ole_marius Skrevet 16. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 16. mai 2011 Gjør som meg, gå inn på psn norway sine sider, logg ikke på men huk av at du har glemt passord, du for da en link i eposten din for å lage nytt passord... Har gjort det. Men får fortsatt ikke mld.. Rart... Lenke til kommentar
Zahl Skrevet 16. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 16. mai 2011 Jeg har testet alle de forskjellige måtene å resette passordet på, men det vil seg ikke. Hotmail liker ikke Sony for øyeblikket, det er hvertfall sikkert. Lenke til kommentar
Gloms Skrevet 17. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2011 Jeg har fått mail fra PSN. Der står det at man skal gå inn og endre passordet sitt. JEg husker ikke passordet, så jeg tok forgot password. Taster inn mail og fødselsdato, men så kommer meldingen "an error has accured". Andre som har dette problemet? Lenke til kommentar
IcedInsanity Skrevet 17. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 17. mai 2011 Q: So what exactly is working right now? A: Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity (including the resetting of passwords), online gameplay for PS3 and PSP, playback of rental video content on PS3 (if within rental period), Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity on PS3 (for current subscribers), access to services such as Mubi and Vidzone, “Friends” category on PS3 (including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc), and PlayStation Home. Q: I’m having trouble changing my password/I forgot which email I used on my account/I used a fake email to set up my account. A: Visit eu.playstation.com/ps3psn for a set of tips on resetting your password. If you’ve gone through the process and are waiting for an email from us, please note that the very large number of requests has caused certain ISPs to slow the rate at which recipients get emails from us. Please be patient as the systems work through the backlog. Q: The PlayStation Store hasn’t updated since April 19th. When can I download digital games that were planned to be released since then? A: To date, three Wednesday publishes were missed and rest assured that you won’t miss any of this great content. To catch up on the large amount of material, we’ll be publishing to the PlayStation Store multiple times per week once commerce functionality is restored. We will update the PlayStation.Blog with information on timing of the Store restoration, as well as the full list of new content as each publish occurs. Q: How will PlayStation Plus members be affected by the PSN downtime? A number of games/items were slated to go live or come down on April 26th. A: We will be picking back up with the PlayStation Plus content calendar right where we left off, to ensure that you won’t miss out on anything. Q: Sucker Punch has indicated that they will extend the inFAMOUS 2 beta. Any details? A: Sucker Punch is evaluating extending the inFAMOUS 2 beta, as well as expanding its scope. Stay tuned for more details here in the coming days. Q: Is anything special planned for the SOCOM: Special Forces multiplayer community? A: Zipper will announce details on activities to re-engage fans of SOCOM: Special Forces who have patiently waited to play online. Q: How can I redeem the Welcome Back offer that was mentioned by Kazuo Hirai? What’s in it? A: Hang tight – we’ll be announcing all the details soon. Q: When will the PlayStation.Blog start talking about games again? A: Tomorrow! Thank you for bearing with us as our role changed over the past few weeks. James will be back tomorrow and will be talking games every day leading up to E3, which is just a few short weeks away. PlayStationEU PlayStation Blog EUPlease bear with us as we continue working on #PSN restoration. We are experiencing extremely heavy traffic. PlayStationEU PlayStation Blog EU For those still waiting for #PSN password reset emails, please be patient as we are handling a lot of requests. Some of you have mentioned that you have not received your password reset emails. With the huge number of people coming back online at the same time and resetting their passwords, it is creating significant email traffic to ISPs. The consequence is that some of the ISPs are throttling the emails. We are currently trying to resolve this, but in the meantime please be patient and refrain from submitting multiple requests. You will receive you reset email and be able to get back to enjoying your online gaming. Update: We’re currently experiencing an extremely heavy load of password resets, so we recently had to turn off services for approximately 30 minutes to clear the queue. If you’ve requested your password reset, please give it a bit of time to reach your email. Lenke til kommentar
FBI21 Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Lurer på hvor mange kunder de mista.. håper maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange. Lenke til kommentar
IcedInsanity Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Ja, eg også. Håper de har mistet ALLE kundene sine og at det ikke blir solgt en eneste PS3 konsoll fra idag av og at Sony tilslutt går konkurs slik at de ser hvor uholdbart, amatørmessig og vanvittig alvorlig hele denne saken er, og at alle tilsutt blir Xbox og Wii fanboys så slipper vi mer syting om Sony og PS3 på disse hersens forumene rundtomkring. Lenke til kommentar
teitur Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Lurer på hvor mange kunder de mista.. håper maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange. Jada jada, tøffen. Hvorfor i granskauen skriver du i det hele tatt på et forum for et Sonyprodukt som tydeligvid interesserer deg midt bak? Lenke til kommentar
Hugo_Hardnuts Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Det er jo fantastisk flott at den mailen de sender ut for bytte av passord kun er gyldig i 3 timer og den kommer 13 timer etter at man sendte inn forespørselen...og man da er på jobb og ikke rekker å aktivere linken og derfor må sende en ny forespørsel....som det tar nye 13 timer før besvares og som man heller ikke får aktivert fordi man er på jobb... Lenke til kommentar
Fiberbabe Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Det er jo fantastisk flott at den mailen de sender ut for bytte av passord kun er gyldig i 3 timer og den kommer 13 timer etter at man sendte inn forespørselen...og man da er på jobb og ikke rekker å aktivere linken og derfor må sende en ny forespørsel....som det tar nye 13 timer før besvares og som man heller ikke får aktivert fordi man er på jobb... Enig.. Men nå tror jeg den siste updaten var at man kan bytte passord direkte på PS..? Lenke til kommentar
Hugo_Hardnuts Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Ok, når skjedde det? Fungerte i hvert fall ikke for min del 17.mai, men har det kommet en update etter det? Lenke til kommentar
IcedInsanity Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Det er veldig individuelt, noen må få sendt mail andre kan skifte på maskinen. Eg fikk skiftet på maskinen rett etter PSN kom tilbake. Lenke til kommentar
nipsen Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Oppdateringen ble vel droppet på søndag eller noe slikt. Så "oppdater via internett", osv. Når du logger deg på igjen blir du bedt om å taste inn et nytt passord. Litt enklere. Lenke til kommentar
iStephano Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 PS3 er på kanten av katastofe nå. Hacking samt trøbbel med nye PS3 Firmware.. Herregud. 1 Lenke til kommentar
FBI21 Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Lurer på hvor mange kunder de mista.. håper maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange. Jada jada, tøffen. Hvorfor i granskauen skriver du i det hele tatt på et forum for et Sonyprodukt som tydeligvid interesserer deg midt bak? Tøffere enn toget jeg. Fordi det er gøy å plage consolefags. Lenke til kommentar
nipsen Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Tøffere enn toget jeg. Fordi det er gøy å plage consolefags. ..ihvertfall så lenge de ikke liker xbox. Da blir det bare grin av en eller annen grunn.. 1 Lenke til kommentar
Hugo_Hardnuts Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Oppdateringen ble vel droppet på søndag eller noe slikt. Så "oppdater via internett", osv. Når du logger deg på igjen blir du bedt om å taste inn et nytt passord. Litt enklere. Da er det den oppdateringen jeg allerede har lastet ned. Funker mao. ikke på min maskin Lenke til kommentar
nipsen Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Da blir nok neste tiltak å skrive til nordisk film hotline, vet jeg. http://www.nordiskfilm.com/games/playstation-support/ Lenke til kommentar
Gloms Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Er mange av kompisene mine som har trykker på "sign in" og fått beskjed om at passordet er gammelt og byttta det inne på PS'en. Er det noen grunn til at jeg ikke får gjort det og at jeg isteden får en mail hvor jeg må logge inn på en nettside for å bytte passord? Er ikke no stress å gjøre det på pcen. Grunnen til at jeg spør er at den nettsiden bare viser "error" så jeg får ikke byttet passordet, ergo jeg får ikke spilt. Lenke til kommentar
IcedInsanity Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Del Skrevet 19. mai 2011 Q: So what exactly is working right now? A: Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity (including the resetting of passwords), online gameplay for PS3 and PSP, playback of rental video content on PS3 (if within rental period), Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity on PS3 (for current subscribers), access to services such as Mubi and Vidzone, “Friends” category on PS3 (including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc), and PlayStation Home. Q: I’m having trouble changing my password/I forgot which email I used on my account/I used a fake email to set up my account. A: Visit eu.playstation.com/ps3psn for a set of tips on resetting your password. If you’ve gone through the process and are waiting for an email from us, please note that the very large number of requests has caused certain ISPs to slow the rate at which recipients get emails from us. Please be patient as the systems work through the backlog. Q: The PlayStation Store hasn’t updated since April 19th. When can I download digital games that were planned to be released since then? A: To date, three Wednesday publishes were missed and rest assured that you won’t miss any of this great content. To catch up on the large amount of material, we’ll be publishing to the PlayStation Store multiple times per week once commerce functionality is restored. We will update the PlayStation.Blog with information on timing of the Store restoration, as well as the full list of new content as each publish occurs. Q: How will PlayStation Plus members be affected by the PSN downtime? A number of games/items were slated to go live or come down on April 26th. A: We will be picking back up with the PlayStation Plus content calendar right where we left off, to ensure that you won’t miss out on anything. Q: Sucker Punch has indicated that they will extend the inFAMOUS 2 beta. Any details? A: Sucker Punch is evaluating extending the inFAMOUS 2 beta, as well as expanding its scope. Stay tuned for more details here in the coming days. Q: Is anything special planned for the SOCOM: Special Forces multiplayer community? A: Zipper will announce details on activities to re-engage fans of SOCOM: Special Forces who have patiently waited to play online. Q: How can I redeem the Welcome Back offer that was mentioned by Kazuo Hirai? What’s in it? A: Hang tight – we’ll be announcing all the details soon. Q: When will the PlayStation.Blog start talking about games again? A: Tomorrow! Thank you for bearing with us as our role changed over the past few weeks. James will be back tomorrow and will be talking games every day leading up to E3, which is just a few short weeks away. PlayStationEU PlayStation Blog EUPlease bear with us as we continue working on #PSN restoration. We are experiencing extremely heavy traffic. PlayStationEU PlayStation Blog EU For those still waiting for #PSN password reset emails, please be patient as we are handling a lot of requests. Some of you have mentioned that you have not received your password reset emails. With the huge number of people coming back online at the same time and resetting their passwords, it is creating significant email traffic to ISPs. The consequence is that some of the ISPs are throttling the emails. We are currently trying to resolve this, but in the meantime please be patient and refrain from submitting multiple requests. You will receive you reset email and be able to get back to enjoying your online gaming. Update: We’re currently experiencing an extremely heavy load of password resets, so we recently had to turn off services for approximately 30 minutes to clear the queue. If you’ve requested your password reset, please give it a bit of time to reach your email. Lenke til kommentar
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