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Gjest Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb

Kan jo det, da, for jeg røyker ikke mere og sparer til det nå :wee: :wee:


Det er jo bra, men det er vel mye penger uansett om du sparer en del i året? (Kjøper selv bare på tilbud gjennom STEAM, ellers en sjelden gang dersom jeg bare må ha et spill, som f.eks Bioshock. :p)


Har du prøvd med mods da? Prøvd å reinstallere?


Har reinstallert, men vet ikke om noen mods som kan hjelpe til på performens? Har fått råd fra Rockstars support, men det var jo så og si latterlig.. Har prøvd alt:



Thank you for sending us your DxDiag and MSinfo. Your system is above the system requirements, but I do see some errors being reported with different programs associated with OS issues and video card drivers.

We would like to have you try the following troubleshooting steps to help resolve the issues you are experiencing.

Ensure that you have Administrator privileges on the computer you are trying to run the game on.

Ensure that all non-essential USB devices are disconnected from the computer for the purposes of troubleshooting. This could include (but isn't limited to): game controllers, flight-sticks, etc

Update your video, sound, and System Bios drivers (refer to manufacturer’s website)

Disable Background Applications

It is strongly recommended to turn off all background applications when running graphically intensive programs. Many applications can cause errors such as GPFs, color scrambling, loss of sound effects or music, etc. Taking a minute to turn off these applications can save you the trouble of rebooting later. Background applications include such things as System Agent, Norton Utilities, Internet chat utilities, virus checkers and screen savers. Crash guard programs such as First Aid for Windows can also cause problems.

Windows Vista / Windows 7

1. Click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen.

2. Click on Start Search

3. Type in msconfig and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

4. Click the Continue button if the message "Windows needs your permission to continue"

appears. If this message does not appear, please continue to step 5.

5. On the General Tab, choose Selective Startup.

6. Uncheck the option to Load startup items.

7. Click Apply, then Ok, and restart the system when prompted.

Reinstall Direct X Updates

It is possible that the version of Direct X running on your computer is encountering errors with the game you are trying to play. If this is the case, we advise reinstalling Direct X. The latest version of Direct X can be found here http://www.microsoft...ails.aspx?id=35

Lower Sound Acceleration

Windows Vista/7

Choose Start > Control Panel.

Double click Personalization and select Display Settings.

Click Advanced Settings.

Click Change Settings on the Troubleshooting tab.

Move the Hardware Acceleration slider to None.

Click Apply and then click OK to accept the new setting and close the dialog box.

Click OK to close the Display Properties dialog box.

Restart Windows.

Uninstall and Reinstall the game completely.

There is a possibility that some of the files which are installed during the setup process are incomplete or corrupted. Try uninstalling the game completely and reinstalling it under its default or express settings.

Sometimes there can be issues playing this game on Win7 as this game was created prior to Win 7 being released. Let's try running this in compatibility mode.

Right-click the icon for the program.

Click Properties.

Click the Compatibility tab.

Check the box "Run this program in compatibility mode".

Choose Win XP

It may also be necessary to check the box for "Run this program as an administrator."

Click Apply and OK.



I følge de fleste. Dunno, vi får se når jeg har fått bygget den. Har null erfaring med CFX fra før men jeg tror at det blir bra. 144 HZ monitor har jeg også som burde hjelpe litt mot tearing og slikt.


Må selv få meg en ny monitor snart, jeg opplever Tearing ofte.. :mellow:

Endret av Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb
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Gjest Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb

Husker ikke akkurat hva de heter, men søk litt på youtube.





Kjøpte du ikke 120hz skjerm da du kjøpte PC? Hvilken skjerm har du nå?


Nei, har en 60 hz.

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Gjest Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb

Hmm... Jeg skjønner bare ikke hvordan ditt GTA IV er uspillbart når det funker nærmest knirkefritt for meg på 6950 skjermkort


Nei, etter at jeg prøvde modden så ble det uspillbart. Når jeg har vanlig uten det går det, men da har den en utrolig kjedelig framerate, og hakker f.eks når jeg kjører bil. Du skal være heldig dersom du klarer å spille dette spillet uten problemer.. Håper bare Rockstar kommer ut med en patch, noe jeg tipper ikke skjer.

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Gjest Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb

De har jo ute, prøvd den? Avinstaller modden du installerte så installer patchen.


Har STEAM, så jeg skal ha det oppdatert allerede?

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Gjest Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb

Ok, du får prøve å mase på steam. Den modden du lastet ned, funker den på steam versjonen? Eller står det at den skal funke på steam?


Så ikke etter.. :p Men den hadde en automatisk Back-up som jeg kjørte, så det er ikke noe problem! :)

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