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Halo: Reach - Spekulasjoner og diskusjoner


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Er dette lekkede bilder fra en pre-alpha versjon av spillet, og kan det være noe i at det blir en annerledes Halo-opplevelse?


Det ryktes om Call of Duty-style "perks", nye våpen og fem spillere i en gruppe. Ryktene som er postet i førstepost går kanskje ikke ihop med disse ryktene som hånd i hanske, men det at det kan komme perks og fem spillere er underfundig. Fem spillere er litt spesielt fordi det er fem Spartans i Halo: Reach sin "logo", og de ser ut til å representere forskjellige våpen og klasser.


- New Carbine

new carbine that shoots needles, and explodes when 3 needles are hit


- Battle Rifle

It is a one shot battle rifle with 12 rounds, pretty powerful and effective long range.


- Perks

This is what the HUD looks like. In the bottom left, you can see your squadmates health and names.

Right above the radar shows what perks you are carrying. When I played there were 3 perks-sprinting, cloaking, and halogram.

The sprinting makes you run when you hold LB,

cloaking makes you invisible (when you cloak your radar jams and you can't really hear anything around you).

The halogram creates a hologram of yourself, so enemies will shoot at both.





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(Funnet på NeoGAF)

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Flinke, flinke Lakus. Det ser veldig Halo 3-ish ut i HUD'en som er en god ting, og de andre tingene som nevnes (perks) er ikke dumt - så lenge de holder gameplayet mer Halo enn Call of Duty (at alle spiller med de samme redskapene). Gleder meg til å se mer!

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Tom Morello.


Forfalskeren har gjort en god jobb dersom bildene er fake. Det er vanskelig å se hvor bra/dårlig grafikken til spillet virkelig ser ut, men det ser i det minste ut som et Halo-spill.


Klasser og perks høres spennende ut. Klassesystem i deathmatch og lignende moduser høres ikke så fristende ut, men jeg skulle gjerne sett noe sånt i campaignen. De kan ikke fortsette med det samme gamle i en evighet, så jeg håper virkelig at de gjør noe nytt med multiplayeren.

Endret av Leflus
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Håper på en needleer granat, hvor den sprenger ut masse needlere som flyr til nærmeste person og sprenger han. det var sånn jeg trodde spike granaten kon til å være men den var en skuff.


Den såkalt nye BR er nå ikke make som den vi hadde i halo 2-3 denne skyter bare 1 og 1 skudd og har bare 12skudd så den har nok ikke samme feeling som den ekte battle riflen. Håpet om halo battlefield er ganske dødt etter å sett disse bildene, men ganske stilig at de tar med et squadt system og perks. kanskje ikke så originalt men fortsatt bytt for halo serien.



BTW f*** lakus for å poste dette før meg :(



Edit: Viss det er et squadt system så er det nok større lag en det var på halo 3, han har 4 stykker i squadte og det hadde blitt litt rart med bare 2 squads på et lag så jeg er nesten sikker på at det blir over 8vs8, Da blir det sikkert også større baner.

Endret av Head_Hunter
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Her er bildene uten TOM MORELLO skrevet over de.









Det er også snakk om drop in drop out co-op HOLY SHIT



Edit: på bilde nr5 hvor du ser menyen kan du se at det er et ranking system og credits og objetivene som er "objetiv number 1 goes here" og same på de 3 neste


Edit2: du kan også se assaultrifle bak menyen på bilde 5.

Endret av Head_Hunter
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Mer nytt fra han som slapp de bildene.

Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

This first mission

was just like Halo 1's 2nd mission where you had to find the marines that crash landed throughout the map, but in halo reach you are finding spartans. It's a pretty big map, and the worthog was very useful for getting places. The worthog can carry as many as 5 people (the driver, the front passenger, the gunner, and two seats below the gunner that face left and right, not forward)



The second mission was

pretty action packed. You start out getting dropped off, and the action immediately begins. You are with squadmates. Throughout this mission you have to cover your spartan friend (whos a girl) and give her coverage so that she can hack into the computer. There are 3 big guns on the map that she has to hack into. Hacking into them gains control of the gun, and I guess it gives them control of the air (you see banshees and hornets flying throughout the entire level)



The third stage

is very similar to Truth and Reconciliation (the 3rd stage on Halo 1). You and another spartan have snipers. You have to get into the enemy base from the cliffs (you start out on the cliffs). While you go in the base, your spartan friend covers you from the cliffs above. At the end of this level, you save a bunch of scientists or marines (not really sure who they are actually). They are humans who refused to leave their site even though they ordered everyone to get out. At the end of the level you save them and get picked up by a pelican.



Those were the first 3 stages. As for gameplay, everyone on those forums are talking about the perks. I guess I kinda used the wrong word. It's not really a perk, but rather a device that you can pick up. You can only carry one at a time. I found 3 different devices in the first 3 missions-Halogram, cloak, and sprint. So it's not really a perk, like you would think from call of duty. They are just devices you pick up and that have cooldowns.


The new BR is the 12 round, 1 shot with the scope. I think it's more powerfull than the burst fire BR from halo 3.


The sniper rifle has a longer delay between shots (I was upset with this).


The gameplay seem VERY similar to the other halos. It still has that "slow" feeling. The enemies also fight the exact same way, even the hunters.


The new needler carbine gun is cool. It takes three shots to make the needles explode on someone. However, if that person has a shield, you have to take out the shield before the needles can stick. So this gun can be effective if you shoot grunts and jackals, that way they explode and do more damage. You can't just shoot an elite three times, you have to bring his shield down first, then when you shoot him 3 times when he doesnt have a shield, the needles explode.

When you cloak, your radar is jammed, so you see red dots everywhere. Also, you can't hear anything going on. It's like trying to hear someone say something when you are underwater.


There is a new worthog that shoots volley missles. It seemed very overpowered, but fun. It would shoot about 4-6 shots and they explode upon contact. Then there is about a 5 second wait. Then you can shoot again (basically a 5 second cooldown for every time you can fire).


I found something really extraordinary. In the middle of mission 3, you encounter a bunch of covenant fighting this big ass monster (it had tusks, it seemed like some sort of prehistoric animal)

When you see the covenant fighting the monster, you are told not to engage combat, but to just go by unnoticed. You stand and watch the covenant fighting the monster, only to see the covenant get owned.


You must understand that this game is still LOOONG from being done. People on the forums are making too early judgments, like saying the graphics were horrible. Well I played the game and the graphics were pretty bad. That's because they havn't finished it yet... In fact, they didn't even have human voice overs when someone would talk in the game.


Overall gameplay was about the same as the other Halos.

Enemies battles are similar too.

I don't know if you can dual wield.

They made me play through the first 3 missions.

The first missionSkjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

was on a pretty big map, and I had to find other spartans on the map (similar to Halo 1's second stage where you have to find the crash landed marines).

Second stage w

as pretty action packed, main goal was to take control of several huge missile guns throughout the map, and provide coverage to a spartan that would hack into the guns and control them.


Third stage was v

ery similar to Halo 1's 3rd stage, Truth and Reconciliation. You start with a sniper and cloaking perk, you sneak into an enemy base at night, and you shoot from cliffs.


This game WILL be on the circuit I KNOW IT FOR A FACT, I am an mlg 50 and was a level 40 in h2 hardcore and know what competitive IS!

Endret av Head_Hunter
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Drop in drop out co-op høres sweet ut. Jeg håper vi får se noen skikkelige screenshots snart.

Hva menes med Drop in drop out co-op?


Det er så typisk, når jeg endelig er ferdig med Halo 3 og Halo generellt på en stund, begynner skjermbiilder fra Reach å lekke ut - samtidig som Halo Waypoint blir lansert. Blir vanskelig å holde seg unna Halo tydeligvis...

Endret av Mr 170
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Drop in drop out co-op høres sweet ut. Jeg håper vi får se noen skikkelige screenshots snart.

Hva menes med Drop in drop out co-op?


Det er så typisk, når jeg endelig er ferdig med Halo 3 og Halo generellt på en stund, begynner skjermbiilder fra Reach å lekke ut - samtidig som Halo Waypoint blir lansert. Blir vanskelig å holde seg unna Halo tydeligvis...


Drop in drop out er sånn at du kan joine midt inni et misson. Sånn som du har i borderlands. Ja det er ikkelett og holde seg unna halo

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Ser ut til at vi får se mer halo på VGA 12.sep viss jeg ikke tar helt feil.

Ja dere. Da er det bare 10 måneder igjen til den første traileren. :) Du mente vel å skrive 12. desember?


Jeg hadde egentlig ikke trodd at vi skulle få se en trailer så fort. Kjenner jeg begynner å glede meg til VGA nå.

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