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[Python] Implementere element-access-operator

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Jeg har en spesialisert conainer-klasse, kalt "DataDict", som er en slags blanding av en liste og en multimap. Denne kan lett itereres over samt gjøres "map-aktig tilgang" med getVals(key) and getValSingle(key) - men jeg ønsker å også kunne gjøre indeks-basert access uten å rote med de interne key og val-listene.


Hvordan implementerer man "[element]"-operatoren i Python? Ideelt så ønsker jeg å la "DataDict[string]" funke som getValSingle og DataDict[int] funke som en vanlig liste.




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om jeg forstår deg rett tenker du på metodene "__getitem__" og __setitem__

class Test:
   def __getitem__(self, element):
       print "Get", type(element)
   def __setitem__(self, element, item):
       print "set", type(element)

test = Test()
a = test['1']
a = test[1]
test['1'] = a
test[1] = a


gir følgende output:

Get <type 'str'>

Get <type 'int'>

set <type 'str'>

set <type 'int'>


dette kan da omskrives til noe lignende:

class Test:
   def __getitem__(self, element):
       if type(element) is type(str):
       elif type(element) is type(int):
           # Behandle som liste
           #ukjent type som key

   def __setitem__(self, element, item):
       if type(element) is type(str):
           self.setValSingle(element, item)
       elif type(element) is type(int):
           # Behandle som liste
           #ukjent type som key

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Dette kunne du lett ha funnet ut av selv. En god fremgangsmåte for å finne ut av det (uten en gang å google):


- Lag en klasse

- Prøv å gjør det du vil gjøre med klassen

- Les feilmelding

- Løs problemet


kjører koden:

class Test:
   def __getitem__(self, element):
       if type(element) is type(str):
       elif type(element) is type(int):
           # Behandle som liste
           #ukjent type som key

   def __setitem__(self, element, item):
       if type(element) is type(str):
           self.setValSingle(element, item)
       elif type(element) is type(int):
           # Behandle som liste
           #ukjent type som key

test = Test()
print len(test)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>


AttributeError: Test instance has no attribute '__len__'

vi ser her at len(object) kaller på metoden __len__ til klassen for å få svaret. Da er det bare å implementere denne og returnere en integer-verdi :)

  • Liker 1
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Do'h, ja, det der burde jeg ha gjetta...


Uansett, takk for innsatsen! Legger ved biblioteket i sin nåværende stand - det er også en del fil-I/O i det (skriver filformatene til et annet program, som av en eller annen grunn bruker 3x ulike men kompatible formater). Det overhode ikke optimalisert for å gå fort - men dette er filer som vanligvis blir håndskrevet så... Internals i DataDict burde nok vært "gjemt" litt bedre, men har allerede noen tusen linjer som henger på denne koden her, så...





from AcdOptiExceptions import AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle,\

import exceptions
import re
#from collections import defaultdict

#whitespace = (" ", "\n", "\t") #What is regarded as whitespace?

parserDebug = False #Set this to True to print extra stuff for debugging, False to disable

class DataDict():
   Multimap-like order-preserving storage.
   Expects keys must be strings, vals must be strings and DataDicts.
   Strings can't start or end with whitespace.
   keys = None
   vals = None
   length = None
   def __init__(self):
       self.keys = []
       self.vals = []
       self.length = 0

   def keyValidCheck(key):
       "Checks that the key is valid. Raises a TypeError if it isn't."
       if type(key) != str:
           raise TypeError("Key must be string, key=" + str(key))
       elif key.strip() != key:
           raise TypeError("Key can't start or end with whitespace")
   def valValidCheck(val):
       "Checks that the value is valid. Raises a Type error if it isn't"
       if type(val) == str:
           if val.strip() != val:
               raise TypeError("String value can't start or end with whitespace")
       elif not isinstance(val,DataDict):
           raise TypeError("Val must be of type string or DataDict, val=" + str(val))

   def boolconv(boolIn):
       Helper function, converts the many shades of bool found into python's True/False
       if boolIn == "True" or boolIn == "true" or boolIn == "1":
           return True
       elif boolIn == "False" or boolIn == "false" or boolIn == "0":
           return False
           raise TypeError("Input boolIn=" + str(boolIn) + " is invalid.")
   def pushBack(self, key, val):
       Appends a (key,value) pair to the end of the storage,
       and returns the appended value.

       Raises TypeError if key or val is invalid.
       #Input checking on key and val
       except TypeError as e:
           raise TypeError("Got a TypeError, key=\"" + str(key) + "\", val=\"" + str(val) + "\"", e.args)

       #Everything OK
       self.length += 1

       return val

   def getVals(self, key):
       Returns all values associated with a given key,
       in the order they where pushBack'ed
       retBuf = []
       for i in xrange(len(self.keys)):
           if self.keys[i] == key:
       return retBuf

   def getValSingle(self,key):
       Assuming that only one value are associated with
       the given key, return this value.
       If more than one or zero values where found,
       raise a AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle exception
       vals = self.getVals(key)
       if len(vals) == 0:
           raise AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle("Key '" + key + "' yielded no hits")
       elif len(vals) > 1:
           raise AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle("Key '" + key + "' yielded more than one hit", vals)
       return vals[0]

   def __getitem__(self,entry):
       If entry is a string, return the corresponding value (same behavior as getValSingle)
       If entry is an intteger, return a 2-tuple (key,value).
       Raises TypeError or IndexError on bad input, and AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle
       if the data is missing or there is to much of it.
       if type(entry) == int:
           if entry < 0 or entry > self.length:
               raise IndexError("Index='"+str(entry)+"' out of range [0,"+ str(self.length-1) +"]")
           return (self.keys[entry], self.vals[entry])
       elif type(entry) == str:
           return self.getValSingle(entry)
           raise TypeError("entry must be either string or int")

   def setValSingle(self, key, val):
       Assuming that there is one and only one entry with this key,
       set its value to "val" (returning the old value).

       If none or multiple entries are encountered,
       raise a AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle exception.
       If val is invalid, raise TypeError.

       if DataDict.valValidCheck(val):
           raise TypeError(val)

       ii = None
       for i in xrange(self.length):
           if self.keys[i] == key:
               if ii:
                   raise AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle("Multiple keys found")
               ii = i

       ret = self.vals[ii]
       self.vals[ii] = val
       return ret

   def clear(self):
       Deletes all keys/values stored
       self.keys = []
       self.vals = []
       self.length = 0

   def copy(self):
       Returns a new DataDict which is are a recursive/deep copy of this one.
       ret = DataDict()
       for item in self:
           if isinstance(item[1], DataDict):
               #The item is in itself a dataDict
               ret.pushBack(item[0], item[1].copy())
               ret.pushBack(item[0], item[1])
       return ret
   def __str__(self):
       Returns a string representation of the dataDict
       retrs = ""
       for i in xrange(self.length):
           if isinstance(self.vals[i], DataDict):
               retrs += "(\"" + self.keys[i] + "\" , " + str(self.vals[i]) + ") , "
               retrs += "(\"" + self.keys[i] + "\" , \"" + str(self.vals[i]) + "\") , "

       return "[" + retrs[:-3] + "]"
   def __iter__(self):
       return DataDictIter(self)
   def __len__(self):
       return self.length
class DataDictIter:
   Iterator for looping through a dataDict.
   Yields a tuple (key, value) for each iteration.
   dataDict = None
   idx =  None
   def __init__(self, dataDict):
       self.dataDict = dataDict
       self.idx = 0
   def next(self):
       if self.idx >= self.dataDict.length:
           raise StopIteration
       ret = (self.dataDict.keys[self.idx], self.dataDict.vals[self.idx])
       self.idx += 1
       return ret

class AcdOptiFileParser():
   Base class for all file/stream parsers.
   All parsers, except baseclass,
   accepts the same __init__() arguments:
   - data: Either a filename pointing to the data,
       or a string with the same content as would a file,
       or a dataDict (in case of baseclass).
   - mode: A short string with flags indicating how
       to treat the data:
       "w"  : Writing a new file (if necessary truncating
           one that already excists) with whatever is then in dataDict
           when the function "write()" is called.
           Argument data is then the filename
       "r"  : Reads a file into dataDict
           Argument data is then the filename
       "rw" : Reads in init, then same behaviour as "w"
       "s"  : Same as "r", but data is a string containing
           data in the same format as would normally be used on disk

   To write data from a string or dataDict,
   first create one object of the correct input type
   then create another object in "w" mode for the output type,
   use importDataDict(), and then write().

   dataDict = None

   def __init__(self,dataDict=None):
       print "AcdOptiFileParser::__init__()"
       Baseclass does the same as children,
       but can't do file IO. This constructor
       may initialize from a dataDict.

   def importDataDict(self,dataDict_in=None):
       This functions is usefull for converting between formats.
       Also used for initializing the dataDict.
       print "AcdOptiFileParser::importDataDict()"
       if self.dataDict == None:
           self.dataDict = DataDict()
       if dataDict_in != None:
           for item in dataDict_in:
   #END importDataDict()

   def write(self):
       If mode="w" or "rw", truncate and write to the specified file,
       else raise exception AcdOptiExceptions.AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode
       print "AcdOptiFileParser::write()"

       if self.mode != "w" and self.mode != "rw":
           raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode(\
               "Got mode=\"" + self.mode + "\"")
       f = open(self.fname, 'w')

   def __repr__(self):
       raise NotImplementedError

class AcdOptiFileParser_simple(AcdOptiFileParser):
   Reads and writes ACD text files in the "simple" syntax,
   used by acdtool rfpost.

   Expected syntax example:
   key {
   key = value
   key2 = value //Comment

   * "{"  : Start of sub-dict
   * "}"  : End of sub-dict
   * "\n" : If within a dict, separate two key/value pairs.
       Insignificant when before { and } 
   * "="  : Separates key/value within a dict
   * "//" : Ignore the rest of this line
   * "{(arbitary ammount of whitespace)}" : Value is an empty string
   Other rules:
   Whitespace at beginning and end of key and value is ignored

   fname = None
   mode = None

   def __init__(self,data,mode):
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::__init__()"
       self.mode = mode

       if mode == "s":
           data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(data) #May throw exception!
       elif mode == "r" or mode == "rw":
           self.fname = data

           #Read file
           ifile = open(data, 'r')
           datastr = ifile.read()

           data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(datastr)
       elif mode == "w":
           self.fname = data

           #Create an empty dataDict
           raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode

   def __repr__(self):
       Creates and returns a string in the "simple" syntax
       in the same format as interpreted by parseString
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::__repr__()"
       return AcdOptiFileParser_simple.repr_lifter(self.dataDict)

   def parse(str_in):
       Combines preprocess() and dictify() to generate a single DataDict.
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::parse()"
       tokenLines = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.preprocess(str_in)
       if parserDebug:

       dict = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.dictify(tokenLines)
       if parserDebug: print dict

       return dict

   def tokenLinesPrettyPrint(tokenLines):
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::tokenLinesPrettyPrint()"
       print '"""'
       for idx in xrange(len(tokenLines)):
           print idx, "\t:\t", tokenLines[idx]
       print '"""'

   def preprocess(str_in):
       This method accepts a string in the "simple" format,
       and preprocesses it. After preprocessing, the syntax is as follows:
       * No comments
       * All lines contains a key/value-pair OR a key / "{" pair OR a "}"
       * Always single space around "="
       * Always single space between key / "{"
       * No extra whitespace at beginning/end of line
       * No whitespace in "{}" (value is empty string) 

       Returns a list of lines, where the first level is the lines,
       and the second is the tokens on this line.
       Example1: " a =b//hei" is returned as ["a", "=", "b"],
       Example2: "key{" and "key\n{" is returned as ["key", "{"]
       Example3: "}" is returned as ["}"]    
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::preprocess()"

       #Strip comments, leading/trailing whitespace, and blank/comment lines
       str_in_strippedlines = []
       for line in str_in.splitlines():
           tmp = line.split("//")[0]
           tmp = tmp.strip()
           if tmp != "":
       if parserDebug: print "str_in_strippedlines =", str_in_strippedlines

       #Make sure that all lines are either "key = val", "key {" or "}"
       str_in_tokenLines = []
       for line in str_in_strippedlines:
           #if parserDebug: print "line =", line
           tokenLine = [line]
           if "=" in line:
               tokenLine = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.split("="))
               if "{" in line or "}" in line:
                   if re.match("{\s*}", tokenLine[1]):
                       # We have an "{}" in the line, after the "="
                       tmp = line.split("=")
                       tokenLine = [tmp[0].strip(), "{}"]
                       raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Can't have '{','}' and '=' on same line except for 'key = { }', line = '" + line + "'")
               if len(tokenLine) != 2:
                   raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("More than one '=' found in one line, line = " + line + "'")
               tokenLine = [tokenLine[0], "=", tokenLine[1]] #Insert the equality sign
           elif "{" in line:
               #Begin subdict ({} ruled out)
               if line == "{":
                   #Single "{" on line, append to previous line
                   if str_in_tokenLines[-1][-1] == "{":
                       raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Double '{' encountered, line = '" + line + "'")
                   str_in_tokenLines[-1] += "{"
                   continue #We're done here
               elif re.match("[\w\s]*{", line):
                   #key/{ pair
                   tokenLine = [line[:-1].strip(), "{"]
                   #Something weird
                   raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Extra '{' in line, line = '" + line + "'")
           # END if
           #if parserDebug: print "appending tokenLine =", tokenLine
       #END for line in str_in_strippedlines

       #Sanity check on output
       for line in str_in_tokenLines:
           if len(line) == 1 and line[0] != "}":
               raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: single-entry != '}', line = '" + str(line) + "'")
           elif len(line) == 2 and line[1] != "{":
               raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: double-entry with entry 2 != '{', line = '" + str(line) + "'")
           elif len(line) == 2 and "{" in line[0]:
               raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: double-entry with entry 1 containing a '{', line = '" + str(line) + "'")
           elif len(line) == 3 and line[1] != "=":
               raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: triple-entry with entry 2 != '=', line = '" + str(line) + "'")
           elif len(line) == 3 and reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, map(lambda c: "{" in c, line)):
               raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: triple-entry containing a '{', line = '" + str(line) + "'")
           elif len(line) == 0 or len(line) > 3:
               raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: Unexpected line  0 < entries <= 3 found, line ='" + str(line) + "'")
       #END for line in str_in_tokenLines
       openBraceCount = 0
       closeBraceCount =  0
       for line in str_in_tokenLines:
           if len(line) == 1:
               closeBraceCount += 1
           elif len(line) == 2:
               openBraceCount += 1
       if openBraceCount != closeBraceCount:
           raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Unbalanced parenthesis, openBraceCount =", openBraceCount, ", closeBraceCount =", closeBraceCount)

       return str_in_tokenLines
   #END preprocess()

   def dictify(tokenLines):
       Accepts a list of tokenized lines as produced by preprocess,
       turn it into a (tree of) DataDicts 
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::dictify()"
       if parserDebug: 
           print "Got tokenLines:"

       dictBuf = DataDict()

       idx = 0
       while idx < len(tokenLines):
           line = tokenLines[idx]

           if len(line) == 2:
               key = line[0]
               idx2 = idx+1
               depth = 1
               while depth > 0:
                   if idx2 == len(tokenLines):
                       raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in dictify(): reached end of tokenLines without hitting closing '}'")

                   line2 = tokenLines[idx2]
                   if line2 == ["}"]:
                       depth -= 1
                   elif len(line2) == 2 and line2[1] == "{":
                       depth += 1
                   idx2 += 1
               idx2 -= 1        
               val = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.dictify(tokenLines[idx+1:idx2])
               dictBuf.pushBack(key, val)
               idx = idx2

           elif len(line) == 3:
               if line[2] == "{}":
                   dictBuf.pushBack(line[0], "")
                   dictBuf.pushBack(line[0], line[2])
           idx += 1
       #END while
       if parserDebug: print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::dictify(): returning dictBuf =", dictBuf
       return dictBuf
   #END dictify

   def repr_lifter(dataDict):
       Function doing the real work for __repr__(),
       split into a separate function in order to be able to use it
       from *_Lua and *_KVC modules
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::repr_lifter()"

       retrs = ""
       d = 0; #Which depth are we operating in

       i = [] #Index into dataClass i[d]

       stack = []

       tab = 3*" "

       if dataDict.length == 0:
           #Corner case: Empty dataDict
           return ""

       #while i[0] < stack[0].length:
       while d >= 0:
           # print d, i[d], stack[d].length

           #Get the next key
           key = stack[d].keys[i[d]]
           val = stack[d].vals[i[d]]

           if isinstance(val,DataDict):
               #Go one level deeper
               retrs += d*tab + key + "\n" + d*tab + "{\n"

               i[d] += 1
               d += 1

               if val == "":
                   val = "{ }"
               retrs += d*tab + key + " = " + val + "\n"
               i[d] += 1

           # Pop finished dataDicts of the stack
           # print retrs
           # print d, i[d], stack[d].length
           while i[d] == stack[d].length: #and d != 0:
               d -= 1
               # print "pop()", d
               if d != -1:
                   #Don't bracket the outer dataDict
                   retrs += d*tab + "}\n"
                   # print retrs
                   #Break the inner loop
           # print

       return retrs
   #END repr_lifter

class AcdOptiFileParser_KVC(AcdOptiFileParser):
   Reads and writes ACD text files in the "KVC" syntax,
   used by solver output file
   def __init__(self,data,mode):
       raise exceptions.NotImplementedError

   def write(self):
       raise exceptions.NotImplementedError

class AcdOptiFileParser_Lua(AcdOptiFileParser):
   Reads and writes ACD text files in the "Lua" syntax,
   used by solver input params.

   It really uses the simple parser behind-the-scenes,
   with some pre/post-processing added, as the syntax is the same
   except LUA syntax adds a ":" between keys and values,
   such that it replaces "=" for normal key/val pairs,
   and is an additional character between Label and "{" for key/dict pairs. 

   Expected syntax example:
   Label : {
   field : value
   field2 : value //Comment
   def __init__(self,data,mode):
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_Lua::__init__(), mode=", mode
       self.mode = mode

       if mode == "s":
           data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(self.changeToSimple(data)) #May throw exception!
       elif mode == "r" or mode == "rw":
           self.fname = data

           #Read file
           ifile = open(data, 'r')
           datastr = ifile.read()

           data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(self.changeToSimple(datastr))
       elif mode == "w":
           self.fname = data

           #Create an empty dataDict
           raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode

   def __repr__(self):
       print "AcdOptiFileParser_Lua::__repr__()"
       simpleRepr = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.repr_lifter(self.dataDict)
       return AcdOptiFileParser_Lua.changeFromSimple(simpleRepr)

   def changeToSimple(data):
       Converts a string from "LUA" format to "simple"
       data = re.sub(":\s*{", "{", data)
       data = data.replace(":", "=")
       return data
   def changeFromSimple(data):
       Converts a string from "simple" to "LUA" format
       data = data.replace("=", ":")
       data = re.sub("(\w)\s*{", r'\1 : {', data)
       return data







import exceptions

class AcdOptiException(Exception):

#Project exceptions
# class AcdOptiException_project_folderExists(AcdOptiException):
#     pass
#class AcdOptiException_project_folderNotFound(AcdOptiException):
#    pass
# class AcdOptiException_project_folderNameMismatch(AcdOptiException):
#     pass
class AcdOptiException_project_loadFail(AcdOptiException):

class AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_geomCollection_lockdownError(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_nameError(AcdOptiException):
   pass # This mesh instance name for this geometry is already taken
class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_lockdownError(AcdOptiException):

class AcdOptiException_meshTemplateCollection_loadFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_createFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_lockdownError(AcdOptiException):

class AcdOptiException_meshInstance_createFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_meshInstance_lockdownError(AcdOptiException):

#DataDict exceptions
class AcdOptiException_dataDict_stringWithSpace(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_dataDict_notAString(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle(AcdOptiException):

#File parser exceptions
class AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode(AcdOptiException):

class AcdOptiException_cubitTemplateFile_fileAlreadyExists(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_cubitTemplateFile_CUBITerror(AcdOptiException):
class AcdOptiException_cubitTemplateFile_initError(AcdOptiException):




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