djgudleif Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 (endret) Tatt fra wikipedia: En personlighetstype er et sammenhengende system av personlighetstrekk, som har en høy innbyrdes sammenheng med hverandre og som til sammen vil utgjøre en måte et individ vil handle og tenke på i ulike situasjoner. En forståelse av skillet mellom psykologiske typer og psykologiske trekk kan være å si at der psykologiske trekk viser til egenskaper ved individers atferd, vil personlighetstyper referere til bakenforliggende psykologiske prosesser som til sammen utgjør et menneskes personlighet. Her er en grei test: Her kan du lese om de ulike typene og finne ut om det stemmer med resultatet du får: http://www.personali.../portraits.html Selv er jeg en INFP, som ofte blir kalt drømmere og idealister. Tok en test for 2 år siden og ble akkurat det samme. Endret 6. januar 2013 av coyotemannen Lenke til kommentar
ThePredator9 Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Your Personality type is ISTJ Lenke til kommentar
1BlueAnd1White Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 (endret) Jeg slet litt med noen av de engelske ordene, men jeg ble ISTP og jeg er for trøtt til å finne ut hva det er Endret 6. januar 2013 av 1BlueAnd1White Lenke til kommentar
djgudleif Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 (endret) Your Personality type is ISTJ Synes du det stemmer? Interessant type. Endret 6. januar 2013 av coyotemannen Lenke til kommentar
ThePredator9 Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Synes du det stemmer? Interessant type. Stemte faktisk skummelt bra.. Lenke til kommentar
djgudleif Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Vi er ganske forskjellige individer! Lenke til kommentar
Comma Chameleon Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Synes de fleste personlighetstestene egentlig blir ganske feil. Som oftest er personene kompleks nok, og variert nok til at mange av svarene passer. Avhengig av scenario og tidspunkt så vil nok svarene variere. Har ikke fullført testen, for jeg ser det er alt for mange av spørsmålene jeg kan svare begge svaralternativene, avhengig av kontekst. Noen svar endrer seg med tiden også. Sikkert en morro sak å teste seg på en rolig kveld på internett, men å kategorisere slik tror jeg ikke har så mye for seg. Ser at dette er postet i ot-baren, så spørs hvor mye diskusjon du vil ha rundt dette, eller bare vil ha svarene til folk. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-w7DZlO15 Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 ESTP. Noen som kan forklare hva det er? Lenke til kommentar
djgudleif Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Synes de fleste personlighetstestene egentlig blir ganske feil. Som oftest er personene kompleks nok, og variert nok til at mange av svarene passer. Avhengig av scenario og tidspunkt så vil nok svarene variere. Har ikke fullført testen, for jeg ser det er alt for mange av spørsmålene jeg kan svare begge svaralternativene, avhengig av kontekst. Noen svar endrer seg med tiden også. Sikkert en morro sak å teste seg på en rolig kveld på internett, men å kategorisere slik tror jeg ikke har så mye for seg. Ser at dette er postet i ot-baren, så spørs hvor mye diskusjon du vil ha rundt dette, eller bare vil ha svarene til folk. Jeg er enig i det du sier, men dette systemet av personlighetstyper er jo utviklet av Carl Jung, som "oppfant" analytisk psykologi. Jeg har forholdsvis stor tro på denne inndelinga på grunn av nettopp dette, men kvaliteten på testene varierer selvfølgelig veldig mye. Vil helst bare diskutere om resultatene stemmer hos folk eller ikke, men litt diskusjon rundt det er jo selvfølgelig greit. 1 Lenke til kommentar
ThePredator9 Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 ESTP. Noen som kan forklare hva det er? As an ESTP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things rationally and logically. ESTPs are outgoing, straight-shooting types. Enthusiastic and excitable, ESTPs are "doers" who live in the world of action. Blunt, straight-forward risk-takers, they are willing to plunge right into things and get their hands dirty. They live in the here-and-now, and place little importance on introspection or theory. The look at the facts of a situation, quickly decide what should be done, execute the action, and move on to the next thing. ESTPs have an uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations. They pick up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most other types, such as facial expressions and stance. They're typically a couple of steps ahead of the person they're interacting with. ESTPs use this ability to get what they want out of a situation. Rules and laws are seen as guidelines for behavior, rather than mandates. If the ESTP has decided that something needs to be done, then their "do it and get on with it" attitude takes precendence over the rules. However, the ESTP tends to have their own strong belief in what's right and what's wrong, and will doggedly stick to their principles. The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value to the ESTP, but their own integrity mandates that they will not under any circumstances do something which they feel to be wrong. ESTPs have a strong flair for drama and style. They're fast-moving, fast-talking people who have an appreciation for the finer things in life. They may be gamblers or spendthrifts. They're usually very good at story telling and improvising. They typically makes things up as they go along, rather than following a plan. They love to have fun, and are fun people to be around. They can sometimes be hurtful to others without being aware of it, as they generally do not know and may not care about the effect their words have on others. It's not that they don't care about people, it's that their decision-making process does not involve taking people's feelings into account. They make decisions based on facts and logic. ESTP's least developed area is their intuitive side. They are impatient with theory, and see little use for it in their quest to "get things done". An ESTP will occasionally have strong intuitions which are often way off-base, but sometimes very lucid and positive. The ESTP does not trust their instincts, and is suspicious of other people's intuition as well. The ESTP often has trouble in school, especially higher education which moves into realms where theory is more important. The ESTP gets bored with classes in which they feel they gain no useful material which can be used to get things done. The ESTP may be brilliantly intelligent, but school will be a difficult chore for them. The ESTP needs to keep moving, and so does well in careers where he or she is not restricted or confined. ESTPs make extremely good salespersons. They will become stifled and unhappy dealing with routine chores. ESTPs have a natural abundance of energy and enthusiasm, which makes them natural entrepreneurs. They get very excited about things, and have the ability to motivate others to excitement and action. The can sell anyone on any idea. They are action-oriented, and make decisions quickly. All-in-all, they have extraordinary talents for getting things started. They are not usually so good at following through, and might leave those tasks to others. Mastering the art of following through is something which ESTPs should pay special attention to. ESTPs are practical, observant, fun-loving, spontaneous risk-takers with an excellent ability to quickly improvise an innovative solution to a problem. They're enthusiastic and fun to be with, and are great motivators. If an ESTP recognizes their real talents and operates within those realms, they can accomplish truly exciting things. Lenke til kommentar
BMWCoupeFtw Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Fikk ESTJ! Stemmer litt igrunn Lenke til kommentar
djgudleif Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Forfatter Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 (endret) Jeg har lest at hvis man lever under gode levevilkår så vil man utvikle personlighetstyper som stemmer bedre, enn om man har hatt vanskelig oppvekst og blitt sterkt påvirket av eksterne faktorer. Endret 6. januar 2013 av coyotemannen Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 INTP. Stemmer delvis. The Thinker As an INTP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. INTPs live in the world of theoretical possibilities. They see everything in terms of how it could be improved, or what it could be turned into. They live primarily inside their own minds, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations. They seek clarity in everything, and are therefore driven to build knowledge. They are the "absent-minded professors", who highly value intelligence and the ability to apply logic to theories to find solutions. They typically are so strongly driven to turn problems into logical explanations, that they live much of their lives within their own heads, and may not place as much importance or value on the external world. Their natural drive to turn theories into concrete understanding may turn into a feeling of personal responsibility to solve theoretical problems, and help society move towards a higher understanding. INTPs value knowledge above all else. Their minds are constantly working to generate new theories, or to prove or disprove existing theories. They approach problems and theories with enthusiasm and skepticism, ignoring existing rules and opinions and defining their own approach to the resolution. They seek patterns and logical explanations for anything that interests them. They're usually extremely bright, and able to be objectively critical in their analysis. They love new ideas, and become very excited over abstractions and theories. They love to discuss these concepts with others. They may seem "dreamy" and distant to others, because they spend a lot of time inside their minds musing over theories. They hate to work on routine things - they would much prefer to build complex theoretical solutions, and leave the implementation of the system to others. They are intensely interested in theory, and will put forth tremendous amounts of time and energy into finding a solution to a problem with has piqued their interest. INTPs do not like to lead or control people. They're very tolerant and flexible in most situations, unless one of their firmly held beliefs has been violated or challenged, in which case they may take a very rigid stance. The INTP is likely to be very shy when it comes to meeting new people. On the other hand, the INTP is very self-confident and gregarious around people they know well, or when discussing theories which they fully understand. The INTP has no understanding or value for decisions made on the basis of personal subjectivity or feelings. They strive constantly to achieve logical conclusions to problems, and don't understand the importance or relevance of applying subjective emotional considerations to decisions. For this reason, INTPs are usually not in-tune with how people are feeling, and are not naturally well-equiped to meet the emotional needs of others. The INTP may have a problem with self-aggrandizement and social rebellion, which will interfere with their creative potential. Since their Feeling side is their least developed trait, the INTP may have difficulty giving the warmth and support that is sometimes necessary in intimate relationships. If the INTP doesn't realize the value of attending to other people's feelings, he or she may become overly critical and sarcastic with others. If the INTP is not able to find a place for themself which supports the use of their strongest abilities, they may become generally negative and cynical. If the INTP has not developed their Sensing side sufficiently, they may become unaware of their environment, and exhibit weakness in performing maintenance-type tasks, such as bill-paying and dressing appropriately. For the INTP, it is extremely important that ideas and facts are expressed correctly and succinctly. They are likely to express themselves in what they believe to be absolute truths. Sometimes, their well thought-out understanding of an idea is not easily understandable by others, but the INTP is not naturally likely to tailor the truth so as to explain it in an understandable way to others. The INTP may be prone to abandoning a project once they have figured it out, moving on to the next thing. It's important that the INTP place importance on expressing their developed theories in understandable ways. In the end, an amazing discovery means nothing if you are the only person who understands it. The INTP is usually very independent, unconventional, and original. They are not likely to place much value on traditional goals such as popularity and security. They usually have complex characters, and may tend to be restless and temperamental. They are strongly ingenious, and have unconventional thought patterns which allows them to analyze ideas in new ways. Consequently, a lot of scientific breakthroughs in the world have been made by the INTP. The INTP is at his best when he can work on his theories independently. When given an environment which supports his creative genius and possible eccentricity, the INTP can accomplish truly remarkable things. These are the pioneers of new thoughts in our society. Lenke til kommentar
Cakenommy Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 (endret) ESTP: Endret 6. januar 2013 av Cakenommy Lenke til kommentar
KKake Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 ISFP. Stemmer vel ganske bra. Lenke til kommentar
010011110100110101000111 Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 ISTP. Stemmer skummelt bra, selv om noen spørsmål hadde alternativer der ingen av de passet meg i det hele tatt. Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3 Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Stemmer ganske bra. Lenke til kommentar
Nevnarion Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 (endret) Ble ISFJ - The Nurturer As an ISFJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you takes things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your personal value system. ISFJs live in a world that is concrete and kind. They are truly warm and kind-hearted, and want to believe the best of people. They value harmony and cooperation, and are likely to be very sensitive to other people's feelings. People value the ISFJ for their consideration and awareness, and their ability to bring out the best in others by their firm desire to believe the best. ISFJs have a rich inner world that is not usually obvious to observers. They constantly take in information about people and situations that is personally important to them, and store it away. This tremendous store of information is usually startlingly accurate, because the ISFJ has an exceptional memory about things that are important to their value systems. It would not be uncommon for the ISFJ to remember a particular facial expression or conversation in precise detail years after the event occured, if the situation made an impression on the ISFJ. ISFJs have a very clear idea of the way things should be, which they strive to attain. They value security and kindness, and respect traditions and laws. They tend to believe that existing systems are there because they work. Therefore, they're not likely to buy into doing things in a new way, unless they're shown in a concrete way why its better than the established method. ISFJs learn best by doing, rather than by reading about something in a book, or applying theory. For this reason, they are not likely to be found in fields which require a lot of conceptual analysis or theory. They value practical application. Traditional methods of higher education, which require a lot of theorizing and abstraction, are likely to be a chore for the ISFJ. The ISFJ learns a task best by being shown its practical application. Once the task is learned, and its practical importance is understood, the ISFJ will faithfully and tirelessly carry through the task to completion. The ISFJ is extremely dependable. The ISFJ has an extremely well-developed sense of space, function, and aesthetic appeal. For that reason, they're likely to have beautifully furnished, functional homes. They make extremely good interior decorators. This special ability, combined with their sensitivity to other's feelings and desires, makes them very likely to be great gift-givers - finding the right gift which will be truly appreciated by the recipient. More so than other types, ISFJs are extremely aware of their own internal feelings, as well as other people's feelings. They do not usually express their own feelings, keeping things inside. If they are negative feelings, they may build up inside the ISFJ until they turn into firm judgments against individuals which are difficult to unseed, once set. Many ISFJs learn to express themselves, and find outlets for their powerful emotions. Just as the ISFJ is not likely to express their feelings, they are also not likely to let on that they know how others are feeling. However, they will speak up when they feel another individual really needs help, and in such cases they can truly help others become aware of their feelings. The ISFJ feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. They take their responsibilities very seriously, and can be counted on to follow through. For this reason, people naturally tend to rely on them. The ISFJ has a difficult time saying "no" when asked to do something, and may become over-burdened. In such cases, the ISFJ does not usually express their difficulties to others, because they intensely dislike conflict, and because they tend to place other people's needs over their own. The ISFJ needs to learn to identify, value, and express their own needs, if they wish to avoid becoming over-worked and taken for granted. ISFJs need positive feedback from others. In the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the ISFJ gets discouraged, and may even become depressed. When down on themselves or under great stress, the ISFJ begins to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in their life. They have strong feelings of inadequacy, and become convinced that "everything is all wrong", or "I can't do anything right". The ISFJ is warm, generous, and dependable. They have many special gifts to offer, in their sensitivity to others, and their strong ability to keep things running smoothly. They need to remember to not be overly critical of themselves, and to give themselves some of the warmth and love which they freely dispense to others. Mye av det stemmer faktisk skremmende bra. Endret 6. januar 2013 av Nevnarion Lenke til kommentar
omnomnomnivore Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Del Skrevet 6. januar 2013 Dette tror jeg blir nesten en form for "cold reading". Alle vil kjenne seg noe igjen i alle personlighetstypene. Til slutt vil man finne en man synes stemmer ganske bra. Men de stemmer aldri helt. Mennesker er uhyre komplekse vesener. Å skulle dele oss inn i noen få spesifike kategorier lar seg neppe gjøre. 1 Lenke til kommentar
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