Slettet-P4UHS Skrevet 3. august 2009 Del Skrevet 3. august 2009 (endret) geniale, GENIALE spillet som jeg skal ha meg Plot [/b](alt revet skamløst fra wikipedia fordi jeg er lat) Brütal Legend follows the story of Eddie Riggs (named after Eddie the Head, the mascot of Iron Maiden, and Derek Riggs, the artist who created him, voiced by Jack Black), who is the world's best roadie for the world's worst heavy metal band. The game begins one night before a gig. As Riggs is tuning a guitar, an accident happens and he starts to bleed. His blood drips onto his cursed belt buckle, which is really an amulet for Ormagöden, "The Fire Beast, Cremator of the Sky, and Destroyer of the Ancient World". Ormagöden awakens and transports Eddie into a heavy metal and Nordic fantasy inspired alternate history where demons have enslaved humanity. Eddie comes to learn that the fantasy world was created by a race of ancient Titans that left numerous relics and instructions for the following generations behind for them to use to build upon, but neither humans nor demons could decipher their meanings. Only Eddie, due to his roadie skills, is able to make sense of their meanings and can put the Titans' wisdom to use. Eddie escapes the Temple of Ormagöden where he first arrives in the world. Eddie meets Ophelia, a love interest likened to the same character from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Ophelia is soon severely injured and Riggs must climb a mystical mountain to do battle with a motorcycle-driving bass guitarist called the Kill Master (voiced by Motörhead's Lemmy Kilmister). Eddie soon meets Lita Halford and her younger brother, Lars, who help Eddie and Ophelia start a resistance movement against Lord Doviculus (voiced by Tim Curry), his glam metal minion, General Lionwhyte (voiced by Rob Halford) (whose hair is so luscious he uses it to fly) and their legions of demons to free the world. Eddie will also encounter the local wildlife, including half-boar/half-motorcycle "Razorfires", a giant three-tongued lamprey, and giant chrome spiders that spin silk which can be made into magical bass strings. After the first act of the game, Eddie will deal with a community of humans who willingly fight alongside the demons. They wear black and "drink from a sea of black tears. It gives them great power but also makes them look dead." These humans are parodies of Goth and Emo. These enemies include "Grave Diggers", "Brides" and "Reapers". In the game's first trailer, a demon tells Eddie that his belt buckle is a mask "forged from the steel flesh of the fire beast", and that it was meant for "a god, [not for you. Not for...] a roadie". Eddie then snaps the demon's neck and charges into battle with the Headbangers to the tunes of Black Sabbath's "The Mob Rules". The trailer also shows that Eddie has the ability to sprout wings so he can fly. According to the Game Informer article, "his blood hides a dark secret and his wings are the proof". Gameplay: Brütal Legend is a third person action/adventure game that uses an open world that Tim Schafer has described as being approximately 64 km2. in area. The player controls the protagonist Eddie Riggs (voiced by Jack Black), a roadie that one day finds himself stuck in a fantasy heavy metal world. Eddie acquires three tools that are used for combat and transportation: a broad axe called "The Separator", his Flying V guitar "Clementine" from his own world which has the ability to cast magic spells in the heavy metal world, and a hot rod that Eddie builds called "The Deuce", a.k.a. "The Druid Plow". Upgrades to these tools will be found about the world to give them new moves or abilities. These tools can be used in combination with each other to take out Eddie's foes; for example, the player can use Clementine to create pyrotechnics to launch a foe into the air and follow up by attack it with the Separator. In a case of a specific boss fight, the player must use the Deuce to lure the boss to a spot, and then play the "Earthshaker" song on Clementine to bring down weights. Eddie cannot use the magic generated by Clementine constantly, as it will tire out his hands, and the player will have to wait for a cool-off period before using the guitar's power again. There are reportedly about 23 main missions in the story with 30 side missions that the player can optionally take. The player will also be able to find real metal songs, selected by Schafer for the game, that can be played on the Deuce's radio, "The Mouth of Metal" once collected, with the user able to add or remove songs that they wish to hear. During the game, the player will meet several allies for Eddie. Each ally will have a special co-op move they can perform with Eddie; for example, Eddie's first ally, Ophelia, can be tossed at foes by Eddie in the style of the Fastball Special. Eddie is also able to control squads, and order them to perform certain tasks, such as having a group of headbangers use their headbanging to destroy statues. Eddie can create an army for attacks by tapping "fan geysers", done by creating merchandise booths or stages and then performing a summoning minigame, akin to the note-matching aspect of Guitar Hero or Rock Band. A character known as Mangus will act as the "sound guy" to help in the construction of these units. Once the player has collected their army, they can then seek out to attack their opponents using their army as minions or directly with the main character.[6] Ultimately, Eddie will transform into a winged demon which the player can use to fly above the battlefields to issue orders or to lay out attacks. The game will have a multiplayer mode, which as described by Schafer as "your typical head-to-head, battle of the bands scenario. But with axes." The multiplayer modes will be team-based, including a four-on-four "skirmish" mode, and take place in special arenas outside of the single-player campaign Et par bilder: Skjul heh bare måtte ha med dette tidlig skisse av eddie riggs, ligner MEGET på lemmy Vids: EDIT: ja jeg fikk altså ikke til filmene, fordi det bare står "can't find" etc etc her på forumet, så bare trykk her også legger jeg ved en wallpaper om noen vil ha hvem andre gleder seg? Endret 3. august 2009 av Slettet-P4UHS Lenke til kommentar
KraniC Skrevet 3. august 2009 Del Skrevet 3. august 2009 ahh brutal legend<3 garantert spillet eg gleder meg mest til i å år med jack black og ozzy osborn. alltids gøy med god humor i et bra laget adventure spill. håper bare isje activision vinner rettsaken og kanselere spillet, de onde suit folkene asså-.- har sett litt gameplay videoer på ign og det ser dritt bra ut, skikkelig gøyt gameplay, et vell polert spill med nydelig humor OG med heavy metall, ka mer kan man vel ønske seg? Lenke til kommentar
ShampooMacTavish Skrevet 3. august 2009 Del Skrevet 3. august 2009 Finnes allerede en lignende tråd her. Stenges. Lenke til kommentar
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