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Den store SimCity-tråden! [Stabile servere][Fortsatt kraftig bugget]

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Spilte nettopp litt, og gikk fra 33k til 24k innbyggere - for høye skatter, og mange selskaper og bygninger ble forlatt..

1. Kan ikke stenge kloakk, politi eller helsevesen, for da hoper problemene opp seg der istedenfor.


Har fra 2000-6000 i minus, og politiet krever mye pga. mye kriminalitet. (har tre kasinoer som drar inn 70k + i døgnet, men er ikke nok)


Kan ikke ta opp flere lån, noen forslag? :)

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Etter en times tid kom jeg endelig i gjennom på chat kundeservice hos EA / Origin.


Jeg ba om å få spillet refundert, men fikk til svar at det kunne jeg ikke fordi det var et digitalt nedlastet spill.


Jeg ba derfor om EA / Origins kontaktinfo her i Norge slik at jeg kunne sende en sak til Forbrukerrådet, det fikk jeg.


Da jeg også ga beskjed om at jeg ville melde dette til banken og bestride trekket på mitt kredittkort tok saken en uhyggelig vendig. Jeg ble truet med at hvis jeg gjordet dette så kunne min Origin koknto bli sperret, dvs. jeg mister tilgang til alle de andre spillene jeg har der (10 stk på det nåværende tidspunkt).


Det er LENGE til jeg kjøper et nytt spill fra EA / Origin.


Fy flate for en kundebehandling!


Har hørte sammen historien før. De har visst en policy der. Så han fortalte vel sannheten, men håpløst å opprettholde den når de har så åpenbare problemer med å levere en vare som nå....

Endret av Syv
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Jeg kan ikke fatte at spillet får så gode kritikker rundt i verden og gamere får jo ikke spilt dette omtrent.

Har anmelderne blitt kjøpt/betalt eller fått superservere som dem får spilt uten connection errors m.m?


Å støtte slike spill som krever always online er ikke fremtiden. Selv om man skal spille kun alene...

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Har hørte sammen historien før. De har visst en policy der. Så han fortalte vel sannheten, men håpløst å opprettholde den når de har så åpenbare problemer med å levere en vare som nå....


Her er chatloggen min med dem som bevis:


Chat Transcript

info: Your approximate wait time is 63 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 63 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 62 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 58 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 56 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 55 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 52 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 49 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 48 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 46 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 47 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 33 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 31 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 29 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 28 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 27 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 27 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 27 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 27 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 27 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 27 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 26 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 26 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 25 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 19 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 15 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 14 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 14 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 11 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 11 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 9 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 7 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 6 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 5 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 5 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 5 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 5 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 5 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 4 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 4 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 3 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 1 minute.

info: Your approximate wait time is 1 minute.

info: You are now ready to chat with Brian.

you: Hi

you: I would like to request a refund for the game SimCity that I bought on Origin. I cannot play the game because of consistent server issues. I deem the Product not working and by Norwegian Consumer laws I request a full refund and that the game is removed from my Origin Account.

you: Hello?

Brian: Hi. Thank you for contacting EA help, how may I help you?

you: I would like to request a refund for the game SimCity that I bought on Origin. I cannot play the game because of consistent server issues. I deem the Product not working and by Norwegian Consumer laws I request a full refund and that the game is removed from my Origin Account.

Brian: I am very sorry to hear that, do you have a digital or physical copy?

you: I have a digital copy

Brian: And you have already downloaded the game?

you: Yes, I preordered the game on 06.03.2013 and it was preloaded yesterday

you: I have been unable to play it because of server issues.


I apologize but we are unable to offer a refund on digital downloads. This is part of the terms of service found at the following link http://www.ea.com/terms-of-service Section 5, 9 discusses the refunds. You can find specific details by pressing CONTROL + F and searching for the key word "Refund".

We are working on the servers and they are getting more stable. The game just released so I appreciate your patience.

I am sorry that we can not issue this refund. Is there anything else I could help you with today?


you: I am sorry, but this is unacceptable. Are you aware that you are in Clear violations of Norwegian Consumer laws? It is illegal to sell or advertise a defective Product Norway and not offer refunds if it is broken

you: What is the address and phone number of Your Norwegian Offices? I am going to report this to the consumer affairs Office, and would like this information for my report.

Brian: Norway 21 08 17 06 +47 21 08 17 06 Norwegian: 8AM-5PM GMT, Monday through Friday. That is all of the information I have for you at this time.

Brian: Because you have already downloaded the game we are not able to refund you for the product. But the servers will be fixed soon. I can promise you that.

you: Also, I will claim the charge on my credit card as fraud and have my bank follow through on this.

you: Your assurance of the server issues is of no concern to me, I have zero tolerance for issues like this.

Brian: If you do that it is possible that action will be taken against your origin account.

you: You have taken my Money an not delivered the promised Product.

Brian: I am very sorry, but the product will be fixed.

you: Is that a threat? What kind of action, I have other games there that is not affected.

you: Are you actually saying that you will Block my other games If i report this sale as fraud?

you: I want to be assured that my other Origin games will not be affected

Brian: If you claim a fraud charge against origin you face a chance of your account having action taking against it. I am very sorry, but you can not claim a charge back against that.

you: Of course I can, if you sell me a Product that is not working, it is clearly fraud. I will let this rest for a week, if the Product is yet not delivered to me in working order, I will claim that this is a fraudulent transaction.

Brian: If you do that your account will face action. Please have patience and give it sometime.

Brian: Thank you for contacting EA. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

you: No, thank you for nothing. I am disgusted that you can even think of threatening to Block my Origin account over this when it is you who are clearly in the wrong. Appalling.

info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat session.



Ble helt satt ut jeg, elendig service! Og tenk å true med å sperre Origin på den måten, det kan da umulig være lov?

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Server capacity is our biggest obstacle. We launched in North America on Tuesday and our servers filled up within a matter of hours. What we saw was that players were having such a good time they didn't want to leave the game, which kept our servers packed and made it difficult for new players to join. We added more servers to accommodate the launch in Australia and Japan, and then more yesterday to accommodate the launch in Europe. As of right now, we are adding even more servers which will be going live over the next three days. And, our plan is to continue to bring more servers online until we have enough to meet the demand, increase player capacity and let more people through the gates and into the game.
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Hva du føler har ingenting med saken å gjøre. Du er fullt klar over hva du kjøper da de har opplyst om dette fra starten av. Om dette er et problem skulle du ikke ha betalt for spillet i det hele tatt. Om dette var noe de kom med etter launch eller som dukket opp som et problem så hadde jeg sett det.


Jeg er dog helt enig i at det burde være en singleplayer del, men nå har jeg betalt for et online-only spill og da er det slik.

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