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Skyrim -- Enda bedre med mods!

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finns det noen mod som levler companions når man levler selv?


Det går an å levle companions til det levelet du selv er. Åpne konsollen(knappen under escape), trykk på companionen din, og skriv disable. Trykk så enter, og skriv deretter enable. Nå kan du lukke console med samme knapp du åpnet med, og companionen din vil være samme level som deg.

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Det var veldig rart. Hvilken browser bruker du, og har du prøvd med en annen? :)

Nei, det burde jeg så klart gjort :p

Men det fungerte fint nå, etter at datamaskinen ble restartet :)


Takker uansett for svar!


EDIT: Er det en mer praktisk måte å holde styr på savegamesene?

Om jeg skal ha to karakterer, går det an å ha hver karakter i hver sin mappe, for eksempel?

Endret av kjermy
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Denne er meget fin!


This is a hi-quality home-made textures pack for rocks & mountains. A lot more details than Vanilla, giving more realism and aesthetism to the world of Skyrim. It is NOT a simple improvement of Bethesda textures, but real new HD textures (actually, only normal maps are partially from Vanilla, with tweaks of course).


World Map - Skyrim Hold Borders

The idea for this mod came about after I found myself with a bounty in Solitude. I wasn't sure where the borders of Haafingar were exactly and I became tired of looking at my map and having to compare it with the map I have hanging on my wall. So I decided it couldn't be too hard to edit the map's files and put the Hold's borders over it.


The result of this idea is a collaboration between myself and IcePenguin, the creator of A Quality Road Map - With Roads, to offer users this option while keeping the details of his map. We worked hard to find (what we believe is) the best way to display the Hold borders in every environment, be it over the grassy plains of Whiterun, the snow of Winterhold, or even at night (which proved to be the biggest challenge of all).



Re-Defined Dungeons WIP

Been asked to upload a W.I.P. for other ppl to checkout


I was getting sick of the total lack of surface detail in skyrims dungeons textures and there tacky low rez/compressed normal maps so after 1.2 broke my game i decided to take a look at remaking these textures and there normal/spec maps


To keep Vram lvl's in check these textures will be remade to a MAX of 2048x2048

I will do my best to make these files as seamless as possible so they don't jar with the default textures that have yet to be replaced my modders


Dette er en ny versjon av N-R HD Clothes MC, den linken funker ikke lenger

2X Clothing Re-Mix

What is it?


A 2x resolution, high detail, re-texture of the clothing in Skyrim.

Consideration was given to textile patterns, texture quality and

dirt and "quality".


Beggars clothes are made out of cheap burlap and are dirty-fied.

One of the farmer's jacket is made out of patched leather scraps.

Middle class clothes use medium grade wool and cloth.

Fine clothes use fine patterned textures and brighter colors.



Sjekk også ut de andre moddene han har:

Vandr Presents - HD Imperial Tower

Mod added totally new HD(2048x2048 or lower) texture and totally new normall map for imperial towers.



Skyrim Performance PLUS

There are several versions of this mod of varying performance. The leaves move quickly. The drop in quality isn't as obvious as it is when looking at a screenshot. However, take a look to compare the graphic degradation you might notice.



Dette er meget godt håndverk:

LOTR - Glamdring

This addon introduces the sword Glamdring from Lord of the Rings, wielded by Gandalf. A weathered version of the sword can either be crafted under the steel section or purchased from Eorlund at the skyforge in Whiterun. The sword can be improved at the grinding wheel or visually upgraded (with minor stat increase, but discards any previous improvements) at the forge. I recommend the regular version but it can be further upgraded to a chrome/polished version at the forge if you like shinier weapons.



LOTR - Narsil and Anduril

This is my first mod for Skyrim, containing Narsil and Anduril. They can currently be purchased at Eorlund (the skyforge smith in Whiterun). I left more than one of each in case you wish to mount some on your wall or dual wield...

Jan-24, 2012: Narsil and Anduril craftable, if you can't find them in the store. Added Shards of Narsil, a wieldable dagger (obtained by smelting Narsil)

Endret av krist2
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Super post! Jeg lover å legge inn alt, men for øyeblikket må jeg vente litt...




We're pretty overloaded right now with the amazing success and popularity of Skyrim. We're currently handling around 500 requests a second on this server alone' date=' pushing through some 200Mb/sec of bandwidth so things might just be a little slow for a bit.


We're constantly monitoring the situation and trying to tweak everything we can out of the servers, so if you're struggling for more than a couple of minutes please come back a little bit later.


Thanks for your patience during this exciting time,



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Dette er en super post!!


Spiller nå i gjennom for 2de gang og savner ett mod som gjør at det stæsjet du gjemmer/beholder/lagrer er enkelt å hente uansett i hviket av husene du eier. Legger du fra deg noe i Riften kan du hente det i Whiterun..

Ja - jeg vet om Dovakhiin og det er flott, men det blir for stort for meg..

Og så synes jeg at husene egentlig er fine som de er med de tingene en får kjøpt i spillet.


Jeg skjønner jo at dette enkelt kan lages når TES kommer - men det er jo ikke her enda :)


Noen som har sett noe som ligner??



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Her kommer noen lydmods jeg bruker:


The Sounds of Nature - Fire

What does this mod do exactly? It makes the fire sounds in the game sound much better, such as campfires. bonfires, embers, torches, etc. The sounds are longer, giving them more variety, and at a higher bit-rate, which means they will have higher audio quality than the default sounds. The sounds were taken from live recordings of real fire sources. This is part of a huge sound overhaul project that aims to make Skyrim's sounds more realistic and sound better overall.



Ferocious Sabretooth Tigers

Part of a huge overhaul that gives animals more realistic sounds. Taken from live recordings of Bengal Tigers. Updates will come.


Nordic Natural Sound - Ambient Forestfall

This mod changes the background sounds of the forestfall regions, and replaces the existing quieter sounds of birds to something more varied and a little more powerfull.


what does the mod change for now :


It replaces most of the ambient sounds that are hearing in all the regions of the Rift country.

some of the sounds of birds that I combined with: ravens, eagles, owls,

some species living near lakes like frogs and some insects ..

I also added some flies because the climate of these regions seem more temperate.

Most of these sounds have a version of listening near and far.



Improved Combat Sounds

Basically the combat sounds are modified to make combat feel a little more solid. Blows feel heavier and meatier. Some of the changes are quite subtle.

Sounds for archery, unarmed and magic are not modified.



Lower Sounding Thieves Guild Door

By request. Basically lowers the volume of the Thieve's Guild Tomb/Door thing.


Added a very mininal bit of time stretch and EQ. Basically this means that it will sound better. Time stretch makes higher sounding gear noises have more depth to them. You probably won't even be able to tell, I just added it so it would be improved a little.


Ah yes, the thieves' guild. You'll only find it when they want you to find it. It is located in a very secret loca- GGGGRRRRRRRRRRCCCHCCHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! -Nevermind.

Officially the loudest door in all of Skyrim, and they thought to give it to a faction that relies on subtlety. Thanks for this.



Smooth 2-Handed Draw and Sheathe Sounds

Give the sounds for drawing and sheathing sounds that are much easier on the ears. It also removes the "sheathing in a scabbard" sound, mainly because there isn't a scabbard for 2 handed weapons in Skyrim. Instead of just lowering the volume, I adjusted the EQ, did some audio restoration techniques I learned by studying with the greybeards, and some other tweaks to make it better.



Pluss en liten tweak:

Werewolf Upgrade

Werewolf Upgrade 1.0.9g. (Last version without ck.)




When in beast form, following changes will occur:


-Feeding on corpses restores health by 150 points (instead of 50 points.) and stamina by 75 points.


-Werewolves can feed on animal, giant, falmer, troll, werewolf and hagraven corpses.


-Health regeneration added. Health regens at 1,5% per second. (Default regeneration rate is 0,7% per second.)


-Default werewolf fear howl is renamed to Howl of Fear. (Instead of Scent of Blood.)


-Howl of Fear range is reduced to 75 feet from 150 feet to match with the Howl of Terror range. (75 feet is default range.)


-Scent of Blood (Detect Life howl) have 250 feet range and duration of 60 seconds.


-Howl of Terror fears enemies up to lvl 45. (Instead of lvl 25.)


-Howl of the Pack have cooldown of 8 seconds. (Instead of 60 seconds.)


-Magic resistance is increased by 20%.


-Physical damage resistance is increased by 20%.


-Health bonus depends on character level:


Endret av krist2
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Det er alt for mye å lete etter, blir nesten brukt mer tid på nexus enn i spillet..


Er vel en mod junkie.. :blush:




og dette er bare starten, han som har laget Nordic Natural Sound Forestfall modden sier at han skal gå gjennom alle lydene å se hva han kan fikse på:


dette er planen hans:

-Wildlife of snowy areas, Pine forests, March.


og dette er planen til han som har Sounds of nature:

Coming soon:


Sounds of Nature - Wind

Sounds of Nature - Creatures (Wolves, Sabrecats, Mammoths, etc.)

Sounds of Nature - Birds

Sounds of Nature - Rain

Sounds of Nature - Footsteps

Sounds of Nature - Misc Ambiance

Spell Sounds Improved




så er noe å se frem til :)

Endret av krist2
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huff da, her kommer noen til...


Visible Windows


Windows that look more like windows. All window glass, most frames, railings, and detailings have been replaced with new textures.


Makers Mark Ingots

All of the different ore ingots now bear a minting mark from the capitol of the region that had a mine with the most veins of that particular material in Skyrim. A few were based on lore from the game story [such as a "SILVERBLOOD" stamp for silver] or in-game books and a few were to just switch it up a bit as only really 2-3 holds turned out to have most of the mines in Skyrim. Not every ingot has text and not every stamp has the same aspect, layout or placement - to keep things looking unique and realistically from the different areas.







Super Realistic Ore Textures

I couldnt stand the default ore textures, especially with all the nice texture packs out now. The originals look like wads of gum with horrendously huge pixels when viewed up close.



So I made this mod! I got the idea from Mancika's [ingot Reskin Pack] and figured i'd make some ores that better matched the Ingots and looked more like real objects and not blobs lol. But now these new textures match Mancika ingots very well and i also tried to match the colors somewhat with ByblosHex's [Glowing ore veins] for aesthetics. Although i changed the iron ore veins to be blue in my own game.





Endret av krist2
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Oppdatert førstepost.


Jeg bruker faktisk mer tid på denne tråden + snoking på Skyrim Nexus enn jeg bruker i spillet - jeg tror jeg nærmer meg halvveis ut i MQ nå... Det er noen mods jeg savner, mods som sannsynligvis aldri kommer til å fungere skikkelig uten Creation Kit (som denne). Nittende januar sa Bethesda igjen at CK skulle slippes i løpet av måneden, så det må være rett rundt hjørnet nå.

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Mod som gjør at jeg kan rename ting hele tiden, ikke bare når jeg enchanter. Hokus, pokus, nå! Anyone?


Kan man manuelt endre navn på ting man enchanter? :p Har irritert meg mer en en gang over at for eks silver necklace kun heter det og ingen indikasjon på at den har carry weight enchant på seg..


Uansett, nå som creation kit er rett rundt hjørnet så er det vel snart ingen grenser for hva man kan endre og fikse på :)

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