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HPs PC-divisjon informerer


Kjære partner,


Dei siste dagane har det kome mykje informasjon gjennom mange kanaler om HP og framtidig PC forretning. Her har det vore enkelte misforståelser eller overskrifter som er eigna til å skape tvil. For å gjere det tydeleg kva som er fakta vil eg igjen legge ved vår melding til marknaden fredag 19. august og ei melding frå toppsjefen i Personal Systems Group (PSG), Todd Bradley. Bruk dette til dine ansatte og til dine kundar.


HP PSG vil bestå. Det satsast vidare på produktinnovasjon, vekst og partnerforretning med uendra trykk!


Ta gjerne kontakt med underteikna direkte dersom det er spørsmål.




Med vennlig hilsen,


Amund Hamre

Salgsdirektør Channel Sales PSG

[email protected]

Hewlett-Packard Norge AS

Pressemelding i Norge



Endringer i HP Personal Systems Group


(Oslo, 19. august 2011) HP annonserte i natt endringer for Personal Systems Group som en del av resultatpresentasjonen for HP Q3. Dette medfører ingen endringer i forretningen i Norge.




HP har etter oppkjøpet av Palm fokusert på å utvikle operativsystemet WebOS. Dette operativsystemet har blitt godt mottatt i markedet. Det siste kvartalet har hardwareprodukter; telefoner og Touchpad, blitt levert i det amerikanske markedet. Salget har vært skuffende og som en konsekvens blir hardwaredelen av HP’s WebOS satsning lagt ned. Produktene er ikke solgt i det norske markedet.


HP WebOS som operativsystem vil fortsatt eksistere i HP og det jobbes med markeds-muligheter for dette.



HP PSG i fremtiden

HP PSG er den største PC leverandøren både internasjonalt og i Norge, og vil fortsette å jobbe hardt videre for å styrke denne posisjonen. HP har levert flere enheter, høyere omsetning og høyrer resultat enn noen andre i PC kategorien. Veksten i resultatet er to sifret i alle 3 finansielle kvartaler i 2011.


HP’s styre har med bakgrunn i et ønske om å levere best mulig til sine kunder, aksjonærer og ansatte, gitt ledelsen et mandat til å gjennomføre en evaluering av alternativer for HP sin videre satsning i klientmarkedet. Dette innebærer tre alternativer; en utskilling av selskapet til aksjonærene, et salg av PC divisjonen eller å beholde divisjonen i et samlet selskap. Prosessen forventes å pågå i 12-18 måneder.



Ingen av beslutningene som ble kommunisert i natt vil påvirke HP sine kunder og partnere i Norge.


For ytterligere informasjon, vennligst kontakt:


Arild Westbye, [email protected] tlf. +47 91 30 45 10

Verner Hølleland, [email protected] tlf +47 95 89 66 26

Amund Hamre, [email protected] tlf +47 97 55 51 45


Melding fra toppsjefen i PSG, Todd Bradley


Dear Valued HP Customer,


The trust you place in HP that our people, products and services will help you run and grow your business is something we work hard to earn each day, and something that I appreciate tremendously. In light of the news from HP last week, I want to take a moment to reinforce the fact that HP remains fully committed to you.

As you know, HP has one of the broadest portfolios in the technology industry. Our management and our board make decisions that we believe will deliver the greatest value to you and of course to our shareholders and employees. HP sees an opportunity to further improve the flexibility, innovation and responsiveness of the products and services you rely on from the Personal Systems Group, which is why our board has authorized an investigation into strategic alternatives for this business.

While the range of what HP may choose to do is wide -- from a spinoff to shareholders, to a sale, to retaining the business within HP as is with no change – the fact is that we will make this decision with the express goal to make PSG stronger and to continue to serve your needs uninterrupted.

To that point, let me be clear about the following:


• HP is committed to customers and to honoring all warranty obligations.

• The warranties provided with our PC products and services will be honored regardless of PSG’s future ownership status.

• HP is committed to its customers and will continue to deliver products, services and support that lead to increased customer satisfaction.


That trust you place in PSG is a direct reflection of the pride our people take in building on the relationship we have with you. From your account team, to the support personnel on hand to help when you need it, to the thousands of people who ensure you have a superior experience with HP every day, we are here for you today and will be here tomorrow.

I personally take pride in that fact that your trust is why PSG is the world leader in the PC category. It all starts by listening and responding to your needs. Your direction has, in effect, given us the blueprint for what it takes to be a leader. You’ve made it clear that you need powerful platforms, a range of mobile solutions, a secure and manageable PC client environment. This list goes on, and it has defined the breadth and depth of our PSG portfolio.

To give you a point of reference, PSG is about a $40 billion business operating in more than 170 countries around the world. We provide industry-leading global and local support. We manage the largest global supply chain in the PC industry and ship two PCs every second. We contribute positively to HP’s overall revenue and profit. The team we have in place is the most qualified, most dedicated team I’ve had the opportunity to work with.

You can depend on HP and PSG.

Our roadmaps for future products haven’t changed. We will be even more aggressive in bringing technology to market. Our relationships with our technology and supply chain partners haven’t changed. We will be relentless to ensure our technical and operational capabilities continue to improve across the board. The only thing that has changed is that our organization is even more committed to earning your trust and building on our relationship. Our future depends on how well we meet and exceed your needs. Our team has never been more motivated than we are now to demonstrate that you’ve placed your trust and confidence in the right people, the right products and the right services.

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, please let us know.

Again, thank you for your support. We will continue to work hard to earn it.




Todd Bradley

Executive Vice President,

HP Personal Systems Group

Nettmøte med HP PSG



HP stiller til nettmøte på hardware.no i morgen torsdag kl 13-14.

Send inn dine spørsmål allerede i dag her.


URL: http://www.hardware.no/artikler/hp_stiller_paa_nettmote_i_morgen/101267

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