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Please see below for a letter from Howard Stringer:

Dear Friends,


I know this has been a frustrating time for all of you.


Let me assure you that the resources of this company have been focused on investigating the entire nature and impact of the cyber-attack we’ve all experienced and on fixing it. We are absolutely dedicated to restoring full and safe service as soon as possible and rewarding you for your patience. We will settle for nothing less.


To date, there is no confirmed evidence any credit card or personal information has been misused, and we continue to monitor the situation closely. We are also moving ahead with plans to help protect our customers from identity theft around the world. A program for U.S. PlayStation Network and Qriocity customers that includes a $1 million identity theft insurance policy per user was launched earlier today and announcements for other regions will be coming soon.


As we have announced, we will be offering a “Welcome Back” package to our customers once our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services are up and running. This will include, among other benefits, a month of free PlayStation Plus membership for all PSN customers, as well as an extension of subscriptions for PlayStation Plus and Music Unlimited customers to make up for time lost.


As a company we — and I — apologize for the inconvenience and concern caused by this attack. Under the leadership of Kazuo Hirai, we have teams working around the clock and around the world to restore your access to those services as quickly, and as safely, as possible.


I know some believe we should have notified our customers earlier than we did. It’s a fair question. As soon as we discovered the potential scope of the intrusion, we shut down the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services and hired some of the best technical experts in the field to determine what happened. I wish we could have gotten the answers we needed sooner, but forensic analysis is a complex, time-consuming process. Hackers, after all, do their best to cover their tracks, and it took some time for our experts to find those tracks and begin to identify what personal information had — or had not — been taken.


As a result of what we discovered we notified you of the breach. Our investigation is ongoing, and we are upgrading our security so that if attacks like this happen again, our defenses will be even stronger.


In the last few months, Sony has faced a terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan. But now we are facing a very man-made event – a criminal attack on us — and on you — and we are working with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies around the world to apprehend those responsible.


In the coming days, we will restore service to the networks and welcome you back to the fun. I wanted to personally reach out and let you know that we are committed to serving you to the very best of our ability, protecting your information better than ever, and getting you back to what you signed up for – all the games and great entertainment experiences that you expect from Sony.


With best regards,

Howard Stringer

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Both Kazuo Hirai and Sir Howard Stringer have stated that we will be offering identity theft protection for those affected by the malicious attack on PlayStation Network and many of you may have seen the details of the service available in North America.


As I have explained previously, creating a similar offering for the many countries within the SCEE region is a very complicated process. Each country has a different way of handling identity theft; some offer relatively sophisticated services whilst others are much more modest.


We are currently in the process of identifying how we manage this situation and once the programme is ready to launch, we will provide details of exactly which services are available in each country and explain how to sign up. We hope to do this early next week.


Also, look out for more information on the rest of our Welcome Back programme, including which free content you will be eligible for. We will be offering PSN users the opportunity to select two PS3 games from a list of five, as well as offering PSP users the opportunity to choose two games from a list of four. We will let you know exactly what games are available very soon.


Please be assured that we are continuing to work around the clock to have some PlayStation Network and Qriocity services restored and will provide you with specific details shortly.


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Mass Effect 2 ligger også på PSN, men om det blir ett av valgene tviler jeg på.

Håper det er litt kvalitet i valgene vi får, og ikke at de bare slenger ut noe middels. PSN+ bryr jeg meg fint lite om.


Håper også de øker nedlastingshastigheten fra PSN, det har til tider vært utrolig tregt.

Endret av Makiavelli
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Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL

De mener nok disse spillene som kun kan kjøpes digitalt over Store. Ikke forvent noe Assassins Creed eller Mass Effect. Tipper spillene vil ligge i prisområdet 5-10 dollar, trolig med Sony selv som utgiver/utvikler av spillene.

Endret av Slettet-NIoHlfL
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Gjest Slettet-77do0b

Ettersom jeg skal selge PS3-en min så lurer jeg på om det er noe ulovligheter ved å inkludere de kjøpte PSN-spillene mine som f.eks PSX-spillene? Kan ikke se for meg at det skal by på noe trøbbel ettersom det blir tilnærmet det samme som at jeg selger med de spillene som er på plate. De krever jo ikke noen verifikasjon virker det som. :hmm:

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