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Playstation 4 - Generell diskusjon



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  1. 1. Blir Playstation 4 en større suksess enn sin forgjenger?

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Er ikke spesielt fan av brukergrensesnittet til PS4, liker mye bedre XBO sitt. Men gjenstår å se hvordan det blir når en sitter å navigerer rundt i det.



Hvis du har sett Sony sin konferanse fra Gamescom når Yoshida spilte så tror jeg du vill ha en ide av hvordan den vil se uy

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Da er en del ny info ute:


  • While being always online is not necessary, a network connection is important to fully enjoy the features of the PS4.

  • The PS4 will initially act as a stand-alone web server for the PlayStation App. In the future there’s the possibility of this to be expanded through the cloud, with the PS4 and PlayStation App interacting through the cloud, allowing cooperative play between multiple players.

  • The secondary chip for ultra-low power operation will mostly activate at night from 1 to 4 AM and download any required update automatically. It will also activate when software is purchased through external means like the PlayStation App.

  • Power consumption will vary greatly depending on the performance of the game played.

  • The noise level of the console during operation is generally much lower than it was on the PS3.

  • The PS4′s cooling fan has a low noise level and stepless speed control (meaning that it will increase its speed to match heat smoothly and not in sudden steps like the one on the PS3).

  • Since the Blu-Ray player is 6x instead of 2x (like the one on the PS3 was), the spinning noise is actually louder. Ito-san feels it’s not annoyingly louder and it will be countered by caching data on the hard disk drive. It’ll be mostly audible during the initial spin-up.

  • The Audio/Video performance (for movies and music) of the PS4 will target PS3 levels at launch, but will be improved through updates, for instance with the addition of 4K, as Sony is also an Audio/Video company.

  • The theme of the PS4 is “Personalization”, meaning that it will offer an experience tailored to each individual.




Endret av Selvin
  • Liker 4
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Gjest Bruker-245639

Kan man gå inn på en Elkjøp butikk å reservere ps4, slik at man er sikret seg en på releasen?

Noe sier meg at etterspørslen etter PS4 er så stor verden over at det kommer til å være millioner som ikke får konsoll på slippdato, samtidig som millioner vil! Mao, du får den neppe til release, men du kan fort få den lenge før andre konsoller klarer å stable noe på beina.

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