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Ser bra ut, men trenger sårt mer gameplay fra Sony eksklusive titler.


Vi får nok det snart. Sony viste frem gameplay fra The Order 1886 bak lukkede dører under Gamescom, så regner med noe snart. Høres ihvertfall ekstremt spennende ut.



The Order is a third-person shooter, and it’s billed as the first game in a franchise of titles that may also spill out into other forms of media. Set in an alternate post-industrial revolution London, the game’s steampunk, almost Dickensian veneer was researched by a snap-happy studio trip to London, in which Weerasuriya and his crew took over 38,000 photos of the city.


Why? Well, the game’s core hook isn’t steampunk, or the arkane, or even those brilliant twirled moustaches we’ve seen so far. Those photos were actually research for both the game’s aesthetic design and the team’s material creation tools, as well as its bespoke ‘Abel’ physics engine. We were shown photos of zoomed-in cobblestones, of granite and gravel, each taken to make the world of The Order visually impressive, believable and most importantly – destructible.


The game has dynamic destruction, and while we’re not talking about Battlefield 4 levels of military bombast, Ready At Dawn’s surface and environmental destruction is rather impressive. We saw Weerasuriya jump into a stone courtyard and pumped rounds from the protagonist’s Combogun – an assault rifle and shotgun hybrid – into a brass fixture set into a wall. The object crumpled and imploded with force after each round found its mark, deforming it in real-time.


He then spawned in a bunch of teddy bears and went all Robocop on their stuffed asses, first blowing off a head, and then four limbs one at a time. This might sound like a gimmick, but we were all assured that dynamic destruction, texture warping and convincing object physics lie at the heart of The Order: 1886′s gameplay. When the crowd asked why, we were told it wasn’t yet time for that particular discussion.


What I can tell you is that the game looks brilliant, as in next-gen brilliant, not just a small leap in fidelity. We were treated to a fly-over through an underground plaza lined with pubs, meandering NPCs and street lamps so convincing you could almost hear the bulbs hum. At the end of the street sat a mosaic, with each raised tile impacting the way those lights dances across its surface.





Communicators give you the ability to converse with the rest of your squad. A thermite gun allows you to shoot a cloud of inflammable thermite that can be ignited by a flame or by shooting a flare into it. In contrast to these advanced weapons, you will still be able to use more traditional black powder guns. These give a sense of realism and believability to the world and make the atmosphere feel dirty and palpable, reminiscent of the way we are used to viewing the real post-Industrial Revolution Europe.



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sony har jo 150 -180 spill under utvikling etter som de sa på e3 eller når de kom med detaljene rundt konsollen, så de har nokk mye mer å by på enn det som allerede er vist frem til nå :)



In all, Sony says there are more than 180 PS4 titles in development, and say to look out for a number of them in particular: Destiny, Diablo III, Mad Max, The Witcher 3, The Division, Dragon Age, Shadow of the Beast, The Order: 1886, inFamous: Second Son, Rime, Hell Divers, and Everybody's Gone to The Rapture are "expected to be released for PS4" at some point in the future.

Endret av Leffi78
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