DiskusJon Skrevet 26. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 26. mai 2011 Hei, jeg er relativt grønn på servere og serverløsninger. Det jeg ønsker, er en meget enkel løsning hvor målet er å spesielt streame videoer mellom to PCer som ikke er i samme nett. Ønsket er at dette skal streames direkte fra PC til PC. Er det noen som har forslag? Hva vil kreves av maskinressurser og linje for å kunne få til dette? Har en tilsvarende løsning på iPhone som heter Air Video. Der kan man legge til andre brukere, opprette passord, og vips streames video fra PC til iPhone. Før trollene kommer: 1) Dette skal ikke brukes til piratvare. 2) Ja, iPhone er ræva. Gratis iPhone er greit nok. Lenke til kommentar
fiberkanin Skrevet 27. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 27. mai 2011 Tro det eller ei, det er en diger tråd på AirVideo sitt forum hvor brukerne ønsker å betale for at det blir utviklet en klient til pc/mac: Petition to create a desktop Air Video client for Windows/MAC OSX De har laget en klient for windows: inmethod.com/forum/posts/list/135/514.page#17994 Air Video Client for Windows: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10205542/AirVideoClient_win32_20110408.zip (Implemented with airvideo.rb + mingw32-ruby-1.9.1-wxruby-2.0.1 and Visual C# 2010 Express) Requirements: Windows XP or later and .NET framework 4. If you are using Air Video Server 2.4.3, download Elecard AVC HD Player (trial version), and locate the player in the client app. For Air Video Server 2.4.5beta users, locate a VLC media player in the app. TCP port 8008 must be opened for live re-streaming proxy. [03/22/2011] Re-implemented by wxRuby [03/25/2011] Mod for Ruby 1.9. HTTPLiveStreamingProxy is now isolated from the client app. [03/28/2011] Playing with live conversion is now available on Windows XP or later with Elecard AVC HD Player. [03/29/2011] Tests on pseudo-seek during live conversion. [03/31/2011] Now compatible with AirVideo Server 2.4.5beta (playback/livePlayback-2.4). [04/01/2011] Fixed wrong live playback starting points, etc. [04/03/2011] HTTPLiveStreamingProxy was re-written by C#, which resulted in less memory usage. Add manual bitrate selection buttons. [04/07/2011] Fixed live conversion request method (now all movies could be played by live conversion) [04/07/2011] Abort the development because much better solution has been found. See pavram's post on 5th Apr 2011. De laget ligsågodt sin EGEN klient for mac: ny side: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6713110/MacAirVideoClient/Site/Home.html gammel side: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6713110/MacAirVideoClient/Site/Client.html Brukerne også funnet en måte å se video på macbook med snow leopard og quicktime x istedenfor på iphonen: So it does... Shame it's only available on Snow Leopard! But for now... a quick guide for someone who wants to watch their material on their macbook... it's not exactly easy, but hey... 1) log in and start the film on your iphone that you want to watch... (you can come out of the app as soon as it's started) 2) open terminal on the os X server (if you're at a hotel away from home - you'll need to forward port 22 to your mac so you can ssh in) - type "ps ax | grep ffmpeg" 3) look for the part that says --conversion-id=BLABLABLABLA 4) open quicktime X on your macbook and go to the following URL: http://[PUBLIC IP OF YOUR SERVER]:45631/live-playback-2.2.1/index_[CONVERSION-ID-goes-here].m3u8 Hey presto! NB, as soon as you start another stream on your iphone, it'll generate a new conversion-id and you'll have to start the process again to make it work properly. NB also I've only briefly tested this - I don't know if there's a heartbeat or whatever that might kill the ffmpeg thread after a while when there's no iphone attached. Til slutt, siste kommentaren i tråden: "ServeToMe Mac/Windows with StreamToMe Mac client. Works perfectly. And FREE. AirVideo is is bit behind, but maybe they'll catch up with an Android client. " projectswithlove.com/streamtome/servetome.html Lenke til kommentar
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