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Fra Techniocolors FAQ:


How do you load the Technicolor CineStyle onto the Canon EOS cameras?

Using the standard EOS Utility software provided with the Canon EOS cameras.


Det har nettopp kommet en ny EOS Utility - 3.10.1 kom i forgårs - har ikke sjekket den i detalj, da.



Edit: Ser ut til at Cinestyle blir sluppet 30. april på www.technicolor.com/CineStyle.


Hele FAQ'en her:



> Who developed the CineStyle?

The CineStyle was created by Technicolor color scientists and engineers over the course of the last 12 months with the cooperation of Canon U.S.A. Inc.

> Why was this developed?

Technicolor is responding to industry demand from cinematographers for enhanced flexibility in capturing images with Canon EOS DSLR cameras.

> How does it help the cinematographer?

The Technicolor CineStyle provides better dynamic range of the captured content. This allows for greater artistic freedom during shooting (as the look does not have to locked in during shooting) as well as during the color correction process in postproduction.

> What does it do to the image?

When the Technicolor CineStyle is selected in the camera it puts the standard H.264 REC709 color space into a log color space. Video images are recorded in log space. Still images are also converted into the same log color space. This is the first implementation of its kind for the Canon EOS line of cameras.

> How do you load the Technicolor CineStyle onto the Canon EOS cameras?

Using the standard EOS Utility software provided with the Canon EOS cameras.

> How does this compare to the existing Canon standard and gamma curve?

Canon’s standard picture styles are tuned for various shooting situations. This new picture style is a professional style specifically designed for the needs of cinematographers. It is also optimized to work with Technicolor’s DP Lights™ on-set color correction system.

> Is the CineStyle integrated into Technicolor’s post-production pipeline?

Yes, the CineStyle profile was designed and optimized for Technicolor’s post pipeline – but the files can be used with any major NLE software.

> Who are the potential customers of CineStyle?

Potential customers include the full gamut of cinematographers – from professional to novice.

> Did Technicolor work with cinematographers for their input into the CineStyle?

Yes, as is always the case when Technicolor takes on this type of project for development.

> Are there future plans for Technicolor’s CineStyle offering?

Yes, Technicolor is currently planning the development of a series of additional “looks” to be deployed for the Canon EOS cameras.

> Can it be used for all Canon EOS cameras?

Although the Technicolor CineStyle was designed and optimized for the Canon EOS-5D Mark II camera, the Technicolor CineStyle can be installed and used on any current Canon EOS DSLR camera.

> Who will support the Cinematographer should they have any questions?

There will be an online support site from Technicolor in the future.

> Where can the Technicolor CineStyle be found?

The Technicolor CineStyle can be downloaded from Technicolor’s website: www.technicolor.com/CineStyle.

> Is there any more documentation on the Technicolor CineStyle?

A detailed white paper and case study will be developed in the near future and made available on the Technicolor website: www.technicolor.com/CineStyle.

> How and when will the CineStyle become available?

CineStyle will be released on April 30th, 2011 and will be available on Technicolor’s website: www.technicolor.com/CineStyle.

> Who are the contacts to obtain more information?

Please send e-mail to: [email protected] to request more information or to be contacted by a Technicolor expert.





Vil anta dette kan være en stor fordel til video - ettersom det ikke er noen Raw-videomuligheter på dagens generasjon av speilrefleks skal man sette fargene riktig under opptaket..

Og - ikke minst - det gir mer dynamikk!

Endret av Trondster
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Ahh, takk for link til den FAQen. Har gått glipp av den. :)


Vil anta dette kan være en stor fordel til video - ettersom det ikke er noen Raw-videomuligheter på dagens generasjon av speilrefleks skal man sette fargene riktig under opptaket..

Hele poenget med denne profilen er å gi et bilde med så stort dynamisk omfang som mulig, som egner seg bedre til color grade i etterbehandlinga - sett bort i fra hvitbalanse, gjør man det meste i etterkant. Var kanskje hvitbalanse du sikta til though?

Endret av Ole_Gunnar
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Hele poenget med denne profilen er å gi et bilde med så stort dynamisk omfang som mulig, som egner seg bedre til color grade i etterbehandlinga - sett bort i fra hvitbalanse, gjør man det meste i etterkant. Var kanskje hvitbalanse du sikta til though?

Det jeg tenkte på var at økt dynamikk hjelper på bom i hvitbalansen - at man ikke fullt så lett får utbrente eller for mørke fargekanaler.



Hmm - burde ikke egentlig dette være et alternativ også for de som skyter stillbilder - en nøytral fargeprofil som gir mest mulig dynamikk i jpeg-bilder? For de som trenger maks skuddtakt og derfor tvinges over på jpeg, så burde da dette være snadder for å få dynamikk-fordeler ellers reservert for RAW? Det blir selvfølgelig ikke like bra som RAW, men burde kunne bli bedre enn jpeg med default-innstillinger med tanke på dynamikk?

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