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Regjeringskvartalet rammet av bombe, AUF-leir på Utøya angrepet av våpenmann.

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Gjest member-101642

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Okei, hvorfor mener du han gjorde det? Hva slags "falsk" info tror du er der?

Jeg vet ikke, men det er en tanke som slo meg. For alt vi vet kan han ha skrevet mye av det han skrev for å gi pressen «falsk info», eller et falskt bilde av hvem han var. Som at han var kristen, og hørte på den og den musikken, og spilte de og de dataspillene.


Det virker ihvertfall som om facebook kontoen var en del av forberedelsene han gjorde før han utførte handlingen. Det at han var kristen tviler jeg på, må ha vært kulturelt isåfall. På document.no gir han ikke noe uttrykk for personlig tro, men heller at han forsvarer kristen sivilisasjon.


Mye som skurrer her ihvertfall.

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Anders skrev bok.



Anders skrev bok.







Q: Can you describe your childhood?





A: My father, SAKSET-riot, had three children from a former marriage; SAKSET-riot, SAKSET-riot and SAKSET-riot while my mother, SAKSET-riot had a daughter from a past relationship; SAKSET-riot. My parents divorced when I was 1 years old. Me, my sister and my parents; SAKSET-riot (a nurse), SAKSET-riot (siviløkonom) was living in London at the time as he worked as a diplomat for the Royal Norwegian Embassy in London (and later Paris). SAKSET-riotstayed in London and later married SAKSET-riot who also worked in the Royal Norwegian Embassy. SAKSET-riot, SAKSET-riot and myself moved back to Oslo and settled on Skøyen, Oslo West. My mother, SAKSET-riot met my stepfather, SAKSET-riot, who was a captain in the Norwegian Army. My stepmother, SAKSET-riot, later became a Vice Consul and my father was a Commercial Councellor for the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad, first in London and then in Paris.





My parents were not politically active but supported the policies of the Norwegian Labour Party which was common for most individuals working in the public sector. My stepfather, SAKSET-riot, was a moderately right wing while my stepmother, SAKSET-riot, was a moderate cultural Marxist and feminist. My mom, SAKSET-riot, was an apolitical moderate feminist.





SAKSET-riot and SAKSET-riot wanted child custody and wanted to raise me in Paris. They lost the child custody case in an Oslo court a few years later.





I visited SAKSET-riot and SAKSET-riot on a regular basis in Paris and at our summer house/cottage in Normandie, FR and Notodden, NO until they divorced when I was 12. I had a good relationship with him and his new wife at the time, SAKSET-riot Øvermo, until I was 15. I still have contact with SAKSET-riot until this day but have not spoken to my father since he isolated himself when I was 15 (he wasn't very happy about my graffiti phase from 13-16. He has four children but has cut contact with all of them so it is pretty clear whose fault that was. I don't carry any grudge but a couple of my half siblings do. The thing is that he is just not very good with people. I tried contacting him five years ago but he said he was not mentally prepared for a reunion due to various factors, his poor health being one.





SAKSET-riot, my stepfather, worked as a major in the Norwegian military and is now retired. I still have contact with him although now he spends most his time (retirement) with prostitutes in Thailand. He is a very primitive sexual beast, but at the same time a very likable and good guy. I can't say I approve of that lifestyle although I can't really blame him when I see today's Marxist social structures. So all in all, I consider myself privileged and I feel I have had a privileged upbringing with responsible and intelligent people around me. I do not approve of the super-liberal, matriarchal upbringing though as it completely lacked discipline and has contributed to feminise me to a certain degree.





I haven't really had any negative experiences in my childhood in any way. I had way too much freedom though if anything. I used to visit my father annually until I was 16. So guess I came from a typical Norwegian middle class family. We never had any economical troubles.





I have a good relationship with my four half siblings, SAKSET-riot, SAKSET-riot and SAKSET-riot but especially SAKSET-riot. We get together a couple of times a year. SAKSET-riot moved to Los Angeles 14 years ago and is now settled down with two kids, SAKSET-riot and SAKSET-riot. I talk to her once a month. Both she and her husband are moderately conservative but generally live their life as apolitical career cynicists. Two of my other half siblings are conservative, one moderately conservative. They are generally apolitical but I am very happy for the fact that a majority of my extended family are intelligent and relatively anti-Marxist. SAKSET-riot's girlfriend though is a super-feminist and quite radical Marxist. We have had some very interesting conversations where she has almost physically strangled me








I went to the following institutions;








- Vigelandsparken kindergarden


- Smestad primary school


- Ris secondary School


- Hartvig Nissen High School


- Oslo Handelsgym High School














Q: How would you describe yourself as a person?





A: I consider myself to be a laid back type and quite tolerant on most issues.





Due to the fact that I have been exposed to decades of multicultural indoctrination I feel a need to emphasise that I am not in fact a racist and never have been.





My Godmother (being baptised when I was 15 years old), SAKSET-riot and her husband, came to Norway as political refugees from Chile. In retrospect I understood that they were Marxist political activists but I didn't comprehend these issues at the time. Our two families have been very close throughout my childhood and youth. I've had several non-Norwegian and Muslim friends. I spent a lot of time with SAKSET-riot, a Turk, SAKSET-riot an Eritrean, SAKSET-riot and SAKSET-riot from Chile, Arsalan Ahmad Sohail, Faizal and Wazim from Pakistan. I've had dozens of non-Norwegian friends during my younger years, Bashir from Somalia, Pablo from Chile, SAKSET-riot – adopted from Columbia, SAKSET-riot – adopted from India have been good friends and a couple of them still are today.












































Takk til nFF og SA. Noen fant trailer også: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=vQOfH8Dj1mw








På slutten er han avbildet med våpen.



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Litt usikker på om dette har blitt tatt opp tidligere, men er det bare jeg som reagerer på at det ikke var et privat vaktselskap (/politi) til stede ved arrangementet på Utøya. En samling av nesten 1000 festglade ungdommer bruker vanligvis å kreve en viss form for sikkerhet med tanke på alkohol- og narkotikabruk og ikke minst voldtekter. I tillegg kommer den ekstra usikkerheten som ligger i at arrangementet tok sted i nærheten av vann.

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Hva med alle vitnene som beskrev flere skyttere? Noen som vet noe?


Eller massehysteri.


Det er det jeg setter mine fem eurocent på.


Vet du hva slags våpen han hadde? Han skjøt rundt seg i en og en halv time var det så? Hvor var politiet?

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ABB har vist vært en aktiv nettdebattant. Er det noen som vet om han har hatt konto her på diskusjon.no? Jeg har lett etter samme brukernavn som han bruker andre steder og deler av navnet uten å finne noe. Jeg har ikke brukt noen moderator-jedi-triks for å søke, bare den vanlige søkemotoren.
Ref Aftenposten tolker jeg det som at det er snakk om nordisk.nu, et nazi-forum.


Litt flisespikking men det er omdiskutert om det er et naziforum.


Blogg: Kven er terroristen?

Nettabloiden Stavangeravisen kallar han nynazist.


Begge delar er gale, trass i at Breivik tilsynelatande har delteke på nordisk.nu – eit nettforum der det også er mange aktive nynazistar (men det er ikkje ein reint naziforum, slik EXPO framstiller det som).

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Sakset fra boken:








PS: Berwick er engelskoversatt Breivik.



Personal facts:


Name: Andrew Berwick


Nationality: Norwegian


Born: February 1979


Height: 183 cm


Weight: 80 kg


Ethnicity: Nordic/Norwegian


Address: Oslo ,Norway


Personality: Optimistic, pragmatic, ambitious, creative, hard working


Political view: Cultural conservative, revolutionary conservative, Vienna school of thought, economically liberal


Religion: Christian, Protestant but I support a reformation of Protestantism leading to it being absorbed by Catholisism. The typical "Protestant Labour Church" has to be deconstructed as its creation was an attempt to abolish the Church


Religious: I went from moderately to agnostic to moderately religious


Education: Non-formal equivalent to 7 years + at university level


Professions: Investor, Director, Manager - founder of several companies, Small business management (including organisational development), political analyst, author, stock analyst/trader. Im unsure whether resistance fighter (Justiciar Knight Commander) and martyr counts as a profession


Nicotine: Yes


Alcohol: Occasionally


Drugs: No


Tattoos: No


Sports: Snowboarding, fitness (body building/spinning), running


Watch sport: Only women's sand volley ball:P Perhaps I would if Norway didn't suck so hard in footbal


Name of your primary weapon: Mjöllnir


Name of your side arm: Gungnir


Hobbies: Political analysis, studying new topics, Free Mason, Heraldry, Genealogy, gaming (MMO or Modern Warfare 2), travelling – learning about new cultures, music, friends. I have had the privilege of experiencing the following countries:





Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Belarus, France, Austria, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, US, Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia.











Key points – curriculum vitae





Key qualifications:





Organisational/business development – Experience with the establishment, development and management of smaller businesses related to the fields; organisational/business development, small business management, marketing and sales


Financial analysis – stock/currency analysis relating to the fields/indicators; candlesticks, RSI, stochastic, MACD, Bollinger bands, DMI, momentum





2005-2007: Managing director of E-Commerce Group AS (part investment company – 50%, part sales/outsourcing company – 50%). I converted ABB ENK to a corporation (AS). Total of 7 employees: 3 in Norway, 1 in Russia, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Romania, 1 in the US. Distribution of outsourcing services to foreign companies, sold software/programming solutions. Worked part time with day trading (stocks/options/currency/commodities). This was a front (milking cow) with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation related military operations. The company was successful although most of the funds were channelled through a Caribbean subsidiary (with base in Antigua, a location where European countries do not have access): Brentwood Solutions Limited with bank accounts in other Caribbean nations and Eastern Europe. E-Commerce Group was terminated in 2007 while most of the funds were channelled in an "unorthodox manner" to Norway available to the coming intellectual and subsequent operations phase.





2002-2004: Director of Anders Behring Breivik ENK) (part time from May 02 (shortly after my inclusion in PCCTS) – des. 02, full time from March 03. Same emphasis as E-Commerce Group. This was a front (milking cow) I established and focused on shortly after my inclusion in PCCTS, Knights Templar with the purpose of financing resistance/liberation related military operations.





2002-2003: Supervisor/internal advisor for Bankia Bank ASA (Apr. 02 – March 03)





2001-2002: Customer service representative for Bankia Bank ASA (Nov. 01 – Apr. 02)





2000-2001: Managing director of Media Group AS. Development and sales of outdoor media solutions (primarily billboards). My company was partially acquired/bought by Mediamax Norway AS after I (and my employee, SAKSET-riot) had built a billboard portfolio from scratch in the Oslo area which was then sold to Mediamax Norge AS (which was later bought by JC Decaux Norway) and Clear Channel (July 00 – July 01)





1999-2000: Team leader for the customer service rep. dept. for Enitel Telephony/mobile/internet/support division (March 99 – July 00)





1998-1999: Director for Behring & Kerner Marketing DA. Implenetation and sales of telephonic services (part time from Aug. 98-Feb. 99)





1997-1999: Corporate customer care rep. for customer care/internet support for Telia Norway AS (Nov 97-Feb 99)





1996-1997: Part time as a sales rep. for ACTA Economical Counselling (Feb 96-97)





Education: Non-formal studies/degrees: Bachelor of Business Administration (major: small business management) part time studies using the curriculum/online study courses from AIU, American InterContinental University (98-02), Bachelor of Political Science (major: political science and history) part time studies (00-05), Master of Political Science, full/part time studies (05-10). See other chapter for specification.





Other professional activities:





2005: Was coached by my friend, former mentor and independent stock analyst; Xun Dai over a 6 month period on the areas: technical stock analysis: candlesticks, RSI, stochastic, MACD, Bollinger bands, DMI, momentum





2000-2001: Was coached by mo former mentor – and managing director of Hypertec AS; SAKSET-riot over a 12 month period on the areas; management, administration, corporate/business/organisation development (May 00-May 01)





1995-1998: Oslo Handelsgymnasium/Hartvig Nissen High School





Board positions, professional activities, responsibilities





2003: Candidate for the Oslo City Council election on behalf of the Oslo Progress Party. This was during the "crossroad" when I was in the process of deciding whether I would fully abandon conventional politics (and a career within conventional politics) as a solution/source to acquire funds for the future operation or if I would rather leave conventional politics altogether and rather focus on entrepreneurship/business as the source for financing my future and clandestine participation in the pan-European Conservative Revolutionary Movement/pan-European Resistance Movement. As you already know I became one of the founding members of the PCCTS, Knights Templar in 2002 and among the very first Justiciar Knight Commanders. However, regardless of this choice, I was not completely convinced I was done with conventional politics. I actually decided to do a last push (after my pledge to the PCCTS) as I was already nominated on behalf of the Oslo Progress Party for the City Council election in 2003/2004. I came relatively close to being elected but was not among the final contestants due to the fact that the Progress Party Youth (lead by my rival SAKSET-riot) refused, for strategical reasons, to support my candidature. At the time I was more popular than SAKSET-riot but needed the support of the youth organisation (an organisation I had been a part of for a few years). I don't blame him for backstabbing me like that though. After all, he had invested so much more of his time to the organisation than I had. He deserved it while I didn't and I would probably have done the same thing if I was him.





Also, during the "crossroad phase" I had lost all faith in the Progress Party as a solution to Norway's rapid disintegration due to multiculturalism and Islamisation. A moderate cultural conservative political party like the Progress Party is un-capable of solving any of our primary problems as they are systematically ridiculed and isolated by all other political parties and a united media sector. This, even despite of the fact that they have taken measures and gotten rid of all true nationalists ending up with only opportunistic career cynisists unwilling to take any political risks.





The Progress Party is now a part of the problem as they continuously give the Norwegian people false hope and thus contributes to pacify them. They should rather be honest and admit that all hopes for the democratical change of the society is futile and rather encourage all patriotic Norwegians to resist the multiculturalist regime through armed resistance. Their unwillingness to do this makes them a central part of the problem and in fact an obstacle to the liberation of and the reconquista of Norway.





I anticipate that the Norwegian media will persecute and undermine the Progress Party for my earlier involvement in the organisation. This is not a negative thing as an increasing amount of Norwegians will then have their "illusions of democratic change" crushed (if the Progress Party is annihilated by the multiculturalist media) and rather resorts to armed resistance. From a tactical and pragmatical viewpoint; the PC Medias defeat of the Progress Party will benefit the armed National Resistance Movement in Norway. The more moderate alternatives are persecuted the more likely it is that the average nationalists illusions of peaceful reform will be crushed, which will lead to him seeking "other means". Because at this point, armed resistance and the violent overthrow of our regime is the only thing that can save us.





2002: Founding member (national representative) of the PCCTS, Knights Templar, in London (April).





2002: Member of the board of directors of the control authority for Majorstuen Eldresenter (Majorstuen Retirement home), political position for the Norwegian Progress Party.





2002: Member of the board of directors for Uranienborg Elementary and Secondary School, political position for the Norwegian Progress Party.





2001: Development of the financial prospectus for Hypertec AS in cooperation with NB Partner AS and PriceWaterhouseCoopers DA (Jan 01-May 01)





2000-2003: Board member in Progress Party Frogner and Vice Chairman in the Progress Party Youth – Oslo West.




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