiandroid.com/community/ (GAPPS not included)
Latest chinese MIUI: http://www.miui.com/development.html (Has english, but uses chinese modified GAPPS + some apps that are illegal outside China AFAIK)
Chinese developers are making several custom firmwares (look here), such as CyanogenMod etc. I will only keep the post updated with official firmwares.

ClockWorkMod (Touch beta in english, everything works): https://skydrive.liv...ANxOUU5ppRXtYzA
B229 recovery.img + boot.img: https://skydrive.liv...AGMvOazunSlOjvY
B029 recovery.img + boot.img: https://skydrive.liv...AOT9MB0haBqMmJQ
B525 recovery.img + boot.img: https://skydrive.liv...AJ_n0kNxQFLOJTM

Build.prop (More avaible in "0xD34D"'s "OpenBuildProp project": http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1968461
B229: https://skydrive.liv...ALJXYugOsmZu6l4
B029: https://skydrive.liv...AOWxZ9b3Ge-fEUc
B525: https://skydrive.liv...AGKluUMQGjCoiqE

Latest GAPPS (Newest always here: http://goo.im/gapps)
ICS(4.0.x): http://goo.im/gapps/...0429-signed.zip
JB (4.1.x): http://goo.im/gapps/...1011-signed.zip
JB (4.2.x): http://goo.im/gapps/...1212-signed.zip

Huawei Drivers (not really needed. Made/uploaded by "TeamAndroid"): http://www.teamandro...hd-usb-drivers/

Busybox With SuperSU: https://skydrive.liv...ALqfEgS9rfzhRcI

Universal Android AIO Flasher Tool$: http://forum.xda-dev....php?p=28719715
Android SDK platform: http://developer.and.../sdk/index.html
MyPhoneExplorer: http://www.fjsoft.at/en/
Super Backup: https://play.google....kup.smscontacts
Titanium Backup: https://play.google.....TitaniumBackup

Press gjerne takk her og på XDA-developers om dette har hjulpet deg wink.png Endret av o-l-a-v
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Fikk kun til å instalere IMUI en.v.

Når jeg prøvde de andre rom'ene funket det ikke.

cwm fant ikke zip filene på dload.

Når jeg prøvde å instalere stock fikk jeg ikke tlf til å starte opp i recovery.


Siden fruen ville ha norske menyer måtte jeg finne alternativer og fulgte johnny paranoias guide.

Der fikk jeg instalert jb 4.1.1 med norske menyer og alt fungerer.



EDIT: Etter å ha prøvd ut JB 4.1.1 b508. så måtte jeg gå tilbake til IMUI da JB B508 var veldig ustabil.

Endret av gifr
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Du kan ikke bruke cwm til å installere Huawei-firmware. Du må ha stock recovery for det. Følg guiden!

Prøv 4.1.1 b525, har linket til den i posten.


Evt. B229, seneste stabile versjonen bygd på ICS 4.0.3. Den har norsk, bruker den selv atm.

Endret av o-l-a-v
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Fulgte guiden til punkt og prikke.

Problemet oppsto når jeg skulle restarte tlf til recovery ( vol + - power) det ville ikke telefonen.


Hva mener du med at "Den ikke ville"? Vil ikke oppdateringen starte pga versjonen ikke blir godkjent?

Du kan evt. bruke Android AIO-greia. Der kan du velge "Reboot to recovery" via ADB.

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Huawei har også nettopp sluppet en (semi)offisiell ICS-basert EmUI-beta. Kun engelsk og russisk språk så vidt jeg skjønner.


Er det noen merkbare forskjeller fra B103/4 til B229, forresten? Har kun rootet min og synes forsåvidt original firmware fungerer helt greit.


Den er allerede inkludert i tråden (B130)

De senere versjonene skal i hvertfall være bedre på dekning og samtalekvalitet. Jeg skiftet rett til B226 når jeg fikk telefonen, så hadde ikke det refferansepunktet du har nå

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Mest sannsynlig har jeg gjort noe feil.

Den ville ikke gå til recovery.

Skal prøve med AIO.



Hva mener du med at "Den ikke ville"? Vil ikke oppdateringen starte pga versjonen ikke blir godkjent?

Du kan evt. bruke Android AIO-greia. Der kan du velge "Reboot to recovery" via ADB.

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Problemet med din build.prop er at det ikke ville fungere på p1.


Derfor måtte jeg følge den guiden og skrive inn 9200-1V100R001C00B229 iht guiden.

Først da gikk telefonen i recovery og godkjente oppdateringen.

Er ny på dette med custom rom på tlf.

Kun gjort det med huawei p1 og d1. :D :D

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