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Søke & laste ned bilder fra nettside

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er det noen her som har noen gang komt over/laget et program som du f.eks. kan skrive inn en nettside, deretter søker den opp alle bilder som ligger på den siden sånn du kan laste dem ned, istede for å finne hvert enkelt bilde, deretter høgreklikke å laste ned hvert enkelt?



Takk for alle svar :-)

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Jeg har laget noe slikt ved hjelp av:

- PowerShell 2.0, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968929

- HtmlAgilityPack, http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/

- cURL, http://curl.haxx.se/


Her er et eksempel som laster ned en side med forumtråder og looper alle disse trådene på jakt etter bildelinker. Den støtter også å besøke sider som går over flere sider. Bakdelen er at sånne script stort sett må customizes til hver enkelt forum.


add-type -Path ($basedir+"\HtmlAgilityPack.dll")
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

cd rip

write-host "Downloading thread index..."
$mainurl = "http://www.site.com/forum"
& curl -s -b c.txt -c c.txt -o index.html $mainurl
$file = ($basedir +"index.html")
$doc = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument

$result = $doc.Load($file)
$threads = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//tbody[@id='threadbits_forum_30']/tr")

foreach ($thread in $threads)
   $threadlink = $thread.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@id, 'thread_title')]")
   $title = $threadlink.InnerHtml
   $dltitle = $title.Replace(";","").Replace(":","").Replace("?","").Replace("\","").Replace("/","").Replace(".","").Replace(""","")
   $url = $threadlink.Attributes["href"].Value
   $file = $url.Substring($url.LastIndexOf(”/”) + 1)
   write-host "Downloading: " $file
   if (!(Test-path ($basedir+$dltitle))){New-Item ($basedir+$dltitle) -type directory | out-null}

   & curl -s -b c.txt -c c.txt -o ($dltitle+"\"+$file) $url
   $threadcontent = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
   $result = $threadcontent.Load(($basedir+$dltitle+"\"+$file))
   $mainpage = $false
   $hasnextpage = $false
   $pagecounter = 1
   write-host $title
   while((!$mainpage) -or ($hasnextpage))
           write-host "    Downloading next page:" $pagecounter
           $nextpageurl = $nextpage.Attributes["href"].Value
           $nextfile =  $nextpageurl.Substring($nextpageurl.LastIndexOf(”/”) + 1)
           write-host "    Downloading next page: " $nextfile
           & curl -s -b c.txt -c c.txt -o ($dltitle + "\" +$nextfile) $nextpageurl
           $result = $threadcontent.Load(($basedir+$dltitle + "\"+$nextfile))
           del ($basedir+$dltitle + "\"+$nextfile)
       $nextpage = $threadcontent.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//a[@class='smallfont' and text()='>']")
       $hasnextpage = ($nextpage -ne $null)
       $mainpage = $true
       #getting all attachment links
       $attachments = $threadcontent.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[(contains(@href, 'attachment.php') or contains(@href, 'album.php')) and not(contains(@href, 'thumb'))]")
       write-host "    Attachment count page " $pagecounter ": "  $attachments.Count
       if($attachments -ne $null)
           foreach($attachment in $attachments)
               if ($attachment.Attributes["id"] -eq $null)
                   $id = $attachment.Attributes["pictureid"].Value
                   $id = $attachment.Attributes["id"].Value
               $link = $attachment.Attributes["href"].Value.Replace("&","&")
               $link = $link.Replace("album.php","")
               if(!$link.StartsWith("http")){$link = ($mainurl + "picture.php" + $link)}
               write-host "   Attachment url" $link
               cd $dltitle
               & curl -s -b ..\c.txt -c ..\c.txt -J -O -m 30 $link

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