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Engelsk vg1 ENG1002 privatisteksamen 2012 - Høst

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vell sånn som jeg forstod det så var det å gjøre teksten lettere å lese. forandre litt på teksten lissom... bytte ut ord som brazer, intern osv. men jeg er ikke helt sikker :) Engelsk er ikke min sterkeste side :) Greia med ebøkene er at jeg er redd jeg ikke rekker å gå igjennom alle og enda ha tid til å svare på alt.

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Det er uansett ikke lov å bruke oversettelsesprogrammer. Engelsk er heller ikke min sterkeste side, så jeg får vel bite i det sure eplet og gjøre så godt jeg kan.

Det er ikke lov å bruke oversettelsesprogrammer, men du kan bruke elektroniske ordlister, som ifinger

Endret av MR_X_
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Hei, Jeg har samme oppgave som dere om noen dager, vet ikke om noen av dere allerede har funnet noe, men jeg har funnet en -Sensorveiledning-. det er ikke oppgavene selv, men det er det nærmeste jeg har funnet.

her er den: http://www.udir.no/Upload/Eksamen/Videregaende/H12/ENG1002og1003_Engelsk%20fellesfag_Sensorveiledning_H12_BM.pdf

om noen finner eller vet noe om de kommende oppgaven, vær snill å si i fra :)

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Jeg, jeg lurer også på om dere husker oppgavene, eller har arket med oppgavene?! :) har engelsk tentamen imorgen å vi har fått forberedelses arkene nå! hvor "English at Home and Abroad" er temaet :)


Hadde blitt veldig takknemmelig om noen som hadde eksamen i 2012, hadd orket å sendt den eller lagt den ut som en fil her! :D

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Jeg, jeg lurer også på om dere husker oppgavene, eller har arket med oppgavene?! :) har engelsk tentamen imorgen å vi har fått forberedelses arkene nå! hvor "English at Home and Abroad" er temaet :)


Hadde blitt veldig takknemmelig om noen som hadde eksamen i 2012, hadd orket å sendt den eller lagt den ut som en fil her! :D

har ikke akkurat oppgavene men jeg har samlet sammen litt relevante temaer og informasjon som kan hjelpe deg litt ekstra i gang med forberedningen ;)



Eight Advantages of Studying English


It is little wonder that so many students, both international and local, choose to study English courses. Proficient and skilled use of the English language can enhance career prospects, allow you to achieve success in business and can open up many opportunities when you choose to study with a credible English school.

While there are many good reasons to study English, here we provide an overview of eight of the most important advantages of studying English:

#1: Without question, English is one of the most widely spoken languages. English is used in many parts of the world and is often the language that is common to people who have a first language other than English.


#2: When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language tends to be the common currency. By studying English through a respected English school, you can expect to be able to conduct business transactions, write and respond to documents such as: emails, memos, contracts, agreements and reports and possibly pursue a career in business.

#3: Arguably the greatest advantage of studying English is that your career prospects and employment opportunities can vastly increase. People who can speak English fluently (possibly together with a first language) are highly sought after by companies of many types, including international companies. When seeking work, proficiency and confidence in speaking and understanding English can put you at a distinct advantage.

#4: With the world becoming so much closer and more connected, opportunities to travel and explore different parts of the world are more available and, as a result of having studied English, travellers are better able to communicate. In so many parts of the world, English is the common language that is spoken and when you have a command of the English language, travelling and interacting with people of different nationalities can become easier and more enjoyable.

#5: In terms of academia, English is the language most commonly spoken by academics worldwide. Of course, some important research and work occurs in all countries and in a variety of languages, but the vast majority tends to have been conducted, composed and published with the English language as its basis. Academics and scholars that have some knowledge of English frequently find that sharing their ideas and findings with their peers globally is more readily facilitated by their mastery of the English language.

#6: Technology is vital and significant in the day and age in which we live. English is very often the language used for many software programs and for those that are technologically minded and ambitious, the study of English can provide them with useful benefits and knowledge.

#7: Australia has many English schools that are renowned for their success in teaching students’ English and the quality and range of the English courses that they provide. Successful English schools and colleges tend to offer great value for money and support structures to assist students to learn effectively and grow in knowledge, skills and confidence. When you do choose to study English, your education is an investment and it is incredibly important that you derive exceptional value for your money.

#8: English courses are available and specifically tailored for people of varying levels of English proficiency and for those who wish to study English for different purposes. For example, some may want to undertake a very general English course, whereas others may wish to study English in relation to business or for academic purposes.

Through the study of English, a range of advantages are available. Quality courses offer candidates the opportunity to improve job prospects, the capacity to communicate with others and access to information right across the world.


25.04.2013 18:21



















The Advantages of Learning English


By: Jeanne Baird


The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, second only to Mandarin. That English is used almost everywhere is only one of the many advantages of learning the language.



  • English is the primary language of business throughout the world. Most international business transactions, including emails, memos, reports and contracts, are written in English.

Employment Opportunities

  • The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you're seeking job opportunities with international companies. The ability to speak a language spoken by most business people can place you a step ahead of the competition.


  • Major Hollywood movies have dialogue in English. The plot of these movies is easier to follow if the person watching the movie speaks English. Subtitles in other languages can sometimes cause the meanings of words to be lost in the translation, and they can be a distraction or even block the action taking place on the screen.


  • The English language is predominantly spoken throughout the world, so international travelers may find that speaking English can make their travels a little easier. Most hotel and restaurant employees, as well as store merchants, probably speak English to some degree.


  • Students from other countries who attend school in the United States will benefit greatly if they can know basic English. This knowledge will help them communicate better with both their students and teachers. The students also will have an easier time with any research or readings they are assigned.


  • The English language is the predominant language of academics all over the world, with a large amount of research conducted, written and presented in English. Knowing English can helpful for scholars who wish to communicate their ideas and research findings to peers in their field.


  • Most software programs are written in English. Those seeking to expand their computer knowledge can find the ability to read and understand the English language invaluable.



25.04.2013 18:29





















Challenges A Foreign Person Faces In An English Speaking Country

By: Amy Nutt

Anyone who moves out of their native homeland can encounter many obstacles that will make starting out fresh a very difficult process. The cultural differences alone between two neighboring countries can be like that of night and day, but there are few barriers more difficult to break down than the language barrier. The inability to speak or understand the native language of a country you are entering makes for a very imposing obstacle to overcome, and despite the fact that the English language is one of the most widely spoken, its multitude of tiny intricacies and nuances make it one of the hardest for a foreign person to get a good grasp of or feeling for.

On appearance alone there are some languages that appear much more imposing than the English language, partially due to the fact that English has many similarities to languages spoken in other counties. In the English language there are striking similarities to many of the characteristics present in Spanish, French and German - so what are the things that make the English language so difficult for a foreign person to learn?


What to Stress.

English doesn’t necessarily have more regular consonant or vowel sounds than other languages, but how the stress is placed on some of those consonants or vowels that make it such a difficult language for someone who is learning. There are hard and soft consonants like 'c' taking on a 'k' sound or an 's' sound depending upon the situation. There are silent letters in some words and then some consonants that when combined take on an entirely different sound (like 'th'). The unusual combinations and ever present rule changes in the pronunciation of words make English much more complex to learn than it would seem.


Verb Tense.

Another thing that sets English apart as one of the more difficult languages to learn has to do with verb tense. Some languages have very limited connotations of verb tense, sometimes basically just present and past, making it relatively simple to grasp. To learn English, on the other hand, is a bit more complex in this area - for example in different situations it may be appropriate to use any of the following tenses: present; past; future; past perfect or present perfect - the verb 'choose' can be used in the following forms depending on tense: choose, chose or chosen - this can be very difficult for someone with no familiarity with the language to grasp.



All languages have words, terms and phrases that are used in a situational nature and that, in those instances may not have the same meaning that they would normally have in a dictionary definition. Slang is reasonably common across the board in all languages, but in some areas (especially when talking about American English); slang is more widely used than proper grammar. To be truly comfortable communicating, someone must be comfortable speaking and be able to understand the language how its spoken within an area - in the US just knowing the language as its generally taught may not be enough, in every single region or even neighborhood that’s traveled to, different slang terms make an almost entirely different language that must be learned.

At times it’s not just words used with a slightly varied use of meaning, in some areas there are frequently used terms that wouldn’t even be found in Webster’s Dictionary, words and terms created by locals, which only locals understand. This can make it exceedingly difficult for someone not familiar with the language to get accustomed to, especially if they don’t remain in one area for very a very long period.

English may be the most difficult language for a native of a non-English speaking country to learn, but for the potential benefits that could come along with it, it’s most certainly worth the added effort to learn.



25.04.2013 18:50


















The Value of Learning a Second Language


Learning a second language can benefit a person in a number of ways. For instance, a person discovers the tradition and customs of a different culture. In addition, a student of a second language is exposed to the history and famous figures of another country. A student who is learning a second language must develop the ability to pick up the various sounds of unfamiliar words, understand, and interpret them which has been shown to improve thinking skills. An individual who wants to move to a higher position in a company may consider taking a class to learn a second language as it is seen as a valuable asset, depending on the company. Knowledge of a second language is a valuable skill to list on a resume in almost any line of work. Whether it be a young student or an adult, anyone can learn a second language. Undoubtedly, once the person has learned a second language he or she will uncover more and more benefits of possessing that skill.

Understanding of another Culture

A thorough foreign language course offers more to a student than just noun and verb memorization exercises. A successful course teaches a student about the culture of the country where the language is spoken. For instance, a teenager who is learning to speak French should learn about the history of France, its traditions, people, literature, and even its cuisine. By taking a foreign language, a person learns about a place and its people as well as the language spoken there.

Improves Thinking Skills

The creative thinking skills of students are sharpened when they learn a second language. A student in a foreign language class is seeing and hearing a lot of unfamiliar words. Consequently, he or she must use creative thinking skills to put together sentences using unfamiliar vocabulary words. Foreign language students also improve their thinking skills by comparing the words they are learning with words of their native language. Research show that people who learn a foreign language have more developed thinking skills than those who don't. In short, people who are learning a second language use their thinking skills to make themselves understood in the new language, improving all aspects of their thinking abilities.


Increased Opportunities in the Workforce

In today's globalized business world, it is completely possible that a person working for a company would be required to travel the world to conduct business with people in different countries. Consequently, an employee with knowledge of a second language adds to his or her value in the workplace. For instance, an employee who learns Spanish may be called upon by his or her boss to attend a business meeting to discuss a project with a native Spanish speaker. If the project is successful, the employee may receive a promotion to a new position in the company. It's been shown that knowing a second language can open opportunities in the workplace.

Makes Learning More Languages Even Easier

Learning a second language takes patience and persistence. After all, listening to a flow of unfamiliar sounds and words can be very daunting for a student. Most second language courses start with simple vocabulary and move on to more challenging material in a gradual way. Naturally, a student who finds success in learning vocabulary, forming sentences, and pronouncing words feels a sense of accomplishment. Once a student has a good grasp on the vocabulary of a second language, he or she will likely possess the confidence to tackle another language. The knowledge of the words and sounds in one foreign language can make learning another language a smoother process.



25.04.2013 19:16




















What Are the Benefits of Learning English?


One of the primary benefits of learning English is that it is often considered the language of global business. The international business community often uses it for communication, even among people who do not speak the same native language. Speaking and understanding English can let a person more easily communicate with others and find more job opportunities not only in his or her home country, but around the world as well. There are also many professional informative publications printed in English, which means it is often an essential language for anyone working in science or research.

Professional Opportunities


For many people, the benefits of learning English include broadening their employment opportunities, since it is used so commonly in business. People who speak two or more languages are often ideal candidates for jobs in travel, international business, or translation. Many government agencies and employers that offer work with the general public, such as positions in law enforcement or healthcare, often look for multilingual candidates.

Social Networking and Relationships


Many people see the ability to communicate and talk with others as one of the major benefits of learning English. Even outside of a professional environment, people often like to be able to talk to individuals from around the world. Many people find great social and cultural benefits in having pen pals from other countries, and the Internet makes such communication fast and easy. Knowing English can broaden the types of people you can speak to, whether its via email or on an online discussion forum. A tremendous number of websites are available primarily in English, and anyone who does not understand the language may have difficulty using them.

For anyone interested in traveling to countries in which English is the primary or common language, it is often essential to understand and speak it. Throughout the UK, US, and Canada, traveling and shopping are often made easier by speaking the language since many individuals may not speak any other language. One of the most important benefits of learning English is the ability to explore these regions and more easily communicate with locals to learn about places and events that might otherwise remain unknown. Many people in European countries learn English in school, so knowing it can also be of benefit when traveling in locations even where it's not the native tongue.

Learning a language can also be a great way to meet people, even if you never plan on leaving home. A class at a local community center or college can introduce you to a wide variety of people who are also interested in English, and give you the opportunity to interact with them in a controlled setting. Language courses often encourage students to carry on conversations with each other in the language being learned, and this can be a great way to break the ice with new people.



Immigrants to English-speaking countries who do not speak the language are often at a serious disadvantage economically. It's much more difficult to get and hold a job, find a place to live, and even do everyday tasks like grocery shopping if you don't understand the language. Learning English not only benefits immigrants themselves, it also helps families by allowing parents to be involved more fully in their children's lives and education. In addition, these children don't have to translate for their parents, allowing them to be kids instead of interpreters.

Entertainment and Cultural Understanding


A huge amount of popular entertainment comes out of Hollywood, and nearly all of it is produced in English. American movies and TV programs are distributed all over the world, and are often subtitled for people who don't speak the language. Knowing English can allow you to better understand the subtleties of dialog that subtitles frequently miss. It can be a challenge to translate concepts and terms that don't match one-for-one between languages, and nuances of meaning can be lost.

Language is an inherently cultural construct. How people speak, the words they choose, and the topics under discussion are deeply tied into the culture of a place. By learning English or any other language, you are putting yourself into the mindset of a native speaker and are introduced to many of the concepts that he finds important. Gaining a better understanding of other cultures can help you to enrich your own understanding of the world and how others see it.

Research and Academics


Many of the most prominent and well known publications throughout the world are written and printed in English. Scholars interested in doing research at an academic level, or working on new scientific developments, should consider the benefits of learning English to read these periodicals and publish their own work. Publication in peer-reviewed journals is often required for someone who wishes to remain in academia, and the ability to read and write in English may be necessary to maintain such a position. Even learning about current events often requires an understanding of the language, since so many global publications and news websites use it.



Because English is a first language for many countries, many other nations teach it as a requirement in schools. It is estimated that over a billion people in the world speak English on at least a basic level. For many people, the benefits of learning English involve the new opportunities that become available to someone who understands it. Anyone interested in attending a university in the US, for example, needs to speak it or be able to pass a test proving that he or she is fluent.

Different Forms of English


People who do decide to learn English may need to consider what type of English is best for them to know. The two most common forms are British English and American English, and they can be quite different in some respects. The fundamental underlying language is the same, and people who learn one are likely to still be easily understandable by someone who speaks the other, but there will be instances in which words are phrases don't mean the same thing.

Much of the decision about which type of English to learn will depend on where a student is learning it and what his or her ultimate goals are. To understand the language generally, any type of class will be of help. Many people don't have a wide variety of options to choose from, and a local college may only teach British English, for example. Someone who lives in Europe is more likely to be taught this form simply because he or she is closer geographically to the United Kingdom.

Individuals who are learning English for a job, however, might want to seek out a class that is specifically tailored to business language or to the form spoken in the country they will be doing business with. A person who will be regularly working with an American company, for example, may better understand the nuances of her coworkers if she is familiar with the terminology and idioms of that country. Specialized classes also typically focus more on the language used in business rather than casual conversation, which could be important if that's the student's main goal.



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