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Et nettbrett til 2000kr? Det er det Gizmodo foreslår å gi til noen du hater. Dere burde kanskje justere prisen for et nettbrett til noe som faktisk er en realistisk pris for et brukbart nettbrett.

A Cheap Android Tablet

Oh, a tablet! You shouldn't have! This must have cost you an arm and a leg, buddy. You bought me a tablet! Are you a space millionaire? I can't wait to browse the web, watch videos, and quickly gouge my eyes out as I realize that a budget Android tablet is the must infuriatingly awful piece of tech out there. Even expensive Android tablets struggle to perform decently—so this PanDigital 72-70FW 7-inch tablet, for example, is a criminal act. This is something you should buy for someone if you hate them. It will be unbelievably slow, buggy, and run a shockingly outdated version of Android that will never be updated. This isn't even a trojan horse of a gift—it's a horse covered in pox sores that will ruin the household you introduce it to.


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