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Hva vet vi om Anders Behring Breivik? Om manifest, videoer og personlig ideologi?

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Enten har ABB full kontroll over situasjonen, eller så tror han at han har det.


Jeg håper veldig på det siste.


Det jeg er redd for, at han egentlig har en plan for dette også.. At han har klekket ut noe genialt som han gjør nå når han er tatt... At det var en del av planen ellernoe..


Spørs om han hadde tatt selvmord hvis han hadde hatt flere skudd igjen... Hvis han hadde villet, kunne han løpt fra Politiet.. Da ville han nok blitt skutt, hvis han virkelig ville tatt selvmord...

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Noe av det han ønsker å oppnå er nok en radikalisering av samfunnet, og øke samfunnets vilje til å ty til vold i kampen for det samfunnet man ønsker.


Dette er han i stor grad i ferd med å lykkes i.


Folk snakker jo både høyt og åpent om at han burde tortureres og drepes. De ser ikke engen på slike meninger som feil. Dersom slike holdninger får lov til å bli en norm i samfunnet, har han faktisk klart å så det frøet som kan lede til den krigen han ønsker å starte.

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Denne mannen var syk, et slags modern kristen Hitler.


Etter borgerkrigen er ferdig og vunnet snakker han om "labour", mye av ideene likner på apartheids-regimets reguleringer. Han nevner blant annet i manifestet sitt at amerikanske (ikke europeiske), afrika og asiatiske kristne skal jobbe i Europa på et tidsperiode mellom 6-12 måneder før de blir sendt hjem. De lever i segregerte området og kjøres med buss fra hjemstedet til arbeidsstedet.



I tillegg skal kvinnen tilbake til kjøkkenet, produserer flere babyer, og høy utdannelse er slettes ikke for kvinner.


Skal lese mer på det. Han har et avsnitt om homofile og handikappede.

Endret av Adogg
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Er det ikke nevnt et sted i manifestet at man kan kontakte invetorene hans for å få en oppdatering av dokumentet? Mener å ha lest dette tidligere i tråden, kan hende jeg tar voldsomt feil også, så trøtt som jeg var igår.

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- Han har umulig skrevet manifestet selv, sier forsker.Anders Behring Breivik kopierte fra UNA-bomberen. Dagbladet




Vil benytte anledningen til å sitere Arnulf Øverland:

Du mener, det kan ikke være sant,

så onde kan ikke mennesker være.

Der fins da vel skikkelig folk iblandt?

Bror, du har ennu meget å lære!


Endret av turbonello
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Han har kopiert mykje, men ein god del har han då skrive sjølv.

Ein god del ting handlar jo berre om skandinavia. Tildømes karikaturstriden side 550 og 551. Men han har nok teke utgongspunkt i manifestet til Theodore Kaczynski.

I tillegg der fleire tekstar av Fjordman.

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Tror ikke jeg skal diskutere personen så mye. Det viktigste er fortsatt ofrene og de pårørende.


Husk også at alt han har publisert har en hensikt. Det er ikke nødvendigvis et sant og riktig bilde man får.


Vi kan heller ikke tillate at det gis inntrykk av at han blir dyrket.

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Han har selv skrevet i manifestet at han bare har skrevet halvparten selv.


Det er også et punkt hvor det inngås hvordan rettsaken skal legges frem, samt flukt fra fengsel etc. Han skal ha gravd ned kasser med utstyr utenfor fengslene.


Det er for langt til å pste, men se "3.70 Court/trial statements for Justiciar Knight and other patriotic resistance fighters after an operation "

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Har nå kommet frem i avhør at ABB vil ha åpen rettsak, fordi han vil forklare seg om hvorfor han har gjort det han har gjort.


Er dette positivt eller negativt? Det står svart på hvitt i manifestet at dette er hans plan når han blir tatt, burde vi gjøre han den tjenesten å la han fremme sine tanker?


Presset kommer til å bli enormt fra offentligheten om at dette foregår for åpne dører, men er det virkelig så lurt? Selvfølgelig vil mange bare ta ekstre avstand fra ideologien hans, men det vil jo gi ekstra motivasjon for de syke menneskene som ser på denne mannen som en helt.


Det tror jeg vil være positivt. Jeg tror ikke hans tanker og ideer vil bli særlig populære, eller godt omtalt i ettertid. Jeg tror at folk og media vil kunne countre disse synene på en meget god måte, dersom de blir kjent... Kanskje mange som tenker liknende tanker som han nå, vil endre sitt standpunkt... Å bringe han i taushet tror jeg ikke er den rette løsningen.

Endret av turbonello
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Future servant class


It would be logical to use cheap foreign labour especially within the construction sector. These workers should be given 12 month “focus contracts” and must return to their country of origin after the term has ended. Focus contracts involve working up to 12 hours per day. These individuals will be offered competitive wages (compared to their country of origin).


One of the primary arguments for modern mass immigration is to justify the demand for labour, jobs the indigenous Europeans are unwilling to take. Now, who will take these jobs when we have halted immigration completely and deported all the Muslims?


The problem with the current model of mass immigration is that every individual, depending on country, is awarded citizenship within 7 years. The children of these first generation immigrants are not interested in the jobs the parent generation took so we have to accept even more immigration to fill in these gaps every two decades. It develops into a never ending spiral of mass immigration which eventually leads to a situation where the indigenous people end up as a minority.


The following solution will provide a servant class covering the following professions:



- Cleaning

- Construction work

- Gardening

- Taxis

- Farming/harvesting



6-12 month “focus contracts” will be offered to individuals from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India (these services may be reserved for Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists considering our Hostile stance towards the global Islamic Ummah). These will be flown in in bulk every month and will leave at the end of the contract. During their stay they will work 12 hours a day for the duration of their contracts (6 or 12 months) and are then flown back to their homelands. There should be at least a 6 month quarantine period between every 12 month contract to prevent the individuals from becoming too culturally attached.


These individuals will live in segregated communities in pre-defined areas of each major city and must be provided free medical services, free housing in restricted barrack towns and subsidised food /essentials and subsidised transportation costs. This will allow them to return with a larger portion of their salary. They will be compensated at a rate equivalent to 300% of what they would have earned in their country of origin.


F example, if they would have earned 200 Euro per month in Bangladesh they will earn 600 Euro here.


This might sound cynical to especially females (this is not slavery as slavery is taking away peoples freedom) but it is in fact much more generous than what currently Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE etc.) are offering their guest workers from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. More than 90 per cent of the total UAE workforce is made up of foreigners (mainly from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh). None of the foreigners are granted citizenship but usually work on 12 month contracts with very low wages. Furthermore, these arrangements are not very different from what the southern states in the US are currently offering Latin American guest workers.


Most importantly, large scale implementation of these “guest worker” arrangements will prove to be a very efficient source of cheap labour and these arrangements can be easily regulated to accommodate bull and bear markets. Because there will be recessions or slow periods when we will need many of these jobs for our own people while there may be economical booms which will involve increased use of these arrangements.


The economical impacts of extensive usage of these “guest worker” arrangements will have significant impacts on the competitiveness of our civilisation, our economic zone and will ensure that we will have the required funds (20% of GDP) to channel into science, research and development (and of course to secure this scientific capital from theft from non-EF countries).


It will allow us to become the economical powerhouse of the world and the beacon of light for all humanity. It will allow us to contribute significantly to the furtherance of mankind.


End note: Multicultural zones with extended use of “guest workers” can also be considered in protectorate states outside Europe such as liberated Christian Anatolia and liberated Christian Albania.


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Future servant class


It would be logical to use cheap foreign labour especially within the construction sector. These workers should be given 12 month "focus contracts" and must return to their country of origin after the term has ended. Focus contracts involve working up to 12 hours per day. These individuals will be offered competitive wages (compared to their country of origin).


One of the primary arguments for modern mass immigration is to justify the demand for labour, jobs the indigenous Europeans are unwilling to take. Now, who will take these jobs when we have halted immigration completely and deported all the Muslims?


The problem with the current model of mass immigration is that every individual, depending on country, is awarded citizenship within 7 years. The children of these first generation immigrants are not interested in the jobs the parent generation took so we have to accept even more immigration to fill in these gaps every two decades. It develops into a never ending spiral of mass immigration which eventually leads to a situation where the indigenous people end up as a minority.


The following solution will provide a servant class covering the following professions:



- Cleaning

- Construction work

- Gardening

- Taxis

- Farming/harvesting



6-12 month "focus contracts" will be offered to individuals from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India (these services may be reserved for Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists considering our Hostile stance towards the global Islamic Ummah). These will be flown in in bulk every month and will leave at the end of the contract. During their stay they will work 12 hours a day for the duration of their contracts (6 or 12 months) and are then flown back to their homelands. There should be at least a 6 month quarantine period between every 12 month contract to prevent the individuals from becoming too culturally attached.


These individuals will live in segregated communities in pre-defined areas of each major city and must be provided free medical services, free housing in restricted barrack towns and subsidised food /essentials and subsidised transportation costs. This will allow them to return with a larger portion of their salary. They will be compensated at a rate equivalent to 300% of what they would have earned in their country of origin.


F example, if they would have earned 200 Euro per month in Bangladesh they will earn 600 Euro here.


This might sound cynical to especially females (this is not slavery as slavery is taking away peoples freedom) but it is in fact much more generous than what currently Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Dubai, UAE etc.) are offering their guest workers from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. More than 90 per cent of the total UAE workforce is made up of foreigners (mainly from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh). None of the foreigners are granted citizenship but usually work on 12 month contracts with very low wages. Furthermore, these arrangements are not very different from what the southern states in the US are currently offering Latin American guest workers.


Most importantly, large scale implementation of these "guest worker" arrangements will prove to be a very efficient source of cheap labour and these arrangements can be easily regulated to accommodate bull and bear markets. Because there will be recessions or slow periods when we will need many of these jobs for our own people while there may be economical booms which will involve increased use of these arrangements.


The economical impacts of extensive usage of these "guest worker" arrangements will have significant impacts on the competitiveness of our civilisation, our economic zone and will ensure that we will have the required funds (20% of GDP) to channel into science, research and development (and of course to secure this scientific capital from theft from non-EF countries).


It will allow us to become the economical powerhouse of the world and the beacon of light for all humanity. It will allow us to contribute significantly to the furtherance of mankind.


End note: Multicultural zones with extended use of "guest workers" can also be considered in protectorate states outside Europe such as liberated Christian Anatolia and liberated Christian Albania.



Oversette det kanskje? Ikke alle er like flinke i engelsk. Og om det skal ligge på norsk wiki, så er kanskje en oversettelse viktig? :)

Endret av turbonello
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