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Budsjett: <2000



Størrelse: heldekkende


Type: lukkede og/eller støyreduksjon



Bruksområde: 75% Musikk, 15% film og 10% spill. Hovedsaklig forran data og TV. Vil også ha mulighet til å bruke de på mobilen (Samsung Galaxy Note) når jeg er på jobb.


Kilder: Stasjonær, laptop, TV og mobil. Bruker kun mp3. Trehundre-noe i bitrate.



Har nå: in-ear og laptop(!!) høyttalere. Vil ha noe skikkelig.


Lydbilde: usikker, ren lyd med litt bass, kanskje.




Hører kun på metall.

Må ha mini-jack, men kan også ha adapter til flere (USB, optisk o.l).

Må ha modulær ledning. Altså mulighet for å bytte ledning i tilfelle den skulle bli ødelagt.

Fint om ledning har play/pause/next og volumt evt. at jeg kan bytte den ut.

Modulær mikrofon er også er pluss, men ikke et must. Har et billig Koss gamingheadset til fler-spilling.

Må kunne ha de på hode lenge uten at jeg svetter i hel.


Har prøvd noen Beats headset med innebygd forsterker og aktiv støyreduksjon. De kostet 2500. Jeg synes lyden er bra, men dyrt.

Endret av Wulong
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ehh nei xD det vil de ikke.. eller jo. men på 100% lyd via pc = 20% av lyden i headphonesan.


Koste like mye før Dt770 i norge som i alle andre land om du ikke finn de på auction.

minus at du ikke har garanti og reklamasjon.


32ohm = mp3, laptop, telefon

80 ohm = Brukes til Portable Amp (Fiio E17,E7) eller internal pc lydkort (Asus Xonar DG,STX)

250 ohm = (Kan brukes med portable amp) Kan brukes med High end 300+Ohm pc lydkort som Asus Xonar STX.

600 Ohm = Dedikert headphone amp og Dac (Fiio E9/E17 Combo) osv osv osv







The DT770 is beyerdynamic’s answer to those who wanted a closed headphone with balanced sound with good isolation. It’s four versions are all good, but they have varying sound signatures. It has the most balanced sound amongst all three lines.

- 32Ohm

The 32Ohm model of the DT770 is closer sounding to the 250Ohm and 600Ohm models than it is to the 80Ohm model. The most striking difference is that they have far less bass than the 80Ohm model, but also are fuller sounding. The bass on the 32Ohm's is tight and controlled but rather light on impact. If I had to rate it's impact I would say it's like the DT880/250, but even less than those. The high while quite extended and detailed but has a slight edge to them, but not grating or strident sounding. All of the DT line (DT770-DT990) has a treble oriented sound, so the DT770 will emphasize this. Now the mids, while fuller than the 250Ohm and 80Ohm models, are there but still recessed to a degree. The mids are clear, detailed, and possess decent transparency. Now the soundstage is smaller than the 80Ohm and 250Ohm and has an "in your head" sound to it. The dynamics of this model seem slightly lower compared to the 250Ohm version, but it’s hard to tell.


- 250Ohm

This Ohm version is good improvement over the 320hm version. It has improved dynamics and transients are pretty good. The bass while, tight and controlled is kind of slow sounding. The bass seems to extend just as much as the 32Ohm model but has a little less weight to the bass. Now the mids are more recessed or shallow sounding on this model compared to the other two models, but are more detailed and transparent than the lower models. The treble though is rather strident sounding and this can has more treble than the lower two versions. The treble seems to take over the sound on modern mastered stuff. One thing to note is that the treble is more extended as well and even more detailed. Now the soundstage on this model is pretty good for a closed headphone, but still rather closed in.

- 80Ohm (PRO)

The 80Ohm model has the most bass out of all the DT770 models. The bass is nice and pronounced with having good impact and depth, though when under amped it can have a mind of it's own. When underamped the bass gets bloated and flabby. The mids are probably the fullest of the DT770 line up but still on the recessed side. The treble is presented nicely although it sounds like it slightly rolled off. The treble is also the smoothest of the DT770 line. The soundstage is smaller then the rest though and certainly smaller than the DT770/250Ohm, most likely due to the bass and treble. This ehadphone it really good for rock, rap, metal, and any other bassy music genre's.


-250Ohm (PRO)

The Pro version sounds almost the same but the thing that is most different is the clamping force of the headband. It clamps quite tight, while the other models have a looser fit. Also the soundstage on this model seems smaller cause of the clamp and the bass is also pronounced because of the clamp as well. Other than that it sounds the same.

- 600Ohm

This is the best model of this headphone available. It has very smooth treble in comparison to the other Ohm models and is even more extended and detailed. The treble also no longer seems to trample over the other frequencies, but is more integrated with them. The midrange on this headphone is far better than the other Ohm DT770 models. Because the treble has been smoothed out and toned down a little bit, the midrange has made a nice appearance and is also very transparent sounding with lots of detail. The mids are just right in my mind on this phone and the best of the DT770 line. Now the bass on these is full, has nice texture, and has more weight to it. It’s definitely more pronounced than its 250Ohm counterpart. Also the bass is much faster sounding on this model and is also deeper sounding as well. The soundstage is also bigger than the other three models and possesses nice depth, width, and height.

Also there seems to be another variation of the 600Ohm model floating around which has just as much bass as the 80Ohm model. I have heard the new 600Ohm model first hand and it sounds incredibly similar to the muddy sounding 80Ohm version. The new version is very tight in the bass and does not have that overly boomy sound to it's bass, well it does bu not as bad. The treble is no longer smeared and the mids don't sound as cluttered.

Endret av nipton
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