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Litt skuffa over de nye pokemonstarterne. Etter alle disse årene hadde det vært litt mer moro om de hadde gitt noen andre valg enn ild, vann og gress.


For all del, kult med 3 typer som er supereffektive mot hverandre i stein-saks-papirstil, men det er vel nok av andre options der og.

For min del går det helt fint. Dog tror jeg den svarte katten vil muligens bli til en fire/dark type i utviklingen. Hørte rykter om at vi skal kunne lære pokemon 6 angrep nå, kontra 4 som har vært i alle år.

Jeg er hvertfall 100% klar for sun/moon. Har fanget alle 700 pokemons, og har breedet mange perfekte, så jeg er ganske hyped ^^,



Kjøpte meg en Wii U i går, med blant annet Mario Party 10. Er det virkelig ikke mulig å spille uten å "sitte i en og samme bil"? Slik jeg har forstått det er det tre forskjellige moduser, der amiibo er den som ligner mest på vanlig mode fra N64-tiden?

Det er derfor vi har hatet alle MP etter nummer 8. Du er tvunget til å sitte i en bil sammen med de andre, og Nintendo har ikke engang lagt til en modus der du kan slippe det. Føles som om du må spille en såkalt "bonus modus" hele tiden. Som Nintendo-fan skal jeg innrømme at jeg har lyst til å sparke Nintendo i ansiktet pga dette. De ødlegger en serie jeg har elsket i alle år.

Skaff deg MP 1-8, så har du underholdning fra en av tidenes beste multiplayer spill!

Endret av Enlightened
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Amiiboer er bare tøys, får noen ekstra hatter og kostymer, that's it.


Jeg syns du burde søker på noe ala "Top 10 wii u games" og se på litt youtube lister og sånt. MP10 er så langt unna konsollens potensiale som du kan komme nesten. Det er utrolig mange bedre spill :)

Endret av Bytex
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Fant dette på reddit. En uttalelse fra Iawata og en teori om hva det kan bety. Interessant lesning.:)

At the 75th General Meeting of Shareholders in June 2015, Iwata gave us one of the most thought-provoking statements about the NX:
"Since the word “NX” has been mentioned, please let me elaborate. When Nintendo announced the collaboration with DeNA on March 17 of this year, I mentioned that Nintendo is currently developing a new dedicated video game system codenamed “NX.” The reason I mentioned this was, at that time, there were more than a certain number of people that thought that Nintendo would give up on the dedicated game system business and concentrate on smart device application development, or that Nintendo should take that path. In addition, such tone could be seen frequently through the media. I felt it was necessary to communicate that Nintendo is not pessimistic about the future of the dedicated game system business but rather more and more eager to continue it. On the other hand, details on the new platform essentially should come later. This is because the entertainment business has an aspect where there is value in surprising consumers. It is not convincing enough to the consumer if we describe how the magic works before actually showing it to them and then expecting them to be surprised or delighted. Having the element of surprise or doing the unexpected is the premise for introducing new ideas and having them welcomed with surprise. That is why I have been repeatedly saying that the next news on NX will not be announced during 2015 but will be announced in 2016. Nevertheless, since NX has news value, when I am interviewed on various occasions, I am asked about it almost every time. I will not share details on NX today but with regard to the launch of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U not necessarily having progressed well and not acquiring sufficient support from software publishers, we intend to offer NX through a Nintendo-like solution. Thank you for understanding that we are making various considerations and preparations in order to avoid what happened with the previous generations.
On a different note, I believe the standard for software publishers in selecting what hardware to provide their games for is the installed base after all. The larger the installed base or the more it is believed that the installed base will largely expand, there is an aspect that more software publishers are likely to join in. On the other hand, Nintendo is collaborating with various software publishers. At E3, which was held in the U.S. and is the largest trade show in the video game industry, we received many proposals for joint initiatives. In addition, Japanese software publishers have close relationships with our licensing department on a regular basis. As for collaborations with software publishers or their games, please consider that there are various ongoing projects below the surface."
This was almost a year ago. There are a few questionable statements Iwata made here.
What does he mean by offering the NX through a Nintendo-Like Solution?
Notice how Iwata immediately mentioned E3 2015 and the "many proposals" for joint initiavites. He also mentioned the licensing department and specifically mentioned collaborations. The Nintendo-Like solution is in reference to the sluggish start of the Wii U and 3DS along with low 3rd party support.
Could the Nintendo-Like solution be working harder with 3rd parties to get exclusives? I think this is correct, but it goes much further than exclusives. We could possibly see exclusive versions of games.
The first bare example is Minecraft Super Mario Edition for the Wii U. With Nintendo allowing the creation of unique elements in existing games that are already on PS4/XB1, The NX will never be seen as "just another gaming system".
Imagine Destiny with extensive Metroid DLC.
GTA5 filled with Super Mario vehicles, masks, references, etc.
The 76th General Meeting of Shareholders is in June after E3 2016. We'll most likely see news here and a possible announcement in July following the 1 Year Anniversary of Iwata's passing.
UPDATE 5/30: Heres an idea of the Nintendo-Like Solution that is more probable and will entice third parties to join in.
-NX 1.0 is released as a home console (March 2017)
-Portable NX 1.0 is released later that year.
-The 2 NX 1.0 systems can work together with the handheld working as a SCD. But technology is always changing. Competition won't go away.
-NX 2.0 is released as a Home Console in 2019. About 4x powerful than NX 1.0.
-Handheld NX 2.0 is released too.
So now in the span of just 2 years, Nintendo releases 2 consoles and 2 handhelds but they are ALL essentially the same system.
-NX1 can still play NX2 games but with a lesser experience in terms of graphics and whatnot.
-NX2 hardware cannot work as a SCD for previous generation NX1 hardware, but NX1 hardware can work as a SCD for NX2.
So now we have a steady stream of consoles and handhelds all based on the NX family. All share the same games that can stretch among different generations and different NX hardware. Different power levels for different gamers.
In order to push NX sales, games are only forward compatible up to 2 generations. For example:
-NX1 can play NX2 and NX3 games, but not NX4 games.
-NX3 can play NX1, NX2, NX4 and NX5 games, but not NX6 games.
For the future of this platform, we will slowly see the older NX models being phased out.
For example, lets say NX5 Hardware is released and the games specifically made for NX5 absolutely cannot run on NX1 or NX2 hardware. Even though they cannot play NX5 Games, they can still be used as SCDs.
By releasing a new NX Handheld and Console every 2 years and allowing compatibility down to a 2-generational leap, Nintendo will keep selling systems and consumers will see the NX as an upgradable device similar to smartphones.
There is value in this business plan and I hope Nintendo takes advantage of it.
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