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Halo: Reach - Spekulasjoner og diskusjoner


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Halo: Reach Edge Summary

(hentet fra Bungie.net forum)


Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

-Reach is 70 percent complete.


-They gutted the old engine and left "no component untouched" when improving it.


-Now players will look the same throughout multiplayer, coop and singleplayer (and way they look will be customizable).


-Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities..


-There is a 3d radar and the HUD can now highlight various environmental features and overlay information about them.


-Night vision returns to Reach (as seen in ODST).


-On the pause screen it mentions "grades and credits" but Bungie wont discuss them yet. Probably to do with the character customization system.


-The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering.


-Green marine monocle returns. WIN.


-Bungie were disappointed with the reaction of people to the halo 3 marine, so theyve brought back the flavour of the halo 1 marine.


-Mongoose return confirmed.


-Assassinations (by holding down melee) will feature in multiplayer and the instant assassination of past halos may not be featured at all. Bungie is using the Beta to decide how it will feature.


-Huge landscapes - but you can visit each area. In coop you may see your buddy fighting a long way off in the distance.

Teleportation is far less strict.


-Bungie is bending the Xbox as far as it will bend and really pushing the hardware.


-Tung says there will be some big surprises in campaign.


-The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa.


-Elite AI has been improved a lot. They might be doing something like fixing a door and then something may attack them, but once they have dealt with the threat they'll go back to what they were doing before.


-"Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out". The DMR has 3X zoom.


-Shield recharge not as fast as Halo 3's.


-Halo Reach's current build has a lot of computer generated audio used a place holders, meaning that the leaked beta menu footage may well be genuine.


-A few new screenshots in the article, the best being a double page spread epic view of the spartans in a cockpit. There is an artwork of Emile with a grenade launcher.


-Lehto admits that there was no generational leap on the animation side between combat evolved and ODST, but in Reach they will make them like all look like the trailer(including facial animation).

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"-Now players will look the same throughout multiplayer, coop and singleplayer (and way they look will be customizable)."


Bra :)


"-Bungie is bending the Xbox as far as it will bend and really pushing the hardware."


Er spent på hva de kommer opp med som sluttresultat.. Håper bare de er mest mulig ferdig til betaen =)

Endret av Frode789
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Og redefine gameplayet og historien så er jeg solgt..

Jeg håper du kødder.


Edit: laland de skal bruke en ny motor. Det har de sagt gang på gang.

They gutted the old engine and left "no component untouched" when improving it.

Han som skrev dette er bare en bruker på bungie.net og ikke en person som jobber hos bungie og derfor en mye mindre politelig kilde

Endret av Head_Hunter
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Hmm, trodde det var med Halo 3: ODST at de hadde pushet Halo 3-mototeren til det ytterste? Halo 3-grafikken er litt sliten, og ODST er ikke helt top-noch. Nuvel, det er ikke på grunn av grafikken jeg spiller Halo. Det andre ser ihvertfall ut til å levere, så får bare grafikken stå til som den er!

Endret av nypis
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Hmm, trodde det var med Halo 3: ODST at de hadde pushet Halo 3-mototeren til det ytterste?

Stemmer det! Da må det være som det ble nevnt, at det er en feiltolking. Hvor mange AIer kan Halo 3s motor vise samtidig? Hvis det nye takler 40 AI og 20 kjøretøy hadde det vært morsomt å regne ut hvor mange vi kan se i multiplayer. Håper de toner ned det tekniske nok til at de kan få inn ihvertfall 30 stykk der; 30 folk som gjøner rundt i Forge skriker awesome.

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Det ser ut som HUDen kommer til å bli blå og ikke gul som vi så på bildene fra game informer. Bungie sa ihvertfall de i sin siste update. De sa også at den versjonen de viste til Game informer var fra før "thanksgiving" (dato?)


Du kan også designe dine egne emblemer og sende de inn til bungie så legger bungie inn de beste i halo: reach. Dessverre gjelder dette bare USA og Canada :(, men det betyr at vi kanskje får se noen litt mer unike emblemer i reach enn vi hadde i halo 3

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Ble litt skeptisk til shotgun'en selv. Shotgun er det viktigste våpenet, for meg, i Halo. Til en viss grad vel å merke. Er også spent på DMR'en.


Men jeg syns Reach ser bedre og bedre ut for hver gang det slippes nye SS. Me wants beta nå! (Eller BC2 og Alan Wake forkorter ventetiden drastisk, håper jeg)


Edit: Artikkelen på norsk

Endret av Mr 170
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Leaked Reach Screen Proves Use of Natal?


It has been rumoured that Halo: Reach could be Natal-enabled when it's released towards the end of the year. And looking at a leaked, in-game screenshot which emerged online today, we think it might just prove that the game utilizes Microsoft's new craze (in the office at least).


First off, look at these two screens below; one from Halo 3, the other from Halo 3: ODST. Notice how the aim of the gun is placed in the centre of the screen in both pictures? And both are clearly firing.






Now, take a look at the below image. The faint red aim (outlined with a red square) is completely off centre, and a lot further towards the left-hand side of the screen. Well, we think it looks a little like the aim seen in such Wii FPS titles as Dead Space: Extraction and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, in which the aim follows the movement of the controller in a view-box.




Above, is the in-game screenshot which emerged online today.


Of course this could be the reaction to a blast, or just lag. But everyone's entitled to their opinion, and this is ours. An AAA title like Halo: Reach using Natal would show just how confidant Microsoft are of it's motion-sensing abilities, allowing tight control of first person shooters.




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Det ville bragt et veldig casual-aspekt over spillet hvis det hadde blitt implementert som et solid alternativ til den vanlige stikken. Vil heller se det implementert enn ikke, så lenge det ikke er noe i nærheten av et krav. Å herje rundt med granater og sverd hadde vært ganske funny :D

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