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Hva ville du gjøre om du kune endre WOW.

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Her ser dere min opprinnelige post på forumet til The Gnomish Rescue Squad på serveren Argent Dawn. Jeg beklager at den er på englesk, men jeg regner med at de fleste som spiller dette kan det gjeldende språket.


1. I would fire Afrabiasi! The leader of those who gave us the new world...I mean they messed up world, that makes no sense anymore because it is fragmented and out of time. It reminds me a lot of other games like AOC that built a world of instances...it just doesn't work!


2. Prohibit any flying near and in major cities, just like it was in Dalaran, that worked perfectly, with automatic parachute if you got too close. By the way, Grimmspanners organized attack on Orgrimmar is just the way it should be done, parachutes are great! That night it was raining gnomes over Orgrimmar, it is something they will remember, those few that were aroun. Next time we will take over their bank! :evil


3. Roll back time so DK's could become the class they should have been, and was in the past. Should be possible ICly I think.


4. Give Trolls and gnomes a proper capitol, and design the gnomes capitol in a way that will grant them access to the sea, with submarines. And with connection to all major cities of the world, by sea!


5. Let the under water areas be swarmed by elites, so that no player character could ever go there again, and by that make a new mythology! Ref:fire Afrabiasi.


6. Remake the world in a way that will make it feel like one world and not 10! Sorry, but that is one of the main reasone why I left WOW, just like I left AOC after a few days. For me, an MMORPG is about feeling that my character is living in a huge open world.


7. Make cross-connected portals in all capitols, so that you can be located to the capitol where you feel your character belongs. Even Exodaar feels more at home for Winzy than Stormwind does nowadays. Those portals should be handled by powerful mages who worked just like flightmasters, you pay them a "fair" fee for the portal and then they open the portal for you to where you pay for.


8. Lets get back to hard instances like we had in the old days, and long, like Maurodon, it was epic without epic loot!


9. Remove all badges, if you wanted gear, you would have to actually play the game and get loot from the battles you fought, just like in vanilla.


10. Make an option where random dungeon group culd only be from you own server, so that rude players could over time become ignored.


11. Make the instances even harder, so that you would have to use all you abilities together to succeed, make them a puzzle, and reward it. The way people think they can blast through challenging adventures today is just utterly sad. It is a reflection of how easy it is to get rewards in real life today, and I deeply dislike it. Excellence should require skill and effort!


12. Make battles less dependant on tanks and healers, tune them to suit the setup of those who enters, but keep it challenging. I will never forget the old days when GRS went to Maurodon without tanks and healers, we struggled hard all the way, we never came to the end, but what an epic adventure!


13. Remove class restricted gear. That is just a way to distribute gear to people who do not respect eachother. Everyone should be able to roll on anything they like, at any time. If there are people who rolls on gear they should't have, then the community should solve that, not game-mechanics.


14. Skip all seasonal events, or create something creative that stems from WOW lore, not from RL. I really dislike those RL references, and especially the meaningless grind related to them, even if dresses is the final reward.


15. Remove achievements, at least those that makes no sens ICly.


16. No connections between the collectable card game and the online game World of Warcraft.


17. Remove all unrealistic pets from the game. Like Mini-diablo, the zergling, the Starcraft soldier, and the likes, it is rubbish! By the way i have most of them in my collection, because I have always bought collectors editions, but I dislike them, most of them are seriously out of place.


18. Stop making quests where you have NPCs with you that is overpowered. In Mount hyjal, Winzy was together with 2(or was it 3?) NPCs that killed Ragnaros together with her....that makes no sense at all, even less sense than Winzy breathing submerged in the ocean. Ref:Fire the designer of the new world.


19. Automatic dismount near any questgivers.


20. Roll back to ythe old skilltrees, the new ones are rubbish. And this comes from a person that has never been very fond of skilltrees, but a person that has been very fond of diversity and fredom of choice.


21. FIX THE EMOTES! I will not return to WOW unless they make Winzy able to point her finger while striding. And the cheebouncing is gone, now it is only bouncing, and that is what elves do!


22. Worgen should only be in animal shape when in battle, among other people they should look human. Seeing Stormwind crawing with fourlegged drooling creature is for just too immersionbreaking.


23. Remove all pets, but as a gift to us all, make characters able to attract a pet in the open world, it could even be skill related. Like getting a gorilla pup from Northrend if you had never worked for the Frenzyhearts. That would make sense.


24. Yes! Let the player make choices, so that you could never get everything, no matter what you did, but your choices on the way would give you a distinct look or connection.


25. And here comes the bomb. Your actions would make you prone to be able to understand the other factions language, but it should require a very very very long term relation, like if you killed the opposite factions leader, you would not be able to understand their language, ever. But if you had done the 100 or so quests related to the other faction, you would some day understand their language.


26. All RP server should be PvP, everywhere! That would certainly make us dependant of eachother, and I bet it would create some awesome RP!


27. Remake the guild achievements, simply because they are much less than I could have made on a utterly dunk evening. The guild achievements have a total and utter lack of creativity, I am soooo disappointed! Blizzard!???? Where have they gone?!!!!!


28. No more fishies that made Winzy so rich in the old days. No ability to make gnomes look like a tauren, or the other way around, it is just rubbish!


29. Never revive old bosses, like they have done with Ragnaros, but the worst example is probabaly Onyxia, it is just utterly sad. Onyxia should be killed at lvl 60, not lvl 80, and the reintroduction of Onyxia as a ll 80 boss was just a very sad sign of lacking imgination...bleh! Blizzard have so many great people in their company, that such a lazy solution only tealls me one thing....greed and no respect for the gamers! How are the myths gonna survive if there will always be something new and easy-mode?!!!! Urgh!


30. Stop nerfing instances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that was it for now. :evil


To be continued. This was just from the top of my head while drunk, there are likely at least 10 more things I would like to see differently in the future of WOW. I feel like Blizzard has tried to please too many people, and I know money talks, but for me money usually talks rubbish when it comes to elegance, style and art. I think Blizzard have destroyed WOW because they are greedy. They have implemented fuctionalities in the game that triggers greed and ugly things that I do not feel comfortable with. I want a world that is believeable for my character, not a world where I as a player can prove how sick I am.


Fill me in if you like, I have a feeling that GRS even have connections to Blizzard somehow. I doubt it is only chance that Toshley's troops had blue striders(it was my invention 4 years ago) and that they have made a Winzy(as far as I know, there were no Winzy before I made her 5 1/2 years ago) in Cataclysm. I am not the connection, but I am certain we have been seen as a group, GRS is something notable, something very special. So Blizzard should know when intelligence strikes back, or turns the back on them, it is their choice, or ours.


My chice for now will be Rift, but some day I will return to Winzy, but I think they should develop the game better than what I have seen lately. If not, there will only be one Winzy in WOW. Perhaps they already knew.... :undecided


Det kommer to meldinger til nå, og jeg synes det er ganske viktig for å forstå hva dette handler om.


Sitat igjen:


31. I would let old time customers still post on the forum. I got this message when i tried to post:


This game licence has expired or been frozen.


And I treid to post in this topic:


If u could would make your own mount, what would it be?



A gorilla, the mother of Misty, just so that Misty wouldn't have to be with gnomes alone.


But sadly it is just a dream, since Misty's mom was killed by a crazed dwarven hunter down there...it is all very sad.


The father has never been seen, I think he got hooked on al the weird trolls mojo.


So, i think I will continue with my lovely blue strider, just like the lads and lasses up at Toshley's Camp.


Stride With Pride!


How can they?!!! Heartless, ignorant, greedy buggars! Where has the belief in peoples greater good gone?!


32. Do NOT delete charecters made before 2010! I fear the worst!


Winzy is most likely taking up too much space on this company's servers, so when(if) I decide to return to Azeroth, I will get the message:

"Thanks for subscribing again. Because of strained server capacities all you characters have been deleted. In compencation you can now freely pick a Worgen of Death Knight of lvl 85 of you choice to play, and they can not walk but only swim! We wish you an enjoyable time in World of Warcraft."

Endret av Puzzlefuzz
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Jeg håper de fleste klarere å lese engelsk, og at posten blir forstått.


Jeg synes det er veldig synd at ting har blitt slik det har blitt, jeg trivdes veldig godt med å "være" Winzy(Puzzlefuzz) i World of Warcraft, men en dag blir begeret fullt.


Start på 33 og føy til det dere mener passer. Som dere ser har jeg veldig lite fokus på skills, classes og stats, og det er fordi jeg har levd som Winzy der, og hun bryr seg ikke så mye om tall, hun er mer opptatt av pene klær og gode venner, og selvfølgelig farlige fiender om de skulle komme i hennes vei.


Jeg er som dere skjønner utroling skuffa over hva Cataclysm har gjort med spillet, og mye av det som har skjedd i utviklinga underveis, det lukter mer penger enn sjel her, og jeg liker det veldig dårlig.


Kom med gode innspill til hva som kunne være bedre i WOW, ingen vits i hat-melding om du er uenig i mine synspunkter, vri dem heller på en klok måtte slik at vi kan glise litt av hverandres ønsker.


Uansett, Rift er nå på trappene, jeg er skeptsik, men jeg frykter at Puzzlefuzz bare blir et navn her på forumet, og ikke i World of Warcraft, desverre. Håper de fikser en del ting til neste expansion.


Værsågod 33:

Endret av Puzzlefuzz
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Tenkte dette var rette plassen å vise folket hvilken avatar jeg egentlig ønsket meg her på forumet, men desverre ble den for stor.


Her er den på samme emnet jeg laget på GRS sin egen site:




Fisking er fint!


Signaturen er heller ikke så ille. Den er et resultat av en bug jeg oppdaget en av de første gangene Winzy gikk gjennom "The Dark Portal", det er ikke manipulert, hum holdt faktisk geværet og en kniv i hver sin hånd. Jeg mener det må være et av de mest spesieller karrakterbildene jeg har sett fra WOW noensinne. "flex"


Brag-out! B)

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  • 2 uker senere...

Personlig liker jeg WoW som det er. for en RP-character sitt standpunkt kan jeg skjønne at noen ting er litt trasige, men "gameplay-wise" mener jeg at de har fått til ekstremt mye med cataclysm.


De kunne kanskje skrudd opp noen av heroicene et par hakk til på vanskelighetsskalaen, men så får vi jo ZA og ZG i neste patch som forhåpentligvis blir vanskelige nok

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  • 2 uker senere...

Her ser dere min opprinnelige post på forumet til The Gnomish Rescue Squad på serveren Argent Dawn. Jeg beklager at den er på englesk, men jeg regner med at de fleste som spiller dette kan det gjeldende språket.


1. I would fire Afrabiasi! The leader of those who gave us the new world...I mean they messed up world, that makes no sense anymore because it is fragmented and out of time. It reminds me a lot of other games like AOC that built a world of instances...it just doesn't work!


2. Prohibit any flying near and in major cities, just like it was in Dalaran, that worked perfectly, with automatic parachute if you got too close. By the way, Grimmspanners organized attack on Orgrimmar is just the way it should be done, parachutes are great! That night it was raining gnomes over Orgrimmar, it is something they will remember, those few that were aroun. Next time we will take over their bank! :evil


3. Roll back time so DK's could become the class they should have been, and was in the past. Should be possible ICly I think.


4. Give Trolls and gnomes a proper capitol, and design the gnomes capitol in a way that will grant them access to the sea, with submarines. And with connection to all major cities of the world, by sea!


5. Let the under water areas be swarmed by elites, so that no player character could ever go there again, and by that make a new mythology! Ref:fire Afrabiasi.


6. Remake the world in a way that will make it feel like one world and not 10! Sorry, but that is one of the main reasone why I left WOW, just like I left AOC after a few days. For me, an MMORPG is about feeling that my character is living in a huge open world.


7. Make cross-connected portals in all capitols, so that you can be located to the capitol where you feel your character belongs. Even Exodaar feels more at home for Winzy than Stormwind does nowadays. Those portals should be handled by powerful mages who worked just like flightmasters, you pay them a "fair" fee for the portal and then they open the portal for you to where you pay for.


8. Lets get back to hard instances like we had in the old days, and long, like Maurodon, it was epic without epic loot!


9. Remove all badges, if you wanted gear, you would have to actually play the game and get loot from the battles you fought, just like in vanilla.


10. Make an option where random dungeon group culd only be from you own server, so that rude players could over time become ignored.


11. Make the instances even harder, so that you would have to use all you abilities together to succeed, make them a puzzle, and reward it. The way people think they can blast through challenging adventures today is just utterly sad. It is a reflection of how easy it is to get rewards in real life today, and I deeply dislike it. Excellence should require skill and effort!


12. Make battles less dependant on tanks and healers, tune them to suit the setup of those who enters, but keep it challenging. I will never forget the old days when GRS went to Maurodon without tanks and healers, we struggled hard all the way, we never came to the end, but what an epic adventure!


13. Remove class restricted gear. That is just a way to distribute gear to people who do not respect eachother. Everyone should be able to roll on anything they like, at any time. If there are people who rolls on gear they should't have, then the community should solve that, not game-mechanics.


14. Skip all seasonal events, or create something creative that stems from WOW lore, not from RL. I really dislike those RL references, and especially the meaningless grind related to them, even if dresses is the final reward.


15. Remove achievements, at least those that makes no sens ICly.


16. No connections between the collectable card game and the online game World of Warcraft.


17. Remove all unrealistic pets from the game. Like Mini-diablo, the zergling, the Starcraft soldier, and the likes, it is rubbish! By the way i have most of them in my collection, because I have always bought collectors editions, but I dislike them, most of them are seriously out of place.


18. Stop making quests where you have NPCs with you that is overpowered. In Mount hyjal, Winzy was together with 2(or was it 3?) NPCs that killed Ragnaros together with her....that makes no sense at all, even less sense than Winzy breathing submerged in the ocean. Ref:Fire the designer of the new world.


19. Automatic dismount near any questgivers.


20. Roll back to ythe old skilltrees, the new ones are rubbish. And this comes from a person that has never been very fond of skilltrees, but a person that has been very fond of diversity and fredom of choice.


21. FIX THE EMOTES! I will not return to WOW unless they make Winzy able to point her finger while striding. And the cheebouncing is gone, now it is only bouncing, and that is what elves do!


22. Worgen should only be in animal shape when in battle, among other people they should look human. Seeing Stormwind crawing with fourlegged drooling creature is for just too immersionbreaking.


23. Remove all pets, but as a gift to us all, make characters able to attract a pet in the open world, it could even be skill related. Like getting a gorilla pup from Northrend if you had never worked for the Frenzyhearts. That would make sense.


24. Yes! Let the player make choices, so that you could never get everything, no matter what you did, but your choices on the way would give you a distinct look or connection.


25. And here comes the bomb. Your actions would make you prone to be able to understand the other factions language, but it should require a very very very long term relation, like if you killed the opposite factions leader, you would not be able to understand their language, ever. But if you had done the 100 or so quests related to the other faction, you would some day understand their language.


26. All RP server should be PvP, everywhere! That would certainly make us dependant of eachother, and I bet it would create some awesome RP!


27. Remake the guild achievements, simply because they are much less than I could have made on a utterly dunk evening. The guild achievements have a total and utter lack of creativity, I am soooo disappointed! Blizzard!???? Where have they gone?!!!!!


28. No more fishies that made Winzy so rich in the old days. No ability to make gnomes look like a tauren, or the other way around, it is just rubbish!


29. Never revive old bosses, like they have done with Ragnaros, but the worst example is probabaly Onyxia, it is just utterly sad. Onyxia should be killed at lvl 60, not lvl 80, and the reintroduction of Onyxia as a ll 80 boss was just a very sad sign of lacking imgination...bleh! Blizzard have so many great people in their company, that such a lazy solution only tealls me one thing....greed and no respect for the gamers! How are the myths gonna survive if there will always be something new and easy-mode?!!!! Urgh!


30. Stop nerfing instances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that was it for now. :evil


To be continued. This was just from the top of my head while drunk, there are likely at least 10 more things I would like to see differently in the future of WOW. I feel like Blizzard has tried to please too many people, and I know money talks, but for me money usually talks rubbish when it comes to elegance, style and art. I think Blizzard have destroyed WOW because they are greedy. They have implemented fuctionalities in the game that triggers greed and ugly things that I do not feel comfortable with. I want a world that is believeable for my character, not a world where I as a player can prove how sick I am.


Fill me in if you like, I have a feeling that GRS even have connections to Blizzard somehow. I doubt it is only chance that Toshley's troops had blue striders(it was my invention 4 years ago) and that they have made a Winzy(as far as I know, there were no Winzy before I made her 5 1/2 years ago) in Cataclysm. I am not the connection, but I am certain we have been seen as a group, GRS is something notable, something very special. So Blizzard should know when intelligence strikes back, or turns the back on them, it is their choice, or ours.


My chice for now will be Rift, but some day I will return to Winzy, but I think they should develop the game better than what I have seen lately. If not, there will only be one Winzy in WOW. Perhaps they already knew.... :undecided


Det kommer to meldinger til nå, og jeg synes det er ganske viktig for å forstå hva dette handler om.


Sitat igjen:


31. I would let old time customers still post on the forum. I got this message when i tried to post:


This game licence has expired or been frozen.


And I treid to post in this topic:


If u could would make your own mount, what would it be?



A gorilla, the mother of Misty, just so that Misty wouldn't have to be with gnomes alone.


But sadly it is just a dream, since Misty's mom was killed by a crazed dwarven hunter down there...it is all very sad.


The father has never been seen, I think he got hooked on al the weird trolls mojo.


So, i think I will continue with my lovely blue strider, just like the lads and lasses up at Toshley's Camp.


Stride With Pride!


How can they?!!! Heartless, ignorant, greedy buggars! Where has the belief in peoples greater good gone?!


32. Do NOT delete charecters made before 2010! I fear the worst!


Winzy is most likely taking up too much space on this company's servers, so when(if) I decide to return to Azeroth, I will get the message:

"Thanks for subscribing again. Because of strained server capacities all you characters have been deleted. In compencation you can now freely pick a Worgen of Death Knight of lvl 85 of you choice to play, and they can not walk but only swim! We wish you an enjoyable time in World of Warcraft."


Det ville nok vært et økonomisk dårlig valg på kort sikt, men det første jeg ville gjort var å frata folk med en klageliste som din retten til å spille. 90% pølsevevssyting. Jeg kunne vist til nærmest hvilket punkt som helst, men kan bruke nr. 18, da det viser ganske tydelig hvor ignorant du er.


"Stop making quests where you have NPCs with you that is overpowered. In Mount hyjal, Winzy was together with 2(or was it 3?) NPCs that killed Ragnaros together with her....that makes no sense at all, even less sense than Winzy breathing submerged in the ocean. Ref:Fire the designer of the new world."


Dere drepte ikke Ragnaros. Og NPCene du er med er ikke mer overpowered enn at dere taper fighten om du ikke gjør jobben din. Grunnen til at du får quests som det etter å ha gått gjennom lange questchains er at du skal få mer kjennskap til lore, og at folk som ikke raider skal få se noen skikkelige badguys. Helt utrolig at folk kan irritere seg nok over sånt til å inkludere det på en liste over ting man vil forandre i WoW.


Jeg ville, foruten å tynne ut spillerbasen, ha gjort noe med honorfarmen, som ødelegger battlegrounds og som er meget irriterende for dem som vil spille arena, og jeg ville introdusert ratings til BGs også for dem som signer opp uten fulle premades. I tillegg ville jeg ha sørga for mer krevende heroics (eventuelt innført et enda høyere dungeonnivå).

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Redusert grinding. Grinding. I det minste gjøre lvling og lignende mer spennende (se om wilderness). I tillegg kan man introdusere andre aspekter. Et slags politisk/kompetetivt system som gir en del fordeler, men med begrensede plasser. Grinde gear kan fortsatt være der, men forskjellene blir mindre mellom noe som er lett å få, og noe som krever mye farming.


Fjern/reduser "holy trinity" delen. Tenk på hvordan et slag mellom to grupper faktisk ville sett ut, og prøv å imiter det. Å heale mer enn innkommende dps, er i alle fall helt urealistisk.


Wilderness (opprinnelig posta et annet sted, ikke spesifikt retta mot wow):

In current mmorpgs the wilderness is quite dull.

This will be a description of how the wilderness around the beginning town could look like, but the

same principles can and should also be applied later.

I'm not sure how well it fits this subforum topic, but it fits the thread title.


You're placed in the beginner town. The town is surrounded by wilderness and there are different

types of wilderness in the different directions. You are free to go anywhere you want,

but there will be a beginner quest chain, introducing you to the game that most will follow.

The wilderness around the town are mainly forests, but to the north it is denser and darker.


You are first sent out into the "normal" forest,

here you will enounter regular monsters like in typical mmos, but there are not as many of them.

There are enemies that are "hiding" that will come out if you approach, or only if you do something

special. This is a good way to balance monster numbers compared to players in the area.

If there's many players the, spawing will be more agressive (secret world will enable you to

summon zombies by turning on car alarms).

There will also be types of non agressive monsters.

The first type is something like big, powerful and peaceful plant eating animals. You can attack

them, but they can easily crush you.

The other type is herds. They are formed by a specie of smaller plant eating animals.

They are individually defeatable, but an attack on one will either cause them to flee, or they will

attack you (most likely alpha males). They will generally travel over large areas, and a running herd

can easily trample anyone standing in the way (although getting hit by a "herdtrain" is unlikely).

Herd's consist of females, juveniles, young/small males and big and powerful alpha males.

This can be considered the"casual"/safe wilderness area.


The forest to the north will look very similar, but it is denser and has a darker atmosphere.

Monsters are found in fewer numbers here, but they are stronger and have a more agressive


The big and powerful peaceful creatures are now more agressive. If you get very close or do

something wrong, they may attack you, but only after warning you to back off (which you should


The alpha males in herds are very agressive here, and if you approach a juvenile or a female,

close alpha members will fend you off. They will charge towards you, but if you run away, they

will not follow. An alpha male is difficult to kill, but a small party (3-4) will easily take one down.

Killing an alpha male will cause the belonging herd to flee at full speed to a location far away.

If you kill more than one of other types, and the alpha males are struggling to take you down,

it will also cause the herd to flee.

The big difference however, that makes these forests so dangerous, are wolves. They are fierce

predators cooperating together. Scouts will run around, and detect targets from a large distance.

If they believe you are weak enough, they will attack you. If not, they will call the others.

An available party of this specie will respond, and move towards your location. The scout will

follow you, but keep it's distance, so fleeing away is not that easy. Only a large party (8+) will be

strong enough to not attract wolves. To escape you must loose the scout, and preferably get away

before backup arrives. The best thing though, is to stay undetected. Characters will be given several

ways to stay undetected, and this is crucial to survive in the northern forest and similar types of



RIFT made rifts with demons pop up, but I'd rather see interesting monster/animal behaviours like

what I described here. They enrich the world, where both strong and weak monsters are mixed,

without making it to "hardcore", as yes there's monsters that can defeat you, but you can generally

avoid those fights. However a group may take on some of those fights, making the forests

interesting for both groups and individuals.

You can avoid the northern forest, but the increased difficulty is more exciting than pure attribute

boosts and rewards are generally higher here. Many special items (like rare crafting materials) are

only found in these types of areas.


What you end up with is a much more interesting wilderness.

Let's say you're asked to bring proof of killing a wolf. How do you go about?

Wolves will keep their distance, unless they think they can win.

Do you make yourself appear weaker to lure it in, do you set a trap, do you use a weaker player as

bait, or do you become the hunter yourself by sneaking up on a wolf?

By making dynamic behaviours like these, simple kill/gather quests get much more interesting,

as they have the potential to be fun to do. This can compete against well made, scripted story heavy


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" 19. Automatic dismount near any questgivers."


Det er det mest retarderte jeg har hørt i hele mitt liv.


"13. Remove class restricted gear. That is just a way to distribute gear to people who do not respect eachother. Everyone should be able to roll on anything they like, at any time. If there are people who rolls on gear they should't have, then the community should solve that, not game-mechanics."


Så warrior skal kunne rolle på gear som gjør Death Strike eller Rightous Fury bedre? Er du sinnsyk?


ITT: RP-fag uten noen spillforståelse som har meninger på samme nivå som en degenerert halvape.

Endret av ArilC
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  • 11 måneder senere...

Jeg ville gjort sånn at feign death ikke virker mot beasts som er kjøttetere, de mister jo ikke nødvendigvis interessen av at du er død.

Og så ville jeg gitt critters mer hp. det er usannsynlig at en høne eksploderer av at en nyfødt nelf klapser den med hånden.

Deretter ville jeg kanskje gitt gear til alle som fullførte et raid(altså når man får achievementen for å ha klart alle bossene), i tillegg til standard drops. for eksempel en valgfri piece hadde jo vært fantastisk, så slipper man å dra seg gjennom ICC 150 ganger for å kanskje få en bow som er bedre enn item lvl 232! Synes at innsats og resultater bør rewardes mer enn flaks med /roll, og noen guilds jeg var innom hadde retarded dkp system der man må booste achievement runs/alts etc for å tjene dkp til å by mot de andre, og DET tar jeg meg ikke tid til så da ble det å vente til alle hadde maxet mainspec og offspec om ikke 2nd offspec. Plutselig så blir man lei og slutter, muligens det beste som har skjedd meg uansett.

Fjerne fisking, fiskestenger, og alt som har med det å gjøre, evt at det kun funker med lånt stang på fiskefestival en gang i mnd. Mange lands BNP hadde økt med flere % av at dette tidssløseriet alene forsvant.

Til slutt ville jeg lagt til en optional funksjon; "ikonene" til charactersene i raid interface viser bilde fra webcam og fx hvis man har multi screen setup så kan man forstørre det og se trynet til folk når moro ting skjer. går sikkert an å fikse noe 3rd party stæsj men da er det så mye styr med å få det til å virke og å få alle med

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1. I would fire Afrabiasi! The leader of those who gave us the new world...I mean they messed up world, that makes no sense anymore because it is fragmented and out of time. It reminds me a lot of other games like AOC that built a world of instances...it just doesn't work!

De har ikke lagt inn noen instances eller steder hvor du må loade i hvordan verden har blitt nå. Det eneste er at de har forandret utseende.


2. Prohibit any flying near and in major cities, just like it was in Dalaran, that worked perfectly, with automatic parachute if you got too close. By the way, Grimmspanners organized attack on Orgrimmar is just the way it should be done, parachutes are great! That night it was raining gnomes over Orgrimmar, it is something they will remember, those few that were aroun. Next time we will take over their bank! :evil

Hvorfor vil du ha det slik?

Jeg kan huske at det var utrolig irriterende i Dalaran, og ble veldig glad de opphevet den.


3. Roll back time so DK's could become the class they should have been, and was in the past. Should be possible ICly I think.

Mener du å gjøre de til den "hero" klassen som de snakket om før DK ble 'utgitt'?

Hvis så er jeg enig med deg.


4. Give Trolls and gnomes a proper capitol, and design the gnomes capitol in a way that will grant them access to the sea, with submarines. And with connection to all major cities of the world, by sea!

Ser ikke poenge, eller ifra en RP perspektiv så kanskje det hadde vært flott.


5. Let the under water areas be swarmed by elites, so that no player character could ever go there again, and by that make a new mythology! Ref:fire Afrabiasi.



6. Remake the world in a way that will make it feel like one world and not 10! Sorry, but that is one of the main reasone why I left WOW, just like I left AOC after a few days. For me, an MMORPG is about feeling that my character is living in a huge open world.

Det er bare sånn verden har utviklet seg, først Outland -> Northrend og så tilbake til Azeroth.

Uansett så har de nå totalt 3 'huge open world'.


7. Make cross-connected portals in all capitols, so that you can be located to the capitol where you feel your character belongs. Even Exodaar feels more at home for Winzy than Stormwind does nowadays. Those portals should be handled by powerful mages who worked just like flightmasters, you pay them a "fair" fee for the portal and then they open the portal for you to where you pay for.

Ja, så bare snakk med en mage og du vil få en portal hvor du vil, imot en liten sum?


8. Lets get back to hard instances like we had in the old days, and long, like Maurodon, it was epic without epic loot!

Er vel et subjektivt spm, selv liker jeg korte instancer. Om det er epic loot med eller ikke betyr ikke så fryktelig mye.


9. Remove all badges, if you wanted gear, you would have to actually play the game and get loot from the battles you fought, just like in vanilla.

Tja, jo.


10. Make an option where random dungeon group culd only be from you own server, so that rude players could over time become ignored.

Er ærlig talt ikke ofte man møter på retards, og om så er det raskt å bare ignorer de og sjangsen for å treffe på de igjen i en random dungeon er vel minimal?

Men ja, det hadde ikke vært dumt å ha muligheten, selv om det ville bety lengre ventetid.


11. Make the instances even harder, so that you would have to use all you abilities together to succeed, make them a puzzle, and reward it. The way people think they can blast through challenging adventures today is just utterly sad. It is a reflection of how easy it is to get rewards in real life today, and I deeply dislike it. Excellence should require skill and effort!

Ja, 'heroic' instancer er altfor lett, siden man raskt outgearer de og kan med det bare dps ned alt du møter på.


12. Make battles less dependant on tanks and healers, tune them to suit the setup of those who enters, but keep it challenging. I will never forget the old days when GRS went to Maurodon without tanks and healers, we struggled hard all the way, we never came to the end, but what an epic adventure!

Hvorfor ikke bare fjern tanks og healer, så kan alle dps bare løpe rundt?

Nei, veldig uenig med den uttalelsen.


13. Remove class restricted gear. That is just a way to distribute gear to people who do not respect eachother. Everyone should be able to roll on anything they like, at any time. If there are people who rolls on gear they should't have, then the community should solve that, not game-mechanics.

Det er slik det var før, og det funket ikke.

Folk er griske og rollet på alt de kan få tak i.

Det ville også gi GM enda mer å gjøre på om de skulle gå inn i hver instances og dele ut items til de som de hører til.

Det har heller aldri vært "lov" å henge ut folk som ninja items (som jeg kan huske ihvertfall)


14. Skip all seasonal events, or create something creative that stems from WOW lore, not from RL. I really dislike those RL references, and especially the meaningless grind related to them, even if dresses is the final reward.

Jeg aner ut ifra spm og måten du skriver, så er du en ivrig RP'er, så jeg kan forstå hvorfor du skriver det du gjøre.

Men sett fra en ikke RP så bryr jeg meg fint lite om de sesong greiene.


15. Remove achievements, at least those that makes no sens ICly.

Hvorfor fjerne de?

Jeg er ikke noe achivement hore, men kan forstå mange som blir ekstra motivert til å spille WoW pga av det.



16. No connections between the collectable card game and the online game World of Warcraft.

Javel? Hvorfor ikke?

Du liker ikke at andre har ting som de har betalt for, mens du ikke har?

Eller har jeg misforstått?


17. Remove all unrealistic pets from the game. Like Mini-diablo, the zergling, the Starcraft soldier, and the likes, it is rubbish! By the way i have most of them in my collection, because I have always bought collectors editions, but I dislike them, most of them are seriously out of place.

<Viser til svar på spm #14>


18. Stop making quests where you have NPCs with you that is overpowered. In Mount hyjal, Winzy was together with 2(or was it 3?) NPCs that killed Ragnaros together with her....that makes no sense at all, even less sense than Winzy breathing submerged in the ocean. Ref:Fire the designer of the new world.

Winzy er din character antar eg?

Nå fikk jeg aldri raidet Mount Hyjal, men de instance og slik jeg har vært med i så har NPC aldri vært så sterk at h*n kunne gjort alt uten resten av spillerene.


19. Automatic dismount near any questgivers.

Lattelig, og ser ikke poenge.

Om det er at du ikke kan selv klikke på NPC'en så har de laget en løsning rundt det.


20. Roll back to ythe old skilltrees, the new ones are rubbish. And this comes from a person that has never been very fond of skilltrees, but a person that has been very fond of diversity and fredom of choice.

Dette er vel 'bring back vanilla servers'


21. FIX THE EMOTES! I will not return to WOW unless they make Winzy able to point her finger while striding. And the cheebouncing is gone, now it is only bouncing, and that is what elves do!

RP alert.


22. Worgen should only be in animal shape when in battle, among other people they should look human. Seeing Stormwind crawing with fourlegged drooling creature is for just too immersionbreaking.

Det må vel finnes andre MMO der ute som er mer RP orientert enn WoW?


23. Remove all pets, but as a gift to us all, make characters able to attract a pet in the open world, it could even be skill related. Like getting a gorilla pup from Northrend if you had never worked for the Frenzyhearts. That would make sense.

Forstår ikke hva du mener med å fjerne alle pets, og så gi oss alle som en gave?

Resten så får du rolle en hunter.


24. Yes! Let the player make choices, so that you could never get everything, no matter what you did, but your choices on the way would give you a distinct look or connection.

Dette viser jo til spm du stilte over.

Du må ofre litt for å kunne utforske alt som WoW har å tilby.


25. And here comes the bomb. Your actions would make you prone to be able to understand the other factions language, but it should require a very very very long term relation, like if you killed the opposite factions leader, you would not be able to understand their language, ever. But if you had done the 100 or so quests related to the other faction, you would some day understand their language.



26. All RP server should be PvP, everywhere! That would certainly make us dependant of eachother, and I bet it would create some awesome RP!

Finnes da RPPvP server, hvorfor skal ALLE være det?

Ikke alle liker den samme spillemåten som du beskriver.


27. Remake the guild achievements, simply because they are much less than I could have made on a utterly dunk evening. The guild achievements have a total and utter lack of creativity, I am soooo disappointed! Blizzard!???? Where have they gone?!!!!!

Kom med noen mer kreative achivements da?


28. No more fishies that made Winzy so rich in the old days. No ability to make gnomes look like a tauren, or the other way around, it is just rubbish!

RP alert.


29. Never revive old bosses, like they have done with Ragnaros, but the worst example is probabaly Onyxia, it is just utterly sad. Onyxia should be killed at lvl 60, not lvl 80, and the reintroduction of Onyxia as a ll 80 boss was just a very sad sign of lacking imgination...bleh! Blizzard have so many great people in their company, that such a lazy solution only tealls me one thing....greed and no respect for the gamers! How are the myths gonna survive if there will always be something new and easy-mode?!!!! Urgh!

Du kan jo tenke på det at folk som var 80, var glad for å prøve seg igjen på Onyxia?

Uansett så leser jeg mye lore ut ifra spm ditt, og alle har vel merket at WoW ikke bryr seg så veldig mye om loren lengre.



#30 - #31 - #32

Er bare bla bla bla.


Og det er utrolig irriterende å lese alle spm ifra en tydlig RP perspektiv.

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Overraskende nekro det der.


Jeg ser jo at folk ikke vil forandre mye i WOW, og det er nok uten tvil jeg som er sær, så det må jeg nok bare leve med. Ja, omtrent alle mine ønsker om forandringer i WOW er utsprunget fra det faktum at jeg er en rollespiller. Jeg vil ikke gå inn på de enkelte punktene du har svart på, Leon, men jeg ser at vår uenighet stort sett er knyttet til de punktene der jeg framstår som hard core RPer.


ICly betyr forøvrig In-Character'ly. Jeg søker alltid å "være" Winzy når jeg spiller henne, så når folk kommer flygende og lander på henne, og står oppå henne med en mammut når hun snakker med en eller annen questgiver, da blir hun(jeg) litt frustrert.


Jeg anser forøvrig min tid som WOW-spiller som over, stort sett. Jeg dropper innom en gang i blant, men hver gang blir jeg småkvalm etter en time eller to, jeg mener fortsatt at de ødela spillet fullstendig med Cataclysm. Jeg forsøkte å spille en del igjen før jul, men den siste dråpen fikk jeg når jeg oppdaget at de har resirkulert 1/3 av alle questene i Azeroth, slik at man må gjøre dem om igjen...nok er nok!


Kommer nok til å kjøpe "Mists of Pandaria", og levle gjennom det, men det vil overraske meg om det ikke innen den tid er kommet et annet MMO som kan fange min oppmerksomhet igjen på alvor. Jeg håper Funcom klarer å levere igjen med "Secret World", bare ikke de lager en instanced world, slik de gjorde med "Age of Conan". Jeg vil ha store områder, kjenne opplevelsen av å reise, ikke mirakuløst flytte meg mange mil gjennom å vandre gjennom en port.


Vel, jeg regner vel med dette emnet kan få dø igjen. Mine utgydelser treffer neppe så veldig mange av spillerne på dette forumet hjemme, så jeg skal trekke meg stille tilbake nå.

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Er det en ting jeg savner med gamle WoW så er det at serverne hadde mye mer sjel før i tiden.


*Nesten alle vennene mine spilte på den samme serveren

*Alle man var i gruppe med spilte på den samme serveren

*Man visste hvem de beste spillerne var


Faction, server og character change samt cross-realm gameplay endret dette for alltid.


Nå kan en male dwarf plutselig bli en female belf.. eller forsvinne til en helt annen server. Før i tiden kunne en bli kjent med folk via 5man dungeons. Nå vil man sannsynligvis aldri møte de igjen.


På den ene siden er det fint med flere valgmuligheter, på den andre har endringene fjernet mye av sjarmen til WoW.

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Man kan jo fortsette å holde kontakten med folk via Real-ID friend listen da.

Selv synes jeg også at Crossrealm dungeon/raid har sine fordeler og ulemper.

Vet ikke engang lengre hvilken guild som er "best" på min egen server lenger. Kan jo selfølgelig være at jeg har blitt mye mindre aktiv på WoW

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Jeg savner tiden før dungeon finder. når en måtte reise til dungeon sjøl. en rakk og bli kjent med folk før vi startet på dungeonen. nå er det ikke noe komunikasjon lengere. og kjøre en dungeon nå føles som singleplayer med npc's du får til og med addons som sier "Hey" når du joiner og "Thanks. bb" etter siste bossen detter. utrolig kjedelig.

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Seriøst? Enda en tråd om hvor forferdelig WoW har blitt? Er det så vanskelig å bare slutte, og ikke gidde å bry andre med egne negative tanker?


Hvis jeg ikke liker bilen jeg kjører rundt i, så selger jeg den og finner noe annet. Jeg beholder den ikke på trass, og mot min vilje.


For det meste så var det veldig tl;dr, da det meste var relativt usakelig.

Endret av DavidH
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Er du sikker på det ville være så lett å selge bilen om du viste at du solgte familien din samtidig?


Det er slik det føles å slutte å spille WOW, man venner ryggen til folk man har spillt sammen med i over 7 år, det er ikke like lett som å slutte å spille et hvilket som helst spill.

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