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Med Wahoo Blue HR er det endelig mulig å bruke pulsbelte på iPhone, uten spesielle adaptere.

Det har vel vært mulig en stund? Hva med med f.eks Scosche myTREK, som også er et pulsbelte som kommuniserer med iPhone vha blåtann? Dette produktet har vært i salg siden august i fjor så vidt jeg kan se.

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Just did a quick search and it seems like there are at least two apps that can be used with the Motorola RAZR. Can you guys try iMapMyRUN and iMapMyRIDE from the android market with the Razr and then report back. I am really interested in getting this heart rate monitor but would wait for a confirmation it would work with my phone before buying it. Otherwise there is always the Motoactv. :-)

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