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Nintendo har også vist at de begynner å gå tom for ideer, som resulterer i dårlige spill. X-antall new super mario bros, mario party er helt ødelagt pga at alle spillere er samlet i en bil.

Sånn helt egentlig var det bare Mario Kart og Super Smash som levde en stund på wiiU her i huset. Resten var egentlig litt "meh" etter ekstremt kort tid.

Deg om det. Hva med Splattoon? Beste eksemplet på at det fortsatt finnes gode idemakere hos Nintendo, spør du meg. Og hva med Pikmin 3? Bayonetta? Wonderfull 101? Alle disse ser ut til å være (har ikke spilt alle) gode, godt likt og fulle av nye ideer. De to siste er vel kanskje ikke first party, men de er eksklusive spill som Nintendo har satset på, så synes godt de kan tas med likevel. Super Mario Maker oppleves kanskje ikke som så iderikt siden det bare gjenbruker elementer fra tidligere spill, men det er imponerende hvor godt det fungerer. Jeg gikk relativt fort lei av dette selv, men det viser for meg at det er en del dyktige folk hos Nintendo som tenker i riktige baner.


Jeg kan være delvis enig i en del ting også. Super Mario 3D World er proppfullt av gode ideer visult og designmessig, men med tanke på gameplay føler jeg ikke det ga meg så veldig mye nytt. Det har også blitt alt for mange 2D-plattformere, noe som man jo kan bli lei av, selv om alle er knallspill i seg selv. Paper Mario ser også mye kjedeligere ut enn de to første i serien.


Jeg føler du sier litt i mot deg selv. Du synes fire NSMB fordelt på fire konsoller er alt for mye, men det du har kost deg mest med er Mario Kart ÅTTE og Smash Bros 4,5. Du later også til å synes det i utgangspunktet er helt ok med Mario Party 9 og 10, og at det hovedsaklig er den tåpelige "sammen i en vogn"-mekanikken som ødelegger. Så jeg synes ikke helt det virker som du har noe problem med at det kommer mange spill i samme serie. 


Jeg synes Splatoon, Wonderful 101 osv var "meh" egentlig. Salgene av wiiU kan jo egentlig også tyde på at det ikke var nok til å dra konsollen igang.

New Super Mario Bros, New super mario bros 2, new super mario bros Wii, New super mario bros U og New super luigi bros U. Det er vel 5 det? Ja det er for mye, spesielt siden de er eksagt samme spillet, bare med nye baner.

Men hvor i all videste verden sier jeg at Mario Party 9 og 10 er ok???? Sammen i en bil ødela spillet. Bare les noen reviews, og ikke minst bruker reviews.

Når kommer Smash bros 5???? Fortell!

Tror du misforstår litt. Jeg elsker at det kommer spill i samme serie, som følger vinner oppskriften som gjorde de andre så bra. Når man ser på paper mario etter ttyd, og mario party etter nummer 8, så ødela de jo egentlig ganske mye. Da synes jeg jo ikke spilla var bra, bare fordi de er i samme serie. Jeg syntes Modern Warfare 2 var det beste spillet i serien, men syntes ikke MW3 var like bra.


Paper Mario er ganske så kjedelig etter TTYD. Så nettopp speedruns fra GDQ av Paper mario 64 og TTYD, og der satt de en stund og diskuterte hvor dårlig Paper Mario var etter TTYD. Var litt morro, men så sant så sant i min bok. Nå er det bare farger og stickers istedet for en god historie og god humor.


Problemet når det kommer til Mario, er at han blir plassert i den samme settinga hele tiden. De spillene han ikke har blitt det(siden wiiU), så har gameplayet vært lite insiktfult(m&s olympics for eksempel). Hvor ble det av Mario strickers charged football?

Hadde Nintendo kanskje laget et mer dypt og morro gameplay i M&S olympics, og kanskje laget et Mario strickers til, så hadde Mario virkelig hatt et godt utgangspunkt. Det er klart at folk blir litt lei når man som regel kun kan spille han i NSMB eller et nytt 3D Mario der alt er likt forgjengeren som i utgangspunktet ikke var så fengende. Mario trenger variasjon føler jeg hvertfall.

Jeg sa Smash Bros. 4,5, som var ment som en litt upresis måte å si versjon 2 av spill nummer 4. Angående Mario Party sa jeg at du later til å synes det er greit at de spyr ut spill etter spill i serien, så lenge de ikke endrer på noe. Luigi-spillet anså jeg egentlig som en utvidelse av NSMBU, men greit, vi kan si 5. Er selvfølgelig enig i at disse spillene er for like, og at de burde slutte å melke denne kua snarest. Men klager du egentlig fordi de er for like, eller fordi du i utgangspunktet ikke likte NSMB i starten?


Synes egentlig det er rart at du klager på at de har "gått tom for ideer," når det egentlig ikke ser ut som du synes det er problemet. De nyeste Smash Bros.-spillene må jo være de minst idérike så langt! Men unntak av en haug med nye karakterer føles det som serien har tatt ett steg tilbake hver gang siden Melee. Sparer en lengre utredning om dette til du eventuelt ber om det. Videre har vel Mario Party utviklet seg svært lite siden førsteutgaven på N64, noe som også har vært noe av det serien har vært mest kritisert for, men det virker som mer av det samme ville vært helt greit for deg. Du klager i alle fall ingenting over dét, kun det med fellesvogna. 


Det ser altså mer ut som du har funnet det ett spill i en serie du liker og synes serien utelukkende skal fortsette i samme spor. Jeg mener ikke dette er veien å gå. Eksempelvis elsker jeg Wind Waker. Grafikken, stemningen og gameplayet generelt er fantastisk. Twilight Princess og Skyward Sword når det for min del ikke til knærne en gang. Jeg kunne likevel aldri i verden ha ønsket meg Wind Waker 2 og 3 i stedet for!  Det ville føltes som stagnering og safing, og jeg ville savnet å oppleve noe nytt på en annen måte. 

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Melee var klart best, uten tvil! Selvom jeg sa Smash og MK var det som varte lengst, så var det ikke spesielt lenge ^^,


NSMB tilfører svært lite nytt hver gang, og har så j***** ensformig gameplay at det simpelthen ikke går(for meg hvertfall) å ha det morro med flere av dem nå. Mario Party er derimot et spill du spiller med venner, og det er nye mini games, baner osv i hvert spill, og det er et spill jeg føler kan være morro med flere av. Fellesvogna ødela jo hele vitsen. Forstår du ikke det, så får du prøve det selv eller lese på nett hva folk synes om det.


Enkelte ganger bør man ikke forandre for mye på ting som fungerer utmerket. Jeg synes Mario Party og Paper Mario er et gull eksempel på akkurat det.

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Da tror jeg du har mange, inkludert meg, med deg når det gjelder Paper Mario, men ganske mange i mot deg når det gjelder Mario Party. Ja, alle er enige i at fellesvogna var en elendig idé og det er latterlig at konseptet ikke ble fjernet etter ett spill, men serien har uansett stagnert veldig og trenger noen friske omgjøringer, eventuelt større mellomrom mellom utgivelser, hvis den skal ha livets rett. Nye minigames kan nesten ikke kalles nye dersom man stort sett gjør akkurat det samme som man har gjort før.


Alt i alt reagerer jeg mest på at du klager over at de er tomme for ideer når det mest virker som du vil at de ikke skal eksperimentere med noe nytt, men heller bruke gamle ideer fra det spillet du likte best i en gitt serie. Jeg er enig i at dersom man har noe som fungerer veldig bra, trenger man ikke å gjøre radikale endringer bare for å gjøre noe nytt, men å utforske nye muligheter og teste ut nye måter å tilnærme seg spillet nå, anser jeg som utelukkende positivt.

Endret av Serjiously
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Hey everyone. I'm Aethradon, and I'm a passionate Nintendo fan, designer, and journalist in that order. I've been hard at work on my own Nintendo website and creating a new Twitter for my Nintendo content, but I just wanted to take the time to make this post and clear the air about the NX and a lot of the rumors and speculation you guys see on the internet.
If you guys have any questions regarding the below, ask away. It's a long post, but it goes into extensive detail. Here we go!
  • First of all, NX is not another Wii or Wii U. Don't count on it being called the NX either. Major branding changes will help NX usher in a new era of Nintendo gaming. For instance, there was the NES era (NES and SNES), N64 era (N64 and GC), and Wii era (Wii and Wii U). Typically, there are two 'actual' platforms for a Nintendo era, whether console or handheld, before the next major shift in their gaming platforms takes place to remain a strong benefactor in the gaming insustry. Since the NES, they have always sought their own "blue ocean" with each new 'era' (not platform), and they do this because it drives innovation. The former platform markets the innovation, and the second device builds off of that momentum, whether it results in a resounding success or not for the latter. Nintendo hopes to deliver an experience more akin to how the NES era played out where it had incredible support and longterm appeal for the NX this time around by tapping into a new audience of gamers.
  • What about games? Don't expect much from third-parties in the beginning, really; it's best to keep your expectations there down until Nintendo holds their first major press event for the NX. Rest assured, the NX will have plenty of new game experiences to take advantage of its brand new concept, but we have to remain grounded in reality when it comes to third-party support for its early days. If Nintendo wants to recapture third-parties, it should (and most likely is going to) help do quality assurance testing for their games, mods, work with them on securing exclusive games and product adverising, and license out their IP more often to third-party devs to work on for their platform. Sony's recent 'fallout' with Bethesda over getting mod support for Fallout 4and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is an example of what you don't do for business practice as it begins to alienate third-parties from your platform by not negotiating with them properly.
  • A bridge will be created from Nintendo's mobile experiences, theme park ventures, film/animation collabs, and more, to Nintendo's dedicated gaming hardware/software. Nintendo will find ways to blend their mobile experiences into their dedicated gaming hardware and software and vice versa. Iwata stated this back in 2014 and numerous times in the past with the Nintendo + DeNA announcement that Nintendo sees smartphones and tablets as a bridge to their own dedicated gaming hardware and software now. After all, games like Super Mario RunAnimal Crossing, and Fire Emblem on iOS and Android all serve one purpose in the end: to bring new gamers to their platforms, especially younger gamers that probably never even played a Nintendo game or system before. The rest is self-explanatory.
  • What about the 'brand new concept' and reveal date? There are very tight non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) on the NX platform and certain facets that have not been unveiled yet for the Nintendo Account and My Nintendo cloud-based systems. Anyone who claims they do know any concrete details on either of these things could easily be lying to you. As for the NX concept, do not expect any leaks to go into detail what makes the NX so different and innovative. And, no...before people ask, the controller and other hardware rumors you've all heard thus far from Eurogamer, Emily Rogers, and the Wall Street Journal are not hogwash and shouldn't be discredited, even AFTER the NX reveal.
  • The truth is the NX is a platform that is going to have multiple form factors. Think iOS and Android. A common software-development kit (SDK) shared across more than one form factor that has one way of programming for all NX devices. While it doesn't mean certain form factors wouldn't have exclusives when it comes to games (think the difference between iPhone, iPad, and iWatch Apps and Games), Iwata stated this was Nintendo's main goal with their future platforms back in 2014. Doing so will therefore make the NX the first, dedicated smart gaming platform with a ubiquitous operating system and SDK across a variety of game devices with slightly or even vastly different hardware specs.
  • Increased Sales Productivity & Brand Longevity. Kimishima has stated the NX will have a much longer, enduring lifecycle than what we would normally expect from a Nintendo platform through a combined use of a variety of form factors, as aforememtioned. This would make way for better online support for games and their own longevity as a brand with a dedicated userbase, much akin to the PSN or XBL userbase, as well as allow developers to take advantage of Nintendo hardware to a much fuller extent. It might even hint towards a shift away from the usual two platforms-per-era trend I mentioned earlier to make other future Nintendo platforms much less congruous from recent trends of Nintendo hardware, thus returning them to Nintendo-like profits for a larger sum of time before it starts wearing thin. Statistics from sales and analytics of smart devices, user engagement in Sony, Microsoft, and Valve's online platforms due to their deep online infrastructures, etc., proves this methodology can and does work in the long term. But expect Nintendo to do something truly unprecedented for the NX and its brand new concept.
  • Pricing, Region Lock: Don't expect pricing for hardware or software to be as strict as it used to be. I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to see similar pricing methods as smart devices in the future for their hardware and software if it calls for it. However, go into the NX reveal still expecting region-locking for their games, even if only to some extent. Some games (i.e. traditional MarioZeldaFire Emblem, and Metroid titles) do not have any point to be region-free other than for a niche group of people that prefer the original Japanese game and do not particularly like some of NoA or NoE's localization efforts. Unfortunately, these people are the vocal minority in this situation.
  • Games-as-a-Service Model: Miitomo started it, and you should expect this trend to continue, thankfully. The games as a service model (GaaS, for short) seen in games like Asphalt 8 on smart devices will most likely make its way into some newer games and IP from Nintendo, much like Animal Crossing and Splatoon where both those games could benefit from the model. This model keeps users engaged and allows games to be seen more as a service where users are encouraged to keep coming back for new daily/weekly activities, seasonal events, major content updates, and more.
  • Will we get a Nintendo Direct/Media Event? Expect both. A Nintendo Direct before the end of this year to reveal the NX platform, its proof of concept, price, preorder info, release date, and software coming for its launch/launch window, and a major press event sometime early next year before the launch of the console to show off its final product. Ideally, they should go into further detail over multiple AAA games, such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in more focused Nintendo Directs or Nintendo Treehouse Live presentations in the future as well and show the differences these kinds of titles coming over from Wii U or 3DS will have.
Note: A press event is not out of the question and should ideally be conducted as we get closer to the actual launch of the platform 'early next year' (not this year) to keep expectations strong post-launch with new game announcements and collaborations. In my view, a press event does NOT make sense this year as it could potentially damage their Wii U and Nintendo 3DS sales further for the holiday sales season. The NES Classic Edition, games coming to 3DS, and Mario for iOS are enough to propel sales momentum during the holidays this year.
Hope this clears things up.
As stated previously, feel free to ask me to clarify anything mentioned above, but I'm not going into detail over things that have no point in getting hyped over when the NX hasn't been unveiled yet. Just wanted to clear the air here in this subreddit and hopefully reach out to other places across the internet.
Let me know what you guys think! ❤️ - Aethradon
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Digital purchases go from device based to account based
"we only had device-based relationships with consumers in the past [...] we became disconnected with our consumers with the launch of each new device [...] Our future platform will connect with our consumers based on accounts, not devices"
"our platform will not be bound to physical hardware and, instead, will be virtualized"
"we continue to redefine our platforms from a device-based system to an account-based system using NNIDs"
Accounts are cross-device
"we now have a uniformly managed system in which we are connected with our consumers on both handheld devices and consoles"
"The environment in which our users can download paid software is one example of where we should aim to make more off-device improvements than on-device ones."
Smartphone apps will be used to grab people to console and make them keep in touch with what nintendo has to offer
"how we will take advantage of smart devices is an extremely important question to answer. [...] this does not mean simply supplying Nintendo games on smart devices. Taking advantage of smart devices means connecting with all consumers, including those who do not own Nintendo’s video game systems, through smart devices and communicating the value of our entertainment offerings, thus encouraging more people to participate in Nintendo platforms"
"we would like to, instead of directly expanding our business on smart devices, focus on achieving greater ties with our consumers on smart devices"
"we feel that simply releasing our games just as they are on smart devices would not provide the best entertainment for smart devices, so we are not going to take any approach of this nature"
"taking advantage of smart devices, we aim to connect with consumers who do not own Nintendo’s video game systems yet"
Nintendo wants to stay unique
"we must once again change our definition of video games to keep up with the times"
"Nintendo’s history definitely suggests that Nintendo has always flexibly innovated itself in line with the times"
"we always tried to create something new from materials and technologies available at that time and to position entertainment as our core business"
"we will continue to value self-innovation in the future"
"The True Value of Entertainment lies in Individuality."
"we don’t believe that following trends will lead to a positive outcome for Nintendo as an entertainment company. Instead, we should continue to make our best efforts to seek a blue ocean with no rivals and create a new market with innovative offerings"
"we feel that we will not be able to gain the support of many consumers unless we are able to provide something truly valuable that is unique to Nintendo"
They'll try new business models
"we will also try to change the way in which dedicated video game systems as well as software are sold that people have come to take for granted"
"Based on our account system [...] we can create a situation where these consumers can enjoy our software at cheaper price points when they purchase more [...] Inviting friends to start playing a particular software title is also an example of a possible condition"
"we require a product family of hardware and software with an entirely different price structure from that of the developed markets"
More users = more visibility = more new potential users
"When one platform maintains a high active use ratio, the software titles which run on it have a higher potential to be noticed by many, which leads to more people playing with more titles"
"encouraging our consumers to play more titles and increasing a platform’s active use ratio without largely increasing our consumers’ expenditures"
"expand the gaming population by offering products which can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age, gender or gaming experience"
Nintendo will use their characters outside their games but are carefull about it
"character IP licensing business [...] have a high risk of damaging the value of the character. [..] having our characters appear mainly in our carefully selected games has created our current fortunate circumstances. However, we are going to change our policy going forward. "
"we will be flexible about forming licensing relationships in areas we did not license in the past, such as digital fields, provided we are not in direct competition and we can form win-win relationships."
"we aim to increase consumer exposure to Nintendo characters by making them appear in places other than on video game platforms."
Dedicated video game hardware will remain their main focus
"We therefore believe that dedicated video game platforms which integrate hardware and software will remain our core business"
"We will definitely maintain dedicated video game platforms as our core business"
Nintendo acknowledges they screwed up in the wiiU marketing
" What’s even worse is that there even appear to be not a small number of consumers who think the GamePad is one of the accessories for the previous platform, Wii."
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Nå er det vel ikke lenge til NES mini console blir lansert.

Har noen hørt pris på denne?


Er utrolig hypp på maskinen, men lurer heller på om jeg skal kjøpe en replica av den orginale maskinen isteden for.

Hva er forskjellen på en replica og en original?



Isteden for en brukt til 1500,- så får man en ny til 1000,- som er sonefri.


Men det er 2 år siden sist jeg så en replica, å nå finner jeg ikke igjen siden :(

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