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Som fkm ville sagt: Hvorfor gidde å bruke livet ditt til å lese? Har du ikke noe annet å gjøre?


Vennligst unngå å uttale deg på mine vegne i fremtiden, og hvertfall når du har så latterlig feil som du har nå. Det er mulig du tror det er "kult" å ikke lese bøker, men alle med en nogenlunde velfungerende hjerne vet at det bare er idioter som har noe imot å lese. Tulling.

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lokeland: Jeg leser selv, jeg. Beste måten å bli trøtt på. :thumbup:

Fikk 4 bøker til jul, så kan trygt si jeg leser selv :p Har dog enda ikke kommet meg igjennom The London Cut.

fkm ble dypt fornærmet nå. Ved tanke på hvor glad han er i å rette på andres stavefeil burde det jo ikke komme som et sjokk at han ikke en av de som skyr bøker!

Endret av lokeland
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Hentet denne fra SF:


A new fancy purchase can make other possessions look shabby, researchers say


By Linda Carroll

msnbc.com contributor msnbc.com contributor


The gift giving season has come to an end and you might be thinking it’s time to permit yourself one little luxury — a small purchase, not anything that would break the bank. It might be an exotic end table, some designer shoes, or perhaps a fancy throw pillow.


Bad idea, scientists say. Just as a tiny bite of chocolate cake can dash a dieter’s will-power, the purchase of one special item can spark a shopping spree, a new study shows.


In a revealing series of experiments researchers discovered that the acquisition of one high end item can spur us to spend lots more if the original purchase turns out to be a lot nicer than our other possessions, according to the report published in the Journal of Marketing Research.


“When we buy something with unique design elements and it doesn’t fit in, it frustrates us, says the study’s senior author, Henrik Hagtvedt, a professor at Boston College. “This is because the design has intrinsic value. Rather than returning the item, we actively seek ways to make the item fit, often by making complementary purchases.”


So, has Hagtvedt found the shopping equivalent to the “gateway” drug, where a pair of designer shoes leads to a complete wardrobe makeover or a bite of cake leads us to consume the whole thing?


Kind of, says psychologist April Benson, author of “To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop.”


“It’s even worse than taking a bite of cake,” Benson says. “Once the cake is consumed, you’re not looking at it anymore. With a purchase, you keep seeing it.”


That doesn’t mean we can’t ever buy anything special, Benson says. We just have to be aware of the menace of mismatches.


And, before buying, we need to know whether we can enjoy our one nice piece of furniture or whether we’ll get frustrated because it makes the whole room look shabby in comparison.


“You have to know what you’re getting into,” Benson cautions.


© 2010 msnbc.com. Reprints


Noen som føler seg truffet?

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Jeg leser Kitchen Confidential av Anthony Bourdain atm. Anbefales!


Haha seriøst? Jeg lånte den av onkel og skal starte på den. Jeg har den riktignok på norsk.


Leste nettopp Unseen Academicals av Terry Pratchett, btw. Den var full av lulz.


Hvis noen liker krim er Along came a spider av av James Patterson verdt å sjekke ut.

Endret av thrice
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