The Very End Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2012 (endret) Ref. link http://www.kickstart...n-reincarnation , samt . Uansett! Legendarisk spilltittel er på vei tilbake, og har allerede vært under utvikling en liten stund. Nå har utviklerene bestetemt seg for at dem ønsker å finansiere spillet via sine fans, og fortsette som en fri uavhengig utvikler av spill (altså å ikke måtte følge div. krav til større utgiverselskap). Til dette har utviklerene nå satt en deadline på 1 mnd. til å skaffe totalt 400 000,- dollars for at prosjektet skal bli en realitet. Kan også være verd å merke seg at utviklerene med flere anledninger har nevnt at de ønsker å gå tilbake til røttene, altså lage et spill som kan kalles en verdig oppfølger til Carmageddon 1 og 2. Så, la oss alle bidra med en liten slant! Jeg har virkelig troa på dette prosjektet! (Ps: Når du støtter med 15 dollar eller mer så får du faktisk spillet også når det er relased). Endret 8. mai 2012 av The Very End Lenke til kommentar
Windoge Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Betale for utviklingen av spillet så at vi på nytt kan betale for spillet når det eventuelt kommer? Lenke til kommentar
dfens Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Dette spillet skal jeg ha uansett, så det blir minst 15 $ gitt herfra. Vurderer nesten 1000 $ for å få ansiktet med på en fotgjenger! Nei, blir nok ikke det, men morsomt å lese om belønningene på de forskjellige grensene på summene som kan gis til prosjektet. Betale for utviklingen av spillet så at vi på nytt kan betale for spillet når det eventuelt kommer? Betaler du 15 $ eller mer har du betalt for spillet. Lenke til kommentar
The Very End Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Forfatter Del Skrevet 8. mai 2012 (endret) Nesten verd det å betale 1000,- dollar for å kunne kjøre over svigermor Endret 8. mai 2012 av The Very End 1 Lenke til kommentar
Wrathmont Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 8. mai 2012 Artig, har hatt sinnsykt mye morro med Carmaggedon 2 lan. Skal se på dette etterhvert. Lenke til kommentar
The Very End Skrevet 12. mai 2012 Forfatter Del Skrevet 12. mai 2012 (endret) Siterer svarer som utviklerne har gitt nå, de er litt lange men anbefaler å lese dem, står blandt annet noe om MAC support, LAN osv for dere som er interessert i det : @ Everyone asking the LINUX question: We’re currently looking at how much it will cost to port our tech to Linux. The answer is, there will be a cost. But we’re still looking at it. @ Everyone asking about a release of the original on GOG: More soon. @ Everyone asking about Paypal: We’re looking into setting it up! @ Rene Morten Jensen: The idea was you could win by wrecking, killing all the peds, or racing laps. (Although there were one or two levels with peds in places they couldn’t actually be reached… oops.) @ Buddy: The DVD/USB stick confusion is caused by the Kickstarter rule that you can’t edit a Reward once there’s any pledges on it. What we’ll do instead is give the $350 pledgers the DVD in the box, and the game on a USB stick as well, so they’ve got even more little souvenir items! @ Jose Hulse: Cops will be coming back. We’ll have a variety; standard squad car that’s easily wrecked, APC style that’s harder, and the return of the Oppressor – the very, very nasty cop vehicle! @ BonusPoints & friends: Well, as we’ve said we’re into the idea of bicyclists, I guess scooters should be included too… @ Veav: Regarding your point about pedestrians being there for bonus points, not immersion. That’s completely true, and a very good point to make. It’s one of the reasons we rejected the complexity of middleware crowd AI solutions; because by the time you get close to the pedestrians in Carmageddon, their basic instinct to flee has kicked in and they’re running for their lives! But, we will be building more behaviour into them than just herd instinct panic, so that the world looks immersive enough. @ Riggo49: Well, the Element does look like the sort of compact SUV that would crush quite nicely. Although I also like Zolishoru’s suggestion… @ Michael Conomy, Matthijs Jansen and others: Yes, we plan to support the MAC! @ Pete: To get the CarDmageddon game, you could keep watching Ebay after they ship? @ dragunov & Paul: There’s a group of us goes fairly regularly on airsoft outings to Island Recon (although we’ve been too lazy/busy this past year). I doubt we’d have the time to organise an event like you suggest, or whether the site owners (lovely though they are) would want it hijacked for our benefit! @ Jonathan Malcolm: Yes, KS Reward car upgrades will be purely cosmetic. @ rimjim: We’re very much supporting modding, so your concerns may not be so much of an issue. @ Eric Wood: I mentioned in an earlier update that we know the harsh “barrier to progress” missions were a mistake! @ Brant King: Sorry! @ Jonathan Eynon, Wayne Mellors: Fox and Hounds is the Multiplayer game that we enjoyed the most – so it’s definitely coming back! And just to further clarify - we’ll have peds in multiplayer like Carma 1 did. @ The Very End, SonicFlare: I don’t expect we’d consider any more than 10 cars on a grid, just from a gameplay point of view. We might make it vary from event to event. We haven’t got that aspect of the game finalised yet. But we would certainly allow modders to try chucking in as many cars as they liked into their CarMODgeddon event! @ Tommy Sandoy-Blom: Ahh, RussellsFannies. Nostalgia trip… It’s still hard to believe that our much loved colleague Rusk (who fannied about with that file) won’t get to see this game. But we have pledged to place giant statues of him in selected levels. @ Trawl Name: Yes, the Pratcam is coming back. We’ve already got mad Tony booked for his comeback. @ Psyrgery: Patrick say THANKS! @ SeanPaul: Sorry if it seems a bit clunky, but we’re limited with what we can do when Rewards are already pledged on, as we can’t edit them. As The Very End points out, we are trying to load you up nicely with goodies from all tiers below as well. We’re working on a handy Reward goody chart to post in an update, that will help make it all clear! @ Dimitri: The problem incorporating something like Gumball is that it’s a brand in its own right, and we’d have legal headaches getting deals sorted out. Plus they’re all very irresponsible people who we shouldn’t mix with. @ Veav: Lots of views. We’ll has them. @ Fabian Taubitz: Yes, we’ll support LAN gaming. This will be available OFFLINE too, so if your internets are down or you have a lousy connection, you still have an MP option. (LAN and friends not supplied.) @ Alain Jimeno: It’s an Adventure! (As someone else round here pointed out recently, and got $3m in the process!) @ Sam Mackenzie. Thank you, especially for the mental image. @ Mark Doherty: Hey that’s cool! Any chance of a scan? @ btracing, rimjim, Ben Tan: We’d love to see die-cast Carma cars too. Hopefully one day… @ Stuart Gray: We almost always find that our favourite power-ups and features are the ones everyone else loves too – which is nice. Peds with Giant Heads are already on the list! @ Raphael Carnot: We are looking into the possibility that we could do a little Eagle model right now. Okay, I think that’s about it for another day’s updates. We’re also expanding the FAQ today, to sticky some of the oft-repeated points. Many many thanks again everyone, and although things have slowed down on the Pledgeometer a little at the moment, we’re still confident that with your continued support we can SMASH the Goal! @ Patrick: Glad to oblige on the new Reward tier! @ Nerkoon: Yes, “pedestrian survival” will be a multiplayer mode. @ BigBen: Publishers are people too, and as I said, we will continue to work happily with them. Thanks for the pledge, although I’m not sure if it will contribute towards getting an Iron Maiden soundtrack. Bruce Dickinson was a big fan of the game and that led to the tracks being in Carma 2 – perhaps he’ll see the campaign, and pledge music… @ Chema Casanova: We really appreciate your up-pledge! @ Juakyng: Online Carmageddon will be yours! @ Mineo Geoffrey: We might not need to tie the boxed version to Steam. It could be that we’d make it optional. We’ll have to look into it further, and let you know. @ shortcat: We assessed and rejected Euphoria, or any middleware solutions. Not because they’re expensive – but because we’re confident our in-house expertise can get us the results we want. @ Raphael Carnot: We will support the EFIGS language set. @ Patrick: You don’t have to pay postage for any physical goods. We pay it. We’d be very appreciative if you added a few extra bucks to help cover the cost, but you are not obliged to do so. @ Onesmallmonkey (nice name): We had a QA failure on the Carma 2 missions - they were introduced late and not tested thoroughly. I could complete the missions - but then I’d played the game continuously for two years and scripted the missions, so I wasn’t best placed to assess how tricky they were… Rest assured we won’t subject you to any such barriers to progress in the new game! Hi everyone, nobby here with the long promised comment response. Sorry it's a bit of a sprawl - I'll try to respond faster over the coming days. Give me a shout if I've missed something critical that requires a reply! @ Tero Paananen, mtrx, : We’ll be releasing the game on Xbox 360 and PS3. Plus Mac. And other platforms/devices over time. The critical difference that getting beyond our Kickstarter target funding makes is the rapidity with which we’re able to port the game to these other platforms. @ Daniel Watson, Ben Tan, Chema Casanova etc.: We’re adding the boxed game with the manual and game on a printed CD in as a $150 level Reward. If anyone who pledged $350 wants to drop their pledge to $150 as a result, then please feel free! If anyone currently going for the t-shirt or bumper sticker level rewards wants to swap their pledge to the boxed game offer, now’s your chance. At $350 level, you’ll get all three $150 Reward offers. @ lloyd: I’ve no idea what that valve amp is – I was in Patrick’s room to film, as my office is a small dark dungeon. @ Veav: The team is largely comprised of the barking mad bastards who made the original Carmageddon 1&2 (we didn’t make that third one, and we refuse to even speak of it). You can rest assured that we are not going to tread on your dreams. @ Adam Jeffery, Rene Morten Jensen, Tobias Naumann: Yes, freeform “play the way you want to” gameplay is what the original was about, and we see no reason to deviate with the new game. @ Justin Kowalski: You will be able to play the single player game in “offline” mode. And yes, we do plan to support LAN play. @cybrbeast, Rene: Bicyclists are a fine idea. And Max will look great on a bike in the BMX (Biking Murder Xtreme) event… @ Maynard: Eyefinity/SLI should be do-able. It’s probably a good excuse for us to blag some hardware for testing… As for the soundtrack, we’ve got a musician preparing some tracks for us, but I can’t say more than that right now. @ Sebultura: A “no time limit sandbox stuff” mode sounds good to me. @ Andrew Geddes: “Please include the Pinball Mode+Solid Granite Car+Bouncy Bouncy”. Your wish is our command… @ Sigurdur G. Gunnarsson: As already mentioned, we don’t even mention “the third game”. Carma:R will be heavily based on updated Carmageddon 1 content, combined with Carmageddon 2’s concept of user-triggered power-ups. @ James Hogarth, Veav, Wouter de Hoogd, Patrick, Buddy, Chris Kay et al: We are looking into ways we might revive the original two games and get them working on modern hardware. We should have more news on this soon. And to clarify, we bought the IP rights and copyright to everything in the Carmageddon universe ever, so we can do whatever we want with it. @ Kostabi: Stop mentioning “the third game”, please. @ Ben Blank: Interesting questions, which you will probably find are largely answered by our blogs and articles on Generally, we all have a huge affection (love even – in a manly way) for Carmageddon 1, those who started with us on Carma 2 think it’s better, and we all agree the Carma 2 missions sucked. @ The Made: Heh – what I just said! @ Adam Humphrey: It’s a shame you weren’t here to be able to shoot a money-filled rocket into our crotches. But thanks anyway! @ Semih Karaca: Apple promotion was entirely unintentional. We’re an equal opportunities hardware employer. @ Brian Lee Jones, GamerEdie Sellers, and all the others reminiscing about the first time round: You are the guys we’re making this for… thanks! @ BigBen: Please don’t think we’re bashing publishers. Well, not TOO much, anyway. We work with them all the time. (I mean, I know we make a joke about a publisher-free world in the video, but it’s just a joke. Honest…) It’s just that this project is so dear to our hearts, we feel strongly Kickstarter is the best way to get it made. We aren’t saying it’s the only way forward for game development – because in doing so we’d just be making the future more difficult for ourselves! @ jaronimoe: We can’t lower price of entry to a boxed product quite as low as you’d like, but we’ve been listening and it’s now a lot lower. @Alberto Benito: We’ve been busy brainstorming the game types for the new game over the last year, and I think you’ll be pleased to hear that “Be a Ped” is already in there… @ Jan Lindner: Heh, we owe ya. We’ll do our best to not fuck this up. And we’ll do a Mac version, just for you. @ Leslie De Laet: We mention in our main text that we’re paying for shipping, because we’re lovely. @ Ray Chow: At LAST! Someone noticed… ;D @ wk.z: Mmm… Pledgeburger. @ spaceman spiff: Thanks dude! We love Brian F! @ Adrian Demetrescu: We’ll do our best for you, and try to avoid the pitfalls… Thanks! @ BloodEagle: We appreciate your support, many thanks! @ Buddy: Re. getting out of your car. I can confirm this won’t be an option in Carmageddon, because it’s too far removed from the core gameplay of the titles we’re “rebooting” with Carmageddon: Reincarnation. But we are considering an MP mode game where you get to be a pedestrian… @ Dmitry Paskal: Heh, thanks for the video praise. Don’t feel sorry for the programmers. They get regular fresh bedding and strong medication. @ Michael Hoffman: We will get back to you soon on the Steam censorship question. @ dragunov: Hey, I recently ordered an airsoft Dragunov. @ Charlie: Nice story! @ Adrian: Indeed. We plan the final game to be largely comprised of updated content based on the levels, vehicles, characters in the original game, plus additional new stuff. Endret 12. mai 2012 av The Very End Lenke til kommentar
Windoge Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Jeg ser nå at målet er nådd for mange dollar siden, og det er fremdeles mange dager igjen. Lenke til kommentar
The Very End Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Forfatter Del Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Yup, 420 000 / 400 000 ;D Dog prøver folk å nå 600 000, for om vi gjør det har utviklerne lovet å lage version til Mac og Linux. Om dette målet ikke nås kan det nås i ettertid med Paypal løsninger og slik, men hadde vært jævelig kult å fått til 600 000 Lenke til kommentar
Windoge Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Mac og Linux? Tror ikke jeg kunne brydd meg mindre om det. Da vil jeg heller at det skal komme mer snacks til de mest populære systemene. Lenke til kommentar
oOF Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Del Skrevet 28. mai 2012 Må vel si meg enig i den, 26$ sendt fra meg. Det frister grådig med Carmageddon igjen. Det var jo uhyre morsomt å kjøre inn i en haug med kyr som må prøves igjen. Lenke til kommentar
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