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Xbox One-kaféen

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Som tidligere påpekt, min Xbox One er lydløs.


Lydløs, under en svært vid definisjon av lydløs, vedder 1000 spenn på at jeg kan høre den i en stue om den står "i friluft". :)




Jeg vedder imot.


Som påpekt over, jeg er VELDIG kresen. Jeg må sitte på gulvet 30 centimeter fra maskinen for å høre den i det hele tatt, med all lyd av, og da hører jeg en svak susing. Sitter jeg på sofaen, selv med lyden av, hører jeg absolutt ingenting. (Spiller ofte uten lyd).


Har PC med lyddempet kabinett og stillegående vifter som bråker 10 ganger mer. PS4-en min bråker 50 ganger mer. (I den grad man kan gange null støy med noe i det hele tatt)


Vil du komme å sjekke? Bor i Bergen.



Kanskje, nå bor jeg ikke i bergen, men skal dit ihvertfall om et par måneder, så kan hende jeg tar opp den tråden :) (du kan forøvrig fint gange null støy med noe, da null støy gjerne implisitt forståes som "under høreterskelen", og selv om høreterskelen er ca 0 db (ved 1000 Hz), så representerer 0 dB et lydtrykk som er over null, null lydtrykk er -uendelig dB. Så om man regner 0 dB som lydløst så er 10 ganger mer lydenergi 10 dB, og 50 ganger mer er 17 dB. Så det er kanskje ikke helt utenkelig at tallene ikke er helt i det blå, sånn rent energimessig, når det er sagt så er nok neppe PCen din av de mest stillegående isåfall.



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Jeg hører ikke min iallfall. Sitter type 40 cm unna Xboxen når jeg gamer.


For de som ikke vet så kan man plukke opp Raymen Legends gratis på Xbox. Knall tilbud for de som liker den type spill. Å selvom man ikke gjør det så er det tross alt gratis..

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At GDC last year, we debuted some of the first ID@Xbox games making their way to Xbox One. A year later, the response from independent developers to the program that enables them to self-publish their games on Xbox One has been both humbling and awesome. Dozens of games have shipped via ID@Xbox, and there are hundreds more in development. More than 1,000 studios across the globe are creating games using ID@Xbox development kits, and we’re shipping more kits weekly!


This week at GDC you’ll get to see and hear from more than 30 developers who are bringing their games to Xbox One via ID@Xbox, including new announcements and many games coming first to Xbox One. We’re incredibly proud to be working with these visionaries and creators, who are making unique and innovative titles.

If you’re at GDC, be sure to swing by the GDC Lobby Lounge to check out Chainsawesome Games’ Knight Squad, Necrosoft Games’ Gunsport, Duaik’s Aritana & the Harpy's Feather, Seaven Studio’s Inside My Radio, AnarTeam’s Anarcute, Surprise Attack’s Screencheat, Grip Digital’s Tower of Guns, The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild’s Tumblestone, Hi-Rez’s Smite and Wales Interactive’s Soul Axiom. We’ll also have more games in the Xbox booth throughout the show.

Additionally, at a special preview event Microsoft hosted on Tuesday, we provided a sneak peek at a slew of new ID@Xbox games coming soon to Xbox One. Stay tuned to Xbox Wire for much more on these games in the weeks ahead, but see below for a full list from the event!

Some (but not all) of the ID@Xbox games being shown in San Francisco this week are included below, and be sure to check out the Xbox YouTube page for new trailers!

  • Bedlam (RedBedlam): Based on the novel by award-winning British author Christopher Brookmyre, this is a shooter for everyone who remembers gaming in the ‘80s and ‘90s!
  • Beyond Eyes (Team17): How does a blind person navigate the world? This unique title might give you some sense of what it’s like to live in a world without sight, as you control a young girl in search of her lost cat.
  • ClusterPuck 99 (PHL Collective): This competitive sports game features eight-player local competitive action.
  • Cuphead (Studio MDHR): A run-and-gun adventure, with plenty of 1930s style animation to keep things interesting! It will make its console debut on Xbox One!
  • Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Snowcastle Games): An exciting, nonlinear role-playing game.
  • The Flame in the Flood (The Molasses Flood): A rogue-lite river journey through the backwaters of a forgotten post-societal America. It will make its console debut on Xbox One.
  • Fortified (Clapfoot Games): An exciting new take on action-strategy games that combines shooter, real-time strategy, and base defense mechanics.
  • Game 4 (The Behemoth): One of the weirdest turn-based strategy games you’ll ever play, with plenty of The Behemoth’s unmistakable style.
  • Goat Simulator (Double Eleven): You are a goat, and you are on a rampage. What more do you need to know? More goat to the people!
  • LA Cops (Team 17): This top-down strategy shooter celebrates everything awesome about ‘70s cop fiction.
  • Magic Duels: Origins (Wizards of the Coast): The world’s most beloved collectible card game goes free-to-play! It will make its console debut first on Xbox one
  • Mighty No. 9 (Comcept): This Kickstarter darling is the brainchild of acclaimed developer Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man. True side-scrolling perfection!
  • Pixel Galaxy (Serenity Forge): It’s one heck of a hectic shoot-’em-up, inspired by Katamari Damacy. Grow, make friends, and survive together!
  • R.B.I. Baseball 15 (MLB.com): The legendary Major League Baseball franchise returns with fresh game modes, authentic ballparks, improved animations, and deep stat-tracking.
  • Rivals of Aether (Dan Fornace): This fighting game challenges you to uncover the elemental mysteries of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.
  • Shadow Blade: Reload (Dead Mage): Guide a young ninja on his journey to seek the teachings of the last remaining ninja master as he embarks on a quest for revenge.
  • Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games): Steel thy shovel! The amazing retro sidescrolling adventure is coming to Xbox One!
  • SMITE (Hi-Rez Studios): The next evolution in multiplayer online battle arena space. Assemble your team, choose your hero, and destroy your opponents. Stay tuned for details on the Xbox One beta, coming very soon!
  • Submerged (Uppercut Games): You’re trapped in an ancient, half-submerged city, with next to nothing. Explore the flooded cityscape and scale its buildings in a fight to survive!
  • Super Dungeon Bros (React! Games): A multiplayer dungeon-crawling extravaganza with a rock music theme. Get your bros together and get ready to rock out!
  • SWORDY (Frogshark): In this multiplayer physics brawler, you will hit your friends until they explode. You really have to see this one to wrap your head around this craziness. We’re pleased to say Swordy will debut first on Xbox One.
  • The Sun and Moon (Digerati Distribution and Marketing): It’s a platformer with a twist: You can dive into the ground, reversing your gravity while conserving your momentum. Winner of the Ludum Dare 29 competition!
  • ZHEROS (Rimlight Studios): This 3D action brawler – set in an alternative future universe – is rife with engaging combat and outrageous characters.

Those are just some of the new games coming to Xbox One via ID@Xbox. In all, it’s an exciting time for independent games on Xbox One. Some more of the amazing games in development now for Xbox One include: inXile Entertainment’s Wasteland 2, A Crowd of Monsters’ Blues And Bullets, David Jose Lourenco Amador’s Quest of Dungeons, Grande Games’ Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey, 34 Big Things’ Hyperdrive Massacre and Red Out, Little Green Men’s Starpoint Gemini 2, Pewter Game Studios’ The Little Acre, Space Dust Studios’ Space Dust Racers, Tick Toc Games’ The Adventures of Pip, Digerati Distribution’s Paranautical Activity and Slain, Drop Dead Interactive’s Gear Gauntlet, Hitcents’ Draw a Stickman: Epic, Team2Bit’s Reagan Gorbachev, Lince Works’ Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows, Makin Games’ Raging Justice, Noble Whale’s Grabbles, Torch Games’ Run, Vertigo Games’ World of Diving, Maestro Game Studio’s Luna's Tale: The Curse of the Forgotten Doll and Unruly Attractions’ Standpoint.

And there are many more great titles on the horizon. Stay tuned!

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At GDC last year, we debuted some of the first ID@Xbox games making their way to Xbox One. A year later, the response from independent developers to the program that enables them to self-publish their games on Xbox One has been both humbling and awesome. Dozens of games have shipped via ID@Xbox, and there are hundreds more in development. More than 1,000 studios across the globe are creating games using ID@Xbox development kits, and we’re shipping more kits weekly!


This week at GDC you’ll get to see and hear from more than 30 developers who are bringing their games to Xbox One via ID@Xbox, including new announcements and many games coming first to Xbox One. We’re incredibly proud to be working with these visionaries and creators, who are making unique and innovative titles.

If you’re at GDC, be sure to swing by the GDC Lobby Lounge to check out Chainsawesome Games’ Knight Squad, Necrosoft Games’ Gunsport, Duaik’s Aritana & the Harpy's Feather, Seaven Studio’s Inside My Radio, AnarTeam’s Anarcute, Surprise Attack’s Screencheat, Grip Digital’s Tower of Guns, The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild’s Tumblestone, Hi-Rez’s Smite and Wales Interactive’s Soul Axiom. We’ll also have more games in the Xbox booth throughout the show.

Additionally, at a special preview event Microsoft hosted on Tuesday, we provided a sneak peek at a slew of new ID@Xbox games coming soon to Xbox One. Stay tuned to Xbox Wire for much more on these games in the weeks ahead, but see below for a full list from the event!

Some (but not all) of the ID@Xbox games being shown in San Francisco this week are included below, and be sure to check out the Xbox YouTube page for new trailers!

  • Bedlam (RedBedlam): Based on the novel by award-winning British author Christopher Brookmyre, this is a shooter for everyone who remembers gaming in the ‘80s and ‘90s!
  • Beyond Eyes (Team17): How does a blind person navigate the world? This unique title might give you some sense of what it’s like to live in a world without sight, as you control a young girl in search of her lost cat.
  • ClusterPuck 99 (PHL Collective): This competitive sports game features eight-player local competitive action.
  • Cuphead (Studio MDHR): A run-and-gun adventure, with plenty of 1930s style animation to keep things interesting! It will make its console debut on Xbox One!
  • Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Snowcastle Games): An exciting, nonlinear role-playing game.
  • The Flame in the Flood (The Molasses Flood): A rogue-lite river journey through the backwaters of a forgotten post-societal America. It will make its console debut on Xbox One.
  • Fortified (Clapfoot Games): An exciting new take on action-strategy games that combines shooter, real-time strategy, and base defense mechanics.
  • Game 4 (The Behemoth): One of the weirdest turn-based strategy games you’ll ever play, with plenty of The Behemoth’s unmistakable style.
  • Goat Simulator (Double Eleven): You are a goat, and you are on a rampage. What more do you need to know? More goat to the people!
  • LA Cops (Team 17): This top-down strategy shooter celebrates everything awesome about ‘70s cop fiction.
  • Magic Duels: Origins (Wizards of the Coast): The world’s most beloved collectible card game goes free-to-play! It will make its console debut first on Xbox one
  • Mighty No. 9 (Comcept): This Kickstarter darling is the brainchild of acclaimed developer Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man. True side-scrolling perfection!
  • Pixel Galaxy (Serenity Forge): It’s one heck of a hectic shoot-’em-up, inspired by Katamari Damacy. Grow, make friends, and survive together!
  • R.B.I. Baseball 15 (MLB.com): The legendary Major League Baseball franchise returns with fresh game modes, authentic ballparks, improved animations, and deep stat-tracking.
  • Rivals of Aether (Dan Fornace): This fighting game challenges you to uncover the elemental mysteries of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.
  • Shadow Blade: Reload (Dead Mage): Guide a young ninja on his journey to seek the teachings of the last remaining ninja master as he embarks on a quest for revenge.
  • Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games): Steel thy shovel! The amazing retro sidescrolling adventure is coming to Xbox One!
  • SMITE (Hi-Rez Studios): The next evolution in multiplayer online battle arena space. Assemble your team, choose your hero, and destroy your opponents. Stay tuned for details on the Xbox One beta, coming very soon!
  • Submerged (Uppercut Games): You’re trapped in an ancient, half-submerged city, with next to nothing. Explore the flooded cityscape and scale its buildings in a fight to survive!
  • Super Dungeon Bros (React! Games): A multiplayer dungeon-crawling extravaganza with a rock music theme. Get your bros together and get ready to rock out!
  • SWORDY (Frogshark): In this multiplayer physics brawler, you will hit your friends until they explode. You really have to see this one to wrap your head around this craziness. We’re pleased to say Swordy will debut first on Xbox One.
  • The Sun and Moon (Digerati Distribution and Marketing): It’s a platformer with a twist: You can dive into the ground, reversing your gravity while conserving your momentum. Winner of the Ludum Dare 29 competition!
  • ZHEROS (Rimlight Studios): This 3D action brawler – set in an alternative future universe – is rife with engaging combat and outrageous characters.

Those are just some of the new games coming to Xbox One via ID@Xbox. In all, it’s an exciting time for independent games on Xbox One. Some more of the amazing games in development now for Xbox One include: inXile Entertainment’s Wasteland 2, A Crowd of Monsters’ Blues And Bullets, David Jose Lourenco Amador’s Quest of Dungeons, Grande Games’ Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey, 34 Big Things’ Hyperdrive Massacre and Red Out, Little Green Men’s Starpoint Gemini 2, Pewter Game Studios’ The Little Acre, Space Dust Studios’ Space Dust Racers, Tick Toc Games’ The Adventures of Pip, Digerati Distribution’s Paranautical Activity and Slain, Drop Dead Interactive’s Gear Gauntlet, Hitcents’ Draw a Stickman: Epic, Team2Bit’s Reagan Gorbachev, Lince Works’ Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows, Makin Games’ Raging Justice, Noble Whale’s Grabbles, Torch Games’ Run, Vertigo Games’ World of Diving, Maestro Game Studio’s Luna's Tale: The Curse of the Forgotten Doll and Unruly Attractions’ Standpoint.

And there are many more great titles on the horizon. Stay tuned!


Wasteland 2... good stuff :)

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