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Arma 2 - Generell diskusjon.

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  1. 1. Favoritt Fraksjon

    • Chernarussian Defence Forces
    • Russia
    • USMC
    • Chernarussian Movement Of The Red Star
    • NAPA - National Party

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Jeg digger dette spillet tross i noen bugs.


Spiller med alt på fult Med en E8500 3,16 Ghz og et ati Radeon 4670 kort, 4 gb ram.


Eneste plassen jeg får litt framerate drop er ved den basen som ligger ved sjøen i elektro et eller annet :)

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Det er vel de færreste som spiller Arma for deathmatch :p


De fleste går for missions og lignende.

Her er iallefall serveren til klanet jeg er medlem av.




Ellers er nok tacticalgamer serveren meget god når det er forskjellige ting som går der dette kan du sjekke på http://www.tacticalgamer.com/ denne er nok mest for de litt mer hardcore når det er events.


Endret av Zimmer
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Eneste jeg ikke fordrar med spillet, er hvor dårlig optimisert det er for nyere hardware.


Kjøpte det for omtrent en måned siden, og får fortsatt ikke spilt mer enn 3-20 minutter med multiplayer før det er krasj to desktop. Faen så irriterende. Men men.

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Er det kun meg som opplever fysikken til kjøretøyer som horribelt?


Har kun testet spillet litt.. kjørt litt rundt med Tanks og HMMW. Og spesiellt sistnevnte opplevde jeg som en lekebil i en sandkasse.. Det å kunne stå nesten stille og ta en 360 graders sving blir for dumt.. Bilen sklir rundt på overfalten som ingenting annet.. Man har ingen virkelighetsfølelse når man kjører bil.. det føles ut som du er tilbake i lekerommet og skubber rundt på en lekebil på gulvteppet.. Jeg hadde forventet meg mye mere av spillet en dette...

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Anngående svinginga så er jo den ganske så rett i forhold til vanlig bil da? Er forsåvidt enig i at det er helt forferdelig å kjøre et kjøretøy, og spesielt båter, jeg grøsser og får magesmerter av å se hvor falskt dem glir gjennom vannet! føler som dem bare glir :/

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Ny patch, folkens.


STEAM har sin egen oppdatering.






GameUpdates.org (Torrent) ANBEFALES!



USA Upload.com

SolidFiles: 7zip part 1, 7zip part 2





Copyright © 2009 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.




- ANY ORIGINAL VERSION OF ARMA 2 from 1.00 to 1.02 other than the Steam version, Steam users should use the auto updating feature instead (their game will not be playable if they apply this patch until they recover it again from Steam)

- DirectX 9 March 2009 is required and should be updated during the patching process automatically as needed or you can update your version of DirectX from www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/




- Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.

- It will install all content of the patch to the folder with your ArmA 2 installation (default is C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 or Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2).

- Please note that it is not possible to rollback to a previous version after the installation of this patch, only a full reinstall of the game is possible, if you want to keep your previous version you may want to backup the entire game installation folder before applying this patch.

- It is not recommended to use any savegames created in versions 1.00 or 1.01, if you use a savegame from 1.02 some of the fixes may not apply to that game in progress until the beginning of a new mission.




* Major AI tweaking and balancing (especially AI infantry can hear much less)

* Improved multiplayer and cooperative campaign (saving games, connection issues)

* Numerous fixes and improvements in the Harvest Red campaign




show spoiler






* New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.

* New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen

* New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.

* New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)

* New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor

* New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor

* Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)

* Improved: Building destruction

* Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day

* Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.

* Hotfix: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.

* Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo

* Fixed: grenade could destroy a building just by impact

* Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact

* Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now

* Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation

* Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.

* Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.

* Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.

* Fixed: Sometimes crew of a close vehicle was visible through the vehicle.

* Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.

* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' do not work in TrackIR.

* Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.

* Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.

* Fixed: 3D Editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly

* Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.

* Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.

* Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact

* Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed

* Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died

* Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.

* Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them.

* Fixed: After respawn in MP, player's tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity

* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' did not work with TrackIR

* Fixed: MP client frozen in Receiving... screen sometimes

* Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign





* Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War)

* Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe

* Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios




* Fixed: Warfare fast travel on clients was not using logistic values

* Fixed: Warfare money sending

* Fixed: Warfare HQ multiple reports

* Fixed: First-Aid: Action module caused healing scripts to run twice

* Fixed: Supply drop not ending (wrong vehicle class)

* New: First-Aid modules work with respawn

* New: First-Aid ability to stop healing

* New: Added ability to add Support Requests that do not expire.

* Improved: First-Aid modules more robust and faster

* Improved: Better support for side Resistance in SOM / ACM.





* Fixed: Invisible driver in UAZ (MG and GL)

* Fixed: AI soldiers were able to hear extremely well

* Fixed: various minor problems on buildings

* Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed

* Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation

* Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP

* Fixed: react FSM core conversations

* Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25

* Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG

* Fixed: cargo animations in BTR

* Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus

Endret av Colossus
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  • 7 måneder senere...

For Arma2 fans så kommer det nå en solid TvT mod ifra mod studioet realitymod.com



The award-winning Project Reality Studios team are proud to announce that the official first release of v0.1 of the Project Reality ArmA2 Mini-Mod will be coming very soon. Although we are now moving into the Beta Testing stage, we think the time is right to inform the community of what will be coming to you very shortly. Project Reality will enter the ArmA2 battlefield for the first time!


challenger2_overwatch_thumb.jpg apache_holding_thumb.jpg dismounts_by_warrior_thumb.jpg

scimitar_temperate_thumb.jpg merlin_overhead_thumb.jpg uk_mtp_camouflage_thumb.jpg


Our main aim for PR:ArmA2 is:


"To create a realistic and immersive modification for ArmA2, which focuses on encouraging teamwork through gameplay"


As with Project Reality's original conception on the Refractor 2 engine, at this stage PR:ArmA2 should be classed as a Mini-Mod; we have to start somewhere! Don't be fooled though, this release will by no means disappoint, due to the large number of high quality art assets already created by the Project Reality Team, and the considerable experience of the PR:ArmA2 Development Team on the Real Virtuality 3 engine!


PR:ArmA2 will exist as a standalone modification. It will remain self contained, self developing and not rely on or use externally held add ons from other sources where at all possible. What that means to the player is that it will be a 'one stop shop' as an installation package, with no requirement for additional multiple add on packs.


We also want to emphasis we are not in direct competition with any of the other great mods out there. However as a team we want to see what we can now do with the Real Virtuality 3 engine, as well as the continued full scale continued development of PR for Battlefield2. We are not in any way changing engines. We have simply expanded the team's reach into ArmA2 with new developers. It is not PR2, nor are we ceasing PR:BF2 development.



-Official Project Reality ArmA2 Mini-Mod v0.1 Release Trailer

Project Reality Studios has created the following trailer to showcase many of the features you will find in the PR:ArmA2 v0.1 release. So, dim the lights, grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show!



-From concept to creation

The original concept came from [R-DEV]UK_Force over 9 months ago; the aim was to create a modification of ArmA2 in line with the Project Reality vision, bringing PR-style gameplay to the Real Virtuality 3 engine. This project has finally overcome the first hurdle towards becoming a reality with its first release, due soon. The team has drawn on some of the finest ArmA2 modders and developers, and following their amalgamation production, started in earnest with work going on behind the scenes to make this happen before official announcement.


It now gives us great pleasure to officially welcome the personalities resposible for PR:ArmA2 into the Project Reality development team. In doing so, we would like to take this moment to thank them for their hard work over the last few months. We are very proud to officially welcome [R-DEV]StalkerGB, [R-DEV]DeanosBeano, [R-DEV]Dr_Eyeball and [R-DEV]trini_scourge as the newest additions to the Project Reality Development Team!




Mirroring Project Reality's original goal, the British Army are featured strongly in this initial release, with a Taliban opposition all set on a beautiful Afghanistan-themed map, created by [R-DEV]DeanosBeano.


The advantages of using a more modern graphical environment really shows off the original PR art assets to their full potential - you'll look at the Scimitar, Challenger and all the others in a whole new light! [R-DEV]StalkerGB has put in many hours working on the infantry models and his work can be seen in all its glory. Ever up-to-date, we even bring you the new British MTP (Multi Terrain Pattern) uniforms announced by the Ministry of Defence last month!


As you would expect from any Project Reality development, gameplay improvements will feature strongly. These will take some time to get to where we want, however there have already been changes made to reflect PR-style gameplay, courtesy of [R-DEV]Dr_Eyeball, who has brought over his Devastation Mod to the project. This will form the basis of PR:ArmA2 gameplay.


scimitar_desert_thumb.jpg challenger2_with_rpg_cage_thumb.jpg revamped_wmik_thumb.jpg

taliban_rpg_attack_thumb.jpg warrior_with_rpg_cage_thumb.jpg uk_desert_dpm_camouflage_thumb.jpg


We are now happy to announce that PR:ArmA2 is at Beta Stage, and as we are sure you can understand, due to the gameplay changes implemented, this is a very important part we need to get right. We plan on releasing PR:ArmA2 v0.1 in the near future. Please be patient with us and keep an eye on the newly added PR:ArmA2 Forums, as well as keeping up to date with the latest Project Reality news for future developments on a concrete release timeframe.


With the creative talents and realism-based goals of the current contributors already in place, this will surely develop into a great ArmA2 mod; so expect a lot more to follow in the future. As always, the Project Reality Studios team would like to thank all those who make our developments possible; in this case the supporting ArmA2 mod sites, server providers, and of course our dedicated community for all their continued support. Without your combined efforts and contributions, Project Reality would not be where it is today and certainly would not be expanding into the ArmA2 arena. See you on the new battlefield soon!



-The Project Reality Team


UK_Force' ]Firstly Hello and a big welcome to the Project Reality ArmA2 Highlights Reel #1. In the same fashion as PR: BF2, we intend to keep the PR Community updated on PR: ArmA2. The last few weeks since announcing our Modification have been, in a word - Hectic. The response to the announcement overall was fantastic, and it already seems to have a good following, although a large update here, I hope this Highlight Reel entices more to the Community, and keeps those already following it up to date with our progression so far.





- Team Update

Behind the scenes the Management Team have been looking to expand the PR:ArmA2 team. The response was very positive, with a healthy team in place we should now be able to move forward in other areas of Development. Our current team list below shows the commitment and dedication we now have with some very talented team members.




rooftop_position_thumb.jpg desert_man_truck_thumb.jpg panther_clv_wip_thumb.jpg



- Current Ongoing Work

As we initially mentioned in our announcement, PR:ArmA2 will be a self contained and self developed Modification, and as you can see over the last few weeks the team have been hard at work both Developing and Brainstorming, in the form of both meetings, steering groups and general chat in our TS3 Server. Inevitably this has now provided us with work to do and here are some of the current things we are Developing. As you can see a lot of them will be Exclusive for PR, and are all being developed internally. All this work is actively under development however only time will tell if they all make v0.1:


PR Exclusive - Stamina / Weight System

Something we are looking at developing in a new way, however it will be based on:

1. the weight of objects carried in the player's inventory

2. location of the wounds (eg. legs)

3. level of blood loss, and;

4. the speed the unit was traveling eg walking vs running vs sprinting

The player would suffer - shortness of breath, hand tremor, very short black-outs. This is also being looked at for vehicles, which will affect suspension and speed depending on cargo, etc.


PR Exclusive - Medical & Wounded System

This is a big area however in short we are looking at a much more accurate and intricate health and medical care system than the one currently available in game. Units may fall unconscious if enough damage, pain or blood loss occurs – these units can be resuscitated - as in the real world with appropriate medical attention. Following resuscitation and depending on their injuries they may continue to take an active part in a mission or they may require CASEVAC and further medial attention.


PR Exclusive - Firing Personal Weapons from Helicopters & Vehicles

As we know it's possible already for UH1s, Blackhawks and APCs to use the attachTo command to shoot from them, although not perfect. We are currently looking at a much simpler system which will cover all platforms.


PR Exclusive - TS3 Plugin (Using British Bowman Radio Models)

Replacing the ingame VOIP and having a robust defined VOIP for PvP is very important to us, and we are currently working closely with the Developers of the TS3 plug in and our own sound artists to create a PR Version of this. Every soldier has short range capability and direct 3d sound,but they need a radio or vehicle for long range. The plan is to have a Personal Role Radio(PRR ) for the short range radio and a PRC 325 (HF) for the long range radio. Later we will look at having UCD's for vehicles and add medium range radio with a PRC 355/VRC 359 (VHF), as you can see the Bowman Radio Kit is pretty much modeled already.


PR Exclusive - RCON Tool for Server Admins

As the title suggests a dedicated set of RCON Tools for Server admins, this will be a god send and help them to admin the PR Server a lot easier. The tool will be customisable too. The Tactical Gamer community are currently helping with the development of this, and will be carrying out private testings of this tool.


panther_interior_driver_position_thumb.jpg observing_arcs_thumb.jpg panther_interior_rear_thumb.jpg


PR Exclusive - Complete Sound Package

Sounds in PR: ArmA2 will play a huge part to the overall Mod, and we have drawn up a concise and complete plan for the overall Sound Package. In the short term we are looking at building Sound Environments for Afghanistan & the BIS Islands, an immersive combat ambiance (sonic cracks etc) and realistic Infantry weapons. We are also looking at the overall Voice sounds and how best to change these, we already have a pretty much completed sound file library for this.


PR Exclusive - PR_Atmospherics[Civilians]

The first of a number of PR_Atmospheric Modules. This initial module will be a framework that allows missions in urban areas to have AI civilians. These civilians are generally non-combatants, but may also provide cover for player-controlled insurgents. If dealt with too harshly by a team, the civilians may become aggressive - creating tactical complications for the mission, it will hopefully add to the gameplay by also being a "Combat Indicator", ie Bluefor noticing that civilians are leaving an area (Usual Signs of Taliban moving in). As the title suggest this will add to the overall "immersion" of the Mod, and hopefully induce tactical awareness, for both sides.


PR Exclusive - Gameplay

This is a very large area to cover however in brief the PR game play will include a comprehensive extended version of the AAS game mode, plus some other game modes too. With a new cargo and object handling system which handles a variety of transport methods, we open up the concept of logistics and supply. The armaments system helps provide a fair and balanced combat environment, by limiting access to the uncommon high powered expensive weapons and also makes vehicle combat far more effective. There will be a new squad management system to replace the common ones we've all seen. The concept of depoyable assets, such as firebases, will be further developed. Base deployment will provide a range of fair "fast travel" methods. All tied together with a new object interaction menu system to keep it organised. Further to that a new Insurgency mode is also being looked at and evaluated for future releases.


Mk7 Helmet / Panther / Texture Tweaks / Field Dressing / Desert Cam Nets / MAN Truck

These are all ongoing as normal day to day development tasks, we are yet to start on the Jackal and Mastiff.


Ongoing work on Afghan Island

- The ongoing work in this Department will take some time, as you would expect on a 25km x 25km Island. This will however prove its worth once complete, with different missions being played out on all areas of the island. So to that end, work continues on the Green zone area, including mud walls and buildings to suit our destructible structure system. This has been incorporated to best suit our game play. Although time consuming all valleys and outlying village areas are being manually sculpted to maximise island usage for the future.

- A Camp Bastion style Main Base in the south is being worked on to compliment some of our larger missions with helo transport, logistics etc.

- Even native plant/weed species for clutter and poppy fields are being added, to recreate the area as accurately as possible.


Project Reality Menu

For aesthetics the menu, background trailer, loading screens and general look of the default ArmA2 interface are being reworked to give it a cleaner, fresher look.


woodland_man_truck_thumb.jpg bowman_comms_equipment_thumb.jpg man_truck_interior_thumb.jpg



- Beta Testing Update

Beta Testing started this week in earnest, with a focus purely on the Game play at this point. We now have the makings of a dedicated Beta Testing team in place and a test server, so finding those bugs will be their priority. You can still apply to become a PR:ArmA2 Beta Tester in the tester application thread.



- Release Date

Due to the increase in the PR:ArmA2 Team, and the Development we have already started on, it is now looking more likely that we will not be releasing v0.1 until at least June / July. The main reason for this is being we have a lot of complex functions and frameworks in development that we need to implement to give us our core release. Not forgetting all of this will need further testing too.



- Official Project Reality Servers

As previously mentioned, we always place a big emphasis on Server Admins, and in the next few weeks we will be getting in touch with Server Admins who have shown interest to assist us in developing a robust system and config. This will ensure the PvP servers are in a position to be able to provide the players with a solid and reliable Project Reality PvP server. A place where they can simply join in and experience populated servers, with first class teamwork and a unique gameplay style.



- Become a PR Developer or Contributor

If you feel you have something to offer, or would like to be a part of the Project Reality Development Team, please do not hesitate to contact any of the team, or email [R-DEV]UK_Force. 3D Modelers are particularly sought after by the team, and are a priority for us at the moment.



- Show your support

If signatures are your thing, feel free to make use of our official user bar, if indeed you wish to display support for Project Reality.





So there you have it. Lots happening, and these are exciting times for the team. For further information please feel free to browse the Project Reality ArmA2 Forums and become more involved. The community is growing and there are some great ideas coming to the fore. We hope this Highlights Reel answers some of the community's questions. We thank you all for your continued support, and hope you will enjoy the future release .



- The Project Reality Team


Utifra mange arma2 fans er mod developer lista en klasse for seg når det gjelder navnene på personene som jobber med modden.




Well, The PR A2 sound dept have started to make some changes. So far we have a nice soundscape coming together. I've started on the weapons and Bruce is working on the environments. Between us, I think we have a nice workflow, something that I hope you'll all get to hear soon.


Currently, we have quite abit working ingame now.


Smallarms for Brit & Taliban units.

Mounted heavy caliber MG's.

AT4/RPG firing sounds, as well as ammo (different sounds for various RPG ammotypes).

Sonic cracks for all PR weapons.


Also I must thank Bruce who's managed to capture some really nice sounds. He sent me a some vehicle sounds the other day and I have to say I was mightly impressed. I really looking forward to getting stuck into the vehicles, especially the air based units


Well, I must go out into this horrid rain, typical huh... has to rain on a bank holiday.



Well, first entry into the blog.


I'm greatly excited at what can be done with the sound within this mod. Over the last few years I've learnt a great deal about how to use and abuse Arma 2's sound engine. Now I'm looking forward to putting that knowledge into practice with PR.


I've just got here really and I'm shocked to see so many talented people from the modding community gathered in one spot. It can only mean great things are to come...


Lets do the best we can.



Signin off till next time...




Endret av Zimmer
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