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Regjeringskvartalet rammet av bombe, AUF-leir på Utøya angrepet av våpenmann.

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Jeg fant en forklaring på hodeskallemerket vi så bilde av på uniformen hans. Mener å huske noen spurte om hva dette betydde.


The badge of the Justiciar Knight illustrates a white skull, marked with the symbols of communism, Islam and Nazism on the forehead, impaled on the cross of the martyrs. The background is black. The badge of the Justiciar Knight illustrates our patriotic struggle/ opposition against all three primary hate ideologies of our time: Islam, Multiculturalism (Communism) and Nazism.

The badge of the Justiciar Knight is worn on the left upper arm while the national flag is worn on the right upper arm.

Our military uniform with commendations, insignia and badges should be worn during the trial after a successful operation in cases where the Justiciar Knight survives. The commendations and insignias should be provided post-

operation by an Overseer.

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Noen som har sitatet om "viktigheten av å velge forsvarer" fra manifestet hans?


3.71 Finding the right defence attorney/legal counsel for your trial


A Justiciar Knight must be prepared to actively search for a nationalistic oriented

(patriotic) lawyer /legal counsel before his trial starts. DO NOT accept a random

appointed public defender offered by the regime. Chances are too great that this

individual will be either incompetent or not willing to work for you interests (which is to

further the cause, and not provide the most optimal defence). The nationalistic

orientated defence lawyer you are searching for should provide his services pro bono

(free of charge as an investment in a good cause). If you managed to execute a

relatively “spectacular” operation many so called “high profile” attorneys will contact you

and offer their services discounted or for free. Understand that a large majority of these

individuals will not be willing to cater for your demands but are only interested in the

publicity surrounding the case. They are so called “legal prostitutes” who just wants their

face on TV. Ignore these requests and continue your search for a patriotic oriented

defence attorney who is willing to accept your three primary demands.

You will be restricted from doing effective research from jail so you may have to ask

anyone you know on the outside to assist you in searching for this candidate. Very few

patriotic defence attorneys will be willing to flag their political views publicly as it may

have devastating effects on their career so finding a good candidate may prove to be a

challenging task. On the bright side, a defence attorney flagging his views may actually

benefit that individual as well as he will literally have a monopoly on that niche market in

future related cases.


There are three primary tasks your defence attorney must be willing to assist you with:

Initial briefing of your defence attorney

The candidate must be explaining that this trial is not about you but about the future of

Europe. Your participation in the trial is merely a formality and a Justiciar Knight expects

no mercy/leniency whatsoever, as we offer no mercy/leniency to our enemies. The

candidate must be informed that the purpose of your defence is not to ensure the lowest

possible sentence but rather to further the cause of saving Europe from Marxism and the

subsequent manifestations (Islamisation etc.) which is the cause of the PCCTS, Knights



This approach (as your defence attorney will point out) will guarantee that you will not be

shown any leniency whatsoever.

The three primary tasks expected from your defence attorney

1. Willingness to facilitate you logistically

The candidate must be willing to order the components that make out the Justiciar Knight

uniform for you and he/she must then compensate a tailor to assemble it. This task will

take him several hours so he should be prepared to invest that time. He must understand

that wearing our uniform during trial is an essential aspect of furthering our cause and he

must be willing to facilitate you.

2. Willingness to facilitate you ideologically

The candidate must be willing to contribute to assist you to further the cause of the PCCTS,

Knights Templar which is the cause to free all Europeans from cultural Marxist/

multiculturalist tyranny. You must be allowed to defend yourself, at least allow you to read

the opening/closing speech, unless you prefer him to read your statement for you.

Obviously, the candidate isn’t required to support the methods of the PCCTS, Knights

Templar (mass killings, terror etc.), but he must support the primary ideological principles

and the legal defensive strategy presented.

3. Willingness to facilitate you to build a case against the regime

The candidate must be willing to contribute (facilitate you) to build the case against the

regime (as the primary defensive strategy) based on the documentation presented in the

compendium; 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence. Remember, this trial is

(from our point of view), not against you but rather a trial against the regime. The climax

of the trial will be after all arguments/documentation and accusations have been

presented. You will then make a demand the unconditional surrender of the regime to the

armed forces of the National Resistance Movement. After all, you are not only a Justiciar

Knight for the PCCTS, Knights Templar but one of several commanders of the National

Resistance Movement by default.

Finding a candidate that will be willing to assist you with the primary tasks will be

difficult. However, it is essential that you try as hard as you possibly can to acquire the

appropriate legal counsel. It will be absolutely necessary in order to provide you with a

sufficient defence.

Endret av eRextion
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edit: Nei jøss har du sett.


De har forum poster skrevet av terroristen hvor han skriver noe sånt som "that epic feeling killing nefarion" så står en eller annen ekspert og sier at han har mistet evnen til og skille på realitet og fantasi og at han bruker episk til og beskrive dreping viser *svada svada svada*


tror jeg døøør

Endret av Kirikovski
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Det blir tåpelig å dra frimurerlosjen inn i dette, det er ikke mer enn en sigarrøykerklubb. de kristne følger stort sett NT, de EKSTREME kristne følger tildels GT, det er ABB som har fått ett forvrengt bilde av hva frimurerene står for nå tildags, slik som Westboro baptist church feks har av den kristne tro.


Det har du sikkert rett i altså, men det er nå nærmere tilknyttet en hans tidligere medlemskap i FRP i alle fall..


all symbolikk og religiøst fundament er jo basert på tempel ridderne (som er de første frimurerne)

Å dra Frp inn i dette her er også helt blåst. Ja, Frp er for å minske innvandring av ikke-vestlige mennesker, kan godt hende at det er derfor han ble medlem. Når han etterhvert da så at Frp ikke klarte å nå sine mål, tok han saken i egne hender.

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Stusser på at det er akkurat 1600, jeg sitter på 1516 sider, burde være hele hans manifest, den virker "komplett"

Hendelsene på Utøya er vel ikke beskrevet, eller hvordan han planla dette?

Han vurderte/skrev om muligheten for å forkle seg som brannmann, for på den måten å få med seg en flammekaster for å ha "barbeque" på partisamlinger (ala hvor dette skjedde). *grøsse*

Endret av Ueland
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Latterlig dekkning av dokumentet på NRK nå. Han fyren har hatt en time og har ikke funnet en shit som er interesant. Han kunne ha funnet tre ganger så mye ved å lese i denne tråden, enn hva han gjorde på en time alene. Huff

men her er vi 4-500 stk..

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