kyrsjo Skrevet 18. august 2011 Del Skrevet 18. august 2011 Hei Jeg har en spesialisert conainer-klasse, kalt "DataDict", som er en slags blanding av en liste og en multimap. Denne kan lett itereres over samt gjøres "map-aktig tilgang" med getVals(key) and getValSingle(key) - men jeg ønsker å også kunne gjøre indeks-basert access uten å rote med de interne key og val-listene. Hvordan implementerer man "[element]"-operatoren i Python? Ideelt så ønsker jeg å la "DataDict[string]" funke som getValSingle og DataDict[int] funke som en vanlig liste. Mvh. Kyrre Lenke til kommentar
etse Skrevet 18. august 2011 Del Skrevet 18. august 2011 om jeg forstår deg rett tenker du på metodene "__getitem__" og __setitem__ class Test: def __getitem__(self, element): print "Get", type(element) def __setitem__(self, element, item): print "set", type(element) test = Test() a = test['1'] a = test[1] test['1'] = a test[1] = a gir følgende output: Get <type 'str'>Get <type 'int'> set <type 'str'> set <type 'int'> dette kan da omskrives til noe lignende: class Test: def __getitem__(self, element): if type(element) is type(str): self.getValSingle(element) elif type(element) is type(int): # Behandle som liste pass else: #ukjent type som key pass def __setitem__(self, element, item): if type(element) is type(str): self.setValSingle(element, item) elif type(element) is type(int): # Behandle som liste pass else: #ukjent type som key pass 1 Lenke til kommentar
kyrsjo Skrevet 18. august 2011 Forfatter Del Skrevet 18. august 2011 Perfekt, akkurat det jeg lurte på Finnes det noe tilsvarende som blir kalt når man bruker len(object)? Lenke til kommentar
etse Skrevet 18. august 2011 Del Skrevet 18. august 2011 Dette kunne du lett ha funnet ut av selv. En god fremgangsmåte for å finne ut av det (uten en gang å google): - Lag en klasse - Prøv å gjør det du vil gjøre med klassen - Les feilmelding - Løs problemet kjører koden: class Test: def __getitem__(self, element): if type(element) is type(str): self.getValSingle(element) elif type(element) is type(int): # Behandle som liste pass else: #ukjent type som key pass def __setitem__(self, element, item): if type(element) is type(str): self.setValSingle(element, item) elif type(element) is type(int): # Behandle som liste pass else: #ukjent type som key pass test = Test() print len(test) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> len(test) AttributeError: Test instance has no attribute '__len__' vi ser her at len(object) kaller på metoden __len__ til klassen for å få svaret. Da er det bare å implementere denne og returnere en integer-verdi 1 Lenke til kommentar
kyrsjo Skrevet 18. august 2011 Forfatter Del Skrevet 18. august 2011 Do'h, ja, det der burde jeg ha gjetta... Uansett, takk for innsatsen! Legger ved biblioteket i sin nåværende stand - det er også en del fil-I/O i det (skriver filformatene til et annet program, som av en eller annen grunn bruker 3x ulike men kompatible formater). Det overhode ikke optimalisert for å gå fort - men dette er filer som vanligvis blir håndskrevet så... Internals i DataDict burde nok vært "gjemt" litt bedre, men har allerede noen tusen linjer som henger på denne koden her, så... from AcdOptiExceptions import AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle,\ AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle,\ AcdOptiException_dataDict_stringWithSpace,\ AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode,\ AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax import exceptions import re #from collections import defaultdict #whitespace = (" ", "\n", "\t") #What is regarded as whitespace? parserDebug = False #Set this to True to print extra stuff for debugging, False to disable class DataDict(): """ Multimap-like order-preserving storage. Expects keys must be strings, vals must be strings and DataDicts. Strings can't start or end with whitespace. """ keys = None vals = None length = None def __init__(self): self.keys = [] self.vals = [] self.length = 0 @staticmethod def keyValidCheck(key): "Checks that the key is valid. Raises a TypeError if it isn't." if type(key) != str: raise TypeError("Key must be string, key=" + str(key)) elif key.strip() != key: raise TypeError("Key can't start or end with whitespace") @staticmethod def valValidCheck(val): "Checks that the value is valid. Raises a Type error if it isn't" if type(val) == str: if val.strip() != val: raise TypeError("String value can't start or end with whitespace") elif not isinstance(val,DataDict): raise TypeError("Val must be of type string or DataDict, val=" + str(val)) @staticmethod def boolconv(boolIn): """ Helper function, converts the many shades of bool found into python's True/False """ if boolIn == "True" or boolIn == "true" or boolIn == "1": return True elif boolIn == "False" or boolIn == "false" or boolIn == "0": return False else: raise TypeError("Input boolIn=" + str(boolIn) + " is invalid.") def pushBack(self, key, val): """ Appends a (key,value) pair to the end of the storage, and returns the appended value. Raises TypeError if key or val is invalid. """ #Input checking on key and val try: DataDict.keyValidCheck(key) DataDict.valValidCheck(val) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError("Got a TypeError, key=\"" + str(key) + "\", val=\"" + str(val) + "\"", e.args) #Everything OK self.keys.append(key) self.vals.append(val) self.length += 1 return val def getVals(self, key): """ Returns all values associated with a given key, in the order they where pushBack'ed """ retBuf = [] for i in xrange(len(self.keys)): if self.keys[i] == key: retBuf.append(self.vals[i]) return retBuf def getValSingle(self,key): """ Assuming that only one value are associated with the given key, return this value. If more than one or zero values where found, raise a AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle exception """ vals = self.getVals(key) if len(vals) == 0: raise AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle("Key '" + key + "' yielded no hits") elif len(vals) > 1: raise AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle("Key '" + key + "' yielded more than one hit", vals) return vals[0] def __getitem__(self,entry): """ If entry is a string, return the corresponding value (same behavior as getValSingle) If entry is an intteger, return a 2-tuple (key,value). Raises TypeError or IndexError on bad input, and AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle if the data is missing or there is to much of it. """ if type(entry) == int: if entry < 0 or entry > self.length: raise IndexError("Index='"+str(entry)+"' out of range [0,"+ str(self.length-1) +"]") return (self.keys[entry], self.vals[entry]) elif type(entry) == str: return self.getValSingle(entry) else: raise TypeError("entry must be either string or int") def setValSingle(self, key, val): """ Assuming that there is one and only one entry with this key, set its value to "val" (returning the old value). If none or multiple entries are encountered, raise a AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle exception. If val is invalid, raise TypeError. """ if DataDict.valValidCheck(val): raise TypeError(val) ii = None for i in xrange(self.length): if self.keys[i] == key: if ii: raise AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle("Multiple keys found") ii = i ret = self.vals[ii] self.vals[ii] = val return ret def clear(self): """ Deletes all keys/values stored """ self.keys = [] self.vals = [] self.length = 0 def copy(self): """ Returns a new DataDict which is are a recursive/deep copy of this one. """ ret = DataDict() for item in self: if isinstance(item[1], DataDict): #The item is in itself a dataDict ret.pushBack(item[0], item[1].copy()) else: #String ret.pushBack(item[0], item[1]) return ret def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the dataDict """ retrs = "" for i in xrange(self.length): if isinstance(self.vals[i], DataDict): retrs += "(\"" + self.keys[i] + "\" , " + str(self.vals[i]) + ") , " else: retrs += "(\"" + self.keys[i] + "\" , \"" + str(self.vals[i]) + "\") , " return "[" + retrs[:-3] + "]" def __iter__(self): return DataDictIter(self) def __len__(self): return self.length class DataDictIter: """ Iterator for looping through a dataDict. Yields a tuple (key, value) for each iteration. """ dataDict = None idx = None def __init__(self, dataDict): self.dataDict = dataDict self.idx = 0 def next(self): if self.idx >= self.dataDict.length: raise StopIteration ret = (self.dataDict.keys[self.idx], self.dataDict.vals[self.idx]) self.idx += 1 return ret class AcdOptiFileParser(): """ Base class for all file/stream parsers. All parsers, except baseclass, accepts the same __init__() arguments: - data: Either a filename pointing to the data, or a string with the same content as would a file, or a dataDict (in case of baseclass). - mode: A short string with flags indicating how to treat the data: "w" : Writing a new file (if necessary truncating one that already excists) with whatever is then in dataDict when the function "write()" is called. Argument data is then the filename "r" : Reads a file into dataDict Argument data is then the filename "rw" : Reads in init, then same behaviour as "w" "s" : Same as "r", but data is a string containing data in the same format as would normally be used on disk To write data from a string or dataDict, first create one object of the correct input type then create another object in "w" mode for the output type, use importDataDict(), and then write(). """ dataDict = None def __init__(self,dataDict=None): print "AcdOptiFileParser::__init__()" """ Baseclass does the same as children, but can't do file IO. This constructor may initialize from a dataDict. """ self.importDataDict(dataDict) def importDataDict(self,dataDict_in=None): """ This functions is usefull for converting between formats. Also used for initializing the dataDict. """ print "AcdOptiFileParser::importDataDict()" if self.dataDict == None: self.dataDict = DataDict() if dataDict_in != None: for item in dataDict_in: self.dataDict.pushBack(item[0],item[1]) #END importDataDict() def write(self): """ If mode="w" or "rw", truncate and write to the specified file, else raise exception AcdOptiExceptions.AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode """ print "AcdOptiFileParser::write()" if self.mode != "w" and self.mode != "rw": raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode(\ "Got mode=\"" + self.mode + "\"") f = open(self.fname, 'w') f.write(repr(self)) f.close() def __repr__(self): raise NotImplementedError class AcdOptiFileParser_simple(AcdOptiFileParser): """ Reads and writes ACD text files in the "simple" syntax, used by acdtool rfpost. Expected syntax example: key { key = value key2 = value //Comment } Tokens: * "{" : Start of sub-dict * "}" : End of sub-dict * "\n" : If within a dict, separate two key/value pairs. Insignificant when before { and } * "=" : Separates key/value within a dict * "//" : Ignore the rest of this line * "{(arbitary ammount of whitespace)}" : Value is an empty string Other rules: Whitespace at beginning and end of key and value is ignored """ fname = None mode = None def __init__(self,data,mode): print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::__init__()" self.mode = mode if mode == "s": data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(data) #May throw exception! self.importDataDict(data_parsed) elif mode == "r" or mode == "rw": self.fname = data #Read file ifile = open(data, 'r') datastr = ifile.close() #Parse data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(datastr) self.importDataDict(data_parsed) elif mode == "w": self.fname = data #Create an empty dataDict self.importDataDict() else: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode def __repr__(self): """ Creates and returns a string in the "simple" syntax in the same format as interpreted by parseString """ print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::__repr__()" return AcdOptiFileParser_simple.repr_lifter(self.dataDict) @staticmethod def parse(str_in): """ Combines preprocess() and dictify() to generate a single DataDict. """ print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::parse()" tokenLines = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.preprocess(str_in) if parserDebug: AcdOptiFileParser_simple.tokenLinesPrettyPrint(tokenLines) dict = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.dictify(tokenLines) if parserDebug: print dict return dict @staticmethod def tokenLinesPrettyPrint(tokenLines): print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::tokenLinesPrettyPrint()" print '"""' for idx in xrange(len(tokenLines)): print idx, "\t:\t", tokenLines[idx] print '"""' @staticmethod def preprocess(str_in): """ This method accepts a string in the "simple" format, and preprocesses it. After preprocessing, the syntax is as follows: * No comments * All lines contains a key/value-pair OR a key / "{" pair OR a "}" * Always single space around "=" * Always single space between key / "{" * No extra whitespace at beginning/end of line * No whitespace in "{}" (value is empty string) Returns a list of lines, where the first level is the lines, and the second is the tokens on this line. Example1: " a =b//hei" is returned as ["a", "=", "b"], Example2: "key{" and "key\n{" is returned as ["key", "{"] Example3: "}" is returned as ["}"] """ print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::preprocess()" #Strip comments, leading/trailing whitespace, and blank/comment lines str_in_strippedlines = [] for line in str_in.splitlines(): tmp = line.split("//")[0] tmp = tmp.strip() if tmp != "": str_in_strippedlines.append(tmp) if parserDebug: print "str_in_strippedlines =", str_in_strippedlines #Make sure that all lines are either "key = val", "key {" or "}" str_in_tokenLines = [] for line in str_in_strippedlines: #if parserDebug: print "line =", line tokenLine = [line] if "=" in line: #key/val-pair tokenLine = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.split("=")) if "{" in line or "}" in line: if re.match("{\s*}", tokenLine[1]): # We have an "{}" in the line, after the "=" tmp = line.split("=") tokenLine = [tmp[0].strip(), "{}"] else: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Can't have '{','}' and '=' on same line except for 'key = { }', line = '" + line + "'") if len(tokenLine) != 2: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("More than one '=' found in one line, line = " + line + "'") tokenLine = [tokenLine[0], "=", tokenLine[1]] #Insert the equality sign elif "{" in line: #Begin subdict ({} ruled out) if line == "{": #Single "{" on line, append to previous line if str_in_tokenLines[-1][-1] == "{": raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Double '{' encountered, line = '" + line + "'") str_in_tokenLines[-1] += "{" continue #We're done here elif re.match("[\w\s]*{", line): #key/{ pair tokenLine = [line[:-1].strip(), "{"] else: #Something weird raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Extra '{' in line, line = '" + line + "'") # END if #if parserDebug: print "appending tokenLine =", tokenLine str_in_tokenLines.append(tokenLine) #END for line in str_in_strippedlines #Sanity check on output for line in str_in_tokenLines: if len(line) == 1 and line[0] != "}": raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: single-entry != '}', line = '" + str(line) + "'") elif len(line) == 2 and line[1] != "{": raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: double-entry with entry 2 != '{', line = '" + str(line) + "'") elif len(line) == 2 and "{" in line[0]: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: double-entry with entry 1 containing a '{', line = '" + str(line) + "'") elif len(line) == 3 and line[1] != "=": raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: triple-entry with entry 2 != '=', line = '" + str(line) + "'") elif len(line) == 3 and reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, map(lambda c: "{" in c, line)): raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: triple-entry containing a '{', line = '" + str(line) + "'") elif len(line) == 0 or len(line) > 3: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in sanity check: Unexpected line 0 < entries <= 3 found, line ='" + str(line) + "'") #END for line in str_in_tokenLines openBraceCount = 0 closeBraceCount = 0 for line in str_in_tokenLines: if len(line) == 1: closeBraceCount += 1 elif len(line) == 2: openBraceCount += 1 if openBraceCount != closeBraceCount: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Unbalanced parenthesis, openBraceCount =", openBraceCount, ", closeBraceCount =", closeBraceCount) return str_in_tokenLines #END preprocess() @staticmethod def dictify(tokenLines): """ Accepts a list of tokenized lines as produced by preprocess, turn it into a (tree of) DataDicts """ print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::dictify()" if parserDebug: print "Got tokenLines:" AcdOptiFileParser_simple.tokenLinesPrettyPrint(tokenLines) dictBuf = DataDict() idx = 0 while idx < len(tokenLines): line = tokenLines[idx] if len(line) == 2: key = line[0] idx2 = idx+1 depth = 1 while depth > 0: if idx2 == len(tokenLines): AcdOptiFileParser_simple.tokenLinesPrettyPrint(tokenLines) raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax("Error found in dictify(): reached end of tokenLines without hitting closing '}'") line2 = tokenLines[idx2] if line2 == ["}"]: depth -= 1 elif len(line2) == 2 and line2[1] == "{": depth += 1 idx2 += 1 idx2 -= 1 val = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.dictify(tokenLines[idx+1:idx2]) dictBuf.pushBack(key, val) idx = idx2 elif len(line) == 3: if line[2] == "{}": dictBuf.pushBack(line[0], "") else: dictBuf.pushBack(line[0], line[2]) idx += 1 #END while if parserDebug: print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::dictify(): returning dictBuf =", dictBuf return dictBuf #END dictify @staticmethod def repr_lifter(dataDict): """ Function doing the real work for __repr__(), split into a separate function in order to be able to use it from *_Lua and *_KVC modules """ print "AcdOptiFileParser_simple::repr_lifter()" retrs = "" d = 0; #Which depth are we operating in i = [] #Index into dataClass i[d] i.append(0) stack = [] stack.append(dataDict) tab = 3*" " if dataDict.length == 0: #Corner case: Empty dataDict return "" #while i[0] < stack[0].length: while d >= 0: # print d, i[d], stack[d].length #Get the next key key = stack[d].keys[i[d]] val = stack[d].vals[i[d]] if isinstance(val,DataDict): #Go one level deeper retrs += d*tab + key + "\n" + d*tab + "{\n" i[d] += 1 d += 1 stack.append(val) i.append(0) else: if val == "": val = "{ }" retrs += d*tab + key + " = " + val + "\n" i[d] += 1 # Pop finished dataDicts of the stack # print retrs # print d, i[d], stack[d].length while i[d] == stack[d].length: #and d != 0: stack.pop() i.pop() d -= 1 # print "pop()", d if d != -1: #Don't bracket the outer dataDict retrs += d*tab + "}\n" # print retrs else: #Break the inner loop break # print return retrs #END repr_lifter class AcdOptiFileParser_KVC(AcdOptiFileParser): """ Reads and writes ACD text files in the "KVC" syntax, used by solver output file """ def __init__(self,data,mode): raise exceptions.NotImplementedError def write(self): raise exceptions.NotImplementedError class AcdOptiFileParser_Lua(AcdOptiFileParser): """ Reads and writes ACD text files in the "Lua" syntax, used by solver input params. It really uses the simple parser behind-the-scenes, with some pre/post-processing added, as the syntax is the same except LUA syntax adds a ":" between keys and values, such that it replaces "=" for normal key/val pairs, and is an additional character between Label and "{" for key/dict pairs. Expected syntax example: Label : { field : value field2 : value //Comment } """ def __init__(self,data,mode): print "AcdOptiFileParser_Lua::__init__(), mode=", mode self.mode = mode if mode == "s": data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(self.changeToSimple(data)) #May throw exception! self.importDataDict(data_parsed) elif mode == "r" or mode == "rw": self.fname = data #Read file ifile = open(data, 'r') datastr = ifile.close() #Parse data_parsed = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.parse(self.changeToSimple(datastr)) self.importDataDict(data_parsed) elif mode == "w": self.fname = data #Create an empty dataDict self.importDataDict() else: raise AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode def __repr__(self): print "AcdOptiFileParser_Lua::__repr__()" simpleRepr = AcdOptiFileParser_simple.repr_lifter(self.dataDict) return AcdOptiFileParser_Lua.changeFromSimple(simpleRepr) @staticmethod def changeToSimple(data): """ Converts a string from "LUA" format to "simple" """ data = re.sub(":\s*{", "{", data) data = data.replace(":", "=") return data @staticmethod def changeFromSimple(data): """ Converts a string from "simple" to "LUA" format """ data = data.replace("=", ":") data = re.sub("(\w)\s*{", r'\1 : {', data) return data import exceptions class AcdOptiException(Exception): pass #Project exceptions # class AcdOptiException_project_folderExists(AcdOptiException): # pass #class AcdOptiException_project_folderNotFound(AcdOptiException): # pass # class AcdOptiException_project_folderNameMismatch(AcdOptiException): # pass class AcdOptiException_project_loadFail(AcdOptiException): pass #GeomCollection class AcdOptiException_geomCollection_loadFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_geomCollection_lockdownError(AcdOptiException): pass #GeomInstance class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_loadFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_createFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_nameError(AcdOptiException): pass # This mesh instance name for this geometry is already taken class AcdOptiException_geomInstance_lockdownError(AcdOptiException): pass #MeshTemplateCollection class AcdOptiException_meshTemplateCollection_loadFail(AcdOptiException): pass #MeshTemplate class AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_loadFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_createFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_meshTemplate_lockdownError(AcdOptiException): pass #MeshInstance class AcdOptiException_meshInstance_createFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_meshInstance_loadFail(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_meshInstance_lockdownError(AcdOptiException): pass #DataDict exceptions class AcdOptiException_dataDict_stringWithSpace(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_dataDict_notAString(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_dataDict_setValSingle(AcdOptiException): pass #File parser exceptions class AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidSyntax(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_fileParser_invalidMode(AcdOptiException): pass #AcdOptiCubitTemplateFile class AcdOptiException_cubitTemplateFile_fileAlreadyExists(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_cubitTemplateFile_CUBITerror(AcdOptiException): pass class AcdOptiException_cubitTemplateFile_initError(AcdOptiException): pass Lisens (på hele pakka - har ikke lagt ut laaangt fra alt) er GPL. 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