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Regjeringskvartalet rammet av bombe, AUF-leir på Utøya angrepet av våpenmann.

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Men boka bekrefter jo nærmest at han ikke har vært alene om dette!


Å? Jeg tenkte det motsatte. Han skriver ikke i dagboka si om noen andre, såvidt jeg kan se. Han skriver også at man bør være alene i sånne "operasjoner", fordi risikoen for å bli tatt øker jo flere man er.


Dette er det siste som står i loggen:


The old saying; "if you want something done, then do it yourself" is as relevant now as it was then.

More than one "chef" does not mean that you will do tasks twice as fast. In many cases; you could

do it all yourself, it will just take a little more time. AND, without taking unacceptable risks. The

conclusion is undeniable.


Det virker som om han har gjort store deler av operasjonen selv, men andre har vært med på å planlegge det.

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Lol, ser man det. Trodde ikke at en slik psykopat elsket MGP.


It's the Eurovision finale today. I just love Eurovision...!:-) It's a lot of crap music but I think it's a

great show all in all. I've seen all the semi finals and will take the time of to watch it later today,

online. My country has a crap, politically correct contribution as always. An asylum seeker from

Kenya, performing a bongo song, very representative of Europe and my country... In any case; I

hope Germany wins!

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Men boka bekrefter jo nærmest at han ikke har vært alene om dette!


Å? Jeg tenkte det motsatte. Han skriver ikke i dagboka si om noen andre, såvidt jeg kan se. Han skriver også at man bør være alene i sånne "operasjoner", fordi risikoen for å bli tatt øker jo flere man er.


Han var alene om operasjonen, men han var med i en gruppe som delte hans meninger og som var for den type aksjoner, dog usikkert om det er noen andre i den gruppa som er villig til å gjøre noe liknende.


Mer bevis på hvordan han føler seg som martyr som ofrer seg for saken sin:


? To be honest, if I felt that other people could do my job I would not do what I do, that I can guarantee you. I don’t want to do what I do, I would rather focus on starting a family and focus on my career again. But I can’t do that as long as I feel like a person caught in a burning spaceship with nowhere to go. If you see the ship is burning you don’t ignore it and start cooking noodles do you? You put out the fire even if it endangers your life. You don’t enjoy putting out the fire but it is your duty to yourself and your fellow crewmen. And let’s say your crewmen have been infected with a rare virus that shuts down their rational senses and they try to stop you from putting out the fire. You can’t really allow yourself to be stopped by any of them as it will lead to your collective death. You will do anything to put out that fire despite of the fact that they are trying to stop you. Anything else would be illogical.



But sacrificing yourself for others who probably detest you for it doesn’t necessarily have to be a miserable experience. After all, we have the truth and logic on our side and we will learn to find rewards and comfort in our actions. After all, sometimes being uncompassionate is the most compassionate thing you can do.




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ABB har antagelig brukt WoW som en unskyldning for de sene kveldene, hvor naboene har observert at han har sittet lenge på computeren om kveldene.

Ja, han spilte visst på Silvermoon. Ifg. goons har han en lvl 85 char, men var visst mer opptatt av å poste meningene sine på det offisielle forumet.

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Dette freaka meg litt ut:


"Deadline - January 1st, 2020

The PCCTS, Knights Templar will allow all Western European regimes to capitulate to our

demands and we are hereby giving them a deadline which is January 1st, 2020. We will

not initiate any nuclear power plant attacks until the deadline has passed (we will instead

focus on non-nuclear attacks until then). However, if the Western European

multiculturalist regimes do not fully implement our demands - stop the European

genocide, deport all Muslims from Europe and ban multiculturalism as an anti-European

hate ideology - by this date, we are committed to effectuate ALL necessary measures in

order to stop them from annihilating everything European (see complete overview of

demands in another chapter). This decision is not mine to make but must be decided by

future Justiciar Knight Commanders based on several factors."


Side 1012..

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Dette er skremmend lesing. Han virker belest, reflektert og intelligent - og samtidig svært forskrudd. En livsfarlig kombinasjon. Jeg har aldri sett noe så gjennomtenkt ned til minste detalj som dette - til og med en del av Q&A-delen mot slutten kommer en del av kritikken i forkjøpet.

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Advokaten hans er Geir Lippestad, som forøvrig var forsvarer for de skyldige i Holmlia-drapet.





3.71 Finding the right defence attorney/legal counsel for your trial

A Justiciar Knight must be prepared to actively search for a nationalistic oriented

(patriotic) lawyer /legal counsel before his trial starts. DO NOT accept a random

appointed public defender offered by the regime. Chances are too great that this

individual will be either incompetent or not willing to work for you interests (which is to

further the cause, and not provide the most optimal defence). The nationalistic orientated

defence lawyer you are searching for should provide his services pro bono (free of charge

as an investment in a good cause). If you managed to execute a relatively ―spectacular‖

operation many so called ―high profile‖ attorneys will contact you and offer their services

discounted or for free. Understand that a large majority of these individuals will not be

willing to cater for your demands but are only interested in the publicity surrounding the

case. They are so called ―legal prostitutes‖ who just wants their face on TV. Ignore these

requests and continue your search for a patriotic oriented defence attorney who is willing

to accept your three primary demands.

You will be restricted from doing effective research from jail so you may have to ask

anyone you know on the outside to assist you in searching for this candidate. Very few

patriotic defence attorneys will be willing to flag their political views publicly as it may

have devastating effects on their career so finding a good candidate may prove to be a

challenging task. On the bright side, a defence attorney flagging his views may actually

benefit that individual as well as he will literally have a monopoly on that niche market in

future related cases.

There are three primary tasks your defence attorney must be willing to assist you with:

Initial briefing of your defence attorney

The candidate must be explaining that this trial is not about you but about the future of

Europe. Your participation in the trial is merely a formality and a Justiciar Knight expects

no mercy/leniency whatsoever, as we offer no mercy/leniency to our enemies. The

candidate must be informed that the purpose of your defence is not to ensure the lowest

possible sentence but rather to further the cause of saving Europe from Marxism and the

subsequent manifestations (Islamisation etc.) which is the cause of the PCCTS, Knights


This approach (as your defence attorney will point out) will guarantee that you will not be

shown any leniency whatsoever.

The three primary tasks expected from your defence attorney

1. Willingness to facilitate you logistically

The candidate must be willing to order the components that make out the Justiciar Knight

uniform for you and he/she must then compensate a tailor to assemble it. This task will

take him several hours so he should be prepared to invest that time. He must understand

that wearing our uniform during trial is an essential aspect of furthering our cause and he

must be willing to facilitate you.

2. Willingness to facilitate you ideologically

The candidate must be willing to contribute to assist you to further the cause of the PCCTS,

Knights Templar which is the cause to free all Europeans from cultural

Marxist/multiculturalist tyranny. You must be allowed to defend yourself, at least allow you

to read the opening/closing speech, unless you prefer him to read your statement for you.

Obviously, the candidate isn‘t required to support the methods of the PCCTS, Knights

Templar (mass killings, terror etc.), but he must support the primary ideological principles

and the legal defensive strategy presented.

3. Willingness to facilitate you to build a case against the regime

The candidate must be willing to contribute (facilitate you) to build the case against the

regime (as the primary defensive strategy) based on the documentation presented in the

compendium; 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence. Remember, this trial is

(from our point of view), not against you but rather a trial against the regime. The climax

of the trial will be after all arguments/documentation and accusations have been

presented. You will then make a demand the unconditional surrender of the regime to the

armed forces of the National Resistance Movement. After all, you are not only a Justiciar

Knight for the PCCTS, Knights Templar but one of several commanders of the National

Resistance Movement by default.

Finding a candidate that will be willing to assist you with the primary tasks will be

difficult. However, it is essential that you try as hard as you possibly can to acquire the

appropriate legal counsel. It will be absolutely necessary in order to provide you with a

sufficient defence.




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ABB har antagelig brukt WoW som en unskyldning for de sene kveldene, hvor naboene har observert at han har sittet lenge på computeren om kveldene.







3.26 Avoiding suspicion from relatives, neighbours and friends


Present a ”credible project/alibi” to your friends, co-workers and family. Announce to your closest friends, co-workers and family that you are pursuing a ”project” that can at least partly justify your ”new pattern of activities” (isolation/travel) while in the planning phase.


F example, tell them that you have started to play World of Warcraft or any other online MMO game and that you wish to focus on this for the next months/year. This ”new project” can justify isolation and people will understand somewhat why you are not answering your phone over long periods. Tell them that you are completely hooked on the game (raiding dungeons etc).



Blaming WoW is also quite strategic due to another factor. It is usually considered ”tabu” or even shameful in our society today to be hooked on an MMO. By revealing ”this secret” to your close ones you are therefore (to them at least) entrusting them with your innermost secret. Usually they will ”contribute” to keeping this secret for you which can be very beneficial. (If people from your ”secondary” social circle ask them they will even usually ”lie” on your behalf (giving you alibi), in order to keep your MMO project a secret.

Endret av b3ta
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ABB har antagelig brukt WoW som en unskyldning for de sene kveldene, hvor naboene har observert at han har sittet lenge på computeren om kveldene.


Det stemmer.. han har beskrevet denne taktikken i boka...


Også at han bevisst sakte men sikkert distanserte seg fra kameraten...

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ABB har antagelig brukt WoW som en unskyldning for de sene kveldene, hvor naboene har observert at han har sittet lenge på computeren om kveldene.

Ja, han spilte visst på Silvermoon. Ifg. goons har han en lvl 85 char, men var visst mer opptatt av å poste meningene sine på det offisielle forumet.


Folk har også tydeligvis sendt hatmeldinger til medlemmer av guilden hans også ifølge det offisielle WoW-forumet. Sykt at folk gjør noe sånt...

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Weaknesses: heavy gear, impairs mobility (running)

Time it takes to equip armour: 30 minutes without assistance, 10 minutes with assistance



Så systematisk som han er, er jeg nesten sikker på at han iallfall har hatt medhjepere. Han visste tydligvis alle detaljer, så siden han vet hvor lang tid det tar å få på seg utstyr med hjelp, må han ha testet det. Ergo noen andre har iallfall visst det.




Dvs, hjelp har han iallfall fått.

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