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Skyrim-tråden: hvor dragefødte møtes for å prate om løst og fast

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Ser for meg ut som om de 7000 trinnene opp til High Hrothgar ikke bare er èn trapp opp fjellet, men en serie kortere trapper med tilsammen 7000 trinn. Om det er Hrothgar vi ser på toppen av fjellet i det hele tatt, og ikke bare en ruin.

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Fra en dude på Elderscrolls-forumet:


The Dutch Power Unlimited dropped in my mailbox today. Highlights of the 4-page article:


  • "You can use fast travel to revisit places you have visited earlier."
  • "Skyrim is approximately as big as Oblivion."
  • "Five big cities and more than 130 dungeons."
  • "Low-Fantasy" (Meaning the game does not look as vibrant, vivid and weird as Morrowind did, more like Oblivion) -> "Oblivion was for sure not over-the-top in terms of its style, but Skyrim should be considered low fantasy even more than its predecessor. Much of the locations look realistic, and could easily exist in our own world."
  • "The overarching narrative of the Dragons is less prominent than the Oblivion Gates were in Oblivion, which does not give you the feeling that you are doing 'useless' quests when you lay aside the Main Quest."
  • "Dragons are not rare."
  • "Dungeons will be locked at their level once you have been there."
  • "Even in third person, animations look really good. There has been a lot of progress since Oblivion."
  • "You can read in-game books in 3-D."
  • "Every item has a 3D-preview in the Flash based inventory, which you can twist, turn, rotate, etc. Sometimes you will solve puzzles by analyzing these 3D-previews. Not only armor and weapons can be explored in great detail, also small rings and herbs can be investigated from all possible angles. Every single item in the game can be previewed in the inventory screen." "
  • "The Dark Brotherhood is back."
  • "Active blocking."
  • "More traps and puzzles."
  • "Main Story is approximately 20 hours."
  • The article also describes how the game starts: "This time, the game does not start in a prison. This time you witness your own execution, approximately 200 years after the events of Oblivion. Luckily, it seems like you are more than just a helpless convict."
  • "This time, the game does not start in a prison. This time you witness your own execution, approximately 200 years after the events of Oblivion. Luckily, it seems like you are more than just a helpless convict."
  • There's also an interview with Todd Howard in the article. These are the highlights of that interview:
  • "There are special animations for sneak kills with daggers." (The way it is written in Dutch does not imply that there are no special animations for other weapons btw...)
  • "We primarily look at how we can improve facial expressions and animations, graphics-wise."
  • "The game won't support Kinect. It takes too much memory."
  • "It is not yet possible to combine forms of magic. It is difficult. Frost magic makes an enemy move slower, and fire does damage over time, and the fire remains on the ground for additional damage. If we would allow the player to use fire magic in one hand, and frost magic in the other, it becomes much more complex. Maybe we will implement this though, but for the time being, 'No'."
  • "Someone modded Oblivion by changing the physics of shooting an arrow. It made you shoot slower and you almost had to remain stationary to shoot, which increased the arrow's impact. We liked this mod so much, that we implemented it in Skyrim by default."

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Enig med siste taler. Ellers er det tydeligvis noen som ikke har fått med seg hva som skiller high og low fantasy. TES er per definisjon high fantasy, enten graden av visuell realisme er stor eller liten.


Også kjekt at de gir buer litt mer buefølelse, men jeg synes fremdeles de kunne ha spandert på seg (og oss) å gi oss tilbake armbrøster og kastevåpen.

Endret av Zealuu
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Fantasi for meg handler om historie og en verden jeg kunne leve i på mange måter. Håper alltid at verden skal være så virkelighetsnær på alt som ikke bygger på fantasi. Da mener jeg ting som hopping, combat, animasjoner, riding. Trur alle skjønner hva jeg mener. Jeg vil gå så langt å si at også magi og magiskevesner skal følge naturlover. Dragene må virke troverdige ved å ha store vinger og måten ild kommer etc. Som jeg sier. Dere skjønner hva jeg sikter til.

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If you come face to face with another wizard, you’ll want to keep an attacking spell in one hand and improve your defense by equipping a ward spell in the other. Suddenly, magic duels become much more interesting, as you must attack at the opportune time, use the ward as a shield when your opponent is casting spells your way, and manage your magicka level by consuming potions.

Betyr det at vi får et magisk skjold som kun er aktivt når vi holder inne knappen? For det ville vært teh awesome! Spesielt hvis man faktisk kan se innkommende spells bli avbøyd av skjoldet.

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As in Oblivion, you can zoom to aim, and the longer you keep the bow drawn the more powerful your shot will be. Unlike Oblivion, the arrows now violently impact enemies with a satisfying thud. To keep players from coasting through the world plucking enemies from afar, Bethesda has significantly altered the arrow economy to make them a valuable but limited option. You won't be rolling into combat stacked with 50 Daedric arrows anymore.


Jeg synes dette høres litt for mye ut som om at de har gjort buen om til en slags sniper rifle of doom-greie, som alle kan og bør buke nå og da, men som det bare finnes en håndfull piler til i hele Skyrim. Derp. Fordi piler er jo veldig komplisert å masseprodusere. "Valuable but limited", hallo.

Endret av Zealuu
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MiSP: Det er visst sånn skjoldene fungerer så jeg ville ikke blitt overrasket om det er sånn for magi også. Om det fremdeles er custom-spells kan man sikkert få begge deler også, om de ikke er med fra start.


Zealuu: De har tatt det fra en mod som ble enormt populær, så om de ikke har forandret så mye på det blir det nok bra. Og det med pilene håper jeg bare er dårlig skrevet og at det egentlig dreier seg om forskjellige bruksområder ved forskjellige materialer. Daedric piler er armor-piercing, jern flyr ikke like langt osv.

Endret av Lakus
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