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Xbox One-kaféen

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En Ide! Takk, gav meg livsgnisten tilbake!

Skal prøve dette imorgen, nå er det nattan her..


Forza5 er riktignok allerede kjøpt digitalt og står til nedlasting 24h her nå. Tar ingen sjanser på å ødelegge helga nå som MadCatz rattet endelig kom..spillet har ligget på bordet i halvannen måned, i plastemballasje..

Dette blir solgt på Finn for 350kr imorgen..

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Høres ut som en gåen Blu-Ray drev desverre. Kan være den har blitt klemt på toppen av konsollen, er nok en produksjonsfeil.


Ta kontakt med kundeservice der du kjøpte Xbox One. Er meget surt det der.

Takk for sympatien :)


Siden alt annet fungerer vil reklamasjon komme i andre rekke. Skal spille til mannen med ljåen kommer og tar meg før jeg sender den inn....

Tenker jeg sender den inn den dagen det nye Zelda kommer. Da skal jeg nemlig kjøpe Nintendo ene og alene for dette :)

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Gjest Slettet+32asd4f

Gode, ikke spillrelaterte nyheter.




Friends section The new Friends section has been available for a few early access Preview members and we're expanding it to everyone enrolled in the Preview program. The new Friends section enables users to see at a glance what's going on with their friends. They can stay up-to-date with their current activities, the most popular games their friends are playing, and a Gamerscore leaderboard to see who has improved their Gamerscore over the last 30 days.

Snap Center Some of gamers' favorite features in the Xbox 360 guide, are coming to Xbox One in a way that's now truly be side-by-side with games. Messages, friends, parties, and achievements will all be available in the new Snap Center, providing a seamless way to switch back and forth without having to leave a game.

Threaded Messages Keeping gamers in their games while they multitask has been a huge focus. The new Messages app features threaded messages with the full conversation history including embedded links to Game DVR clips that can be viewed without interrupting gameplay.

Media Player A new app will be available soon that enables users to play media files from either an attached USB device or from a network connected home media server that supports DLNA protocols. The preview version of the Media Player app will initially only support USB devices, with DLNA support coming soon. Xbox One will support more formats than Xbox 360, including support for dozens of new file formats like mpeg 2 TS, animated gifs and mkv which will be added by the end of the year.

Stream TV to SmartGlass Launching first in markets receiving the Xbox Digital TV Tuner, Xbox One owners will be able to stream their TV across their home network to their smartphones and tablets using the Xbox SmartGlass app. They can also pause, play and rewind as well as change channels, without interrupting gameplay on the Xbox One. This will work for SmartGlass apps on Windows, iOS, and Android.

Boot to TV Now Xbox One owners will be able to set their console to boot directly to television when coming out of connected standby.

Live TV mini guide For markets where OneGuide is available, a new mini guide on the bottom of the screen will display details about the TV content that is currently playing. Users can quickly change channels and see what's on other channels, while still watching TV

Mer her http://news.xbox.com/2014/08/gamescom-new-xbox-one-features-video


Inklusiv støttede filformater.

Endret av Slettet+32asd4f
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Rise Of The Tomb Raider kommer til jul 2015 og er visst Xbox One ekslusiv???

Ser ikke på konferansene i dag siden jeg er opptatt, men det høres vitterlig ut som en timed exclusive ifølge NeoGaf ihvertfall.
Tipper eksklusiv ut 2015 og noen mnd. Inn i det nye året. Endret av Mala
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Rise Of The Tomb Raider kommer til jul 2015 og er visst Xbox One ekslusiv???

Ser ikke på konferansene i dag siden jeg er opptatt, men det høres vitterlig ut som en timed exclusive ifølge NeoGaf ihvertfall.

Tipper eksklusiv ut 2015.



Er vel bekreftet at det er lifetime exclusive

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Gud hjelpes, den er virkelig Xbox One ekslusiv.


Dear Tomb Raider Community,

As you may have seen, we’ve just announced that Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming Holiday 2015, is exclusively on Xbox. We consider all of you to be the lifeblood of Tomb Raider and the work we do at Crystal. I’d like to give you some insight into this decision, and why we feel this is the very best thing for the Tomb Raider sequel we’re creating at the studio.

Tomb Raider in 2013 was a success due in large part to your continued support. Our goal has always been to deliver something truly special with Rise of the Tomb Raider. Today’s announcement with Microsoft is one step to help us put Tomb Raider on top of action adventure gaming. Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011. We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past - we believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the biggest in gaming, with the help, belief and backing of a major partner like Microsoft.

This doesn’t mean that we’re walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC. Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities. We have Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris coming to those platforms this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4.



Endret av Booz
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