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Regjeringskvartalet rammet av bombe, AUF-leir på Utøya angrepet av våpenmann.

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3.77 A request to the Police Forces (system protectors) of Western EuropeRegarding Phase 12083+-+A+European+Declaration+of+Independence We know that more than 60% of the police officers in Europe sympathise with our causeand that even more, around 90%, empathise with it. Our cause being “striking” theenablers that are currently facilitating the Islamic colonization of our countries.


Know this; we do not wish to put you at risk or cause harm to you in any way. Weconsider you as brothers and sisters who are unfortunate enough to have chosen toserve the “enablers”, the Multiculturalist Alliance, our government and the constitution.


If possible we will address you on the standard police frequency during any operation (inorder to prevent the harm of innocent police officers or our agents for that matter). Weask that you either join us or get out of our way, allowing any Justiciar Knights tocomplete their missions. Use creative and indirect methods at your own discretion; “Yourradio not working”, “caught in traffic”, or avoiding “short cuts” are all excellent methodsof preventing armed confrontations with any Knights Templar. Normally we will havespecific objectives that are limited to striking concentrations of class A and B traitors withminimal civilian casualties. Trust our judgement for we have planned the operationthouroughly for months or even years.


However, if you for various reasons do decide to follow your orders and contribute tohunt down and stop any Justiciar Knight, they will assume that you have hostileintentions and act accordingly. They will not allow you to put the operation at risk.


Know that in this critical and vulnerable phase of our armed resistance, we do not havethe luxury of acting in a flexible manner. We are forced to act effectively, mercilessly andwithout hesitation. The outcome of any confrontation will be death, either to you or tothe Justiciar Knight. Know that if you cause injury or death to any Justiciar Knight youare not only committing a crime against that individual but you are committing a crime/treason against all nationalist Europeans. You are violating the wishes of the freeindigenous peoples of Europe by assisting and protecting the multiculturalistestablishment. You will un-doubtfully be punished for your crimes as soon as we, thecultural conservatives, seize power in Western Europe. So be vigilant. Help us indirectlyor stay out of our way.


Your role in Phase 2


Same as Phase 1. Several police officers will be active within the cultural conservativemovements.


Your role in Phase 3


You are now finally able to support the resistance movement directly with limited risks. Ifpossible, contact the military commander who leads your local resistance organisation/militia and sign up for duty. Know that some of your colleagues will still support thecultural Marxists. It is not only your right, but your duty to rally as many colleagues asyou can and contact the resistance movement/cultural conservative forces forinstructions. Be certain that the colleagues you have recruited can be trusted. Attemptingto infiltrate the resistance movement in any way can be fatal for you and your family. Wedo not have the resources to allow ourselves the luxury of the general rules of war,allowing us to show compassion and flexibility, so we have to react effective and oftenbrutally.


A request to you


To any police prison guard, police officer or other law enforcement agent reading this;know that it is your duty to indirectly facilitate any and all Justiciar Knights (look theother way when the time comes, blame incompetence or ignorance). You should know bynow that we, the patriotic Justiciar Knights, are fighting the good fight, YOUR FIGHT, foryou, so that you and your family may have a chance to live in a future society that is notsuffering under or is controlled by Islam. If you contribute to the persecution orapprehension of a Justiciar Knight, know that you are not only betraying your country,your people, your culture, your identity and your ancestors. You are betraying your selfand your children as well! So when the time comes, look the other way. That is all weask.



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3.26 Avoiding suspicion from relatives, neighbours and friends

Present a ”credible project/alibi” to your friends, co-workers and family. Announce to your closest friends, co-workers and family that you are pursuing a ”project” that can at least partly justify your ”new pattern of activities” (isolation/travel) while in the planning phase.


F example, tell them that you have started to play World of Warcraft or any other online MMO game and that you wish to focus on this for the next months/year. This ”new project” can justify isolation and people will understand somewhat why you are not answering your phone over long periods. Tell them that you are completely hooked on the game (raiding dungeons etc). Emphasise to them that this is a dream you have had since you were a kid. If they stress you, insist and ask them to respect your decision. You will be amazed on how much you can do undetected while blaming this game. If your planning requires you to travel, say that you are visiting one of your WoW friends, or better yet, a girl from your ”guild” (who lives in another country). No further questions will be raised if you present these arguments.


Blaming WoW is also quite strategic due to another factor. It is usually considered ”tabu” or even shameful in our society today to be hooked on an MMO. By revealing ”this secret” to your close ones you are therefore (to them at least) entrusting them with your innermost secret. Usually they will ”contribute” to keeping this secret for you which can be very beneficial. (If people from your ”secondary” social circle ask them they will even usually ”lie” on your behalf (giving you alibi), in order to keep your MMO project a secret.


Herre ... Leave World of Warcraft alone!

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Skjenner en venn som egentlig skule til utøya men telfonen ble ødilagt.

har en litt annen følelser nå :(

Lot han være å dra fordi mobilen ble ødelagt?


Han fikk ikke beskjed for når turen var, fordi mobilen var ødilagt. Det er alt jeg veit!

Da var han jævlig heldig da. :)


Er det teit av meg å bli redd?


Jeg mener, han omtaler seg selv som commander, men det var 8 andre, fra 8 andre land, samtidig som det er undersotter som han leder.


HERREGUD, hva faen. Føltes så uvirkelig.



Men hvor har du lest/hørt dette?


Flere som skal gå fakkeltoget på mandag? Tanken skremmer meg litt, men vi må vise at dette ikke knekker oss. Føler jeg skylder de pårørende det.

Er det bare i Oslo det er fakkeltog?


Fra twitter "Seven year old children had summer jobs collecting bottles at Utøya. At least two reported killed. #osloexpl". Jeg har ikke ord. Hvis dette stemmer.. herregud.

Fy faen.. blir kvalm. Sånt skal ikke skje. :cry:



Å herregud, har dere sett videoen fra den personen som ligger skadet og stønner i oslo? Var nok en av de som døde, tror vedkommende ble dekket til senere.

Nope. Link?



Also, noen som fikk med seg hva han fyren som var skutt i skulderen sa i intervjuet med tv2? Var et eller annet med en liten gutt og far? Tven skurret når han snakket og jeg fikk ikke med meg noe.

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Jeg velger å anta at han ikke har en Hollywood-verdig superplan. Det han har fått til er allerede ganske urealistisk, egentlig.


virker på meg som han har tenkt å lage et show.. og selve terrorhandlingen er bare billetten...


Det er ganske virkelighets fjernt..


Han er en crafty jævel som har planlagt dette nøye og lenge, så man vet jo aldri. Men jeg forholder meg rolig.

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Har no sete i fleire timar å lest gjennom manifestet.

Steike tid kor gjennomført! Ca 1500 sider, haugevis av artikkelar, med kildehenvisningar og greier. Han skriver at han har brukt dei tre siste åra, eg tvilar ikkje.


Heilt ufatteleg lesning...

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Han nevner noe med at folk burde ha noen på innsiden av politistyrken. Kanskje han har det?

Mye (eller noe) av det som står i manifestet er nok slik det "ideelt sett burde være" men vi kan ikke ta for gitt at alt klaffet. Mye er også fremtids-scenarioer og "gode råd" etc.


Forøvrig synes jeg PST har vært merkelig stille?

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