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Heroes of Newerth - Et nytt spill fra S2Games!

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Ny STOR patch, 2 nye helter!!!


Version 0.1.39




- Added PSR and clan information to the in-game player stats screen

- Changed requirements for Remake vote to pass

* It now requires the total number of players minus 2 to vote yes. If less than 4 people are voting, it requires

* If more than 4 people are voting, (total players - 2) votes are required to pass. If more than 2 people are voting, (total players - 1) votes required. Otherwise, 100% required to pass.

- Restricted game data not relevant to a players' team

* This will prevent map hacks from working in HoN

- Fixed several effects showing up through the fog of war

- Updated Portuguese translation


New heroes:

- Wretched Hag, based on DOTA's Akasha, the Queen of Pain

- Succubus, based on DOTA's Bane Elemental


General Gameplay:

- Added team-based skills, Demonic Fortification for Hellbourne and Fortification of Sol for Legion

* These skills are accessed by clicking on any team structure then clicking on the corresponding button in the info pane in the lower right of the screen

* These skills share a global cool down time. Anyone on the team may activate them, but then they go into cool down for everyone

* When used, these skills apply +9999 armor to all allied structures



- Slightly increased visual size of the Spiderling

- Fixed a bug causing Spider Sting to not hit stealth units if they go stealth before the projectile hits them



- Fixed some issues with fissure not impacting properly on higher level terrain or impacting units standing near the behemoth



- Added more detailed cast effects to Eruption and modified the animation. It should now be clearer when Magmus starts this skill



- Reworked Chuck, it should now deal its damage consistently

- Units affected by Chuck will now take double the damage from Stalagmites

- Chuck will no longer be greyed out when no valid units are nearby to throw

- Reworked Stalagmites to properly delay based on distance

- Stalagmites now has a 600 base cast range, to match its DOTA counter-part

* Enlarge still increases the range of this skill by 50/100/150, making the maximum range now 750, from 700



- Fixed a bug causing Swarm to not hit stealth units if they go stealth before the projectile hits them



- Swift Slashes will no longer hit siege units or gadgets


Bug fixes:

- Fixed a missing icon for Kongor's Cheese

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Har flytta forumet over til et nytt webhotell nå! Så www.hon-norge.net/forum er linken dere skal bruke!


I løpet av morgen dagen vil www.hon-norge.net fungere og, samt http://hon-norge.net :)


www.hon-norge.net skal fungere nå! Samme med www.hon-norge.net/forum !


Om det ikke fungerer, så må du slette CACHE og COOKIES i browseren din! :)



Vi har også fått 100 nye beta-keys fra S2! :D

Endret av KimG
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Deles ut 75000(?) heroes of newerth keys nå, fortløpende..




Ca 30000 igjen når dette skrives.. Hurry up!



Attention Facebook fans, the time is now, hurry quickly to claim your beta key:




Only 75K keys are available and it's one per IP, first come first serve, hurry quickly to tryout this fantastic new MOBA type game.




Heter foresten Hellz ingame om noen er gira på å game med meg :p! Spillet blir mye mer artig når man spiller litt mer organisert :) Synes nå hvertfall jeg.



Endret av Hellz
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Deles ut 75000(?) heroes of newerth keys nå, fortløpende..




Ca 30000 igjen når dette skrives.. Hurry up!



Attention Facebook fans, the time is now, hurry quickly to claim your beta key:




Only 75K keys are available and it's one per IP, first come first serve, hurry quickly to tryout this fantastic new MOBA type game.




Heter foresten Hellz ingame om noen er gira på å game med meg :p! Spillet blir mye mer artig når man spiller litt mer organisert :) Synes nå hvertfall jeg.




Fikk ikke tak i :( Eg som vart i så godt humør når eg så ka du skreiv, JaJa.

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Er en knapp du kan holde/trykke så får du den vinkelen ;)


Men er det noen andre som får "bad data" når de skal logge inn på spillet? Har prøvd å logge inn på to forskjellige accounts på to forskjellige pcer, og samme erroren kommer .. Kommer heller ikke inn på hjemmesiden til HoN, så er det noe med serveren dems?

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