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Disable knapp etter å ha blitt klikket én gang

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Kjører WP Ultra simple Paypal Cart på min litt crappy netthandel, og der har jeg 1 issue: Jeg selger brukte bøker, og har som regel bare én bok av hver. Det som da funker dårlig med WP Ultra simple Paypal Cart-en er at den ikke holde styr på lager slik at jeg unngår at to kunder bestiller og betaler for samme bok.


Jeg skulle hatt en snedig løsning, gjerne i php, der "legg i handlekurv"-knappen blir disabla eller forsvinner helt for den aktuelle boken om kunden klikker på den og kjøper den. Dog er det slik at man kan legge til flere bøker i kurven, og en kunde kan jo ombestemme seg. Om han da velger å fjerne boka fra kurven må knappen aktiveres/komme til syne igjen.


Det som da avgjør om knappen blir disabla for godt er om kunden betaler eller ei. Alt av betaling går btw gjennom Paypal.


Er dette mulig å få til?

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Høres greit ut. :)


Databasen til siden min, mener du? Har ikke bøkene i en database, har de i en WP Table Reloaded. Men er ikke noe i veien for å flytte de over i en database om dette lar seg kombinere med handlekurva mi.


Fint om du kunne laga den for meg, om det går greit. :)

Endret av appelsinbrus
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There you go:


echo "<input type='button'";  
if($row["AntallBoker"] <= 0){ echo "disabled='disabled' />"; } else { echo "/>"; }


$row er altså en variabel med resultatet av en mysql_query. I databasen legger du til en INT verdi kalt AntallBoker (du kan så klart kalle den hva du vil :))

Endret av HeloLars
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Hehe gir ikke tilgang til FTP for random folk på nettet, altså. :!: Har _mange_ sider på serveren min, og bare jeg har tilgang. :dribble:


Men er ikke en annen måte å gjøre det på uten å bruke database? Om en gjenstand blir lagt i kurven og blir betalt for = disabla knapp? Eller er det kun databasen man kan bruke i forhold til denne funksjonen fordi man også legger inn alle bøkene der?

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Gleder mitt overarbeidede hjerte å se at løsninger finnes. Jeg forstår ikke bæret av de, men jeg trenger jo ikke å forstå de for at de skal funke. :)


PHP Sessions, registrer en session med IDen til boken når den blir klikket på. Så har du hvis $_SESSION['iden til boka'] eksisterer, $disabled = 'disabled' hvis den ikke eksisterer ikkje gjør noe.


På knappen legg til <?php echo @$disabled; ?>

Må jeg lage en egen php-fil for dette, eller er dette noe jeg legger til i kodinga for handlekurven jeg alt bruker?


Jeg er så grønn som det er mulig å bli på dette her. Det mest avanserte jeg gjør er å endre farger og sånt. Skjønner funksjonen i forslaget ditt, men that's it. Så beklager om jeg er litt treig i oppfattelsen. :whistle:

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Hvis du ikke har kunnskap nok til å gjøre endringer som dette må du få noen til å hjelpe deg. Hvis du ikke ikke vil dele informasjon nødvendig for å løse problemet kan ingen hjelpe deg. Dette blir som å finne nåla i en høystakk, bare at man står bak en låst dør og roper instrukser til en person som knapt vet hvordan en nål ser ut. Du har fått en generell fremgangsmåte, men uten kunnskap om miljøet dette skal implementeres i er resten opp til deg. Det bør likevel nevnes at for å sikre systemet ditt kreves mer enn å bare slå av en knapp i nettleseren. Hvis det er butikk du driver kan du kanskje koste et par hundrelapper på å leie inn en person som kan gjøre jobben for deg. Alternativet er å lære seg å gjøre jobben selv. Ønsker du å lære PHP er du selvfølgelig på rett sted! :)



Tror OP trenger en måte å lese en variabel som gjelder for alle brukere. Dersom man lagrer dette per session gjelder vel dette bare per klient. "Global session data" er vel gjerne noe man henter fra databasen sin.

  • Liker 1
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Er vel kanskje mest interessert i å lære det selv, ja. :) Har jo drevet x antall nettsted i 3 år eller noe, og har alltid stressa litt med php. Html er greit, men php er verre. Men nå bruker jeg også WP, så har ikke hatt bruk for så veldig mye php-kunnskap heller da..


Noe sted dere har å anbefale i forhold til å lese meg opp på litt elementær php? Om ikke annet, kan jeg i allefall etterhvert forstå hva som er sagt lenger oppe i tråden her. :)

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Den koden jeg skrev lengre oppe legger du inn i de filene som viser en "kjøp" knapp for en bok, er litt vanskelig å forklare hvordan du skal gjøre det hvis du ikke har noe erfaring selv.


Jeg begynte å lese om PHP/HTML/Javascript/etc. på w3schools.com, har hørt mye om at de er utdatert med tanke på teknologien som er kommet i det siste, men det funker i hvert fall, så hvis du er helt noob kan du jo ta deg en titt der :)

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Hjelper det om dere får se filene da? For handlevogna er det to php-filer - den ene for selve handlevogna, og den andre for Paypal. Dette er selve vogna:






Plugin Name: WP Ultra simple Paypal Cart

Version: v4.2.1

Plugin URI: http://www.ultra-prod.com/?p=86

Author: Mike Castro Demaria

Author URI: http://www.ultra-prod.com

Description: WP Ultra simple Paypal Cart Plugin, use PayPal API to easely add Shopping Cart in your post or your page (you need to <a href="https://www.paypal.com/fr/mrb/pal=CH4PZVAK2GJAJ">create a PayPal account</a>).

Different features are available like PayPal sandbox test, price Variations, shipping Variations, unlimited extra variations label, interface text's personalization, CSS call for button and many other improvements and bugs corrections too.

This plug-in is based on the based on Ruhul Amin's "Simple Paypal Shopping Cart".



This program is free software; you can redistribute it

under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,

as published by the Free Software Foundation.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.







define('WP_CART_FOLDER', dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)));

define('WP_CART_URL', plugins_url('',__FILE__));


// loading language files

load_plugin_textdomain('WUSPSC', false, WP_CART_FOLDER . '/languages');


add_option('wp_cart_title', __("Your Shopping Cart", "WUSPSC"));

add_option('wp_cart_empty_text', __("Your cart is empty", "WUSPSC"));

add_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide', '1');

add_option('wpus_display_link_in_cart', '1');


add_option('wp_cart_visit_shop_text', __('Visit The Shop', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('wp_cart_update_quantiy_text', __('Hit enter to submit new Quantity.', "WUSPSC"));


add_option('wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide', '1');

add_option('plural_items_text', __('products in your cart', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('singular_items_text', __('product in your cart', "WUSPSC"));


add_option('subtotal_text', __('Subtotal', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('shipping_text', __('Shipping', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('total_text', __('Total', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('item_name_text', __('Item Name', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('qualtity_text', __('Quantity', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('price_text', __('Price', "WUSPSC"));

add_option('remove_text', __("Remove", "WUSPSC"));

add_option('add_cartstyle', '');

add_option('cart_currency_symbol_order', '1');


add_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url', get_bloginfo('wpurl'));


function always_show_cart_handler($atts)


return print_wpus_shopping_cart();



function show_wpus_shopping_cart_handler()


if (cart_not_empty())


$output = print_wpus_shopping_cart("paypal");




$output = get_the_empty_cart_content();



return $output;



function validate_wpus_shopping_cart_handler()


if (cart_not_empty())


$output = print_wpus_shopping_cart("validate");




$output = get_the_empty_cart_content();



return $output;



function shopping_cart_show($content)


if (strpos($content, "<!--show-wp-shopping-cart-->") !== FALSE)


if (cart_not_empty())


$content = preg_replace('/<p>\s*<!--(.*)-->\s*<\/p>/i', "<!--$1-->", $content);

$matchingText = '<!--show-wp-shopping-cart-->';

$replacementText = print_wpus_shopping_cart();

$content = str_replace($matchingText, $replacementText, $content);



return $content;



// Reset the Cart as this is a returned customer from Paypal

if (isset($_GET["merchant_return_link"]) && !empty($_GET["merchant_return_link"]))



header('Location: ' . get_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url'));



if (isset($_GET["mc_gross"])&& $_GET["mc_gross"]> 0)



header('Location: ' . get_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url'));



//Clear the cart if the customer landed on the thank you page

if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page'))


if(get_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url') == cart_current_page_url())






function reset_wp_cart()


$products = $_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'];






foreach ($products as $key => $item)




$_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] = $products;



if ($_POST['addcart'])


$domain_url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

$cookie_domain = str_replace("www","",$domain_url);

setcookie("cart_in_use","true",time()+21600,"/",$cookie_domain); //useful to not serve cached page when using with a caching plugin

$count = 1;

$products = $_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'];


if (is_array($products))


foreach ($products as $key => $item)


if ($item['name'] == stripslashes($_POST['product']))


$count += $item['quantity'];



array_push($products, $item);






$products = array();



if ($count == 1)


if (!empty($_POST[$_POST['product']]))

$price = $_POST[$_POST['product']];


$price = $_POST['price'];


$product = array('name' => stripslashes($_POST['product']), 'price' => $price, 'quantity' => $count, 'shipping' => $_POST['shipping'], 'cartLink' => $_POST['cartLink'], 'item_number' => $_POST['item_number']);

array_push($products, $product);




$_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] = $products;


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page'))


$checkout_url = get_option('cart_checkout_page_url');



echo "<br /><strong>".(__("Shopping Cart Configuration Error! You must specify a value in the 'Checkout Page URL' field for the automatic redirection feature to work!", "WUSPSC"))."</strong><br />";




$redirection_parameter = 'Location: '.$checkout_url;






else if ($_POST['cquantity'])


$products = $_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'];

foreach ($products as $key => $item)


//if ((stripslashes($item['name']) == stripslashes($_POST['product'])) && $_POST['quantity'])

if ((get_the_name(stripslashes($item['name'])) == stripslashes($_POST['product'])) && $_POST['quantity'])


$item['quantity'] = $_POST['quantity'];


array_push($products, $item);


//else if (($item['name'] == stripslashes($_POST['product'])) && !$_POST['quantity'])

else if ((get_the_name(stripslashes($item['name'])) == stripslashes($_POST['product'])) && !$_POST['quantity'])




$_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] = $products;


else if ($_POST['delcart'])


$products = $_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'];

foreach ($products as $key => $item)


if ($item['name'] == stripslashes($_POST['product']))



$_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] = $products;



function get_the_price( $pricestr ){

$pos = stripos($pricestr, ",");

if ( $pos !== false ) {

$pricearray = explode(",", $pricestr );

$price = $pricearray[1];

} else {

$price = $pricestr;


return $price;



function get_the_name( $namestr ){

// clean the name of the idem to have a better display

if(preg_match("/\(([^\)]*)\).*/", $namestr, $matched)) {

$namearray = explode(",", $matched[1] );

$name = str_ireplace ( $matched[1] , $namearray[0], $namestr );


$nameVariationArray = explode(")(", $name );


foreach ($nameVariationArray as $item) {

$nameSmallArray = explode(",", $item );

//$name = str_ireplace ( $matched[1] , $namearray[0], $nameSmallArray );



$name = str_ireplace ( ")(", " - ", $name );

} else {

$name = $namestr ;



return $name;



function get_the_empty_cart_content()



$wp_cart_visit_shop_text = get_option('wp_cart_visit_shop_text');

$empty_cart_text = get_option('wp_cart_empty_text');

$emptyCartAllowDisplay = get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide');


$output .= '<div id="empty-cart">';


if (!empty($empty_cart_text))


if (preg_match("/http/", $empty_cart_text))


$output .= '<img src="'.$empty_cart_text.'" alt="'.$empty_cart_text.'" />';




$output .= '<span class="empty-cart-text">'.$empty_cart_text.'</span>';




$cart_products_page_url = get_option('cart_products_page_url');

if (!empty($cart_products_page_url))


$output .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.$cart_products_page_url.'">'.$wp_cart_visit_shop_text.'</a>';



$output .= '</div>';


if ( !$emptyCartAllowDisplay )


return $output;





function print_wpus_shopping_cart($step="paypal")



$emptyCartAllowDisplay = get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide');

/*if ( $emptyCartAllowDisplay )


$output = get_the_empty_cart_content();



if (!cart_not_empty())


$output = get_the_empty_cart_content();



$email = get_bloginfo('admin_email');

$use_affiliate_platform = get_option('wp_use_aff_platform');

$defaultCurrency = get_option('cart_payment_currency');

$defaultSymbol = get_option('cart_currency_symbol');

$defaultEmail = get_option('cart_paypal_email');

$cart_validation_url = get_option('cart_validate_url');


if (!empty($defaultCurrency))

$paypal_currency = $defaultCurrency;


$paypal_currency = __("USD", "WUSPSC");

if (!empty($defaultSymbol))

$paypal_symbol = $defaultSymbol;


$paypal_symbol = __("$", "WUSPSC");


if (!empty($defaultEmail))

$email = $defaultEmail;


$decimal = '.';

$urls = '';


$return = get_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url');


if (!empty($return))

$urls .= '<input type="hidden" name="return" value="'.$return.'" />';


if ($use_affiliate_platform)


if (function_exists('wp_aff_platform_install'))


$notify = WP_AFF_PLATFORM_URL.'/api/ipn_handler.php';

//$notify = WP_CART_URL.'/paypal.php';

$urls .= '<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="'.$notify.'" />';



$title = get_option('wp_cart_title');

//if (empty($title)) $title = __("Your Shopping Cart", "WUSPSC");


global $plugin_dir_name;

$output .= '<div class="shopping_cart" id="shopping_cart">';

if (!get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_image_hide'))


$output .= "<img src='".WP_CART_URL."/images/shopping_cart_icon.png' value='".(__("Cart", "WUSPSC"))."' title='".(__("Cart", "WUSPSC"))."' />";




$output .= '<h2>';

$output .= $title;

$output .= '</h2>';



$wp_cart_update_quantiy_text = get_option('wp_cart_update_quantiy_text');


$output .= '<span id="pinfo" style="display: none; font-weight: bold; color: red;">'.$wp_cart_update_quantiy_text.'</span>';

$output .= '<table style="width: 100%;">';


$count = 1;

$total_items = 0;

$total = 0;

$form = '';

if ($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] && is_array($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart']))



if ( get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide') == "" )


$itemsInCart = count($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart']);

$itemsInCartString = _n( get_option('singular_items_text'), get_option('plural_items_text'), $itemsInCart );


$output .= '

<tr id="item_in_cart">

<th class="left" colspan="3">'.$itemsInCart." ".$itemsInCartString.'</th>




foreach ($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] as $item)


$total += get_the_price($item['price']) * $item['quantity'];

$item_total_shipping += get_the_price($item['shipping']) * $item['quantity'];

$total_items += $item['quantity'];



if( $item_total_shipping == 0)


$baseShipping = get_option('cart_base_shipping_cost');

$postage_cost = $item_total_shipping + $baseShipping;




//$postage_cost = 0;

$postage_cost = $item_total_shipping;



$cart_free_shipping_threshold = get_option('cart_free_shipping_threshold');

if (!empty($cart_free_shipping_threshold) && $total > $cart_free_shipping_threshold)


$postage_cost = 0;



$output .= '

<tr class="cart_labels">

<th class="left">'.get_option('item_name_text').'</th>

<th class="center">'.get_option('qualtity_text').'</th>

<th class="center">'.get_option('price_text').'</th>




foreach ($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] as $item)



$price = get_the_price( $item['price'] );

$name = get_the_name( $item['name'] );


$wpus_display_link_in_cart = get_option('wpus_display_link_in_cart');


if (!empty( $wpus_display_link_in_cart ))


$cartProductDisplayLink = '<a href="'.$item['cartLink'].'">'.$name.'</a>';




$cartProductDisplayLink = $name;



$output .= "


<td class=\"cartLink\">{$cartProductDisplayLink}</td>

<td class=\"center\">

<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" name='pcquantity' style='display: inline'>

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"product\" value=\"".$name."\" />

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cquantity\" value=\"1\" />

<input type=\"text\" name=\"quantity\" value=\"".$item['quantity']."\" size=\"1\" onchange=\"this.form.submit();\" onkeypress='document.getElementById(\"pinfo\").style.display = \"\";' />



<td class=\"center\">".print_payment_currency(($price * $item['quantity']), $paypal_symbol, $decimal, get_option('cart_currency_symbol_order'))."</td>


<form method=\"post\" action=\"\">

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"product\" value=\"".$item['name']."\" />

<input type='hidden' name='delcart' value='1' />

<input type='image' src='".WP_CART_URL."/images/Shoppingcart_delete.png' value='".get_option('remove_text')."' title='".get_option('remove_text')."' />






$form .= "

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_name_$count\" value=\"".$name."\" />

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount_$count\" value='".$price."' />

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"quantity_$count\" value=\"".$item['quantity']."\" />

<input type='hidden' name='item_number' value='".$item['item_number']."' />




if (!get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping'))


$postage_cost = number_format($postage_cost,2);

$form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"shipping_1\" value='".$postage_cost."' />";


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address'))//force address collection


$form .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"no_shipping\" value=\"2\" />";






if ($count)



if ($postage_cost != 0)


$output .= "


<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"subcell\">".get_option('subtotal_text').": </td>

<td class=\"center\">".print_payment_currency($total, $paypal_symbol, $decimal, get_option('cart_currency_symbol_order'))."</td><td></td></tr>


<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"shipcell\">".get_option('shipping_text').": </td>

<td class=\"center\">".print_payment_currency($postage_cost, $paypal_symbol, $decimal, get_option('cart_currency_symbol_order'))."</td><td></td></tr>";



$output .= "


<td colspan=\"2\" class=\"totalcel\">".get_option('total_text').": </td>

<td class=\"center\">".print_payment_currency(($total+$postage_cost), $paypal_symbol, $decimal, get_option('cart_currency_symbol_order'))."</td>




<td colspan=\"4\">";




case "validate":

$output .= '<form action="'.$cart_validation_url.'" method="post">'.$form;

if ($count)

$output .= '<input type="submit" class="step_sub button-primary" name="validate" value="'.(__("Proceed to Checkout »", "WUSPSC")).'" />';

$output .= '</form>';



case "paypal":

// https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr (paypal testing site)

// https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr (paypal live site )

if (get_option('is_sandbox') == "1") { $is_sandbox = "sandbox."; } else { $is_sandbox = ""; }


$output .= "<form action=\"https://www.".$is_sandbox."paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr\" method=\"post\">$form";

if ($count)

$language = wuspc_detect_language();

//$output .= '<input type="image" src="'.WP_CART_URL.'/images/'.(__("paypal_checkout_EN.png", "WUSPSC")).'" name="submit" class="wp_cart_checkout_button" alt="'.(__("Make payments with PayPal - it\'s fast, free and secure!", "WUSPSC")).'" />';

$output .= '<input type="image" src="'.WP_CART_URL.'/images/btn_xpressCheckout-'.$language.'.gif" name="submit" class="wp_cart_checkout_button" alt="'.(__("Make payments with PayPal - it\'s fast, free and secure!", "WUSPSC")).'" />';


$output .= $urls.'

<input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$email.'" />

<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="'.$paypal_currency.'" />

<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" />

<input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" />

<input type="hidden" name="rm" value="2" />

<input type="hidden" name="mrb" value="DKBDRZGU62JYC" />';

if ($use_affiliate_platform)


$output .= wp_cart_add_custom_field();


$output .= '</form>';




$output .= "





return $output;



function wp_cart_add_custom_field()


if (function_exists('wp_aff_platform_install'))


$output = '';

if (!empty($_SESSION['ap_id']))


$output = '<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="'.$_SESSION['ap_id'].'" id="wp_affiliate" />';


else if (isset($_COOKIE['ap_id']))


$output = '<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="'.$_COOKIE['ap_id'].'" id="wp_affiliate" />';


return $output;




function wuspc_strtolower_utf8($string){

$convert_to = array(

"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u",

"v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "à", "á", "â", "ã", "ä", "å", "æ", "ç", "è", "é", "ê", "ë", "ì", "í", "î", "ï",

"ð", "ñ", "ò", "ó", "ô", "õ", "ö", "ø", "ù", "ú", "û", "ü", "ý", "а", "б", "в", "г", "д", "е", "ё", "ж",

"з", "и", "й", "к", "л", "м", "н", "о", "п", "р", "с", "т", "у", "ф", "х", "ц", "ч", "ш", "щ", "ъ", "ы",

"ь", "э", "ю", "я"


$convert_from = array(

"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U",

"V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "À", "Á", "Â", "Ã", "Ä", "Å", "Æ", "Ç", "È", "É", "Ê", "Ë", "Ì", "Í", "Î", "Ï",

"Ð", "Ñ", "Ò", "Ó", "Ô", "Õ", "Ö", "Ø", "Ù", "Ú", "Û", "Ü", "Ý", "А", "Б", "В", "Г", "Д", "Е", "Ё", "Ж",

"З", "И", "Й", "К", "Л", "М", "Н", "О", "П", "Р", "С", "Т", "У", "Ф", "Х", "Ц", "Ч", "Ш", "Щ", "Ъ", "Ъ",

"Ь", "Э", "Ю", "Я"



return str_replace($convert_from, $convert_to, str_replace(" ","-",$string));



function print_wp_cart_action($content)




$addcart = get_option('addToCartButtonName');

if (!$addcart || ($addcart == '') )

$addcart = __("Add to Cart", "WUSPSC");


$pattern = '#\[wp_cart:.+:price:.+:end]#';

preg_match_all ($pattern, $content, $matches);


foreach ($matches[0] as $match)



$var_output = '';

$pos = strpos($match,":var1");



/ free variation combo


$isVariation = strpos($match,":var");

if($isVariation > 0){

$match_tmp = $match;


$pattern = '#var.*\[.*]:#';

preg_match_all ($pattern, $match_tmp, $matchesVar);


$allVariationArray = explode(":", $matchesVar[0][0]);


for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($allVariationArray) - 1; $i++)



preg_match('/(?P<vname>\w+)\[([^\)]*)\].*/', $allVariationArray[$i], $variationMatches);


$allVariationLabelArray = explode("|", $variationMatches[2]);

$variation_name = $allVariationLabelArray[0];


$var_output .= '<label class="lv-label '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($variation_name).'">'.$variation_name.' :</label>';

$variationNameValue = $i + 1;


$var_output .= '<select class="sv-select variation'.$variationNameValue.'" name="variation'.$variationNameValue.'" onchange="ReadForm (this.form, false);">';

for ($v=1; $v<sizeof( $allVariationLabelArray ); $v++)


$var_output .= '<option value="'.$allVariationLabelArray[$v].'">'.$allVariationLabelArray[$v].'</option>';


$var_output .= '</select><br />';




$pattern = '[wp_cart:';

$m = str_replace ($pattern, '', $match);

$pattern = 'price:';

$m = str_replace ($pattern, '', $m);

$pattern = 'shipping:';

$m = str_replace ($pattern, '', $m);

$pattern = ':end]';

$m = str_replace ($pattern, '', $m);


$pieces = explode(':',$m);


//$replacement = '<object>';

$replacement = '';

$replacement .= '<form method="post" id="wpus-cart-button-form" class="wpus-cart-button-form '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($pieces['0']).'" action="" onsubmit="return ReadForm(this, true);">';


if (!empty($var_output)){ $replacement .= $var_output; }


$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="product" value="'.$pieces['0'].'" />';



/ price variation combo

/ test if the price is unique or have variation


if ( preg_match('/\[(?P<label>\w+)/', $pieces['1']) ) {


$priceVariation = str_replace('[','', $pieces['1']);

$priceVariation = str_replace(']','', $priceVariation);

$priceVariationArray = explode('|', $priceVariation);

$variation_name = $priceVariationArray [0];


$replacement .= '<label class="lp-label '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($variation_name).'">'.$variation_name.' :</label><select class="sp-select price" name="price">';

for ($i=1;$i<sizeof($priceVariationArray); $i++)


$priceDigitAndWordArray = explode(',' , $priceVariationArray[$i]);

$replacement .= '<option value="'.$priceDigitAndWordArray[0].','.$priceDigitAndWordArray[1].'">'.$priceDigitAndWordArray[0].'</option>';


$replacement .= '</select><br />';



elseif ($pieces['1'] != "" ) {

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="price" value="'.$pieces['1'].'" />';


else { echo( _("Error: no price configured") ); }



/ shipping variation combo



if (strpos($match,":shipping") > 0){

if ( preg_match('/\[(?P<label>\w+)/', $pieces['2']) ) {


$shippingVariation = str_replace('[','', $pieces['2']);

$shippingVariation = str_replace(']','', $shippingVariation);

$shippingVariationArray = explode('|', $shippingVariation);

$variation_name = $shippingVariationArray [0];


$replacement .= '<label class="vs-label '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($variation_name).'">'.$variation_name.' :</label><select class="sv-select shipping" name="shipping">';

for ($i=1;$i<sizeof($shippingVariationArray); $i++)


$shippingDigitAndWordArray = explode(',' , $shippingVariationArray[$i]);

$replacement .= '<option value="'





$replacement .= '</select><br />';



elseif ($pieces['2'] != "" ) {

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="shipping" value="'.$pieces['2'].'" />';





/ all missing hidden fields



$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="product_tmp" value="'.$pieces['0'].'" />';

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="cartLink" value="'.cart_current_page_url().'" />';

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="addcart" value="1" />';


if (preg_match("/http/", $addcart)) // Use the image as the 'add to cart' button


$replacement .= '<input class="image" type="image" src="'.$addcart.'" class="wp_cart_button" alt="'.(__("Add to Cart", "WUSPSC")).'"/>';




$replacement .= '<input class="vsubmit submit" type="submit" value="'.$addcart.'" />';



$replacement .= '</form>';


//$replacement .= '</object>';

$content = str_replace ($match, $replacement, $content);


return $content;



function wp_cart_add_read_form_javascript()


echo '

<script type="text/javascript">



function ReadForm (obj1, tst)


// Read the user form

var i,j,pos;




for (i=0; i<obj1.length; i++)


// run entire form

obj = obj1.elements; // a form element


if (obj.type == "select-one")

{ // just selects

if (obj.name == "quantity" ||

obj.name == "amount") continue;

pos = obj.selectedIndex; // which option selected

val = obj.options[pos].value; // selected value

val_combo = val_combo + "(" + val + ")";



// Now summarize everything we have processed above

val_total = obj1.product_tmp.value + val_combo;

obj1.product.value = val_total;






function print_wp_cart_button_for_product($name, $price, $shipping=0)


$addcart = get_option('addToCartButtonName');


if (!$addcart || ($addcart == '') )

$addcart = __("Add to Cart", "WUSPSC");


$replacement = '<object>';

$replacement .= '<form method="post" id="wpus-cart-button-form" class="wpus-cart-button-form '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($name).'" action="" onsubmit="return ReadForm(this, true);">';

if (!empty($var_output))


$replacement .= $var_output;



$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="product" value="'.$name.'" />';


// test if the price is unique or have variation



preg_match('/\[(?P<label>\w+)/', $pieces['1'], $matches);





// price variation combo

if ( preg_match('/\[(?P<label>\w+)/', $price) ) {


$priceVariation = str_replace('[','', $price);

$priceVariation = str_replace(']','', $priceVariation);

$priceVariationArray = explode('|', $priceVariation);

$variation_name = $priceVariationArray [0];


$replacement .= '<label class="vp-label '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($variation_name).'">'.$variation_name.' :</label><select class="sp-select price" name="price">';

for ($i=1;$i<sizeof($priceVariationArray); $i++)


$priceDigitAndWordArray = explode(',' , $priceVariationArray[$i]);

$replacement .= '<option value="'






$replacement .= '</select>';



elseif ($price != "" ) {

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="price" value="'.$price.'" />';


else { echo( _("Error: no price configured") ); }


if ($shipping != '' )



/ shipping variation combo


if ( preg_match('/\[(?P<label>\w+)/', $shipping) ) {


$shippingVariation = str_replace('[','', $shipping);

$shippingVariation = str_replace(']','', $shippingVariation);

$shippingVariationArray = explode('|', $shippingVariation);

$variation_name = $shippingVariationArray [0];


$replacement .= '<label class="vs-label '.wuspc_strtolower_utf8($variation_name).'">'.$variation_name.' :</label><select class="sv-select shipping" name="shipping">';

for ($i=1;$i<sizeof($shippingVariationArray); $i++)


$shippingDigitAndWordArray = explode(',' , $shippingVariationArray[$i]);

$replacement .= '<option value="'





$replacement .= '</select>';


elseif ( $shipping > 0 )


$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="shipping" value="'.$shipping.'" />';




$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="product_tmp" value="'.$name.'" />';

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="cartLink" value="'.cart_current_page_url().'" />';

$replacement .= '<input type="hidden" name="addcart" value="1" />';


if (preg_match("/http/", $addcart)) // Use the image as the 'add to cart' button


$replacement .= '<input class="image" type="image" src="'.$addcart.'" class="wp_cart_button" alt="'.(__("Add to Cart", "WUSPSC")).'"/>';




$replacement .= '<input class="vsubmit submit" type="submit" value="'.$addcart.'" />';



$replacement .= '</form>';


$replacement .= '</object>';


return $replacement;



function cart_not_empty()


$count = 0;

if (isset($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart']) && is_array($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart']))


foreach ($_SESSION['ultraSimpleCart'] as $item)


return $count;




return 0;




function print_payment_currency($price, $symbol, $decimal, $defaultSymbolOrder)


switch ( $defaultSymbolOrder )



case "1":

$priceSymbol = $symbol.number_format($price, 2, $decimal, ',');


case "2":

$priceSymbol = number_format($price, 2, $decimal, ',').$symbol;



$priceSymbol = $symbol.number_format($price, 2, $decimal, ',');




return $priceSymbol;

//return $symbol.number_format($price, 2, $decimal, ',');



function cart_current_page_url() {

$pageURL = 'http';

if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}

$pageURL .= "://";

if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {


} else {



return $pageURL;



function wuspc_detect_language() {

$langcode = explode(";", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);

$langcode = explode(",", $langcode['0']);


if ( $langcode['0'] != "fr_FR" || $langcode['0'] != "de_DE" || $langcode['0'] != "es_ES" || $langcode['0'] != "it_IT" ) {

return "en_US";

} else {

return str_replace("-","_", $langcode['0']);





function show_wp_cart_options_page () {

$wp_ultra_simple_paypal_shopping_cart_version = "4.2.0";


if (isset($_POST['info_update']))


update_option('cart_payment_currency', (string)$_POST["cart_payment_currency"]);

update_option('cart_currency_symbol', (string)$_POST["cart_currency_symbol"]);

update_option('cart_currency_symbol_order', (string)$_POST["cart_currency_symbol_order"]);

update_option('cart_base_shipping_cost', (string)$_POST["cart_base_shipping_cost"]);

update_option('cart_free_shipping_threshold', (string)$_POST["cart_free_shipping_threshold"]);

update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address', ($_POST['wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );

update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping', ($_POST['wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );


update_option('cart_paypal_email', (string)$_POST["cart_paypal_email"]);

update_option('addToCartButtonName', (string)$_POST["addToCartButtonName"]);

update_option('wp_cart_title', (string)$_POST["wp_cart_title"]);


update_option('wp_cart_empty_text', (string)$_POST["wp_cart_empty_text"]);

update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide', ($_POST['wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );

update_option('wpus_display_link_in_cart', ($_POST['wpus_display_link_in_cart']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );


update_option('cart_validate_url', (string)$_POST["cart_validate_url"]);

update_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url', (string)$_POST["cart_return_from_paypal_url"]);

update_option('cart_products_page_url', (string)$_POST["cart_products_page_url"]);


// txt string

update_option('wp_cart_visit_shop_text', (string)$_POST["wp_cart_visit_shop_text"]);

update_option('wp_cart_update_quantiy_text', (string)$_POST["wp_cart_update_quantiy_text"]);


update_option('plural_items_text', (string)$_POST["plural_items_text"]);

update_option('singular_items_text', (string)$_POST["singular_items_text"]);

update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide', (string)$_POST["wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide"]);


update_option('subtotal_text', (string)$_POST["subtotal_text"]);

update_option('shipping_text', (string)$_POST["shipping_text"]);

update_option('total_text', (string)$_POST["total_text"]);

update_option('item_name_text', (string)$_POST["item_name_text"]);

update_option('qualtity_text', (string)$_POST["qualtity_text"]);

update_option('price_text', (string)$_POST["price_text"]);

update_option('item_name_text', (string)$_POST["item_name_text"]);

update_option('qualtity_text', (string)$_POST["qualtity_text"]);

update_option('price_text', (string)$_POST["price_text"]);

update_option('remove_text', (string)$_POST["remove_text"]);

update_option('add_cartstyle', (string)$_POST["add_cartstyle"]);

// sandbox option

update_option('is_sandbox', (string)$_POST["is_sandbox"]);


update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page', ($_POST['wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );

update_option('cart_checkout_page_url', (string)$_POST["cart_checkout_page_url"]);

update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page', ($_POST['wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );


update_option('wpus_shopping_cart_image_hide', ($_POST['wpus_shopping_cart_image_hide']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );


update_option('wp_use_aff_platform', ($_POST['wp_use_aff_platform']!='') ? 'checked="checked"':'' );


echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">';

echo '<p><strong>'.(__("Options Updated!", "WUSPSC")).'</strong></p></div>';



$defaultCurrency = get_option('cart_payment_currency');

if (empty($defaultCurrency)) $defaultCurrency = __("USD", "WUSPSC");


$defaultSymbol = get_option('cart_currency_symbol');

if (empty($defaultSymbol)) $defaultSymbol = __("$", "WUSPSC");


// Symbol order

$defaultSymbolOrder = get_option('cart_currency_symbol_order');

if (empty($defaultSymbolOrder)) { $defaultSymbolOrder = "1"; }


if ( $defaultSymbolOrder == "1"){ $defaultSymbolOrderChecked1 = "checked"; $defaultSymbolOrderChecked2 = "";}

elseif ( $defaultSymbolOrder == "2"){ $defaultSymbolOrderChecked1 = ""; $defaultSymbolOrderChecked2 = "checked"; }

else { $defaultSymbolOrderChecked1 = ""; $defaultSymbolOrderChecked2 = ""; }


$baseShipping = get_option('cart_base_shipping_cost');

if (empty($baseShipping)) $baseShipping = 0;


$cart_free_shipping_threshold = get_option('cart_free_shipping_threshold');


$defaultEmail = get_option('cart_paypal_email');

if (empty($defaultEmail)) $defaultEmail = get_bloginfo('admin_email');


$return_url = get_option('cart_return_from_paypal_url');

$cart_validate_url = get_option('cart_validate_url');


$addcart = get_option('addToCartButtonName');

if (empty($addcart)) $addcart = __("Add to Cart", "WUSPSC");


$title = get_option('wp_cart_title');

//if (empty($title)) $title = __("Your Shopping Cart", "WUSPSC");


// sandbox

$defaultSandboxChecked = get_option('is_sandbox');

if ($defaultSandboxChecked == "1"){$defaultSandboxChecked1 = "checked"; $defaultSandboxChecked2 = "";}

else {$defaultSandboxChecked1 = ""; $defaultSandboxChecked2 = "checked";}


$emptyCartText = get_option('wp_cart_empty_text');

$emptyCartAllowDisplay = get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide');


$cart_products_page_url = get_option('cart_products_page_url');


$cart_checkout_page_url = get_option('cart_checkout_page_url');

if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page'))

$wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page = 'checked="checked"';


$wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page = '';


// added txt string

$wp_cart_visit_shop_text = get_option('wp_cart_visit_shop_text');

$wp_cart_update_quantiy_text = get_option('wp_cart_update_quantiy_text');


$plural_items_text = get_option("plural_items_text");

$singular_items_text = get_option("singular_items_text");


$subtotal_text = get_option('subtotal_text');

$shipping_text = get_option('shipping_text');

$total_text = get_option('total_text');

$item_name_text = get_option('item_name_text');

$qualtity_text = get_option('qualtity_text');

$price_text = get_option('price_text');

$remove_text = get_option('remove_text');

$add_cartstyle = get_option('add_cartstyle');


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page'))

$wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page = 'checked="checked"';


$wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page = '';


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address'))

$wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address = 'checked="checked"';


$wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address = '';


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping'))

$wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping = 'checked="checked"';


$wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping = '';


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_image_hide'))

$wp_cart_image_hide = 'checked="checked"';


$wp_cart_image_hide = '';


if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide'))

$wp_cart_empty_hide = 'checked="checked"';


$wp_cart_empty_hide = '';


if (get_option('wpus_display_link_in_cart'))

$wpus_display_link_in_cart = 'checked="checked"';


$wpus_display_link_in_cart = '';



if (get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide'))

$wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide = 'checked="checked"';


$wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide = '';


if (get_option('wp_use_aff_platform'))

$wp_use_aff_platform = 'checked="checked"';


$wp_use_aff_platform = '';




<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" >





jQuery(function($) {

$(document).ready(function() {

$( "#tabs" ).tabs();






<div id="tabs">


<li><a href="#tabs-1"><?php _e("Usage", "WUSPSC"); ?></a></li>

<li><a href="#tabs-2"><?php _e("Settings", "WUSPSC"); ?></a></li>

<li><a href="#tabs-4"><?php _e("Discount Code", "WUSPSC"); ?></a></li>

<li><a href="#tabs-5"><?php _e("Readme", "WUSPSC"); ?></a></li>

<li><a href="#tabs-3"><span class="showme"><?php _e("About & donate", "WUSPSC"); ?></span></a></li>



<div id="tabs-1">

<h2><div id="icon-edit-pages" class="icon32"></div><?php _e("WP Ultra Simple Shopping Cart Usage", "WUSPSC"); ?> v <?php echo $wp_ultra_simple_paypal_shopping_cart_version; ?></h2>

<p><?php _e("For information, updates and detailed documentation, please visit:", "WUSPSC"); ?> <a href="http://www.ultra-prod.com/?p=86">ultra-prod.com</a></p>

<p><?php _e("For support, please use our dedicated forum:", "WUSPSC"); ?> <a href="http://www.ultra-prod.com/developpement-support/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart-group3.0/"><?php _e("WPUSPSC Support Forum", "WUSPSC"); ?></a></p>


<fieldset class="options">

<p><h4><a href="https://www.paypal.com/fr/mrb/pal=CH4PZVAK2GJAJ"><?php _e("1. create a PayPal account (no cost for basic account)", "WUSPSC"); ?></a></h4>


<p><h4><?php _e("2. Create post or page presenting the product or service and add caddy shortcode in the post. See example and possibilities following:", "WUSPSC"); ?></h4>



<?php _e("To add the 'Add to Cart' button simply add the trigger text to a post or page, next to the product. Replace PRODUCT-NAME and PRODUCT-PRICE with the actual name and price.", "WUSPSC"); ?><br />

<strong>[wp_cart:<?php _e("PRODUCT-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:<?php _e("PRODUCT-PRICE", "WUSPSC"); ?>:end]</strong><br />

<blockquote><?php _e("eg.", "WUSPSC"); ?> [wp_cart:<?php _e("Test Product", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:15.00:end]</blockquote>




<?php _e("To use variation of the price use the following trigger text:", "WUSPSC"); ?><br />

<strong>[wp_cart:<?php _e("PRODUCT-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:[<?php _e("VARIATION-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION-LABEL1", "WUSPSC"); ?>,<?php _e("VARIATION-PRICE1", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION-LABEL2", "WUSPSC"); ?>,<?php _e("VARIATION-PRICE2", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</strong><br />

<blockquote><?php _e("eg.", "WUSPSC"); ?> [wp_cart:<?php _e("Test Product", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:[<?php _e("Size|Small,1.10|Medium,2.10|Large,3.10", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</blockquote>




<?php _e("To use variation of the price and shipping use the following trigger text:", "WUSPSC"); ?><br />

<strong>[wp_cart:<?php _e("PRODUCT-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:[<?php _e("VARIATION-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION-LABEL1", "WUSPSC"); ?>,<?php _e("VARIATION-PRICE1", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION-LABEL2", "WUSPSC"); ?>,<?php _e("VARIATION-PRICE2", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:shipping:[<?php _e("Shipping", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION-LABEL1", "WUSPSC"); ?>,<?php _e("VARIATION-PRICE1", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</strong><br />

<blockquote><?php _e("eg.", "WUSPSC"); ?> [wp_cart:<?php _e("Test Product", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:[<?php _e("Size|Small,1.10|Medium,2.10|Large,3.10", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:shipping:[<?php _e("Shipping|normal,6.50|fast,10.00", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</blockquote>




<?php _e("To use variation control use the following trigger text:", "WUSPSC"); ?><br />

<strong>[wp_cart:<?php _e("PRODUCT-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:<?php _e("PRODUCT-PRICE", "WUSPSC"); ?>:var1[<?php _e("VARIATION-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION1", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION2", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION3", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</strong><br />

<blockquote><?php _e("eg.", "WUSPSC"); ?> [wp_cart:<?php _e("Test Product", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:15:var1[size|Small|Medium|Large]:end]</blockquote>




<?php _e("To use variation control with simple shipping use the following trigger text:", "WUSPSC"); ?><br />

<strong>[wp_cart:<?php _e("PRODUCT-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:<?php _e("PRODUCT-PRICE", "WUSPSC"); ?>:shipping:<?php _e("SHIPPING-COST", "WUSPSC"); ?>:var1[<?php _e("VARIATION-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION1", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION2", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION3", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</strong><br />

<blockquote><?php _e("eg.", "WUSPSC"); ?> [wp_cart:<?php _e("Test Product", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:15:shipping:2:var1[<?php _e("Size|Small|Medium|Large", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</blockquote>




<?php _e("To use multiple variation (unlimited variation) option use the following trigger text:", "WUSPSC"); ?><br />

<strong>[wp_cart:<?php _e("PRODUCT-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:<?php _e("PRODUCT-PRICE", "WUSPSC"); ?>:var1[<?php _e("VARIATION-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION1", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION2", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION3", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:var2[<?php _e("VARIATION-NAME", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION1", "WUSPSC"); ?>|<?php _e("VARIATION2", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</strong><br />

<blockquote><?php _e("eg.", "WUSPSC"); ?> [wp_cart:<?php _e("Test Product", "WUSPSC"); ?>:price:15:shipping:2:var1[<?php _e("Size|Small|Medium|Large", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:var2[<?php _e("Color|Red|Green", "WUSPSC"); ?>]:end]</blockquote>





<p><h4><?php _e("3. To add the shopping cart to a post or page (eg. checkout page) simply add the shortcode", "WUSPSC"); ?></h4>


<?php _e("To display checkout to a post or page, simply add the shortcode", "WUSPSC"); ?> <strong>[show_wp_shopping_cart]</strong><br />

<?php _e("Or use the sidebar widget to add the shopping cart to the sidebar.", "WUSPSC"); ?>


<strong><?php _e('You must use [validate_wp_shopping_cart] shortcode on another page if you want to use the 3 steps process.', "WUSPSC"); ?></strong><br/>



<li><?php _e('Create a page with the shortcode', "WUSPSC"); ?> [validate_wp_shopping_cart]</li>

<li><?php _e('Create a page with your form (<a href="http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin/" target="_blank">Cform2</a> is the better choice) and do the following configuration to your form:', "WUSPSC"); ?></li>


<li><?php _e('Uncheck "Ajax enabled"', "WUSPSC"); ?>,</li>

<li><?php _e('Go to Form Settings', "WUSPSC"); ?>,</li>

<li><?php _e('Go Core Form Admin / Email Options section', "WUSPSC"); ?>,</li>

<li><?php _e('Go to Redirect option', "WUSPSC"); ?>,</li>

<li><?php _e("And check enable alternative success page (redirect), plus past your final page's URL (the page who contain [show_wp_shopping_cart] tag)", "WUSPSC"); ?></li>


<li><?php _e('Create a page with the shortcode', "WUSPSC"); ?> [show_wp_shopping_cart]</li>










$imagePath = WP_PLUGIN_URL."/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/images/";

$language = wuspc_detect_language();


echo '<div id="tabs-3">

<h2><div id="icon-users" class="icon32"></div>'.(__("Do you like WUSPSC ?", "WUSPSC")).'</h2>

<p><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/" target="_blank">'.(__("If you like WUSPSC, give it a good rating", "WUSPSC")).'</a>'.(__(" and please consider to donate a few $, € or £ to help me to give time for user’s support, add new features and fast upgrades.", "WUSPSC")).'</p>


<form class="donate" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">

<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="AXQNVXNYWUEZ4">

<input type="image" src="'.WP_CART_URL.'/images/btn_donateCC_LG-'.$language.'.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">

<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/fr_FR/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">



<p>'.(__("Or if you like down-tempo / ambiant / electronic music, you can buy a few tracks from one of my CD on Amazon.", "WUSPSC")).'</p>



<li><a href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B001L5OJSM?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=digital-music&field-keywords=Mike%20Castro%20de%20Maria" target="_blank">Amazon US</a><li>

<li><a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B001L5OJSM?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=digital-music&field-keywords=Mike%20Castro%20de%20Maria" target="_blank">Amazon UK</a><li>

<li><a href="http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B001L5OJSM?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=digital-music&field-keywords=Mike%20Castro%20de%20Maria" target="_blank">Amazon DE</a><li>

<li><a href="http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B001L5OJSM?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=digital-music&field-keywords=Mike%20Castro%20de%20Maria" target="_blank">Amazon FR</a><li>


<img src="'.$imagePath.'41dK4t7R6OL._SL500_SS110_.jpg" /><img src="'.$imagePath.'41RTkTKGzRL._SL500_SS110_.jpg" /><img src="'.$imagePath.'51oggSX6F0L._SL500_SS110_.jpg" /><img src="'.$imagePath.'51xQJmJpwuL._SL500_SS110_.jpg" />


<p>'.(__("Thanks a lot for your support !!!", "WUSPSC")).'<p>



echo '<div id="tabs-4">

<h2><div id="icon-edit-comments" class="icon32"></div>'.(__("Coupon Code", "WUSPSC")).'</h2>

<p>'.(__("Do you need discount Code feature?", "WUSPSC")).'<p>

<p>'.(__("If the answer is yes, please ask it on ", "WUSPSC")).'<a target="_blank" href="http://www.ultra-prod.com/developpement-support/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart-group3/suggestions-features-forum9/discount-code-in-shopping-cart-thread17.0/">'.(__("this Forum thread", "WUSPSC")).'</a><p>





<div id="tabs-5">

<h2><div id="icon-edit-comments" class="icon32"></div><?php _e("WP Ultra Simple Shopping Cart Read ME", "WUSPSC"); ?></h2>

<div class="content">


<?php echo file_get_contents('readme.txt', FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH); ?>






<div id="tabs-2">

<h2><div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"></div><?php _e("WP Ultra Simple Shopping Cart Settings", "WUSPSC"); ?> v <?php echo $wp_ultra_simple_paypal_shopping_cart_version; ?></h2>

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>">

<input type="hidden" name="info_update" id="info_update" value="true" />


<?php echo '

<div class="inside">

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Paypal Email Address", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_paypal_email" value="'.$defaultEmail.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Paypal Sandbox (cart is in test)", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td>Test: <input type="radio" name="is_sandbox" value="1" '.$defaultSandboxChecked1.'/> Production: <input type="radio" name="is_sandbox" value="0" '.$defaultSandboxChecked2.'/><br /> You must open a free developer account to use sandbox for your tests before go live.<br /> Go to <a href="https://developer.paypal.com/">https://developer.paypal.com/</a>, register and connect.</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Shopping Cart title", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="wp_cart_title" value="'.$title.'" size="40" /></td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Text/Image to Show When Cart Empty", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="wp_cart_empty_text" value="'.$emptyCartText.'" size="60" /><br />'.(__("You can either enter plain text or the URL of an image that you want to show when the shopping cart is empty", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__('Hide "Cart Empty" message', "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide" value="1" '.$wp_cart_empty_hide.' /><br />'.(__("If ticked, the shopping cart empty message on page/post or widget will not be display.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__('Singular "product in your cart" text', "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="singular_items_text" value="'.$singular_items_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__('Plural "products in your cart" text', "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="plural_items_text" value="'.$plural_items_text.'" size="40" /></td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__('Hide items count display message', "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide" value="1" '.$wpus_shopping_cart_items_in_cart_hide.' /><br />'.(__("If ticked, the items in cart count message on page/post or widget will not be display.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Hide Shopping Cart Image", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_image_hide" value="1" '.$wp_cart_image_hide.' /><br />'.(__("If ticked the shopping cart image will not be shown.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Currency", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_payment_currency" value="'.$defaultCurrency.'" size="6" /> ('.(__("e.g.", "WUSPSC")).' USD, EUR, GBP, AUD)</td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Currency Symbol", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_currency_symbol" value="'.$defaultSymbol.'" size="2" style="width: 1.5em;" /> ('.(__("e.g.", "WUSPSC")).' $, £, €)



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Currency display", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td>Is the currency symbol is displayed befor or after the price ? <input type="radio" name="cart_currency_symbol_order" value="1" '.$defaultSymbolOrderChecked1.'/> Before or <input type="radio" name="cart_currency_symbol_order" value="2" '.$defaultSymbolOrderChecked2.'/> After




<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Base Shipping Cost", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_base_shipping_cost" value="'.$baseShipping.'" size="5" /> <br />'.(__("This is the base shipping cost that will be added to the total of individual products shipping cost. Put 0 if you do not want to charge shipping cost or use base shipping cost.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Free Shipping for Orders Over", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_free_shipping_threshold" value="'.$cart_free_shipping_threshold.'" size="5" /> <br />'.(__("When a customer orders more than this amount he/she will get free shipping. Leave empty if you do not want to use it.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Must Collect Shipping Address on PayPal", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address" value="1" '.$wpus_shopping_cart_collect_address.' /><br />'.(__("If checked the customer will be forced to enter a shipping address on PayPal when checking out.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Use PayPal Profile Based Shipping", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping" value="1" '.$wpus_shopping_cart_use_profile_shipping.' /><br />'.(__("Check this if you want to use", "WUSPSC")).' <a href="https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_ProfileAndTools#id08A9EF00IQY" target="_blank">'.(__("PayPal profile based shipping", "WUSPSC")).'</a>. '.(__("Using this will ignore any other shipping options that you have specified in this plugin.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Add to Cart button text or Image", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="addToCartButtonName" value="'.$addcart.'" size="100" /><br />'.(__("To use a customized image as the button simply enter the URL of the image file.", "WUSPSC")).' '.(__("e.g.", "WUSPSC")).' http://www.your-domain.com/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-paypal-shopping-cart/images/buy_now_button.png</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Cart button class style", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="add_cartstyle" value="'.$add_cartstyle.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Subtotal text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="subtotal_text" value="'.$subtotal_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Shipping text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="shipping_text" value="'.$shipping_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Total text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="total_text" value="'.$total_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Item name text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="item_name_text" value="'.$item_name_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Quantity text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="qualtity_text" value="'.$qualtity_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Price text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="price_text" value="'.$price_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Remove text", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="remove_text" value="'.$remove_text.'" size="40" /></td>


<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Products page URL title", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="wp_cart_visit_shop_text" value="'.$wp_cart_visit_shop_text.'" size="100" /></td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Return URL", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_return_from_paypal_url" value="'.$return_url.'" size="100" /><br />'.(__("This is the URL the customer will be redirected to after a successful payment", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__('Display Products URL in cart', "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_display_link_in_cart" value="1" '.$wpus_display_link_in_cart.' /><br />'.(__("If ticked, the product's link will not be display in cart. Activate it if you are using a page or a post for each product.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Products Page URL", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_products_page_url" value="'.$cart_products_page_url.'" size="100" /><br />'.(__("This is the URL of your products page if you have any. If used, the shopping cart widget will display a link to this page when cart is empty", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Automatic redirection to checkout page", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page" value="1" '.$wpus_shopping_cart_auto_redirect_to_checkout_page.' />

'.(__("Checkout Page URL", "WUSPSC")).': <input type="text" name="cart_checkout_page_url" value="'.$cart_checkout_page_url.'" size="60" />

<br />'.(__("If checked the visitor will be redirected to the Checkout page after a product is added to the cart. You must enter a URL in the Checkout Page URL field for this to work.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Reset Cart After Redirection to Return Page", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page" value="1" '.$wpus_shopping_cart_reset_after_redirection_to_return_page.' />

<br />'.(__("If checked the shopping cart will be reset when the customer lands on the return URL (Thank You) page.", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("3 steps cart form URL", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="text" name="cart_validate_url" value="'.$cart_validate_url.'" size="100" /><br />'.(__("Configure this URL if you like to have a form as step 2, before the final paypal cart (use [validate_wp_shopping_cart] shortcod on th first step cart page). Leave empty if you not need this.", "WUSPSC")).'<br/>

'.(__('You can use <a href="http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin/" target="_blank">Cform2</a> for example and set your form with the following informations.', "WUSPSC")).':


<li>'.(__('uncheck "Ajax enabled"', "WUSPSC")).',</li>

<li>'.(__('Go to Form Settings', "WUSPSC")).',</li>

<li>'.(__('Go Core Form Admin / Email Options section', "WUSPSC")).',</li>

<li>'.(__('Go to Redirect option', "WUSPSC")).',</li>

<li>'.(__("And check enable alternative success page (redirect), plus past your final page's URL (the page who contain [show_wp_shopping_cart] tag)", "WUSPSC")).'</li>


'.(__("This will permit to receive user's input before paypal final validation.", "WUSPSC")).'<br/>

'.(__("The customer will be redirected to cart with paypal button after successful form submit", "WUSPSC")).'</td>



<tr valign="top">

<th scope="row">'.(__("Use WP Affiliate Platform", "WUSPSC")).'</th>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="wp_use_aff_platform" value="1" '.$wp_use_aff_platform.' />

<br />'.(__("Check this if using with the", "WUSPSC")).' <a href="http://tipsandtricks-hq.com/?p=1474" target="_blank">Ruhul Amin WP Affiliate Platform plugin</a>. '.(__("This plugin lets you run your own affiliate campaign/program and allows you to reward (pay commission) your affiliates for referred sales", "WUSPSC")).'</td>




<div class="submit">

<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="info_update" value="'.(__("Update Options »", "WUSPSC")).'" />






echo (__("Like the WP Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Plugin?", "WUSPSC")).' <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-ultra-simple-paypal-shopping-cart/" target="_blank">'.(__("Give it a good rating", "WUSPSC")).'</a>';



function wp_cart_options()


echo '<div class="wrap"><h2>'.(__("WP Ultra simple Paypal Cart Options", "WUSPSC")).'</h2>';

echo '<div id="poststuff"><div id="post-body">';


echo '</div></div>';

echo '</div>';



// Display The Options Page

function wp_cart_options_page ()


add_options_page(__("WP Ultra simple Paypal Cart", "WUSPSC"), __("Ultra simple Cart", "WUSPSC"), 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'wp_cart_options');



function show_wp_paypal_shopping_cart_widget($args)



$emptyCartAllowDisplay = get_option('wpus_shopping_cart_empty_hide');

$cart_title = get_option('wp_cart_title');

$cart_validation_url = get_option('cart_validate_url');


if (empty($cart_title)) $cart_title = __("Shopping Cart", "WUSPSC");


echo $before_widget;


if (cart_not_empty()) {

if (empty($cart_validation_url))


echo $before_title . $cart_title . $after_title;

echo print_wpus_shopping_cart("paypal");




echo $before_title . $cart_title . $after_title;

echo print_wpus_shopping_cart("validate");



elseif ($emptyCartAllowDisplay == "")


echo $before_title . $cart_title . $after_title;

echo print_wpus_shopping_cart();



echo $after_widget;



function wp_paypal_shopping_cart_widget_control()




<?php _e("Set the Plugin Settings from the Settings menu", "WUSPSC"); ?>





function widget_wp_paypal_shopping_cart_init()


$widget_options = array('classname' => 'widget_wp_paypal_shopping_cart', 'description' => __("Display WP Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart.", "WUSPSC") );

wp_register_sidebar_widget('wp_paypal_shopping_cart_widgets', __("WP Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart", "WUSPSC"), 'show_wp_paypal_shopping_cart_widget', $widget_options);

wp_register_widget_control('wp_paypal_shopping_cart_widgets', __("WP Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart", "WUSPSC"), 'wp_paypal_shopping_cart_widget_control' );



// Add the settings link

function wp_ultra_simple_cart_add_settings_link($links, $file)


if ($file == plugin_basename(__FILE__)){

$settings_link = '<a href="options-general.php?page='.dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/wp_ultra_simple_shopping_cart.php">'.(__("Settings", "WUSPSC")).'</a>';

array_unshift($links, $settings_link);


return $links;


add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'wp_ultra_simple_cart_add_settings_link', 10, 2 );


// Insert the options page to the admin menu


add_action('init', 'widget_wp_paypal_shopping_cart_init');

//add_filter('the_content', 'print_wp_cart_button',11);

add_filter('the_content', 'print_wp_cart_action',11);


add_filter('the_content', 'shopping_cart_show');


add_shortcode('show_wp_shopping_cart', 'show_wpus_shopping_cart_handler');

add_shortcode('show_wpus_shopping_cart', 'show_wpus_shopping_cart_handler');

add_shortcode('validate_wp_shopping_cart', 'validate_wpus_shopping_cart_handler');

add_shortcode('validate_wpus_shopping_cart', 'validate_wpus_shopping_cart_handler');


add_shortcode('always_show_wpus_shopping_cart', 'always_show_cart_handler');


add_action('wp_head', 'wp_cart_add_read_form_javascript');


// add front-end CSS

function wuspsc_cart_css()


$siteurl = get_option('siteurl');

$url = $siteurl . '/wp-content/plugins/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp_ultra_simple_shopping_cart_style.css';

echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$url' />\n";



add_action('wp_head', 'wuspsc_cart_css');


// add admin CSS

function wuspsc_admin_register_head_cart_css()


$siteurl = get_option('siteurl');

$url = $siteurl . '/wp-content/plugins/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp_ultra_simple_shopping_cart_admin_style.css';

echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$url}' />\n";


$ui_url = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.0/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css";

echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$ui_url}' />\n";





add_action('admin_head', 'wuspsc_admin_register_head_cart_css');


function wuspsc_load_scripts(){

wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );

wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-core' );

wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-tabs' );



add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'wuspsc_load_scripts' );




Endret av Runar waits for alice
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PHP Sessions, registrer en session med IDen til boken når den blir klikket på. Så har du hvis $_SESSION['iden til boka'] eksisterer, $disabled = 'disabled' hvis den ikke eksisterer ikkje gjør noe.

Sessions er ikke jo ikke globalt? Dette vil jo kun fungere for én bruker, helt til han lukker nettleseren/gjør andre ting som tømmer sessions.

Lenke til kommentar

PHP Sessions, registrer en session med IDen til boken når den blir klikket på. Så har du hvis $_SESSION['iden til boka'] eksisterer, $disabled = 'disabled' hvis den ikke eksisterer ikkje gjør noe.

Sessions er ikke jo ikke globalt? Dette vil jo kun fungere for én bruker, helt til han lukker nettleseren/gjør andre ting som tømmer sessions.

Hvis en person legger en bok i handlekurva skal ingen andre kunne kjøpe den da?

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En database ville vært best å bruke til dette ja.

Hvis trådstarter med «WP» mener WordPress, bruker han/hun jo allerede en database. Dette er egentlig ikke et vanskelig problem å løse, men ettersom trådstarter ikke kan noe PHP blir det litt verre.



Endret av Runar waits for alice
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Hehe jeg håpet kanskje det gikk an å skrive om kodinga til handlekurva, derfor la jeg inn kodinga i stad her.


WP = Wordpress ja. Har jo databaser, så om jeg absolutt må bruke det for at dette skal funnke, så er det vel ingen vei utenom. (Kanskje bortsett fra en "kjøp nå"-funksjon).


Dog er det slik at det ikke er SINNSYK fortjeneste på hver bok, så er begrensa hvor mye tid jeg kan bruke på å legge inn hver bok osv om det skal være økonomisk forsvarlig å holde på med.

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