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Nokia N9 tråden


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Etter andre lading (første lading etter bruk), ligger den nå på 78% etter litt over 36 timer. Har riktignok brukt den nokså sparsomt, stort sett bare spilt litt på den. Har fått inntrykk av at batterier pleier å yte litt bedre etter et par ladinger så blir kanskje bedre etter hvert også, men til mitt bruk ender jeg nok opp med å måtte lade hver eller annen hver kveld uansett.


Lurer på hvor mange av disse programmene i programvarebehandlerne på mobile plattformer som bevist bryter med frie lisenser.

Om jeg husker rett var enten VLC eller mplayer tilgjenglig i Apple App Store i et par timer før en cease and desist-melding dukket opp hos Apple og den forsvant. :)

WP og iPhone er ikke så glad i GPL-lisensen, ser ut til at disse hovedsaklig forbyr fri programvare. Noe som ikke gjør disse plattformene så veldig attraktive for min del. Meego og Android tillater vel både fri og lukket programvare.


Når jeg tenker på missbruk av fri programvare på slike plattformer tenkte jeg mer på slike tilfeller som dette:


Tror vi kommer til å se flere programmer som benytter kildekode fra frie programmer og gir ut programvaren i en annen lisens som de selger på plattformene.

Endret av tamarin
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Eneste håpet nå er om en eller annen produsent har baller nok til og ta over, var snakk om at LG (de laget faktisk også en), men Google og Microsoft legger nok press på de produsentene som de har avtaler med, dersom de skulle vurdere og utvikle MeeGo telefoner.


Om telefonen blir populær nok, så syntes jeg det er rart om dette blir det siste vi ser av MeeGo.


Nå har vel Nokia mer enn antydet at dette ikke er den siste telefonen med Swipe-grensesnittet og Qt, og det går rykter om noe som kalles Meltemi, fremdeles basert på Linux og Qt. Såvidt jeg vet er heller ikke Swipe-grensesnittet standard Meego (og dessuten closed source), så LG-Meego ville vel oppleves ganske annerledes?


Om vi skal tro Meego.com, har Meego uansett ingen fremtid, men for utvikleren er Qt viktigere enn Meego, og for brukeren er grensesnittet viktigere. For min del har jeg mer tro på at Nokia videreutvikler N9 enn at LG eller noen andre gjør det, men jeg aner ikke hva. Det blir bare ikke Meego.

Meego, Bada og Limo blir slår seg sammen og blir Tizen-prosjektet. Tror vi får se noe mer håndfast fra dette prosjektet i første kvartal 2012.



Har lest et par steder at Nokia ikke kommer til å satse på Meego uansett om det gjør det bra:

Here’s what the newspaper posted (translated), “But even on that phone sales would be a success, Nokia has no intention of coming back Meego smartphone operating system, says CEO Stephen Elop”


De har også sagt at de kommer til å kun satse på WP på deres smartmobiler. Mange rykter tilsier at Meltimi kommer til å være noe som skal brukes på low end smartmobiler eller kanskje billigmobiler.



Har også lest noen uttalelser om hvorfor de ga ut N9 med Meego. En grunn skal ha vært for å se hvordan den selger, hvordan den blir brukt, og hva som fungerer.

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Okay, litt info fra http://konttoristhoughts.blogspot.com/2011/10/n9-on-sale-in-finland-and-few-other.html


Som er denne karen her: http://maemo.org/profile/view/konttori/



"N9 finally shipped. I was in my earlier post saying that it was a swan song for Nokias Meego efforts, but as faith put it, it is likely the swan song for Meego proper.


It's hard to put into words the feelings we have been having during the late summer/early autumn time. Software has been complete since summer, but some surprise issues had been helding the sales start for some time.


That's business as usual, but not very pleasant ever. We did a few touches here and there all the time until the release, but it was just polish really.


While the agonizing wait was ongoing, software teams worked furiously on making the experience even better. First update release is complete, we will be distributing fruits of it to developers soon and end users a bit further down the road.


Improvements are a legion. This is due to the fact that many teams stopped the sales release work already in spring time and set their sights on the first update release. I counted around 3500 improvements (fixes or features) to be in the release.


Out of interest, I tohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifok a look at the git activity of meegotouch.








Of course, those dates do not mean that the versions were finalized on those days, just that those were the days that last tags of meegotouch were made. For example meegotouch theme for 1.1.1 was update just today, so, it probably isn't ready yet.



Now it's time that we are going full steam ahead with the 1.2 update release, where work is proceeding nicely."



Her har jeg litt Q&A fra kommentarene på denne posten, mye bra å hente her:




Q: "But is it so that N9&Meego will only be a test platform for example for future UI ideas but there will be no new Meego devices? Or is there any commercial future for Meego devices?"


A: "Yes, the UX will continue on, as has been stated multiple times.

Based on Meego? I dare not comment."



Q: "I totally agree that some UI elements need a larger invisible hit area."


A: "I also agree on the hit area issue for buttons. But not only invisible hit area, perhaps the buttons themselves should also be a bit bigger. We have been discussing that recently a bit."



Q: "Another example where I can't understand the UI idea - in the clock app you have to press such a small button to add an alarm. Please make the hole line/text touchable. (I think it would look even nicer without the 'plus' button)"


A: "Yes, clock hit area might be the entire area indeed."



Q: "things that need to be solved in current release. I just hope this is already fixed in upcoming firmware.


* "services connections" seems to dissapear sometimes :-/


* file upload in browser.


* when in landscape the toolbar should be at bottom instead of top. Why? Well this is because several times a have by mistake pressed on the menu button when "scrolling" (holding my tumb to near the menu)


* a "small delay" in event view when pressing on a message so user doesn't by mistake open the twitter/facebook app. (Done that several times when scrolling the feed :-/


* make sure scrolling is "saved" when pressing on a feed so next time swipe back I dont have to scroll done too position I was.


* Mediaplayer if clicking on albumimage show the albumstrack instead of pause/play


* cursorkeys on vkb, and make the magnification glass work in qt-components and better than current its seems very buggy atm. :-/"


A: "Browser toolbar in landscape should indeed be at the bottom. We are planning to get it to autohide in 1.2, but no promises (it's not on the top of the to-do list)


Event feed scroll position remembering: It will remember your position if you open a feed item and the swipe from the side and you'll be at the original position. But when you pan in homescreens, the paradigm dictates that we always show the top area of each view. Sorry.


Media player album to show album and not play random track. I could not agree more. I have been whining about that since spring.


Magnifier works in 1.1 much better than in 1.0."



Q: "I love my N9 so far, but I`m concerned about the battery. It lasts ca 24h on average use (I expected more...). The "battery usage" app shows that powerconsumption in idle-mode varies from 10 to 15 mA. At 15 the app shows a warning of "battery draining" (has happened twise). Is my battery a "rotten" one??"


A: "You don't have a rotten battery. The applet just has a threshold of saying when the idle consumption is so high that you won't get near optimal standby time, but less. The variance is greatly dependendent how misbehaving the apps & bg services happen to be. N9 is slightly uncontrolled system compared to WP of iphone (for the good and bad)."



Q: "One thing I would love to see on the N9 is the possibility to write text messages using a classic numeric keypad with T9. Using the tiny qwerty buttons can get annoying."


A: "our input method framework (MALIIT) http://wiki.maliit.org/Main_Page is very flexible input framework and putting T9 there should be easy peazy. Come to think of it, I've even seen it. ANyway, won't come from Nokia, but you could easily get some other developer to do it."



Q: "I hope there will be folders for the app screen. It can get pretty tedious to look for an app once you've installed more.


The wi-fi reception is quite weak compared to other phones. My N9 can't even detect a wi-fi network which my Galaxy can detect, connect and surf. Can anything be done in firmware to improve this?"


A: "Folders will come in 1.2 to home screen. And it's not only apps that need it. If you start using bookmarks a bit more, it's really irritating to not to have bookmarks. Guys in Oulu say that the work should be complete for the feature, so it's about 3 weeks to have decent polish on it. It's one of the "big" features of 1.2


Wifi reception was one of the issues where we had to be dancing on the SAR boundaries. Although wifi in general has been improved by leaps and bounds in 1.1. For me at least, the reception is now perfectly good."



Q: "The missing back button issue can be solved easily. Actually the "swipe down to close" should be standard behavior. But you must land in the calling app, or higher level menu. Currently you get to the multitasking view and are lost somehow.


Another small issue are those switches you have to flick. If they are close to the screen edge and you want to flick them screen inwards, you can have some problems. Tapping them should be enough. Visually they can remain flick switches.


Where is the nice media player we had on the N900?"


A: "We did make swipe to close as default in 1.1. For the exact reasons that everybody agrees. We actually made the feature just in time for the launch event (like few days before it), and while everybody loved it, we weren't sure that do we make it as default or not. So, being rather on the safe side, we put it off by default. Then after longer period of use, we cannot live without it anymore, and all resistance for having it on by default was gone by the end of the summer. In 1.2, the close will also switch to just close the window, so, it should be exactly what you want. We added some visual hint that close is about to happen so that the switcher view wasn't necessary anymore. Originally we rooted user there in swipe-to-close case so that user would see the window closing and hence undestand that the action actually toggled closing. Anyway, by default in 1.1 and more logical and visual in 1.2.



The switches are tappable, at least in 1.1.


We have now two distinct players: music and movie. I think music player is much better than the one in N900, except for missing dlna, and the poor main view album cover UX blooper."



Q: "Great post. Thanks for keeping us in the know. Also, thanks for those 3500+ improvements coming the N9's way. What is 1.2 about? Any new features or bug fixes/improvements. Are you allowed to speak on that yet?"


A: "1.1 is all about reliability, performance and polish. 1.2 is all about adding new features. As it turned out, 1.1 already had plenty of features, mostly due to slipped schedule."



Q: "In one-handed operation, using the thumb to tap and swipe, the palm touches easily the screen edges on the long side. This leads e.g. to unwanted jumping into RSS items on the notification screen. Sometimes other unwanted side effects can be observed.


There should be a guard stripe on both long sides, maybe 5mm wide. Within those stripes, no tapping is accepted. This area can only be used for swiping.

This should not have any side effect to applications. At least the notification/feeds screen would not suffer, normally you would tap clearly inside the screen, not at the edges. This guard area could be configurable per app, as some apps might need those edge stripes."


A: "Yes, we could think about disabling touch interaction for the side margins."



Q: "Another thing, how about a graphic equalizer for the music player? I agree with Mike7b4, tapping on the album image should show the tracklist, not pause/play. Also there should be a facility to delete music files within the player."


A: "I think graphic equalizer would be better served as a standalone app. (show effects on currently being played back music)"



Q: "Swan song...No more effort will be done on Meego?

Sad...very very sad"


A: "Certainly more effort will be put, but no more products. Plan is of course that the qt as a development platform continues."



Q: "how about notification/notes, upcomming events on home screen ( after you double tap to unlock )?


and a flash player 10.3 on browser?"


A: "upcoming calendar notifications has been discussed a lot. I can't remember why it's not there, but there was some reason for it...

No comment on the flash support."



Q: "Is there copy/paste feature in the upcoming update?"


A: " There is "universal copy/paste" in 1.2. Of course there is partial copy paste already in 1.0 and 1.1."



Q: "I would REALLY appreciate if you could clarify a bit on the surprise issues that held back the release? more precisely, a lot of people seem to interpret that as a validation of their theories that the N9 was intentionally delayed becuse of the WP strategy or because Mr. Elop simply wants to sabotage it. needless to say, I don't believe that was the case.


so, if/when if you cannot say what caused the delays, can you PLEASE at least put an end to these silly conspiracy theories? unless they are true of course. :)"


A: "There was no conspiracy behind the delay, just fuck ups on multiple different things that were all found one at a time. In HW, SW and production. If I compare this with N900 sales start, we knew all the issues n900 would have pretty much a month before we hoped to make a sales release, then on the last days we agreed that what we have done so far isn't good enough, and delayed it by 2 weeks or so. But it was perfectly trackable. On N9 these issues were coming totally from the blue sky on last minute. One at a time. Fluke of bad luck. I hope you understand that I don't want to be more exact about the issues."



Q: "Since you seem to know a lot about the N9, I would like to bring to your attention a small bug in the email application. Mail for exchange works fine, but when I add a second email that requires information on the outgoing server the programme does not let me do that without adding a username, i.e. the programme requires that I give a username also for the outgoing server. Annoying problem, since if I add a username emails are not sent .... (at least I think that is why there is an error message when I try to send emails from this other account)."


A: "I hope the issue is solved already. Please create a bug to : www.developer.nokia.com/bugs"



Q: "How much are you expecting Nokia to improve on the Maps and Drive applications?"


A: "maps and drive will likely have quite low amount of improvements after pr1.1."



Q: "When is the first update coming? And is the version going to be.. 1.2? My N9 says that it already has 1.2 version."


A: "I cannot disclose any dates. First update is labeled PR1.1, second PR1.2 and so forth. Currently you have PR1.0 (a.k.a. sales release)."



Q: "Any one conform the below updates will come on meego


1) Video Calling Support

2) There should be some delay in the notification before opening the page like how it is in video gallery.

3) forward and reward option while playing video.

4) touch sense on Chat Window should improve .

5) Email sync every 5 minutes.

6) Bookmark should be folder ed or integrated with Browser

7) Java support

8) Adobe Flash support

9) More HD GAMES

10) Video call integration on Skype.

11) Back key and Copy paste

14) 4 th and 5 th Homescreen if possible"


A: "Video calling may or may not come, I'm not sure atm.

You can seek already in video playback.

You can set email to be even always up-to-date, and there is a 5 minute sync option as well afaik.

I already answered on the bookmarks and folders.

Java support is not going to come officially.

Flash support may come.

More games will definitely come, but none is HD, as the screen is WVGA.

Copy paste exists already, universal copy paste is a feature of pr1.2.

Back key? come on, it's a abomination on all platforms, windows included.

What would you put to 4th and 5th home screens?"



Q: "I think quite many corporations are using WPA + LEAP.

N9 doesnt seem to support that. Is LEAP on the roadmap

or should I write a feature request to somewhere?

Would Nokia Care be the right place?"


A: "I am not sure of LEAP. I did a quick search in bugzilla and we have no bugs for that. Only explanations are that 1.1 has flawless implementation or there is no support. I tend to lean on the latter. Write a request to nokia care."



Q: - we cant edit phone numbers that we have dialled. For ex, i dial 0227855656 but the good number was 0227845656. I can copy the first number i dialled and paste it (in a new call window) but i cant change just a number, i have to erase everything. I think this is very important

- it would be nice to deactivate ALL the email sync in one time, maybe at the same place of the skype/fb status

- during a conference call it would be nice to have the possibility to see who is participating and possibility to close a call with a specific person

- possibility in skype to see only connected people

- when i'm playing to GOF2 i can't swipe away: normal?"


A: "Good comments, I'll pass them forward. In skype you can probably select from menu and choose order by status. GOF2, like other fullscreen games usually deactivate swipe during the active mode. Press pause button and then you can swipe. It's intentional. We have API that allows apps to define specific regions on the sides where swipes won't work. Games usually disable it completely when in active mode to make sure no accidents happen."



Q: "Annoying Mail for Exchange-bug with the N9:


This annoying problem seems to be large-scale with the N9 devices. Here's how it works (read: Doesn't work)


I had my device running with MfE from thu 13.10 until this morning (17.10) when it dropped. I've been following this problem with our company's Mobile-guys, and the thing is that everything is working normally at the server, policies etc. I've removed and re-installed my Exchange-account four times to my N9, it works for the 1-2 first sync-times, and after that the connection drops to the Exchange-server. The mobile-guys said that my device does not even connect to the Server, normally the cycle is within 30 min, if it is working normally.


I am totally frustrated, and im hoping that Nokia will come up with a patch soon to fix this issue, as a seven hundred euros worth of equipment SHOULD NOT have these kind of bugs.


Other mail-accounts works normally (POP3, IMAP)."


A: "Sounds like a bad situation. Probably fixed in 1.1, as it has tons of exchange fixes, but just to make sure, perhaps you could create a bug to https://www.developer.nokia.com/bugs . I would like to say when 1.1 comes out, but cannot."




-app store for symbian ported to Meego

-any major developers committed to providing apps in the near future to it

-what is the solution if your phone gets locked and if i dont have the code to unlock it"


A: "Swype is coming soon.

App store for symbian is never coming to meego.

Cannot comment about 3rd party developers.

If your phone is locked and you don't remember the lock code, you need to reflash it completely. Or try >10 times and it should wipe itself of all user data (may depend on user settings)"



Q: "Just curiosity: as you wrote earlier PR1.0 was frozen already springtime, has PR1.1, and maybe even PR1.2, been ready also for some time? Are you able to comment has PR1.1 been shipped to developers?

Any comments of new features coming with 1.1 or 1.2? Would like to hear some hype :)"


A: "1.1 is now out for developers, so the exact day when it's for general public will start to depend on operators and regions.

308 task or features were completed for 1.1.

Low power mode enhancemens, battery charging and silent profile are now shown in there. TOns of NFC and connectivity improvements. Performance enhancements, visual tuneups (e.g. toolbar has a shadow now). Splash screen has been taken to wider use. Color management is less nervous than before (neutral sRGB space color palette is now used always, except in clearly outdoor situatios, when oversaturation is applied to adjust how eye desaturates content in brightness). Lock screen music controls have been added. Swype keyboard has been added, and keyboard switching is very smooth with swipe gesture. 1.1 is all about being faster, stronger, bettter. It succeeded on all metrics, reliability, use time, performance, long period use. All metrics for 1.1 are simply outstanding.


1.2 is not frozen, so I won't comment on its content. However, it is officially feature enhancement release, so, it contains a lot of new things."



Q: "Konttori, do you have any idea if there's any updates/fixes coming to the video decoders? The N9 features list h.264 BP/MP as supported, but MP(Main Profile) stutters a bit when b-frames are used. It's pretty odd, because b-frames are quite "simple" when talking about decoding complexity, so there isn't a good reason for it. It looks like a bug to me."


A: "1.2 has decoder enhancements for h264."



Q: "How about adding also possibility to add persons as "application shortcuts" on applications window? The same way as bookmarks are shown."


A: "Contacts as shortcuts is possible, simple to be done, but not in the books at the moment. Please write to nokia care about that. And create a bug."



Q: "The thing I'm missing in the Drive app is Favourites. Another annoying thing/bug I've noticed is with the Facebook account. It seems to forget password for it and ask it very often. Sometimes several times during the day. This happens both on my N950 and N9. Has anyone else noticed this too?"


A: "Drive has recent places, you'll have to live with that, I'm afraid. Facebook issue is very annoying indeed. I think it was solved on last days of 1.1, but I could be mistaken. We did talk a lot about it then."



Q: "About skype there is no menu inside skype neither in the config to order by status. In fact i can see this option in the contact list. Its good but in this case i cant see anymore my bookmarked contacts that are usually on the top. The online friends could appear above the bookmarked contacts?

For me in this case bookmarked friends could appear more little, like 2 contacts per line!!


I have other few ideas/optimizations :

- in contact list i have my phone contacts and skype contacts. It would be nice that the only-skype contacts are with a skype icon.

- i have about 900 contacts and to go from A to Z its long. We could find maybe little arrows that bring us on top or at the bottom of the page. Or even better the little point that appear on the right when scrolling the contacts should be touchable to go faster where we want.


And then a question: is there a way to have automatic feed in the notifications?"


A: "I like the idea of "smaller" bookmarked contacts. Use the side fast scroll bar to navigate quickly to the top and bottom. Put your finger on the right side of the screen, near the edge and start moving it up/down. I don't understand what you mean by automatic feed in notifications?"



Q: "Will firmware images for N9 be available for downloading without NSU?

For example, I can find firmware images for N900 here: http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N900.php"


A: "yes, there will be also non-nsu images afaik."



Q: "I desperately needs to be able to share photos on Twitter! I can't believe this was left out of the shipped units. It is essential!


And also I would very much like to be able to receive push notifications on mentions and retweets in the Twitter app. And preferably also searches. Will we see that coming?"


A: "Hmm... I'll relay the wish. Might be in already, I've never used that. However, push notifications I'd love as well. They were supposed to come, but, yeah, I don't see them either."



Q: "Sorry my 'english', but I hope 4. homescreen to modify. I will few links/widgets to contactlist, example my wifes foto to phone/sms/e-mail, like N900 I have.

It was more fast and easy call to wife - you know"


A: "Sorry, widgets based home screen is not coming. It's against the paradigm we aimed with the current 3 view homescreen. You should place your wifes image to lock screen bg. Open gallery, open image and select set as background."



Q: "I was a very long iPhone user and now changed to Nokia N9 (my second nokia after 3210 a few years ago). I'm quite happy with the new phone, also the os is just great. nevertheless I'm missing some things:


- avatar: why we can set avatars for friends, but when they call us the photo is not showing up?

- Videocall, specially for Skype

- Whatsapp, nowadays an essential app which provides free messages on any devices

- world clock

- app for stocks etc (should be standard for a smartphone)


are those things considered for a future update? Or maybe already available (I'm still a newbie in regard of Nokia..;) )"


A: "Hmm.. perhaps coming in 1.2. No comments on video call. whatsapp has replacements on platform already and we offer deeper integration. I would assume more services to be integrated soonish. Stocks apps to ovi store. Chinese edition has one by default though."



Q: "about the 'allow background connections' settings for both Mobile Network and Internet Connections (WIFI), is it possible to set different value for each of them, i.e. I want the option to be off when I am on Mobile Network but on when I am on Internet Connections (WIFI)."


A: "Good idea, but not going to happen. I too would love that."



Q: "Does any of the updates (1.1 or 1.2) contain any fixes to the onboard Facebook application? At it's current state it is pretty much unusable. Freezes, lags, has some major flaws (for example regarding fbook-messaging). I'm way happier with just touch.facebook.com, but that isn't integrated with the feeds -view."


A: "Facebook has tons of fixes in both 1.1 and 1.2. I'd say it's bearable in 1.1."



Q: "Here's a few things I'd like to see on my N9:


-Birthday notifications in calendar

Just like on S40 phones, were you could add day of birth and the calendar would know how old the person gets.


-When pressing some persons profile icon while in facebook chat, it will show "(unnamed)" on the profile, can't merge it with contacts.


- Ability to open/download documents via browser."


A: "I'm not sure if the birthday support is coming or not. I think it is, but not sure. Please raise to nokia care and raise the other issue as well. Documents will only be opened in the documents application, not inside browser, sorry (although, I like it that way, so I'm really not that sorry)."



Q: "- loudspeaker is very low, my n95 loudspeaker was much much better, any way to have a louder sound??


- if i want to send a phone number of a friend to another contact i can send the "contact card". Thats good, but on some phones people dont realize they received a contact card.Or we just want to insert the number inside an sms. Solution: it would be nice, if inside the contact (with no need to edit the contact) pressing on the number (or email or any contact info) we could just copy what we need.


- battery: i dont think i received a notification when battery is finishing. I'm wrong? I'm always suprised finding my phone closed.


Then i have a few questions:


- when the ovi suite/nokia suite will be compatible with n9 to synch the n9 online?

- i know that you told us that no numpad will be launched neither voice control, but its really a contradiction to have a so powerful phone with many functionnalities and not be able to write something correctly without being a woman



- as i told you the activation with double tap doesnt work each time

- yesterday i was to the fitness, (my phone was in the cloakroom) when i finished i was happy to show my n9 to an iphone fan....but internet didnt work (facebook app and the browser)! I had to close the phone an re-open it and then it was ok....bad advertising

- yesterday i received an sms and i didnt received a notification :(

- facebook app is quiet long to open.


A: "yeah, sucks to have low loudspeaker. Buy one of these: http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/21/nokias-play-360-bluetooth-speaker-uses-nfc-daps-to-pair-with-yo/ (just kidding, I truly also hate the low volume). N82 had great loudspeaker. If I recall correctly, higher volume was causing some bad resonance on the device and that's why it is like it is in n9. Universal copy paste is coming in 1.2. Battery notification was tuned for 1.1 and should come every 2 minutes while in call, every 5 minutes when display on and every 30 minutes when display off. Swype keyboard should help you in writing, as well as turnign device to landscape. And stil somebody should do numeric T9. Double tap was re-tuned a bit for 1.1. It's a bit more reliable again. Facebook starts faster in 1.1."



Q: "i, Any plan to implement a music control through the lock screen/home screen?"


A: "1.1 has lock screen controls. It's in the top of the screen and at least I'm pleased with how nicely a nuance the controls look. Currently playing song is on big friendly letters, replacing clock when you are playing music."



Endret av Slai
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Erfarte merkelig oppførsel i dag. Etter å ha hatt den på i ca 53 timer var batteriet på rundt 50%, på under en time var det nesten tomt. Dere som har hatt den i noen dager, om dere bruker den til mobilt bredbånd og setter opp hot spot, har et par samtaler om dagen og spiller litt, hvor lenge holder en opplading?

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Jeg har brukt N9 nå i 3 dager. Nydelig telefon, kunne gjerne vært litt mindre for enklere å sveipe med en hånd.

3.5" skjerm hadde vært perfekt. Brukergrensesnittet fungerer greit, jeg kommer fra Android via Spica og SGS i senere tid. Det som slår meg mest er hvor bra Spica'en som er 1,5 år gammel og kostet 1 krone (900 med abb)er, den gjør alt jeg trenger av en mobil den dag i dag, med batterikapasitet som kanskje er den beste på Android idag?

Har foretrukket denne frem til N9, og må nå overbevise meg selv om at N9'en er bedre..


Uansett, jeg har enda ikke klart å få inn mine kontakter fra gmail eller fra gammel telefon, hvordan gjør jeg det?

Har prøvd å importere fra Spicaen via bluetooth, det vil den ikke, ei heller fra Nokia E50 via bluetooth, hva gjør jeg galt her?

Hvordan kan jeg få inn kontaktene fra gmailen?

Har satt opp mailen til å være gmail, og den dro inn 5-6 kontakter (kun email adresser), men ikke de ca 200 telefonkontaktene (som er uten email) jeg har brukt på Spicaen.

Kan jeg eksportere kontakter i csv fra gmail, og importere i ovi f.eks??


Og nei, jeg bruker ikke FB, Twitter eller annet tilsvarende greier.


Takker for hjelp.

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Fra google må du lage en mail for exchange konto med gmail, da får du sync av kontakter og kalender :) .


Hm har du prøvd å synce via settings -> sync -> add device?


Eller kjør oldschool: boote opp begge telefonene og kjøre manuell syncing :p

Endret av Slai
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Fikk synca mot Spicaen, måtte gå ut av strømsparemodus for å få det til, og den ga ikke beskjed om det før jeg gjorde som du sa, å synce via settings-sync osv. Hadde den bare sagt det under "importer kontakter" - bluetooth..

Men alt kom inn dobbelt opp, inkl alle mailadresser jeg bruker eller ikke bruker, nå må jeg slette minst 200 oppføringer....

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noen som vet en plass dem selger skjermbeskyttelse til n9? en ordentlig en,av den stive typen. ikke av de der armor shield greian, som e nesten som gummi, og ikke helt blank.


lurte åsså på om klipp å lim funke, kossn får du det til? har prøvd å merke ting i f.eks epost,men får ikke kopiert/klipt.

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Klipp og lim er ikke over HELE UIet enda, desverre. Det er i meldinger osv, men ikke i epost og browser. Trist men sant.


Good news er at du kan lese den litt lange posten min over her hvor nederste del er en spoiler som du kan klikke for å lese litt Q&A fra en av folkene i Nokia som snakker om features planlagt for PR 1.1 og 1.2.


En av de svarene tilsier at copy/paste på hele UIet er planlagt for PR1.2, blandt annet.



Skjermbeskyttelse aner jeg ikke, da det ikke er noe jeg føler jeg trenger selv.



edit: leste en plass at de gikk løs på skjermen med tapetkniv og selv da var det litt vanskelig å ripe skjermen.

Endret av Slai
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edit: leste en plass at de gikk løs på skjermen med tapetkniv og selv da var det litt vanskelig å ripe skjermen.

det gjorde de på n8 og, så jeg tok vekk beskyttelsen på min, dagen etter fikk jeg ripe gitt ;)

vil ikke ha det på n9`en og.

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